InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Love is in the Air ( Chapter 45 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Me no own, so you no sure. M'kay?

Warning: Lemon!! I don't know why I'm warning you, but there you go, now you know!

A/N - Some of the screen names in the last chapter were bold and others weren't. I'm not entirely sure why, but there certainly isn't a reason for it. Oh yeah, one more thing. I apologize deeply for the lack of update. And I apologize again because, well, I'm going to be out of the country until July 26 th. And sadly, there is no possible way that I'll be able to update. Believe me, I've checked all my options. I will update when I get back though, I swear! Oh and, to Naomi_Angel_Gurl, leaving a review like THAT does not make me want to update any quicker. Do you happen to know the golden rule? `If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.' That means if you're going to leave a review like that again, don't bother. I don't want to see it, got it?

jubilation: Sorry it takes me so long to update, writers block, then injuries, now I'm leaving the country for a month at the end of June… Bah. Cute wedding idea, thanks! I like it. ^_^

Niffy: hehe Glad you're so happy!! ^_^ Your ideas are so cute, thanks! I'll see what I can do.

~*Ayumi*~: I don't know where the tattoo idea came from. hehe But glad you liked it! ^_^ I like your ideas for the wedding, thanks!!

Angelic Devil: Aww, thanks for your support! ^_^

Inuyasha_girl_85: Thanks for enjoying my fic!! ^_^ What a cute wedding idea. hehe!

MIztikal Dragon: Glad you liked it! ^_^ I've never been to a wedding before either, so I think this Disney idea would be cutsie. hehe

InusDemoness: hehe Your ideas are just so great, I couldn't resist! ^_^ Hm, Karma Sutra… Maybe I can figure out how to bring that in… I don't know how much I know about it... lol teehee ^_^

Amber Wolf: Cute idea!! Thanks!! ^_^

Amandz: Aww, thanks! Glad you like my fic so much. ^_^ Cute ideas, they're really good! hehe

Miroku's Sweet Baby: Wow, good `Little Mermaid' thought! ^_^ Glad you like the fic.

NyliramLlessur: Thanks for reviewing, glad you like my fic! lol I know, I don't think I'd get someone's name tattooed on my arm, just in case it never worked out. Don't know where that idea came from… hehe Well, hope you keep reading! ^_^

Ravenz2008: teehee Glad you liked it!! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!

YasashiiAme: No worries, glad you read/reviewed. ^_^

Asako: Thanks, hope you keep reading!! ^_^

essie: Glad you liked it, hope you continue reading! ^_^

PPG: Yay, glad you like my fic! And thanks for the wedding idea. ^_^ hehe Hope you keep reading!

ioke: Glad you liked it!! ^_^

Star Fire Kagome: Great wedding idea, that really fits. ^_^ Well, hope you keep reading!! hehe

Angelic_Fire_Devil: Thanks for the wedding idea! hehe Hope you keep reading! ^_^

fluffysprincess: Feh, I fell at work and nearly broke my jaw and back. Painkillers and bed rest. At first it was great, but I eventually thought I would go mad. teehee Thanks for your concern, I'm healing quite nicely, with plenty of chiropractic help. ^_^ As soon as you get a wedding idea for Rin, I'd love to hear it! Hope you keep reading! ^_^

lana: Glad you like my fic! ^_^ I considered putting it on, but *covers face* I can't figure it out! lol It's confusing to me. lol But, I'll go back there to check out those fics! ^_^

LoSt gUrL8o8: Aww, glad you like my fic so much! Thanks! Hope you enjoy! ^_^

EbilJo: lol! Thanks for your review in this fic, and in my two other one shots!! ^_^ Cute wedding idea! Glad you're so into the fic, it's always nice to know when your stuff is appreciated. ^_^ maybe you should post your fics instead of keeping them in a journal, I bet they're great. ^_^ Hope you keep reading! =D Ahhh! Don't eat my cookies, they're all I have! *cries chibi tears* lol

Forlorn Essence: Thanks, glad you like it! And thanks for the wedding idea, it's real cute! hehe Well, I hope you keep reading! ^_^

Moon_Goddess_Luv_Goddess: I know, I know, but life has been hectic. ^_^ Hope you keep reading, and thanks for the wedding idea!


