InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The facts of life, sort of... ❯ The facts of life, sort of... ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sesshomaru looked at Rin, she was asking him what?! Surely he wouldn't have to explain it to her! He was the great demon of the west! But this he wasn't expecting, she was too young. "Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin called. He looked down dreading the words he was about to hear, "How are babies made?" There they were. The last two years he had taken care of her and explained nearly everything she asked but this?

"Jaken!" he called trying to keep his demeanor. Jaken would explain and he wouldn't have too. He heard the toad running at his call. And just on cue he said, "Yes, my lord?" with respect.

"Jaken, explain to Rin where I mean how babies are made." There that was simple…. Or so he thought.
"Yes, me lord." Rin sat eager to hear how babies are made. "Well Rin, first there is a courtship." Okay that was part of it. " Then the female lay the eggs." This wasn't his plan. He noticed Rin eyes grow large, she probably thought. 'Lay eggs? Like chickens?' He was about to stop but Jaken spoke first. "Then the male positions him-ah!" He stopped noticing Sesshomaru's gaze. Then WHAM! Sesshomaru hit Jacken then through Jaken out the window with satisfaction when he heard a crash as he hit a near by tree.

"Sesshomaru? People come from eggs?" She asked innocently. Sesshomaru would have to explain himself.

"No, Rin. Humans don't come from eggs. You uh see…" He didn't know how to say this, if Rin had been his offspring he'd tell the mother to do it but she wasn't and her parents were dead. He'd heard enough whimpers at night and mumbled words to know that. "Well first a female and male spend some time together. This is called courtship." He stated carefully.

"How long is it?"

"It depends. Some humans I've heard take very little time while other take quite a long time."

"Then?" He gulped this he wouldn't like to explain.

"Well, the female and the male have to engage in intercourse." Would that satisfy her? At times brief statements worked but he had a feeling it wouldn't this time.

"Intercourse? What's 'at?" she asked the dread words.

"Rin, you know how the male and female have different uh things right?" he hoped she did. Rin nodded. "What are they Rin?" he had to see if she knew.

"Well um Mamma told me boys have their uh things and girls have theirs!" she said it fast while a embarrassing blush showed. That much she knew!

"Good." He cleared his throat. "Well these two fit together," she was looking interested, he would have to do it. "The gods made it so that the male fits in the uh female." She looked a bit oddly at him.

"How?" Sesshomaru had a blush himself, he made an 'o' with one hand and put a finger through it with the other. "Oh." Was all she said so that is how it fit.

"But it has to be at a special time. The female has to be in heat and the male then uh has to place his seed in her and sometimes a baby is the result." There. He had done it.

"Does it hurt?" She asked. He gave her a puzzled looked. "Does it hurt for the female? The male?"

"The female if it's her first time hurts but then it doesn't."

"How does it feel?" She was asking too much! But she most likely cry if he didn't explain.

"Well, other than to have offspring its done because it's uh pleasurable." She looked at him. "It feels good, Rin. I'll tell you more when you're older." He said.

"What about when two of the same sex love each other?"

"Rin! You're too young too know that! Ask me when you're fourteen!" There now he'd have at least four years. He heard her sigh. "Okay." She said. Good.

That night Sesshomaru lied down in his quarters. She'd remember in four years….