InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Sky Line ❯ Rain on me ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Skyline

Chapter Three: Rain on me

It hurts so bad to feel lost. The dark engulfs you and smothers you until you can’t remember your way out. Kind people except their fate of being lost and try to help others from becoming of the same fate. We all fight it, not many of us had made it out alive. Scarred and maimed we cling to our souls. Telling them to not let go that tomorrow will be a better day. Their minds can’t comprehend the fact that they have already died leaving just a shell of empty hope. But they still cling to life through the wind and the rain

It had been a wild party and it started pouring down raining around 11:30. Kagome was full of sweat her hair up in a messy bun a pink tanktop and red skirt with silver sandals clung to her small figure. Her mother worried with the rain. “Inuyasha I hope Kagome’s okay,” Inuyasha nodded and continued sewing his piece of clothing. “ My brother stop by today?” Inuyasha asked Kagome’s mother shook her head sadly. Inuyasha cut the thread with his nails.

Inuyasha herd the annoying snap Sota’s Camera. “Cut it out brat!” Inuyasha said getting up. He had on a black cap with a white t-shirt and some khaki cargo jeans with black symbols painted on the pockets. Sota ran for his life still having a bruise from his last time with pissing the older male off. Kagome’s mother laughed. “Inuyasha dear he really does look up to you . . . . . I understand how you feel about the camera,”

The brat Showed up behind his mother and smiled the camera in his hands. “Mommy did Kagome Take her umbrella?” Kagome’s mother bit her lip. “Oh No, and I can’t drive in this,” Inuyasha gritted his teeth the old geezer couldn’t drive and that only left him . . stuck in the car on the road with . . . Inuyasha growled. “Are you okay Inuyasha?” Inuyasha looked up at the woman who had taken him in and nodded.

“I guess she’ll just have to stay with one of her friends and she didn’t bring . .” Inuyasha got up and folded his shirt. “I’ll go get her Nan-kun,” Nan smiled at the young man. “Your so nice Inuyasha, while your out we need some milk,” Inuyasha blushed and the camera snapped. He had drank a whole gallon of milk in a day.

Kagome looked at her watch as it lightening it was almost two. She either had to make a break for it or go home with some-one. She smiled as her mother’s car pulled up and she grabbed her purse holding it over her head as she ran for the car the purse doing nothing too keep the rain from hitting her. She got in and buckled her seat belt then looked in the driver’s seat to see . . “Inuyasha!” The young man rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Your always so dramatic .. . It shows you still hold on to something,” Inuyasha said without emotion. Kagome’s eyes grew wide what the hell was he talking about first he barely says anything and now he was saying stuff she didn’t understand. “Whatever just hurry home I need to bathe,” Inuyasha looked over at her as she pulled her hair from the bun wet pieces sticking to her face and neck. She smelt awful like smoke drinks and sweat of other people. She must like to switch dancing partners a lot. Inuyasha cleared his throat wanting to aggravate her for making him have to go pick her up. “Four guys Kagome, I had no Idea,” He watched as an instant blush stained the girls cheeks. He couldn’t help the soft grin that came to his face.

“Humph! I have no Idea what your talking about you pervert! I only danced with Miroku, Kouga, Hojo, and . . . .” Her mouth hung open at realizing he knew it was only and exactly four guys she was stupefied. “H-h-how did-did you know?” She asked shakily. Inuyasha growled he could smell not one but two demons on her and who was the last guy . .he turned wildly into a parking spot getting out to get the milk leaving Kagome to her thoughts.

Now and then I wonder why I don’t want to except my fate of being swallowed like so many others do, they say that ignorance is bliss. I cling to this light I have, with everything in my grasp and yet all I want is the darkness to engulf me. Smiling but crying all at the same time too a confusion of which side to fall into. Crying out but never herd , why is it we are never herd by the great spirit of freedom from our pain. The ones that live in the light can travel to Bliss . . . . a beautiful world.

The car lurched and stopped Kagome sighed as her mother’s old car usually did this in the rain luckily it was only a few blocks from her house. Inuyasha cursed at the car. Kagome was stilled freaked out with how he’d known about the four guys and hadn’t talked to him since now didn’t look like the perfect time to tell him the car wouldn’t start again.