After school the next day, Rin and Sakura shooed the boys out of the dining room and sat at the table, drinking tea and looking through wedding books and magazines. Sess chuckled as Rin stuck her tongue out at him and followed his father into the office. Inu Yasha stood in the doorway for a second before grumbling, "Our house sucks. I'm calling Kagome."

"Yeah, bring Kagome over here! She can help us with the planning!" Rin called loudly.

"What about that other girl your friends with… Sango, right?" Sakura asked, flipping through a flower magazine in front of her.

Rin pulled another magazine towards her. "Miroku is planning all this romantic stuff for her this week, so she's busy."

Sakura looked up in surprise. "Isn't he the pervert?"

Rin laughed.


Sango sat in the passenger seat of Miroku's car, blindfolded. She sighed loudly again and Miroku chuckled, glancing over at her. "Sigh all you want, babe. I'm not taking the blindfold off."

Sango crossed her arms in front of her, trying to suppress her smile. "Where are we going, sweetie?" She asked in a cutsie voice.

He grinned. "Ask that one more time and I'll tape your mouth shut."

Sango stuck her tongue out at him, or rather in his direction and stayed quiet.

As soon as Sango had gotten out of her last class, Miroku had run up to her, put a blindfold around her eyes, and grabbed her hands. Leading her through the school he mumbled in her ear, "Don't ask questions, don't remove the blindfold -"

"Don't hold my ass in public." Sango hissed back.

He chuckled and moved his hand from her ass to around her waist.

He then led her out of the school, carefully so she didn't trip, and into his car. She distinctly heard Kagome and Rin giggling madly, but could only grin. Once they got in the car and began driving, she tried several times to remove the blindfold. At first Miroku just moved her hands away, but after a while he began poking her sides or groping her so she'd stop trying to take it off. And he never answered her "Where are we going" question.


Rin, Sakura, and Kagome quickly hopped in Sakura's car, ignoring the husband, fiance, and boyfriend who were calling, "Where are you going?"

Sakura drove into town, gabbing excitedly with the two teens. Minute's prior, Rin had spotted a beautiful napkin design that she just couldn't live without. Seeing that it was a limited time only offer, Sakura leapt to her feet, announced that they were getting it that day, and grabbed several credit cards. She called to her husband that they were leaving, and the three of them scurried out.

In no time Sakura had found the store where the catalog had come from and the three women walked inside. An employee walked over to them and smiled happily. "Can I help you find anything?"

Sakura took the catalog from Rin, pointed to the picture, and replied, "We'd like to order this."

The woman smiled and took them to a counter. "Beautiful design. It's a limited offer, so you're lucky you got here when you did." She glanced at Rin and Kagome and said, "Arranging a graduation party for these two?"

Sakura shook her head. "Planning a wedding."

The woman's smile grew wide. "Marvelous!" She grasped Sakura's hand and continued, "Congratulations!"

Sakura pulled her hand away, still smiling. She put her arm around Rin's shoulders and said, "Not for me. For her."

The woman look thoroughly surprised, but she quickly recovered. "My mistake. How wonderful for you!" Cautiously she asked, "Don't you think you're a tad young?"

Rin shook her head and smiled. "Not in the slightest. There's no time like the present!"

The woman smiled. "Ah, young love. The best of luck to you. Now, I'll go grab some order forms, and you three sit tight." With that said, she scurried away.

Rin glanced at Sakura and said, "I swiped Daddy's credit car this morning, so-"

Sakura put her hand on. "Nonsense. I'm helping you plan this wedding, so I'll pay."

Rin smiled. "Thanks Sakura. But isn't the bride's family supposed to pay?"

