InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Element Sisters ❯ Kazaia,White Youkai ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome sighed softly,fingering the edge of her skirt.Marks where her tears had dried on her cheeks were barely visible,though fresh tears slowly made their own path.Her eyes were filled with sadness,angst even, and a bit distant; Inuyasha saw Kikyou again.It was none of her buisness,they had settled this many times before but it still hurt,time and time again the pain ripped new wounds in her heart; raw and burning.

Sango glanced sadly at Miroku,he too shared a sad look with her; The world seemed so dull and grey when Kagome was like this,almost as if Kagome was the sun itself.Sango unconsciously sharped a dagger made of youkai bones,her eyes narrowing into slits,how dare that filthy mutt treat her like this.

Kagome was much better:



Miroku shifted his staff slightly,preying to buddha that he would be forgiven for the blood lusty thoughts in his head about a certain dog demon.Not only was he hurting Kagome but running off to some dead corpse was slowing them down from the shard hunt and then he would dare tell them to pick up the pace; It was infuriating and selfish.

Finally,a many a' timed mentioned dog demon bounded from the bushes.His canine like ears twitched, "Uh.." He began slowly,glancing warily at a certain demon huntress who was rather loudly slapping a very sharp dagger in her palm and was eyeing him like a piece of meat..dead youkai meat.

Miroku cleared his throat, "Welcome back,Inuyasha." the monk stated calmly,not even bothering to look at him,but glancing instead at the setting sun, "Did you enjoy yourself?" he raised a eyebrow,glancing at the dog demon.

Inuyasha waited for the familar '-slap- shut up lecher!' from Sango,but when it never came he swallowed thickly and looked around, "Eh..Wheres Kagome?"

Sango made a sound very familar to a growl while Miroku smiled a very unamused smile, "I'd leave her alone if I were you,Inuyasha..I do not think she desires your presence at the moment."

Inuyasha Feh'd and sniffed the air delicately and then silently loped off in the direction of Kagomes scent swiftly.


"Stupid Inuyasha.." She murmured,kneeling by a river side,where the clear water flowed with as much sound as a small 'trickle' here and there; It was rather peaceful,she thought.She cupped a small portion of water in her hands and splashed her face,shivering a bit,she lifted her head and nearly screamed at seeing a little creature staring at her with unblinking red eyes.

She placed a hand over her beating heart and looked at the small fire cat youkai,who,while looking slightly like Kirara,was pure white with only one black marking on her forehead.She mewed softly and twitched her two tails,Kagome smiled at the youkai and gently patted her head, "Hello there,Are you wild?" She questioned.

The cat youkai tilted her head then turned and in a rush of flames had transformed to her larger form; She was more petite yet was just as strong as Kirara from the looks; Slowly Kagome rose to her feet and let her hand slide over the soft snowy white fur with care,startled when the cat youkai purred a rough kind of purr and kneeled a bit.Surprised Kagome slowly climbed on the youkai and had to grab on tightly when she took to the air, "Whoa! Easy there,where are you taking me?" Kagome squealed a bit,clutching the youkai more gently now.

Kagome only rececived a small growl,and then she realised that if she was going to hang around a cat youkai,It would need a name, "I'll call you..Kazaia,that ok?" Kagome grinned when Kazaia purred loudly and took off in the distance,sending a glance back at Kagome.

"Um,My camp is right..there!" Kagome pointed where Sango and Miroku now had taken battle stance,not sure who they were; Kazaia murred and slowly glided down to land,touching the ground softly and then lowering her head to sniff at the untransformed version of Kirara.

"K-kagome? Whats this?" Sango asked,surprised.

Kagome slowly climbed off Kazaia, "I really don't know..I mean I was at the river and she just appeared and..sorta offered me a ride,Isn't she gorgeous?"

Miroku,clearly in awe,nodded, "She is very special,I've never seen one like this before..Was there anyone around?" He looked to Kagome.

Kagome shook her head when suddenly Kazaia growled,the fur around her neck extending warningly as the bushes rustled and Inuyasha stepped out, "The hell is this?" He snarled at the cat youkai who let out a mimicking snarl.

Sango raised a brow, "Lets hope this doesn't get as bad as Inuyasha and Kouga." She mused.Miroku smirked but nodded in agreement.

Kagome frowned sadly,looking away, "Her name is Kazaia." And with that said,she slowly walked into the tent,A untransformed Kirara and Kazaia following at her heels.Inuyasha frowned a bit, "Whats her problem?" He glanced at his companions,Sango snorted and followed Kagome, "You and your corpse of a..girlfriend." she used the word Kagome had explained.

Inuyasha's jaw dropped a bit,and a sad look crossed his face, "W-what? why?" He asked to no one,to which Miroku replied while laying a hand on his shoulder, "Let me give you some advice,Inuyasha,I understand you grounds with Kikyou..They do as well,but that does not stop them from being angry; The reason being is,while you chase after a corpse of your once lover..Striving for a heart that beats for you..There has been a live one,right beside you." At Inuyasha's rather confused look,Miroku sighed, "While you continue to love Kikyou,a dead pile of bones version might I add,Kagome is right behind you with all the love in her heart..For you." And with that said,Miroku took a seat at the camp fire and began to meditate.

Inuyasha stared silently, 'Loves me?...'