InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The BlueEyed Wolf ❯ Learning Something New Chap 3 Part 1 ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
larkagurl2 - Thanks! It did take me a long time to do that. I'll try to produce a good fanfic. It's going to be different than any other fic you have read. Well, I hope to have more reviews from people like you!
kogas wild wolfgirl - Well, you wanted the fanfic chapter, and here it is. Btw, I love writing myths sometimes. It's better than nothing, you know.
Hinata's DarkSide - I will, and don't make me send Naraku's poisonous bugs after you! I would like to have my late birthday gift, please! (insert big puppy eyes)
Red dragon - To be honest, I've forgotten how that fic went… It has been some time since I have read that one. You'll just have to wait like all the others before you. I have read so many fics, and I just cannot remember each one to pick out by memory. If you are the author of that fic, then thanks for writing it! Trust me, I'll have Baraku meet Kouga-kun somehow, but it's still a WIP, you know!
-a-Lost-Cause-317- - Thanks, I will!
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Chapter 3
Feudal Era
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“What's taking her so long?” Inuyasha asked impatiently.
“Relax,” Sango said, “Kagome said she needs to take care of something in her time first. Besides, let her spend time with her family. She rarely gets to see them anymore.”
“Keh,” he scoffed, “we should be look for jewel shards and Naraku!”
“You're just mad because she `sat' you more times than you can count,” countered Shippou.
“What was that?” he shouted as he gave Shippou many wallops on the head.
“Ye must give the girl time to herself,” said Kaede. “She spends more time over here than with her own family.”
“Lady Kaede's right,” Miroku agreed. “Just leave her be.” Inuyasha just scoffed and ran towards the well.
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“I want to ask you something, Sister,” said Baraku.
“What is it?”
“Why were you coming from the well house?”
“I left something inside there and went back to get it,” Kagome lied.
“Kagome, come quick!” yelled Souta from downstairs.
“What does he want?” Baraku asked. Kagome just shrugged her shoulders and left the room.
“Baraku…” a voice called out softly.
What was that?
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“That's it, I'm going back to get her!”
“Inuyasha,” Shippou scolded, “let her spend time with her family! I miss her too, but I'd miss spending time with my parents even more.”
“Keh, don't start with me. I'm going whether you like it or not!” He disappeared, jumping into the depths of the old well.
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“What did you want, Souta?” asked Kagome.
“Okaa-san told me to tell you that it's your turn to do the dishes,” he replied.
“Oh, man. Where's she at?” she asked.
“Store,” he simply replied.
The two then conversed for a while until Inuyasha walked in unexpectedly. “Kagome, lets go!”
“I can't yet. I have to finish my chores first. If Okaa-san comes back and I havent finished them, I'll be in big trouble!”
“Uh, sis,” Souta said, playing along as they both realized the situation they were in, “didn't Okaa-san say to put the dirty clothes in your room into the hamper?”
“Oh, Kami, I forgot!” she exclaimed as she bolted upstairs. I can only pray that he didn't pick up Baraku's scent!`
“Baraku, hide!” whispered Kagome, hoping that he wouldn't hear her.
“Hide? Why?” she asked.
“I'll explain later.” Much later! Kagome maniacally searched her room until she remembered her closet. “In here!” she said, practically chucking her sister into the closet.
“Kagome, I want answers now!” she said.
“Look, drop it!” she hissed silently as she closed the door. “Just shut up and keep calm!”
“Kagome, what's taking you so long?” asked Inuyasha.
“Nothing, just picking up clothes!” she quickly replied.
Why and what doesn't sis want me to see?
“I'll help,” he offered, sighing. “Just tell me where they go.”
A guy's voice? Her boyfriend maybe?
“I can handle it,” she replied, brushing him off.
He ignored her and started to pick up the clothes. “Oi, what's this?” he asked while holding up a bra. She turned around to see what he was talking about and ended up turning beet-red.
“Inuyasha, could you put that down?” she asked.
“Huh?” was his reply.
“I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP!” he countered. “Besides, we need to find the jewel shards and take back the ones that he has.”
“Kids, I'm back!” Kagome's mother called through the house.
I'm so busted! Baraku gulped. If she calls for me, what am I going to do?
“Kagome, come help put away the food!”
“Coming!” she yelled as she ran downstairs, Inuyasha following.
Back upstairs, Baraku listened for any sound, and when she was sure that no one was there any longer, she came out of the closet. “Man, what's her problem?” she asked herself.
“Baraku…” a voice called.
“Who's there?” Baraku asked softly.
”Baraku…” the voice called again.
If this is Souta's idea of a joke, I swear I'll--
“Where are you?” she asked a bit louder.
“Behind you, in the mirror.” She turned in the direction of the voice.
That girl!
“You know my name? Who are you?” she asked.
“My name is Tsubaki,” she answered, ignoring the first question.
“What do you want?” she asked her.
“All in good time…” answered Tsubaki as she vanished.
