InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Middle Road ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Do not own Inuyasha, the story is mine, though.

He ran without regard to direction, with as much speed as his body could give him. His senses were dulled and he ran in a dream-like, hypnotic rythm in the lucid moonlight. There was no stopping. He clutched an ambient orb in his left hand, glowing with a crystalline energy. He glanced down at his right hand, his claws covered in blood. Kagome "I'm so sorry," he whispered solemnly to himself, "but in a few days none of this would have ever happened."


"Will she be alright, Kaede-sama?" the monk said in a quiet voice. The aged old woman stared at the body in front of her,

"I cannot tell," she murmered softly, "she will survive, but not without a cost."

"A cost?" a raven-haired girl asked sadly, "what kind of cost?" The old woman stood and answered,

"I am not sure yet, I shall have to look into the rose-water," she turned to walk out, "and I shall meditate on it."

"As will I." said the monk, retreating to a corner. He exhaled sharply and drifted off into transe.

"And," the old priestess finished, "make sure to change her bandage every hour." Sango nodded and sat next to Kagome's mat, holding her hand and also grooming Kirara in her lap. She picked up a small gourd.

"Kaede-sama said to make certain she drinks all of this," she looked at the girl, "she said it would keep Kagome-chan alive until she can figure out what to do." Her grip on the girl's hand tightened, "Inuyasha," she said in a quiet voice to herself, her tone not lacking venom, "how- why would you do this to Kagome?"

"Perhaps," said the monk, his eyes closed, "Inuyasha simply meant to aquire the jewel."

"Oh, Houshi-sama, I thought you were meditating."

"My mind is incurably clouded." Sango brooded over that a second,

"But why did he strike her down?"

"Maybe Inuyasha feared he would be subdued via the prayer beads around his neck before he could escape," he offered, "though I hardly think that is motive enough for Inuyasha to harm Kagome-sama." Inuyasha, she thought, I will never forgive you for this. Her eyes narrowed, and it will not be forgotten, not until one of us is dead, whichever comes first. Her head slowly sank to her chest, and she drifted off into sleep.


Inuyasha sat in a treetop, staring up at the moon. He was exhausted. Running constantly for hours on end was more than even his endurance could take. He had to rest, but he could not sleep. His mind and conscience was far too active to give him rest. Kagome, he thought I pray you're alright. He pulled the jewel out of his haori, and stared at it. A soft growl came from deep within his throat. "Forget this." he said, and jumped down to the forest floor and dashed away, toward the two mountain peaks in the distance.

I changed the format slightly to make it easier to read. I rewrote this while listening to the same Radiohead song over and over again.