InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Sarrow of a Broken Priestess ❯ Forced Murder ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer-I do not own Inuyasha.
Chapter 4- Forced Murder
"Kagome please wait!"
"No, stay away from me!"
Kagome tripped on a root and fell down on her face. Bankotsu reached her and stood above her. He could see the fear in her eyes and he saw the amount of blood on Banryuu. He put it on the ground and knelt to be eye level with Kagome. She began backing away and he grabbed her wrist to stop her.
"Kagome I didn't do it on purpose. I don't know what's happening to me. I couldn't control myself."
Kagome yanked her wrist out of his grip and started to run again. He followed but kept at a safe distance. He knew she could sense his shard, but he still didn't want to put her into shock.
Kagome looked behind her and couldn't see him so she stopped to catch her breath.
'He's coming this way, but at a very slow pace. I think I have time to rest for a minute then I have to get out of here before he kills me too.'
She heard leaves cracking on the ground and realized she was unarmed in the middle of no where. Her heart beat fast in fear but she relaxed some when she saw who it was.
"Kagome, you have everyone out looking for you. What is the matter you are very pale?"
"K-kikyo, where is Inuyasha?"
"He is headed in the opposite direction. I told him I would come here looking for you."
"Why would you help me?"
"I can not risk Naraku getting his hands on you. Come on we have to go find Inuyasha."
Kagome rose to follow Kikyo when she sensed Bankotsu behind her. They both turned around and looked at him.
"So you are the one that Naraku wants to kill?"
"Who are you?"
"That is Bankotsu. The leader of the Shichinintai."
"I thought all of you were dead?"
"Yes, well Naraku brought me back again. Kagome come on we can not waste time."
"I am not going to go with you so you can kill me."
"I'm not going to kill you. I am as suprised as you are about what happened. I can't explain it I couldn't control my body."
Kikyo walked over to Bankotsu and out her hand on his chest.
"Why mercenary, do you have a heart beat?"
"What?" Kagome and Bankotsu both said at the same time.
"Your life should only exist because of the shard. The shard however is only half of your life source. I am guessing Naraku is using this shard to control you."
"Damn that bastard."
"Why did he bring you back again? To fight Inuyasha again?"
"No, to kill Kagome."
"I see. And not doing do must have made him unhappy."
"Yes it must have."
A cold voice said. They looked to find Naraku standing feet from them .
"Kukukuku, Kikyo I see you have come to try and save your reincarnation. How touching."
"Naraku you will be the one to die not Kagome."
"Do you think so? You are mistaken." He held out a black shard. Then he quickly grabbed Kagome and inserted it into her neck. Her eyes dilated.
"Don't worry Bankotsu you will be dead again soon enough."
Naraku handed Kagome a sword which she took with a smile on her face.
"Kill them my puppet. The priestess first."
He disappeared into the sky and Kikyo and Bankotsu watched Kagome closely.
She began falling to her knees and since Kikyo was the closest she rushed over and caught her. Bankotsu saw Kagome smile behind Kikyo's back but realized it too late. Kagome lifted her sword and put in into Kikyo's back. The priestess pulled away from Kagome. Kagome then lifted the sword again and decapitated her. Kikyo's body disappeared and all there was was a pile of dirt and dust.
"Kagome, what the hell are you doing!"
A voice called from behind. They turned around to find themselves face to face with Inuyasha. The others arrived moments later.
"I am doing what I have wanted to for a very long time. I am riding myself of all the hurt I have felt because of this bitch.."
"Inuyasha don't listen to her. Naraku put a tainted shard in her body and is using it to control her."
"Yes and now Kikyo is dead. And soon you will all be, but not yet. We will meet again soon."
Kagome ran off into the forest.
"Bankotsu why the hell are you alive and what's going on?" Sango asked.
Inuyasha saw the piled of dirt and a few bones and fell to his knees. He held in his tears because of present company.
"Kagome, k-killed Kikyo. Damn it!" He rose to his feet and glared at Bankotsu.
"Why didn't you do anything!?"
"There was nothing I could do. Now quit your crying! We have to go rescue Kagome."
"As much as I hate to say it Inuyasha he is right. We do have to go find Kagome."
Inuyasha took Shippou off of his shoulder and set him on the ground.
"I will find her."
He took off the way Kagome went leaving the others behind.
"Come on Shippou we need to go."
Bankotsu began walking away from the group the way Inuyasha went.
"Wait Bankotsu, we need to know everything that happened."
"I don't have time to wait around I have to go find Kagome."
"We are doing the same. We can all go together."
"If you slow me down I'll leave you behind."
He waited for the others to catch up and then they kept going.
Kagome ran for an hour before she finally stopped. The darkness in her mind went away and she fell to her knees.
'What happened? Did I really just kill Kikyo? Inuyasha is going to hate me. Damn this shard. If I try to remove it Naraku will surely tighten his grip on me. I need to go home and then I can remove.'
She heard something move and she turned around. She saw a flash of red and then felt herself being pinned to the ground where she couldn't move.
"Inuyasha, please leave. He'll try to make me hurt you. Please go away I don't want to hurt you."
"I'm not leaving you Kagome."
"Go away..." She could feel the darkness taking over again. She could hear a voice in her head telling her to kill this hanyou. She grabbed her sword and tried to put it in hi back. He was to quick and jumped away.
"Inuyasha, I said leave now!" She came at him and he dodged each attack.
In order for him not to hurt her he had to leave. He ran the other way.
Kagome ran again her feet not letting her stop.
'Damn where am I going?'
"Why in the hell are you guys following that murderer?"
"Because you left and it seems Bankotsu has some knowledge about Kagome's situation that we didn't know."
"Why were you with Kagome?"
"Because I found her out in the middle of the forest alone and crying. I had to take her to a doctor because she had two pretty serious wounds in both of her sides."
"Did she ever say how she got them?"
"No, we were traveling together. I needed her help in figuring out what was happening to me."
"How did you get Kagome to travel with you? If I find out you hurt her I'll rip you to shreds."
"I didn't hurt her." He said smiling remembering the little fight he had with Kagome when he first found her.
"Why are you smiling?"
"No reason, we are wasting time."
He began walking and everyone except Inuyasha followed. He growled and ran to the front of the group.
"I'm the one that you need to follow. I can catch her scent."
Bankotsu just shrugged and gestured for him to lead the way.
Kagome came to a huge black castle. There was a huge barrier surrounding it. Kagome tried to stop herself from going in but her body and mind were doing to different things. She went through the barrier and into the front doors of the castle. Naraku was sitting in a huge gold chair waiting for her.
"Hello Kagome."
"Naraku let me go! I swear I will kill you!" She could see the shard becoming more tainted with Kagome's need to get revenge on Naraku.
"Yes, keep being angry Kagome. The more tainted the shard is the more control I have over you."
Kagome calmed herself down and was forced to fall on her knees at Naraku's feet.
"Who is my next target?"
"I want you to find Bankotsu and kill him. Then I want you to take your own life. Make sure the half demon is there to watch."
"Yes I will see it done."
"Good puppet."
Kagome rose to her feet and left the castle.