InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Sarrow of a Broken Priestess ❯ Saying Goodbye ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter 7- Saying Goodbye

"Kagome, wake up it is important that we talk now."

Kagome opened her eyes and found herself out in the middle of a lake. She was waist deep in the clearest water she had ever seen. Across from her was a blonde woman with almost clear, blue eyes.

"Hello, Kagome. I am the seer of all. The past, present, and the future. I call you here today to have you make a choice. A choice that must be made."

"What is it?"

"As you know Bankotsu's life returns to him, but do you know why?"

"No, I don't know why."

"When he was revived again to kill you there was a bond formed. A bond that is both cruel and mysterious. It has a good side and a bad. Like Heaven and Hell. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but why was it formed?"

"Sometimes when two people are destined to do great and good things the evil omens work against them. I myself, suffered the fate of this bond and that is why I am here now with you. The last bond like this was over a thousand years ago. They accure rarely, but when they do it is the choice of the bonded to use it for good or for eveil. Shall I show you what you must choose between?"

"Yes, please show me."

The woman pushed her hand throught the water and Kagome looked into it. She could see herself laying down inside of Kaede's hut. Her shard was gone and on one side she held Inuyasha's hand and Bankotsu's on the other. All of her other friends were gathered around tears in their eyes. Kagome could also see that Bankotsu no longer had a shard.

'He is really alive.'

She saw herself close her eyes and smile.

"I am glad to go into the afterlife with this image of all of you in my mind. I will be happy to have you all imprinted in my mind for all eternity."

Tears began to flow out of Inuyasha's eyes and then out of everyone elses.

"Do not cry for me and Bankotsu do not feel guilty. Remeber this was my choice."

She stopped talking and the image changed. Bankotsu had blood all over him and Naraku was lying dead on the ground. Kikyo was alive again and Kagome knew that meant that that was the wish made on the jewel.

"You see Kagome", the woman began, "You can give your life to stop eveil forever and give Bankotsu a second chance, but there is another option.

The woman ran her hand through the water again and Kagome looked down again. Kaede's hut was in flames as was the rest of the village. People were screaming and looking right at her was herself. With red eyes gleaming the shard in her chest glowing black. She had her sword to Bankotsu's neck and he made no move to stop her.

"I love you my dear Kagome." He said closing his eyes.

"Love means nothing it is simply a word thrown around. I fell no love for you or any other." She brought the sword down and then laughed. The image changed again. She and Naraku were together spreading dread through the world. She watched, as she herself, killed each and every person she held dear to her. She turned away from the image and began to cry.

"Isn't it obvious to you what my choice would be?"

"Yes, but I had to show you, so you would be warned. I had no warning and destruction was caused and although it was luckily stopped, I do not think we would be so luck this time."

"What will happen to Bankotsu if I die? Will he be happy?"

"I cannot tell you. I am sorry. Make your choice Kagome Higurashi."

Kagome gasped for air and sat up from her bed that she was now lying in.

"Kagome are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"We tended to your wound so you should be okay now."

"Thanks mom, but could all of you give me a moent alone with Inuyasha please."

Her brother, mother, and grandfather all nodded their heads and lef the room.

"What is it Kagome?"

"Inuyasha, I...I have to die."


Bankotsu sat crossed leg with his back to a tree. His Banryuu was propped up next to him and he looked up at the now starry sky.

'I hope Kagome is doing okay.'

He sighed and closed his eyes.

'Of course she is. As much as I can't stand that half-demon I am certain he is taking good care of her. If he's not I'll have to rip him to shreds.'

He smirked and fell asleep.


"Miroku how is everything going?"

"Actually it's going quite well."

"I miss Kagome."

"I know you do. I miss her too. Look at Shippou."

They looked over at the little kitsune. He was playing tag with one of the village girls. They were both giggling and tripping over their own feet. Miroku put his arm around Sango and she put her head on his shoulder.

"I hope everything turns out okay."

"Yes, so do I." Miroku said it but he had a bad feeling. He knew something unespected was about to happen.


"Kagome, you can't do it. I won't ket you."

"There is nothing you can do. Besides Kikyo and Bankotsu will get to live that would make me truely happy. I do owe Kikyo."

"Don't say that! Both of them are already dead Kagome."

"Maybe that's true, but Inuyasha what I saw, if I did live I wouldn't really be aware of it at all. And...and all of you would die. And I would be the one to kill you."

"I am willing to die for you to live."

"No, Inuyasha, I would never allow it. I want all of you to be happy. I want the whole worl to be without evil. If only my one life has to be given for that, then I think it's a more than fair trade."


"Don't tell Bankotsu. I shall tell all of them when...when it is time."

"When is that?"

"First, gather everyone and bring them back to Kaede's. Then come back here and I'll remove the shard. I should have enough time then to say goodbye to my family and all of you."

