InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Deepest Disire ❯ A Truce of Silent Friends ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yea, yea, I know what your thinking. ` WHY DIDN'T YOU UPDATE SOONER YOU B*TCH!' Actually, I hope your not thinking that! ^_^; I am so sorry but first my computer broke down and by then I had lost a lot of inspiration. But, now I'm on track!

62 REVEIWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Faints * Holy Shit, that's a lot for me!!!! @O@ THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the bottom of my heart!!! * Starts dancing around, humming * so, now, onto the next chapter!

Warning: pg13 for language!

Disclaimer: I * Sob * …. Don't own INUYASHA! * Break down crying * don't rub it in!!! ~_~*

Dedication: I am in a fairly good mood so thus this dedication goes out to Jaxxia7's Dreams and its sequel, Vengeance. lol


Chapter 11: A Truce of Silent Friends

He watched her from besides her bed. No more did he bother to put up his mask of blankness. She was safe and sound and alive. He smiled a genuine happy smile but it soon came unsure. Kikyo's words puzzled him. It's like she knew a lot more than she was given credit for. Maybe she knew about this new enemy. He closed his eyes and remembered the last night.

* Flashback *

" Kagome, please wake up! Stay strong for me! You might be dead to this world but your soul still stays within." Sesshomaru heard a person behind him and swiftly saw Inuyasha's dead wretch. She stared into his eyes and then looked at her recantation.

Wordlessly, she came and sat by Sesshomaru, extending her arms over Kagome. He growled violently. " You can't have her soul!" Kikyo looked at him dully.

" I am trying to save her, idiot. I will give her the part of her soul I have and my miko powers. That is all I can do for her." Kikyo extended her arms further, a blue but fiery light coming from her palms.

"The prophet foretold as in history from the past: The chosen one has chosen love over death. Now, I give up my life to carry out the last promise." She then began a chant.

Blood-to-blood: soul-to-soul,

Heart-to-heart and body-to-body.

Our fingers touch and life, as was foretold,

Will be reborn.

Light surrounded the two, blasting Sesshomaru out on the entrance of the cave.

* Flashback End *

Why did Kikyo save Kagome? Was this the same one Inuyasha chose instead of her? What reason would Kikyo have to kill her self like that? Was this a trick? Sesshomaru looked up to Inuyasha who was watching Kagome, waiting for her to wake-up. He smiled again. Thank god Inuyasha was under an enchantment. Kagome purified him through her life energy and, maybe if she wouldn't have, he could have saved her and Kikyo. But what was done was done and he can't change it now.

" Inuyasha, why don't you get some rest? I'll wake you if something happens," Sesshomaru asked with a calm and steady voice. Inuyasha looked up from Kagome face to Sesshomaru. His gaze held curiosity and confusion but soon he smiled. " You really love her, don't you brother?" He didn't answer so Inuyasha continued. " I know she loves you with all her heart and more. I wish I wouldn't have broken her heart." Sesshomaru looked to his brother. Their eyes held each other's gaze, some how creating a truce of some sort. And for once, Sesshomaru allowed his brother to see a small smile.

" That is correct, Inuyasha. I love her with all my heart and more." Inuyasha smiled back and yawned. He gave Sesshomaru a joking glare. " You better wake me when she wakes up, or I will hurt you!" Sesshomaru chuckled a bit. " I know, little Brother, I know," Inuyasha smiled a warm smile at his brother before yawning and walking out of the room towards his guest room. Inuyasha sat down on his bed and reviewed the last few months. ` First, Kagome leaves. Then, I'm taken over by the weird guy, Hoho (a.n lol). Then, Kikyo died. And now Kagome's on the brink of the two worlds. I really messed up.' Inuyasha lay down on the bed. ` I have to make sure Kagome doesn't get hurt again! I'll get the other half of the shikon no tama for her from that guy. She won't be hurt any more.'


This is Fluffysgirl4ever signing off!