InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Birth of Love ❯ Playing Games ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
arrived at a rather large hut right on the outside of the village, and Inuyasha sat Kagome on her feet when he saw the others stop.

"This is it." Sango smiled.

Kagome awed at the large hut. To her, it was more like a palace.

"Wow...." . . . "Wanna go inside?" Kagome nodded.

The six of them went inside laughing, one behind the other.

"Papa!" Sango called.


"Can my friends and I play?"

Her father looked at her friends and smiled. "Hai, you may."

"Arigatou papa!" Sango said, and ran into the toy corner to grab a ball.

Then the five of them ran outside, Inuyasha lagging behind.

"Come on Inuyasha!" Kagome said, running back and tugging on his arm.

"Feh......I'm comin'."

< br> Outside, Sango tossed the ball to Kohaku, who looked around trying to figure out who to toss it to. "Kohaku, throw it to Shippo!" Sango smiled, and Kohaku did as she said.

Shippo tossed the ball to Miroku, who winked and tossed it to Kagome, in turn, passing it to Inuyasha.

The game went on until the sun was beginning to set. "Kagome, come on." Inuyasha said, "We've got to get home before dark."

"Hai!" Kagome said, and handed the ball to Kohaku. "Ja ne!"

"Bye Kagome! See you at Kaede's tomarrow!" Sango said as they waved at eachother.