InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Perfect Christmas Gift ❯ Kouga and Manda ( Chapter 8 )
Kouga and Manda
Manda had no clue what was going on and frankly she didn't gave a damn. Weird shit always happened around her and her friends so she was used to it. However, she had to admit this was stranger than usual. The fight was no big deal, fights were a daily occurrence, but the demon people struck her by surprise, not to mention the fact she was now dancing to Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box with a complete stranger, cute, but still a stranger. He had a ponytail, with Manda loved especially because of his black hair, and he was wearing a Trigun shirt, so he had to like anime. Plus he was from Japan. That made he a million times cooler than before. He seemed nice enough asking her to dance, so how could she say no?
`A beautiful stranger asked me to dance, and instantly I am entwined in a trace.
His kindness had shocked me- as did his warm touch, when he slowly danced with me I could not get enough…' she thought. It was good; she would have to write it down later. She loved to write poetry for remedial reasons. Expressing herself make her mind feel lighter, so she often wrote down her emotions- confusion, hatred, anger, sorrow… Her soul wore many faces. She seemed started as Kouga pulled her in closer. She wasn't frightened, just startled. She had been lost in thought. A few minutes ago she would have been nervous, but now she wasn't the only one dancing with a stranger- David and Kagome, and Denny and Sango had joined them on the floor now.
`I've scared her,' Kouga thought, `Maybe we should sit down… I just don't want to let her go… she's different, and she's an original…. I don't want to lose an original…' Kouga contemplated a moment longer but felt it was alright to dance for a few more songs. He didn't think Manda wanted to let go either. He could tell she'd been lonely quite a while. They had been about a foot apart before, but now she leaned close, her head resting on his shoulder. Her hair cascaded down her body until it reached the end of the hood on her bright yellow hoodie. She was tall, had hair the shade of sand in bleak moonlight, and fangs. Having fangs himself, he knew her k-9s were fake, but she still looked cool. She wasn't too bad of a dancer either…
"I don't know your name…" Manda whispered. She didn't want to bother the other dancers.
"Names don't mean a thing. What's in a name?" he asked back. She looked up a smiled. He fell in love with that smile.
"Kouga," he said, "No last name."
"That's ok," Manda replied. "Kouga…" she said beneath her breath. She liked the way it tasted on her lips.