Sakura rolled her eyes. "If you want to be a stickler for tradition. How about this: We'll add up everything for the wedding and split the cost."

Rin smiled. "Works for me."

The woman came back with several papers and said, "So, what color would you like?"


Sango tapped her feet on the floor on Miroku's car to the beet of the radio, pretending that she could see where they were driving. She had tried asking him about the scenery, trees or fields and the like, but he never answered.

Suddenly, Miroku pulled the car to a stop and he quickly got out. He ran to the other side of the car and helped Sango out. "This way." He ordered, gently pulling her away from the car.

Sango stepped carefully, worried about tripping, but Miroku held onto her tightly. When her feet were on what sounded like wood, they stopped walking and he said, "Okay, look." With that, he slowly removed the blindfold.

Sango gasped as she looked out over a beautiful body of water. There right in front floating peacefully on the water was a magnificent yacht. It was a solid white with redwood railings. The great masts flapped in the wind gently. She looked around, mouth hanging open as she took in the extravagant scenery around her.

Miroku gently took her hand and lead her towards the yacht. A man dressed in a suit stood at the opening of the yacht. He smiled pleasantly at them. "Right this way." He said when they were on. He led them to the lower part of the yacht as it pushed away from the dock. There, Sango saw a table set for two. The man held the seat out for Sango while Miroku sat across from her, eagerly watching her face. Sparking coder was served to them before the man nodded to Miroku and left.

Clearing his throat Miroku said, "What do you think?"

Sango's eyes sparkled as she looked around the beautifully decorated room, soft music playing around them. "It's absolutely gorgeous, Miroku. Amazing." He grinned in pride. Leaning closer Sango asked in amusement, "How's your tattoo, babe?"

He puffed out his chest in a manly way. "Doesn't hurt one bit."

Sango rolled her eyes. "And that's why you squeaked girlishly when Inu Yasha punched your arms this morning?"

He chose to ignore that question and instead said, "Care for a dance?"

Sango smiled and stood up. She took his hand and he led her away from the table. The music got slightly louder and the two of them began slow dancing, wrapped in each other's arms. Miroku placed a gentle kiss on her neck and Sango sighed blissfully, closing her eyes. She ran gentle designs on the back of his neck with her fingers as he softly ran his hands over her lower back.

Sango smiled and turned her head to him. He looked down at her and leaned forward as she stood on her tip toes to reach his lips. He kissed her without hesitation, and tightened his grip on her waist as she licked his bottom lip. Miroku was about to deepen the kiss when they suddenly heard the swinging kitchen doors open. Breaking apart, the teens looked over to see their first meal arriving at the table. Miroku held Sango's hand as they walked back to their table, and Miroku held the chair out for her. She smiled and sat down as their waiter waited patiently. When they were both seated, he placed small plates in front of them with flourish, bowed, and walked away.


Rin's face had a smile that refused to fade as she handed over her father's credit card. She linked arm's with Kagome tightly and squealed, "This is going to be so pretty!"

Kagome laughed and hugged Rin. "It's amazing what you can get and how quickly you can get it when you flash a credit card and say `I don't care what it costs'."

Sakura smiled at the pair of them and said, "This is going to be the strangest, yet most beautiful wedding I will have ever attended."

Rin jumped up and down and said this is the longest I have ever sat still to look through any kind of book, but it was worth it."

Sakura smiled and look at her watch. "We were here for quite a few hours. What do you say the three of us go out to eat? The men folk can fend for themselves."

The girls laughed and agreed. When the credit card was handed back to Rin, the woman smiled at them, bade them good day, and they left. They drove down to an Italian eatery and seated themselves. After a few minutes of talking, Sakura's cell phone rang. She rolled her eyes, turned it off, and said, "He can wait."

Rin and Kagome burst into laughter and turned their phones off as well.


