InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Take My Hand ❯ A Sweet Moment in Time ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Take My Hand

By: Mystical-Grace

Disclaimer: … sheesh… one would think that once is enough, ne?? *pulls out a legal document* Ahem…. "I do not own Inuyasha watsoever… however, I do own this idea, and I also do not own any songs I use." *tosses the paper* alrighty then…. ON WITH THE FIC!!!


Chapter 2: A Sweet Moment in Time


The first star climbed into the night sky as the trio made their way through the forest. Despite the way that day had started - not that either of the two humans felt any form of regret for the lost time - they had managed to cover a good amount of ground.

Sango smiled at the memory of that morning. After all this time, Miroku had finally made his decision. Her lips still tingled from that last mind-blowing kiss. She blushed as she remembered what that particular kiss had almost led to. Surprisingly enough, it had been Miroku to stop what might have happened. She understood his reasons, though, and loved him even more for it. Her thoughts were startled by a humming, and she looked towards the one making the tune.

"Miroku, what is that song you're humming?" she asked curiously.

Miroku paused and looked at her, marvelling at her beauty in the moonlight and how it made her look so ethreal.

"Just a song I learned a long time ago," he answered nonchalantly. He looked around at their surroundings. "This looks like a good place to set up camp."

Sango nodded and helped to prepare the camp. Kirara curled up in a ball near the fire while Sango sat next to Miroku with her head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist, his shajaku leaning against a tree. Sango smiled in content.

Miroku smiled and whispered softly into her ear, "Aishiteru."

Sango smiled back a warm and loving smile. "I love you, too."

They stayed silent after that, basking in the warmth of the fire and the even greater warmth that they had found in each other.


A.N: Yes, yes, I know that this is a short chapter! In fact, I wasn't even planning on having multiple chapters!! Anyway, I would like to give thanks to my dear friend and fellow Inuyasha fan, Sango-chan, for reading this story and giving her thoughts on it. We both adore Miroku & Sango stories, and this had been in my mind for quite some time. This is also dedicated to the special moment between Miroku and Sango in the manga. I'm not telling what happens, for those of you that don't know.