InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Take My Hand ❯ The Return ( Chapter 3 )
Take My Hand
By: Mystical-Grace
Disclaimer: … sheesh… one would think that once is enough, ne?? *pulls out a legal document* Ahem…. "I do not own Inuyasha watsoever… however, I do own this idea, and I also do not own any songs I use." *tosses the paper* alrighty then…. ON WITH THE FIC!!!
Chapter 3: The Return
"Welcome back!" Kagome chirped happily at her friends. Sango, Miroku and Kirara had just returned from their journey, looking tired and worn-out but pleased.
Shippo wasted no time in scrambling up to Miroku and bombarding him with questions, "So, how'd it go? Did you get any Shikon no kakera? Did you have to fight for it? How many youkai were there?"
Miroku bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing at the over-hyper kitsune cub.
"It went fine, we got the shard that was rumored to be up north-" he then tossed a small pouch to Kagome, "-yes, we did have to fight for it, and the youkai was a fairly nasty snake, and a poison-tooth at that. Luckily, no one got bitten."
Sango nodded in agreement. She cast a sidelong glance to the woods where the lake was.
"I'm going to the lake. I'm covered in muck, mud, blood and sweat, so I probably need to anyway." She set Kirara down and re-adjusted Hiraikotsu on her shoulder, then headed off to the forest. She paused and looked over her shoulder.
"Don't even think about it." She said coolly, then continued to her destination.
Miroku pouted, but then headed in a different direction to a different part of the lake, claiming that he needed to bathe as well.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
"Keh. Those two are really stupid if they think we don't know about them."
Kagome giggled and nodded in agreement.
"Its about time, ne, Inuyasha?" she asked, leaning her head against his shoulder.
Inuyasha immediately wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close. "Hai, Kagome. It is."
Shippo just rolled his eyes at them. They had been acting like this ever since Inuyasha had gone through the well, impatient for Kagome's return. When he did return, Shippo was very surprised to see that Kagome was with him, and even more surprised to find that Kagome's scent was all over Inuyasha, and Inuyasha's scent was all over Kagome. It had finally clicked when he saw the bite mark just barely hidden on the side of Kagome's neck. Shippo smirked at the memory.
'At least Kouga doesn't have a chance… 'course, he never had a chance with her anyway. And it looks like Kikyo is out of the picture now,' he thought. He then cleared his throat. "Ahem. If you two don't mind, please save the mushy stuff for when you're alone. Its really disturbing," he said, causing Kagome to glow a bright shade of red that rivalled Sango's, and for Inuyasha to glare at the kitsune.
"Shut up, kitsune!"
"Make me!"
Kagome just sighed and shook her head at the two of them. She took the Shikon no kakera from the pouch that Miroku had tossed to her, purified it, and placed it with the others that they had. Just then, Kaede came out of her hut, just in time to see Inuyasha give chase to Shippo, who was laughing with glee.
Kagome sighed. "I gave up a long time ago. Besides, Inuyasha won't hurt him too badly."
Kaede sighed as she watched the two youkai. "Well, I hope they behave tonight. The Sakura Festival is taking place."
Kagome clapped her hands in glee and the chase abruptly stopped. Everyone in the group loved festivals, including Inuyasha. At that moment, Sango came back, closely followed by Miroku, who had a dark red handprint on his right cheek.
"You didn't have to hit so hard, Sango," he said calmly. Sango just gave him a half-hearted glare.
"Sango-chan! Miroku-sama!"
Kagome ran towards her friends and excitedly told them the news. Sango and Miroku grinned. This would be a perfect break from the entire quest. Kagome dragged Sango, who was laughing happily at the giddiness her best friend showed, off to get some nice kimonos for the festival. Inuyasha watched after Kagome as she and Sango disappeared in the crowd of the market.
"I see you've finally seen what we already knew. I'm just curious, though. Did you realize that you love her before or after you took her, and also, did you tell her before or after?" Miroku teased.
Inuyasha "hmph-ed" and stormed off.
"I think that meant, 'Its none of your damn business, bouzo.'" Shippo stated flatly.
Miroku laughed. "I think you're right, Shippo." Miroku turned to Kaede. "Kaede-sama, I have a favor to ask."
"What might that be, Houshi-sama?"
Miroku bent down and whispered in her ear. When he finished, Kaede cocked an eyebrow as he rose.
"Hai, that can be arranged. But will you be willing to do the same?"
Miroku nodded. As Kaede walked off with Shippo and Kirara at her heels, Miroku leaned against a sakura tree and smiled.
'This will be a night to remember.'
OOHHHH…. What does Miroku have planned? R&R if u plan to find out! I expect no less than 20 reveiws for the next chapter to go up!
Ahem… I would like to thank the following ppl:
Nikkou-chan: For the wonderful compliments and for posting my fic on the beautiful Miroku/Sango website, Yakusoku to Negai.
Sango-chan: For encouraging this fic to be put up and be introduced.
Mystic-Water: For the wonderful reveiws that you gave me.
chibi-chan: For the sweet reveiws and putting me on your favorites list. ^_^
and Ms. McKnight: My wonderful Creative Writing teacher and friend, who has encouraged me to write and taught me a ton. She is a true teacher.
*bows humbly* Without all of you, I couldn't have continued. Thanks everyone!
I realized that for the previous chapters I haven't had a dictionary. Gomen nasai.
Aishiteru: I love you, forever and for always.
Arigatou: Thank you.
Bouzo: Informal term for monk.
Demo: but
Hanyou: half-demon
Hentai: pervert
Hiraikotsu: Sango's favorite weapon, a giant boomerang made from the bones of youkai.
Honto: really
Houshi-sama: a really formal term for monk. It literally means, "Lord Monk"
Iie: no
Kitsune: fox spirit
Ne: right
Okaa-san: mom, mother
Sakura: cherry blossoms
Shajaku: a Buddhist staff. Has many rings on it.
Shikon no kakera: Shikon shards
Taijiya: demon exterminator
Un: informal term for yes
Youkai: demon