InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The blur Image ❯ the blur ( Prologue )
Hey Im back !Ryo back yeah lol well this is a Inu/kagome fic tell me if you like it I havent wrote anything in a awhile so sorry that this is so short I was starting to lose hope heheh well anyways on with the story....
Disclaimer:like always Inu and everyone in it dont belong to me and never will =^-^=
"Inuyasha please be ok"said kagome almost into tears.She had been trying to carry Inuyasha to a place where she hope it would be face and be able to take care of his wounds.The bad thing about this was she didnt have anyone to help her because everyone had gotten seperated In the battle and by the way Inuyasha looked she had to help him quick before he bleeded to death all his clothes where already covered in blood.
Suddenly kagome came up to the cave where they have just been camping not to long ago."Inuysha look.. Inuyasha!"called out kagome inuyasha had fainted caused by the large amount of blood he had lost.Has soon has they where inside kagome blocked the entrance with the teiseiga so no demons could get in and harm them while she worked on helping inuyasha.
Kagome placed inuyasha on the floor of the cave and look at his bloody clothes it was a good thing she had her stuff with her or it would they would be introuble. She started to take inuysha's shirt off so she could take care of his wounds he had numres cuts everywhereshe didnt know where to start has kagome was cleaning the blood of his skin Inuyasha started to move.
Inuyasha was trying desperately to get up to get this unknow person off him.He tryed to open his eyes but all he saw was a blur of woman. He couldn't smell anything all the blood was blocking the scent of the person.the first person he thought it was "Kikyo...??". Kagome froze he thinks im kikyo thought kagome sadly she didnt say anything just kept on cleaning the blood."Kikyo if thats you answer me I want to know wheres kagome! what did you do to her!" kagome was shocked she couldnt belive Inuyasha would be asking for her then just plain beeing with kikyo. Kagome still kept quiet she wasnt sure why but she did. Inuyasha couldnt take it anymore he needed to know who this was he thought of the only thing he could do he grab kagome hug her has there bodies met he finally knew who it was this warm body full of life that made him jump and shutter at the touch could never be kikyo."Kagome"whispered Inuyasha.Kagome had suddenly lost her voice all she could do was look at him shocked that he would know who it was.Inuyasha hearing her not reaply did the only thing that ran througth his mind he kissed her....
hehe cliffy =^-^=review please..