Sango giggled softly as Miroku kissed the wrist of her right hand. He murmured sweet things to her quietly as their dishes were cleared. A few minutes later, a chocolate cake desert was brought out for them with two forks. Miroku picked up one of the forks and carefully sliced off a piece of the cake. "Enjoying the meal so far, my love?" He asked in a sexy voice as he brought the fork towards her mouth.

Sango smiled and slowly parted her lips. He carefully maneuvered the fork into her moist mouth, and she closed her lips over the sweet cake. Miroku slowly slid the fork out of her mouth and watched as his girlfriend closed her eyes to savor the sweet taste. When she swallowed the cake, she opened her eyes and said, "More than you'll ever know."

They took turns feeding each other, savoring the heavenly chocolate taste.

When they finished the cake, they stood up and Miroku took her hand. He led her to the upper deck of the yacht, so they could watch the beautiful sunrise across the water. Sango stood in front of Miroku as he wrapped his arms around her body, settling his chin in the crook of her neck, kissing and whispering. She smiled and leaned into him, sighing happily.

"You're amazing." She murmured to him.

He chuckled and nibbled gently on her neck. "You made me this way."

"Me?" She asked skeptically. "I didn't do anything."

He squeezed her gently. "If you hadn't come into my life, hadn't gotten me to pine over you forever till you finally agreed to date me, then I wouldn't be like this. If you hadn't loved me, and made me a better man, then I'd still be a pervert."

Sango laughed softly. "Well, you still are a pervert." She turned to face him. "But a romantic pervert. My romantic pervert."

He grinned and ran a hand over her side. Sango kissed his neck before pulling back and looking around the yacht. "This is incredible, Miroku. How did you arrange this?"

He chuckled and laced his fingers through her own. "How would this romantic week be special if I told you how I did it? Just bask in it and be happy."

She smiled and allowed him to pull her back into his embrace. "I love you so much." He murmured against her neck.

She nuzzled him and whispered back, "I love you more."


Kagome and Rin held their sides in laughter as Sakura drove them back to the Go-Shinboku residence. She smiled and shook her head. "You two have to learn this if you want to love the men. If they say they want to take you out for a steak, let them! Or they'll never let you down." She deepened her voice in an attempt to sound like her husband. "`I wanted to take you out for a nice steak dinner, and you decide at the last minute that you don't want to?' Honestly, I still hear about it."

They laughed even harder as she pulled into her driveway. She parked inside the garage and the three of them got out. As soon as they stepped inside the house, Sakura's husband walked over to them. He glared at his wife and said, "You turned off your cell phone again, didn't you?"

Sakura feigned a look of innocence and said, "Of course not dearest." He growled slightly and she laughed. Walking over to him she kissed him on the cheek and said, "If it was really that important, you would have been able to get ahold of me and you know it."

Mr. Go-Shinboku grabbed his wife's hand and held it in his own as they walked up the stairs. Their voice died down as they walked away. Kagome and Rin smiled at each other before they found Sess and Inu Yasha, who were watching a movie.

Kagome plopped down on Inu Yasha's lap and snuggled up against his chest. Rin kissed Sess's head and said, "I'm tired, I think I'm going to go home."

Sess quickly jumped to his feet. "You don't want to stick around for a minute?"

She laughed and said, "Sorry baby, but this wedding stuff really takes it out of me."

Sess picked her up and muttered, "Come on, don't leave yet."

Inu Yasha looked mortified. "Gross! Get out of here!" Kagome laughed and bopped him on the head.

Sess rolled his eyes at his brother and Rin giggled. Sess began walking towards his room, still holding into Rin. She placed her head on his shoulder and said, "Seriously baby, I'm real tired."

Sess tossed her in his bed, locked his bedroom door, and said in a sexy voice, "Then lay back and enjoy."

She gave him a confused look, but he just pulled off his shirt and crawled up her body with a seductive look in his eyes. She shivered at the look in his eyes and her breath hitched as he began removing her shirt. She lifted herself slightly to help him. With the shirt gone, Sess began kissing the valley between her breasts and she ran her fingers through his hair.