"Will you tell your family?"

"Yes, I will have to tell them, but not of my death. I'll tell them I will be stuck in your time. I don't want them to have greif for my death when it is for the best."

"Kagome I..."

"It's okay Inuyasha. You'll be happy with Kikyo. And so I will be happy as well. You know you are my best friend Inuyasha and you always will be."

He nodded his head and left the room.

Kagome gave him time to be out of earshot before she began crying.


Bankotsu heard footsteps coming towards him and lifted Banryuu to be ready. He saw a flash of red and silver and put it down.

Inuyasha stopped in front of him with an expressionless face.

"We have to go get Miroku and Sango. Kagome wants us all to be at the village when she comes back."

"What? Why what's going on? Is she okay?"

"She is fine. Come on now we cannot waste time."

Bankotsu didn't know if he was lying but couldn't think of a reason why he would lie, so he followed him.

They ran full speed all the way to the village where the others were staying. They were all sleeping by then and suprised by their being woke up.

"Wuzzgoinon?" Miroku said as he yawned.

"Kagome wants us all to be at the village when she comes back here. Come on we don't have time to wait around."

"But it is very late."

"We will sleep when we're in Kaede's village. Come on." The looked at each other behind Inuyasha's back, but followed behind him and Bankotsu.

They flew above them and talked quietly.

"Miroku, do you think that something is wrong?"

"I have a feeling, but I don't know what it could be."

"I thought so. I could feel it too."

"Hmm, I guess all we can do is wait."

"Will you two stop yapping ad hurry up."

"Well that was him being him again."

"Yeah, I guess so."

When they arrived at the village they all lay down. Inuyasha and Miroku were both awake and outside looking up at the sky. While Sango, Shippou and Kirara were all asleep in a hut that was being gaurded by a fully alert Bankotsu.

"Inuyasha, I know you are lying to is. What is it?"

"Kagome asked me not to...I don't know."

"Kagome is not well is she?"

"No, she's not."

"I thought so. I could sense it. You do not need to tell me the rest, but I thank you for being honest with me. It is nice to be at least partly prepared."

'There is no preperation for what's about to happen Miroku.'


Kagome sat down at the table with her family in silence. She had only stayed the night and would be leaving that day when Inuyasha came to get her.

She took a deep breath and then let it out.

"Uh, there is something I have to tell all of you."

"What is it dear?"

"Well, after I leave today, I...I won't be coming back. The well is going to be sealed, because we've finally found all of the shards."

They all sat in shocked silence and then got up to hug her. She stood up too and they all cried and said their seperate goodbyes. Inuyasha stood in the doorway and watched as they all talked and hugge each other. They were all crying, but not in the same way Kagome was. There was fear, happiness, and pain in her eyes. Inuyasha felt a lump in his throat. He cleared it out accidentally bringing all of their attention to him.

"Bye everyone." Kagome said. She and Inuyasha grabbed all of her things and walked slowly to the well house.

"I can't beleive this is it."

Kagome said stopping to look back at the shrine.

"Neither can I."

They both stood there for a few moment before reaching the front of the well. Kagome put down her stuff and out her hand on her shard. It slowly purified and then came out into her hands. She handed it to Inuyasha as she could feel her strength leaving her. She picked up her things and was picked up by Inuyasha who jumped down into the well for the last time.


Kagome made Inuyasah let her down as she approached Bankotsu. She did the same she had done to her shard and it came out into her hands.

"Now you will trully live again."

Bankotsu grabbed her hand in his.

"But now I have to tell you all something. Today is my last day here in this world. In order for the world to be free of evil I have to be sacraficed. Bankotsu looked into her eyes and saw no lie.

"No, you can't Kagome."

"Please, understand, I saw what would happen if I lived and my life is a good price for it not to happen."

"That's not a good enough reason for you to die. I won't have it!" Sango said rising to her feet.

Kagome lay down on her back. Sango sat back down. On each of her sides she held Inuyasha and Bankotsu's hands.

"I am glad to go into the afterlife with this image of all of you in my mind. I will be happy to have you all imprinted in my mind for all eternity."

Tears began to flow out of Inuyasha's eyes and then out of everyone elses.

"Do not cry for me and Bankotsu do not feel guilty. Remeber this was my choice."

She closed her eyes and Inuyasha could smell the life leave her.

"S-she's gone. Why her? She had the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met."

"Shh, Sango it will be okay."

Bankotsu said nothing and left the hut. Inuyasha turned to do the same and Shippou jumped on his shoulder.

"I am going with you Inuyasha no matter where it is."

Inuyasha smiled and jumped off into the trees after Bankotsu.

Okay guys don't worry Kagome will not stay dead. I just wanted my fic to be different since in almost all of the BanXKag fics I've read Bankotsu dies. Well you'll have to read and see what happens next.