“Kagome, let's go already!” Inuyasha said as he was coming upstairs.
Not again!
“We'll go as soon as I get my bag,” replied Kagome.
“Here!” Baraku whispered as she passed the bag. Kagome nodded and went downstairs to meet Inuyasha by the well.
Where's that girl think she's going without telling me? What's she up to? Baraku decided to find out what her sister was doing behind her back. Thank Kami-sama that I saw what she had packed. I'll pack the same as her, but first I need to see where she is going.
Baraku followed her sister outside.
“See you later, Kagome!” said Souta.
That's Souta… She followed the voices until she came to the well. What are they doing at the well? Kuso, I can't see! I'll try a different angle. She began moving from one hiding place to another until she got closer to the well where she could see.
“Have a nice journey,” said their mother.
“I will,” Kagome replied as she and the strange boy jumped into the well.
Baraku was shocked and confused at the same time. “Why are these things happening to me? Who are Inuyasha and Sango? What was that dream I had all about? What does the well have to do with all this? Is it a portal, and if so, where does it lead to?”
All these questions were surging through her head like a fast water current, but only one question kept nagging her the most: “What's Kagome up to?”
She ran back inside and up the stairs, heading back to her room.
Okay, I'll set out in about a week. That should give me enough time to prepare. Plus, I'll be able to explore by myself. She heard her family come in and decided to play dumb about the well…for now.
Let's see, so far she had: a first-aid kit, instant and packaged food, a portable tea pot, a bow with a few arrows, bottled water, etc. I'll bring art supplies so I can draw what I see there. Naturally, I'll pack clothes, but since I don't know what the weather's like there, I'll pack for all occasions. I'll bring hair pins for picking locks, an umbrella, a dagger, a pocket knife, my hand-held mirror, my trusty sword… Man, this is going to be a lot to carry! Hmm, where's that huge gym bag? Oh, there it is. Let's see: clothes, food, first aid, and son on should go in the main bag, and the weapons will go in the gym bag. Man, I hope I don't get robbed. Then again, I can just kick their ass if they try to take anything.
“Hey, sis, watcha doing?” asked Souta.
“Looks like most of the stuff Kagome takes on her trips,” said Souta, completely ignoring her screaming response.
“Baraku, your friends are here to see you!” their mother cried.
Thank Kami-sama, I'm saved!
“Coming!” she replied as she ran downstairs.
“Baraku, you know the rules!” her mother scolded her. “No running inside the house!”
“Gomen nasai!” she shouted as she took off after her old friends.
“So, how does it feel to be back in Japan, Baraku?” Eri asked.
“It's cool, I guess,” she answered. “I mean, I met a lot of different people while I lived in America, and it was great because I had so many friends. I missed the other part of my family, though, and I'm happy to be back home.”
“That's cool!” said Yuka.
“Is Kagome any better than last time?” asked Ayumi, sincerely concerned.
“Huh?” asked Baraku.
“Never mind,” she sighed, not wanting to make the atmosphere tense. “Hey, I looked on your website, and it said that you're a Second Degree blackbelt, and that you were awesome in archery. Is that true?”
“It wouldn't be on there if it wasn't, now, would it?” Baraku said with amusement in her voice.
“Damn!” Yuka exclaimed. “You're on fire!”
Baraku shrugged it off, modest about it all. All those things were in the past, and it wasn't as though she was the best of the best, or anything.
The girls talked about anything and everything until the sun was about to set.
“Well, I guess we'll see you at school?” they asked.
Baraku smiled and shook her head. “No, I'm home-schooled,” she replied.
“Then,” said Eri, “we'll see you after school.”
She shook her head once again. “Gomen, but I'll be going out of town a week from now, and I'll be gone for a while.”
“But you just got here!” they shouted.
“I know, but there are some questions that need to be answered, and I alone can find them.” She turned to leave, waving good-bye.
“Man, that's deep,” Ayumi said as they watched her walk home.
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I hope she's okay…
“Kagome, what's wrong?” asked Shippou.
“It's nothing. I'm fine,” she lied, even though she knew they could sense something was wrong.
“Kagome, what is it?” asked Inuyasha, looking concerned.
“It's nothing important.”
“So,” Miroku awkwardly changed the subject, “Naraku was last seen heading northeast.”
“Good call, monk,” Inuyasha scoffed, running down the trail and letting the tense moment slide. “Look out, Naraku, `cause I'm going to kill you!”
“Inuyasha, wait up!” Kagome called as she hopped on her bike and trailed after him.
Suddenly, he stopped short, sniffing the air. “I don't like the smell of this.”
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Another cliffy! Well, readers, I have good news and bad news. Good news is that I just saved a lot of money by switching to Geico! Haha! Bad news is that I have a very retarded computer with adware and spyware on it, so it restarts itself countless times, so I have to be careful about how long I can be on it. I hate my school because it's a college prep, and they give tons of work! Also, I lost my fanfic journal, so until I find it, I can't submit any new chapters, so please bear with me!