He slowly began unzipping the back of her skirt and gently pulled it down her smooth legs. He tossed it behind him and removed his own pants so the two of them were just in their under garments. She looked into his eyes, wondering why he left them this way, but he just shook his head and made his way down her body. Sitting between her legs, he picked up her left leg and began placing soft kisses along the inside of her calf till he reached her knee. He then propped it on his shoulder and began the same ministrations on the other leg.

Rin had her eyes closed and was biting her lip to keep from giggling at the sweet feelings of his lips. She was squirming slightly, curling and uncurling her toes, and she could feel Sess's smirking mouth against her skin. He alternated kissing her legs as he made his way up to her upper thighs. Gently lowering her legs back onto the bed, his mouth hovered over her center, which was still covered by her panties before moving up to her belly button. He gently licked her tummy, causing her to giggle loudly and curl up. Sess chuckled and flattened her body back onto the bed with his own body. He began kissing up her abdomen slowly, grinning to himself at the way she giggled and quivered beneath him.

He kissed his way up her body and between her breasts. He moved to her neck, softly sucking and licking her pulse. She gasped softly and lightly raised her hips, feeling his hard arousal beneath his boxers. He nipped her neck and grabbed her waist, forcing her to lie still on the bed. He pulled back and saw her look of lust and love. "I thought you were tired." He muttered.

She closed her eyes and panted. "I'm tired and I want you. Just hurry up and get this over with so I can be satisfied and I can go to sleep."

Sess laughed. He kissed his way up to her ear and whispered huskily, "Maybe I don't want to hurry up."

Rin looked at him curiously, but all coherent thought flew out of her head as he gently pressed his arousal against her throbbing heat. She bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud and he sensually moved his hands across her body to her soft breasts. He gently massaged them, occasionally tugging on her nipples through her bra. She arched her back into his hands, whimpering slightly in frustration when he ceased. One of his hands moved up her body, capturing both her hands along the way and held them above her head. The other hand moved down her body, to the moist spot between her legs. He deftly moved her panties aside, carefully grazing her hidden pearl in the process. She gasped and bucked against his hand, trying to encourage him.

Sess chuckled and shook his head at her. "Not so fast babe." She bit her lip and closed her eyes. He leaned closer and whispered, "Open your eyes."

Rin took in a deep shuddering breath when he softly prodded at her folds with two of her fingers, but kept her eyes closed. Sess growled slightly and suddenly thrust the two fingers inside her slick passage. The sudden intrusion startled Rin, causing her eyelids to fly open as she cried out softly. Sess smirked to himself and muttered in her ear, "I want to see the look in your eyes as you feel this."

Rin moistened her lips with her tongue and moaned slightly as he slowly moved his fingers. She forced herself to keep her eyes open as Sess pleasured her. He kept a slow pace, moving his fingers in and out of her, his thumb occasionally brushing across her sensitive nub. She swallowed thickly and attempted to speak. "S-Sessy, I-!"

"You what?" He asked in a seductive voice.

But Rin just bit her lip. Her muscles desperately clenched around his fingers, trying to draw them farther inside her. Sess could feel his growing erection pressing painfully against the mattress and it took all his restraint not to rip off his boxers and bury himself deep inside of his writhing fiance.

He slowly added a third finger and began a circular motion on the hidden pearl. She began panting, relishing in the sweet feelings. She could feel herself slowly building, but not fast enough. "Sessy-!" She cried out, trying to convey her desire to him. But Sess kept with his slow pace, falling in love with Rin's reactions. He knew he was driving her insane with his unhurried movements, but he couldn't help it. He softly began nibbling on the skin behind her ear, and placing wet kisses all over her neck.

Rin was nearly sobbing from frustration. She so desperately wanted to reach her climax, but Sess was keeping her in such a state that she just couldn't reach it. The mix of his fingers, lips, and tongue were driving her mad, and she was still unable to make him go faster. Suddenly, Sess removed his hands from her body and pulled away from her. She gasped at the lack of contact and her eyes flew shut as she tried to regain her breathing.