At least the lightening had stopped but the rain was heavy. Inuyasha stopped cursing out the car and sighed. “I guess we’ll walk,” Kagome smiled as she didn’t have to interrupt him for his trouble he grabbed the milk and stepped out into the rain and went around the car to wait on Kagome.

Kagome couldn’t see the rain was falling in her eyes luckily Inuyasha had his hat but she was left to straggle and keep up with him form behind. She didn’t see the tree root and fell on the pavement scratching her arms and knees. Inuyasha herd her fall and instantly felt guilty.

He ran up to her tugging her up more roughly then intended and looked at her crying face. He sighed at what trouble women were. She was bleeding too. He looked around and he saw the light of the bus stop booth and he held her in his arms as he ran. Kagome stopped crying to look up at him it was as if she were in a dream even through the rain he seemed to shine she was broken from her dream world as she was places on a bench.

“Stupid girl can’t watch where your going!” Instantly kagome felt the same irritation as of before “Humph! Your were walking too fast and the rain was falling in my eyes!” She screamed at him not noticing the way he was looking at her. His eyes skimmed over the tanktop a few more times then necessary the wet material sticking to her erect nipples. Inuyasha shuddered at the thought of him looking at her like he was but he was.

She had a very deep cut on her knee the rest were just scrapes the one on her knee would leave a pretty scar. He sighed being happy he wore a cheep undershirt t-shirt and took it off tearing it into bandages. Kagome blushed at see-ing his naked flesh as a flashback of the other morning popped into her head.. “what?” She didn’t have to finish as the wet Material was used to bandage and clean her wounds.

Kagome looked at his figure now noticing an arrow head shape right above his heart on the right side she couldn’t help it and reached out tracing it with her fingers only to hear him growl. “Sorry . . . .” She whispered and looked down seeing he was done. “Close your eyes,”
he said roughly holding onto the rim of his hat.

“Why?” she said in an aggravating tone. “You want to get home don’t you close your fucking eyes!” Inuyasha rolled his eyes in an aggravated sigh as she looked up at him with a stubborn expression. She looked into his tired yellow orbs then to her skinny toned frame. “Why .. Do I .. “ but Inuyasha yet again silenced her as he took off his hat revealing two little dog ears atop his head and he placed his hat on her head. He bent down “get on I’ll carry you,” Kagome whimpered a little as she had been mean to him and he was being so nice to her and she had no idea he was a hanyou.

“I didn’t know,” She said as her eyes watered she wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted up and ran out into the rain getting them home in no time.

People are quick to judge. They are so used to doing one thing that when something new comes along they get the same treatment because they brand them as someone and the same as them. Devoured in darkness. Those who have light bare it with pride they aren’t quick to judge and understand that the darkness can devour one. Chomp on everything that makes you living. Kill everything that is warm make you look at everyone with a frown everyone has something to hide and it’s their weakness so you bat them out without a second thought.

Sango showed up bright and early Saturday morning her face streamed with tears “oh Kagome!” She said hugging the other half asleep girl. Inuyasha watched the scene as he was coming down for dinner and snap was herd but sota was no where to be found. “What’s wrong sango?” Sango whipped her eyes and picked up her duffle bag. “Can I stay here?” Kagome nodded and grabbed sango’s bag bringing it up the stairs.

Sango stood infront of Inuyasha as he looked at her his eyes filled with concern. “It’s going to be okay I promise,” he said placing a hand on her shoulder but he was surprised when he was embraced by he small girl. “Oh Inuyasha I know you still hold onto your dreams,” She sniffed crying into his shirt. Inuyasha hugged back he had to find Miroku and tell him poor Sango she still had light too and now she had to fight for two.

Kagome cleared her throat and stared daggers at the two Sango looked up and blushed along with Inuyasha. “Sorry,” Sango sniffed. “What happened?!” Kagome said looking at her best friend with wide eyes. “Oh Kagome I’m Pregnant!” Kagome’s mouth fell open and she looked as if she was about to fall over. “A-and how did I not know till now? Who’s the dad? How long have you known?” Sango broke into tears and sobbed incoherent words into Kagome’s Chest.

