InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Deepest Disire ❯ Alone and Frightened ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello again! I am bad at updating. lol Sorry for the delay but as soon as school is out, I am so going to be writing more! Yeah! *Crickets chirp and a lonely silence follows* Well, at least some of you will be happy. Any wayz, like always this is rated pg13 for language and maybe, later, some lemon. ^_^

Chapter 5: Alone and Frightened

` It's been one week since she's been here and her scent is driving me mad!' Sesshomaru thought as he passed Kagome's room. He had been avoiding her all that week, not wanting to even think about why he saved her from death. As he walked towards his study, his servant taking care of Kagome came passed him and stopped. She bowed infront of him, keeping her eyes narrow to the ground.

" How is the girl, Tiffany?" He asked as he motioned for her to come with him to his study. She glanced up at him, and shook her head grimly.

" Milord, She, Kagome-sama, is in the worst of shape that I have seen of any humans. She does not eat, she stays in bed, and is weaker than a child, now," Tiffany stopped, and then stated quietly, " She could die any day now,"

This made Sesshomaru twitch in anger. He knew exactly what she was doing and would not let it continue.

" What other physical injuries are there?" He murmured to himself.

"She does not suffer physically, milord! Are you blind!" Tiffany yelled in a sudden outrage. Sesshomaru, slightly taken back by the rudeness, was about to smack her, but she held up her hand, asking to continue. He nodded, but was going to punish her later.

" Kagome is heart-broken. She starves not only out-side, but inside as well!" Tiffany cried silently. ` How could this miko girl make a servant a friend in a week! She looked very upset, so they had to be close.' Sesshomaru dismissed her and walked back to Kagome's room. He had to stop her from doing this to herself. As he entered, he noted that all the curtains were pulled together, no sunlight allowed to shine in. There was a small light shining in from the balcony, and he instantly knew that she was out there. He opened the glass doors and moved towards where Kagome was standing, looking towards the sunset. He gracefully appeared besides her, making his presence known. She stiffened for the second, but soon relaxed and looked up to him.

` Such a lifeless stare… Is she unhappy here? ` Sesshomaru asked himself as his features softened. Kagome must have noticed this, because her eyes flickered with concern.

` Concern…for me? How stupid! Even when she is dieing, she worries about me!' Sesshomaru thought as he turned to the sunset.

" Why are you killing yourself, Kagome?" He asked as he turned back to her. She shook her head, looking down. " Are you unhappy here?" Sesshomaru asked, hurt. Kagome shook her head again. ` She's not going to talk about it, so I might as well change the subject.'

" How is your foot doing?" He asked as he pointed to her foot.

" It's doing fine," Kagome paused and then added." Thank you for letting me stay in this castle, Sesshomaru. I love it here." Kagome tried to smile, but only pulled a weak frown. That's when Sesshomaru got mad.

" Why do you lie?" He whispered hoarsely. " You're not fine, you are dieing. You're in pain and suffering. Why do you attempt suicide again?" His voice started to rise. Kagome looked at him, held in shock. Tears now streaming down her face.

" I have nothing to live for, so why bother. No one loves me," She cried. " I have only caused pain in this world since I came. So why… should I continue this life, Sesshomaru? I am a burden, a recantation of a real thing. No one can love me for the way I am now. Only if I die will I get peace that is needed," Kagome slumped to the ground by the railing of the balcony, crying. Sesshomaru kneeled down next to her and took her face in his hands.

" It pains me to see you cry, Kagome. I…" He paused for the minute, searching for the right words. " I… need you. You are so special, so radiant! But, Inuyasha didn't see that in you. I think, that maybe, I love you, Kagome. I know I might seem mean at times, but… you have changed me in these few weeks. The castle seems so much better with you here. But, when you're sad, the castle is dark and sad. All the servants love you here. I do too," He looked into her eyes.

"Please stop this madness." Kagome gazed into his eyes, the dullness gone, replaced by joy.

" I will, Sesshomaru. I love you too!" Kagome cried as she hugged him. He grinned at her and then kissed her passionately as he picked her up. He brought her into her room, and placed her on the bed. He then snapped his fingers and servants came in with food and drinks. And there they sat, for the evening, near the stars. Resting for the next day, the day Inuyasha will arrive. Though soul mates have found love, will it hold? Or will the shikon no tama get in the way of love and friendship again? With still half of the jewel left to find, how will they pull through?

*Sob* I loved that. It took me a while to write it, though. Well, please tell me what you think.

*Sneak peak* " Kagome, get your butt over here! I will kill you if you don't!"


Till next time, This is Fluffysgirl4ever signing off! ttfn