After a few seconds, or possibly a few minutes, Rin had no way of knowing, Sess was kneeling over her.

"Open your eyes for me." He said softly.

Rin opened her mouth to speak but kept her eyes open. Unable to make any words appear, she shook her head. If he wasn't going to let her climax, she wasn't going to do what he said. Suddenly however, Sess plunged deep inside her body, causing her to cry out and arch into him, her eyes fluttering open.

Sess leaned down and panted in her ear, "Keep your eyes on mine." He pulled back and locked eyes with his lover below him.

Rin moved her hips slightly as Sess gently began rocking in and out of her, watching his eyes. It was highly erotic to feel such satisfying sensations from him, and watching his eyes at the same time. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved slightly faster, silently pleading him to fulfill her desire.

Sess finally gave in, quickening the pace. She sighed in appreciation and leaned up slightly to kiss his partially open lips. He gently kissed her back, eyes still on her own. Gradually he sped up the pace until the two of them were softly moaning and panting. They both knew how close they were to climaxing, and Rin tightened her muscles around his slick member in excitement. Before long, the blissful feeling on their climax struck. Sess quickly placed his lips on Rin's shushing her cries of pleasure. When it was over, she ran her hands over his slightly damp back as he kissed the soft skin between her breasts.

Sess fell to his side so he was lying on the bed and whispered, "Now, aren't you glad you stayed?"

Rin giggled and snuggled against him. "Now I'm really tired, Sessy."

Sess chuckled. "Guess that mean's I'm driving you home."

"You bet your ass you are." She mumbled, closing her eyes to go to sleep. He laughed and separated himself from his exhausted girlfriend. He hurriedly disposed of the condom before getting dressed. Seeing that Rin was in no shape to dress herself, he quickly gathered her clothes and dressed her. Picking her up bridal style, he quietly walked through the house and out to the garage to drive her home.


Kagome had her head leaning against Inu Yasha's shoulder as she gently outlined his muscles through his shirt. He had his head leaning back against the couch, his eyes closed. "That feels good." He mumbled.

Kagome smiled. She slowly moved her hand to the hem of his shirt so she could touch his bare skin. She lightly scratched her nails across his tight stomach, giggling to herself at the way his muscles twitched from the light contact. Inu Yasha moved one of his hands to her lower back and gently began rubbing. She straightened her back slightly and leaned up to kiss his neck.

Inu Yasha used his other hand to twist Kagome around so she was straddling his lap. He gently grasped the back of her neck and tugged her down to kiss him. Kagome smiled into the kiss and settled more comfortably on him. After a brief kiss she pulled away. He rubbed his nose against hers and murmured, "Convinced your birth control has kicked in yet?"

Kagome burst out laughing and pulled away. "Why does it matter?" He winked suggestively at her and she began laughing again. In a whisper she said, "We just did yesterday Inu Yasha."

He smiled happily. "And that was great."

Kagome blushed slightly. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and said, "You need help."

Inu Yasha chuckled and said, "No, I just need you."

Kagome smiled at him and stood up. "I should get home though. It's getting late."

Inu Yasha growled and stood up. He pulled her into a rough kiss before saying, "Playing hard to get, are you?"

Kagome laughed and shook her head. "Good night, Inu Yasha."


Miroku pulled the blanket tighter around him and Sango while the sat on a chair on the yacht, looking out at the blue water around them. Sango sighed happily. She hugged him slightly tighter and muttered, "I don't think I could be any happier at this moment."

Miroku kissed the top of her head. "Just wait babe. This week isn't over yet."

She smiled and looked up at him. He slowly dipped his head down and kissed her lips, gently stroking her cheek with his free hand. He tightened his other arm around her body as she wrapped her arms around his midriff. The two of them stayed in each other's embrace well after it got dark, whispering sweet things to each other.
