InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Tooth ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3
Sesshomaru's servants gave him a worried look as he made his way to the throne room. Their master had been back for three days and was acting uncharacteristically moody lately, brooding into his food, destroying rooms, and even snapping at Rin! It was frightening to see him act so emotional when usually he wore a stoic mask. Now they were worried how'd he act with his guest.
Sesshomaru threw open the throne room doors not really in the mood for guests. The daiyokai stopped in his tracks mouth almost falling agape at the figure sitting in the middle of the throne room in some weird position with its eyes closed.
“Gra…grandma?” (A/N; She was doing yoga. ^^)
Sesshomaru's grandma cracked open one eye.
“ Hiya Sessho!” she said in an overly chipper voice, “Come `ere and give grandma a hug!”
Sesshomaru inwardly groaned at the ancient demoness as she untangled herself into a sitting position.
“Well come over here and help this old demoness up,” she said.
Ancient she may be she didn't look half her age. Make that she didn't look her age at all.
She had the appearance of about a nineteen year old human, and acting like it too, she had long silver hair that she kept in plaits pink ribbons twisted into them making Sesshomaru dizzy when ever she moved and she moved a lot! Instead of having golden eyes though like the rest of their family she had pink. Pink eyes that could be laughing at you or scrutinizing you all the way to your soul and for some reason she always seemed to smell like strawberries.
Not like Inuyasha though who smelled like strawberries and the earth he so freely live in, but something that made his stomach want clench in dread every time he had the misfortune of smelling it.
Sesshomaru's face fell at the thought of the hanyou. He had left Inuyasha's side before the he could awaken the sight of the mark on Inuyasha's neck frightening him to no end. He had marked him…claimed him as his mate. That was the last thing Sesshomaru had planned to do!
“Woohooo! Sessho? Are you there?” His grandmother asked snapping him from his reprieve. Sesshomaru helped his grandma to her feet giving her a puzzled look.
“Uhh grandma what are you doing here?” he asked.
“I came to see you of course!” she screeched giving Sesshomaru a big hug almost lifting him into the air and making the daiyokai wince at her tone.
“ And also to see how you were running my son's lands.”
Sesshomaru still couldn't believe that this eccentric demoness was the mother of his father the Great Inu no Taisio but it did shed some light on his father running away with a human. This demoness probably encouraged it!
“ I am ruling Father's lands just fine as you can see.” Sesshomaru said tugging on the wrinkles her hug had left in his haori.
“Oh really? Then why don't you have a mate yet?” she said with her hands on her hips in a saucy pose complete with raised eyebrow.
Sesshomaru's heart lurched at the mention of a mate. Sesshomaru's yoki had been crying out for Inuyasha ever since he left his side. It took all of Sesshomaru's strength to suppress it and his need for the hanyo and trying to take care of business around the castle had left him uncharacteristically irritable.
“ What does me having a mate have anything to do with me running these lands?” Sesshomaru asked his stoic mask slipping a bit as his yokai screamed at him to go find Inuyasha and finish claiming him.
“ For one it can relieve stress. Look at you all tense and stoic. Hopefully you having a mate can break that cold attitude of yours.” She said scrutinizing him with those odd neon eyes.
Sesshomaru scoffed what kind of stress reliever could his stupid bother be running around the castle probably causing him endless trouble?
Sesshomaru's heart lurched again at the thought of his brother, his yokai making him want to howl that its mate wasn't by its side.
“Sesshomaru what's wrong?” his grandma asked, the playfulness gone and genuine concern laced her voice.
“ Nothing grandma I'll be leaving for a few days. You're welcome to stay if you want.” He said turning away not seeing her smiling face. He had to go see Inuyasha either to kill him or claim him but this pain and frustration was too much to bear. He left the castle running in the direction he last was with Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru's grandmother smiled her ancient eyes tinkling in mischief; it looked like Sesshomaru wasn't doing much better than Inuyasha. Oh she was defiantly staying…