InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Eight-Fold Path ❯ The Right Path ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Right Path
Miroku traveled to the neighboring village happily; for the first time in weeks, he felt as though his life was headed in the right direction.
Haruo had continued to pepper Sango with questions, trying honestly to understand the taijya lifestyle; seeing he was truly interested and not trying to stir up trouble, Sango answered as clearly as possible. But Haruo had apparently inherited his father's ability to twist words around and Sango seriously seemed to be at the end of her rope.
To make matters worse, Miroku and InuYasha had been requested for a youkai extermination two villages over.
Miroku cringed to himself as he recalled the look on Sango's face. He'd feared, for a moment, that she was seconds away from taking Hiraikotsu from the wall and re-introducing him to the weapon. Painfully.
She'd forced an accepting smile… that had made him feel even worse. Then Haruo began questioning him… and asked if he could come along.
“Absolutely not.” The glint in Sango's eye was fearful, protective… and stemmed from, Miroku knew, the day her life had been turned upside-down and nearly taken from her by her own flesh and blood.
Miroku had to admit he was surprised at her vehemence. She'd seemed so irritated with Haruo that he'd briefly entertained the notion she'd be happy for the respite, despite the boy's young age.
It was at that moment that Miroku realized what he had told his son all those weeks ago was true…
Though she hadn't birthed him, hadn't raised him to this point - Sango was Haruo's mother. She cared for him like her own; she would protect him with her life just as quickly as the twins and their youngest.
Haruo really was family.
And for the first time in a long while, Miroku felt at peace.
The Eight-Fold Path” is a serialized fic, written based on prompts from the mirsan_fics community on LiveJournal.
“Lines Drawn” was originally posted November 20, 2009
Word Count: 300
Prompt: “Path”