InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Hime Beast ❯ Prologue II ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Prologue I: The Hime Beast
By ffchick
Beta-ed By: Lou & Rachel
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or Beauty and the Beast!

Lords Inu no Taishio was said to be one of the most powerful rulers for the last eight youkai generations.    Every single one of them were known as the most powerful lords for their power and how they had ruled.   However, how Lord Toga rules was definitely different.    His existence up until the death of his first mate was simple... power, how to attain it and to have an heir.    Though his life after that moment was very different, he tried to be a good lord to the inhabitants of the West whether they were youkai or ningen.   It was nine hundred years following this instance, he had come across a sleeping ningen, who had been known as, “Sleeping Beauty.”   The Hime had been put under the spell of a dark miko to punish her family for ignoring the witch.   

The lord couldn't believe how beautiful she was and that she was a ningen, who he had taught his son to see as lower forms of life.   However, he was willing to believe, at that moment, as he saw the teenager before him lying asleep that ningens were just as powerful as youkai, if not better.  Without hesitation, he kissed Izayoi, and she awoke.   Had he not seen it, he would not have believed it.     He was told only true love could break such a curse of a dark miko.   It did not take long for Lord Toga to marry Izayoi in the ningen ways and to mate her in the youkai ways.   The mating consisted of procreation and a ceremony, which bound Izayoi's life to Toga’s the moment she accepted a boa which would keep her life long in year but not as long as her lord's. Five moons later, they had a son, who was said to be the only one who would be able to free a neighboring kingdom from a curse far worse than Izayoi's had been.

It was during this time, that Lord Inu no Taishio became allies with the new lord of the central kingdom.   The Central Kingdom was ruled by ningens, and no one had dared question their right to hold the title.   Lord Toga and Lady Izayoi had witnessed the kings rise and fall up until Toshikigama's rise; during the time, their son, Inuyasha, was by hanyou and youkai standards an adolescent.    It was shortly after this alliance that Toshikigama had his first child and his heir, a daughter.  

Lord Toga had kept strong ties with all the kingdoms and was well respected as a strong leader for many reasons.   He even found respect from his heir, Sesshomaru, the son of his first mate.   Sesshomaru was an adult by youkai standards, and when the time came, he would take the throne. He, however, believed in the swords of world conquest.   When the death of Lord Toshikigama came, everyone was on alert.  Then, the call for assistance from the hime, Kagome, and her brother, Souta, came.  Sesshomaru was sent by Lord Toga but was never heard from again nor were any others of the central kingdom.   Vassals were sent and returned saying that there was nothing left of the Central Kingdom, not even a castle.     Lord Toga's old ally, the miko, Kaede, told him that the prophecy concerning his son had come to pass and that only a hanyou could see what had truly transpired.   She told him that his heir to the throne was trapped in the Central Kingdom by a gruesome curse, something far worse than he had had to live with his whole life.

Lord Toga decided it was time to come to a decision- to send his adult hanyou son, Inuyasha, to free the people within the Central Kingdom or to let all his hard work of governing and forming alliances be for nothing.

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