InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Sarrow of a Broken Priestess ❯ Fight For Death ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter 6- Fight For Death


"Yes, Bankotsu?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why don't you come over here and see."

'Stop it! Why am I saying these things?'

'Because I have full control of your body right now. There is nothing you can do.'

Bankotsu beagn to walk towards her but was stopped by Inuyasha.

"No, you can't. It's probably a trap."

"You are right. That's how she killed Kikyo."

Inuyasha winced at the name and Kagome laughed a laugh that wasn't hers at all.

"Still sad over Kikyo? Don't worry I'll kill you to and then you can be together forever."

'Yes, there is.'

Kagome lifted her sword, but didn't move. She planted her feet in the ground and it seemed she was being pilled by an invisible force.

"GO AWAY! I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME BACK! Please, I don't want to kill anyone else."


"I said go. I'm sorry, but you have to leave me. I'll be okay."

"No, I won't leave."

"Don't be stubborn Inuyasha. Do it or I'll kill you or you'll..."

'If I let him kill me Bankotsu can live. And all the other people that Naraku wants me to kill.'

'You will not do it!'

'Yes, I must.'

"What the hell are you talking about Kagome?"

"Fine, I gave you time to leave, but you wouldn't. Now you will die Inuyasha!"

Bankotsu was about to interfere but Inuyasha held him back again.

"No, let me. I won't hurt her."

Kagome ran at Inuyasha. He simply blocked each of her attacks without moving much or hurting her. He looked into her eyes and could see they were normal.

"Kagome, I know he's not controlling you right now. Stop fighting me."

"NO! You have to kill me Inuyasha."

"I can't."

"If you don't I'll kill more people. Aren't you anrgy at me for killing Kikyo? Take your revenge, kill me."

"I said no, wench."

She stopped attacking and put her sword in the ground and leaned on it while she caught her breath.

"Inuyasha, please..."

"I can't do it Kagome."

"Kagome, no one is going to kill you."

"Yes, someone will." She picked up her sword and began running through the forest.

"Should we follow?"

"Not yet. We should wait awhile then we will go. Otherwise she'll sense your shard and Naraku will try to control her again.

Bankotsu looked where Kagome had once been standing and sighed.

'Kagome, I'm sorry. I should have never let this happen to you.'


"Sango, are you okay?"

"No, I'm scared. What if Kagome comes back and we have to fight her to protect the villagers?"

"I don't know that same fear has been in my thoughts."


"Yes, I can't imagine hurting Kagome."

"I know but we will have to. What else could we do? We couldn't let her harm the woman and children."

"You are right. We would have to do whatever it took to protect these people."

Sango burried her face in Miroku's robes and began to cry. He held her close and stroked her hair. Shippou saw them and jumped onto Miroku's shoulders. He too was crying.

"Do not worry, either of you. Inuyasha and Bankotsu will not let anything happen."

"I hope you're right."




Kagura watched as anger flashed across Naraku's face.

"What is wrong my Lord?"

"It's Kagome she is trying to find someone to fight her to the death. She's very strong and it's hard for me to stop her."

"What will you do?"

"I think I will see who she has in mind. And if they do kill her Inuyasha will no longer have his shard detector. And he and Bankotsu will both be heartbroken."

"You are sure Bankotsu will care?"

"Yes, that's why he's looking for her. He deeply cares for that priestess."

"That's what I thought too."

"Go now and find Kagome. Follow her and should she survive bring her to me."

"Yes, I will."


"Lord Sesshomaru where are we going?"

"Stupid child, don't you question my Lords decisions."

"Quiet yourself Jaken."

"Yes my Lord."

Sesshomaru lifted his head and smelled the air.

"Someone is coming this way and at a fast pace. Take Rin awayfrom here Jaken. I will find you both later."

"Yes, my Lord."

He watched as the wench that travels with Kagome came running up the path. She had her sword raised. He didn't reach for his sword he just waited for her.

He dodged her as she came at him. She missed him every time.

"Why do you try to fight me? Don't you know I could kill you with one finger?"

"Let's see you do it then!"

He slashed through her chest and she fell to the ground.

He stood above her with no emotion in his cold eyes.

"It would be useless for me to kill you. It would prove to be too easy a task."

He turned his back and left Kagome on the ground. She put her hand where his claws had been and felt the blood coming from the wound.

'Good at least I'll bleed to death. Now Naraku can't use me anymore.'

She felt conciousness leave her and she closed her eyes.


"Come on we have to hurry I can smell blood. It's Kagome's blood. And I can smell Sesshomaru."

"Who's that?"

"My half-brother."

"I didn't know you had a brother."

"Shut up and come on."



"Sango, I really miss Kagome. She's the closest thing to an Outa-san that I have."

"I know. I miss her too, but right now you need to get done with your bath."

"Okay, okay."

She helped the little kitsune clean the dirt from himself and the dried him off and dressed him.

"Good as new."

"Can we go eat. I'm starving."

"Of course we can. Come on Kirara."

'Inuyasha I hope you find Kagome.'


"Damn it Kagome what were you thinking."

"I just didn't want to hurt anyone else. He wanted me to kill Bankotsu and then myself."


"He was going to make me slaughter another village. I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry, but I have to get home. If I can get back to my time then maybe I can remove the shard."

"What's your time?"

"We'll explain later. Kagome we have to get your wounds treated first."

"I can't go near another village. I'll take care of it in my time. You can't both me and Bankotsu with you in a village. Naraku can make either of us kill everyone in it."

"Fine, but I'm going with you."

"Okay, but let's hurry."

"You guys go. I will find you guys in a couple of days."

"Bankotsu, but where are you going?"

"I just don't want Naraku to make me do anything. I had almost forgotten about his hold on me."

"It's weakening. Slowly, but it is. Soon he won't be able to control you anymore. You have to be careful. He will probably come after you when he can't find me anymore."

"Well until then I would rather not get in your way."

"But your n-"

"Kagome, I will come back."


He stopped running and watched them fade form his view.

"Inuyasha, if I try to kill you or my family you have to promise that you'll stop me. For good this time."

"Kagome I told you I can't do it."

"You have to promise. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt my family."

"Fine, I'll do it."

"I don't think it will come to that though. I doubt Naraku will be able to control me in my time."

"Yeah, I hope your right."

They jumped down in the well, but instead of hitting the ground it kept going.

'Good I thought it might not let me through.'

They landed on the ground and Inuyasha put her on her feet. He then took her by the waist and jumped out of the well. Kagome stood for a moment, but then fell to the ground.



Sorry I know its a cliffy. I'll update soon though. Bye!!!!