Kagome’s Mother walked in her eyes just as wide as Kagome’s “B-breakfast?” Inuyasha saw that Nina was just trying to get the girl to calm down. “Yes Nina that sounds great Hungry Sango I’m sure you know Nina makes some great Breakfast,” Sango dried her tears and nodded.

Inuyasha’s eye seemed to twitch a lot over breakfast maybe it was because of the explaining of Sango’s pregnancy or that he was just a little uncomfortable with having the whole pregnant woman in his house thing. Somehow he seemed to take it upon himself to take care of Sango even if it meant sacrificing himself. Maybe it’s just a demon thing. Laughs. No it definately was his demon dog side acting in and his human compassion that kicked in. Well whatever it was it made him seem much unlike a jerk.

The door bell rang and Kagome answered it with a big smile on her face. “Konichiwa!” She then blushed to high heaven when she noticed who it was. “Mr-Mr. Shiroshenshi? “ She looked upon him in aw his tattoos exposed do to the black muscle shirt he was wearing . He had on a pair of blue jeans and black sun glasses his hair loose around him. “Hi kagome I’m here to Drop off Inuyasha’s baby,” kagome instantly lifted an eyebrow. “M-mom! My Teachers here and is dropping off Inuyasha’s . . . baby,” Inuyasha instantly cam running and stood looking at his brother.

“Inuyasha,” His brother said sternly. “Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha said back quite as stern. An annoying snap made Kagome look for her brother but found it was Sango with the camera . “Wait till the kids from school get a load of this,” Sota said taking his camera back from Sango. Kagome’s eye twitched. “Oh Sesshomaru honey come in,” Said the sickenly sweet voice of her mother. Inuyasha cringed and looked at his brother in disgust. “You brought Tetsiuga? “ Sesshomaru stepped aside to show the back motorcycle with the great white dog painted on the front.

‘My baby!’ Inuyasha said mentally as he walked past his brother. “Wait you two stand together. The boys grumbled as the older woman pushed the two together and The girls giggled as Sota took a picture of their unhappy faces. “Oh My you two look so much alike,”Nina’s eyes watered as she looked at the two. “Look at me I’m going to cry,” Sesshomaru looked at Kagome through his sun glasses giving the girl a chill.

“Don’t you look at her!” Inuyasha said under his breath growling for only the other demons ears. “Looks like your bitch kikyou Inuyasha,” The elder spat back “pathetic to think she will love you, you pathetic half breed,” Sesshomaru smiled as he was guided into the house by Nina and sota. Sango and Kagome ran up to the bike looking at it. “Oooooooo “ was what escaped form their mouths. “Yeah my dad used to make them . . . .” Inuyasha stopped talking as he saw Sesshomaru’s bike and on it was Brite. She only smiled still having her helmet on with the visor down she was dressed in leather.

“Did you dad make these really!” sota said reaching out o touch a bike only to get his hand swatted away by Kagome. “Nah he designed them totosi made them,” Inuyasha looked over at Kagome cocking his head to the side and he shook his head “NO WAY!” he said aloud then looked at brite. “Something wrong Inu darling?” She said with her smooth voice. He shook his head and noticed everyone staring at him.

“Uh . . . I . . . . um. .” Inuyasha stuttered out at a loss for words. “It’s okay brother we all know you’re an air head,” Sesshomaru said as he walked down the shrine steps. Inuyasha growled as he sat on his bike taking his helmet from Brite revealing her bright green eyes and Silvery green hair that was cut short just under her ears. “Good bye darlings” She said before they sped off.

Inuyasha was still growling and jumped when Kagome touched his shoulder. “I didn’t know you had a brother,” She said softly and the look in her eyes struck him as kikyou all over again. “Well I don’t have a brother as far as I’m concerned,” He said looking away roughly. “You smudged it!” Inuyasha said chasing around sota.

We are scared of real love . . we say the word but we don’t really mean it half the time. Can we even grasp what it is .. is it what some call fate .. . Soul mates . . .. Love . . A four letter word ha! Yeah really funny! . . . it’s a joke right, love isn’t real no matter how we try to make it real . . . or maybe I have really surrendered to the darkness . . .maybe I too have died along with the rest of you is that why I don’t believe.

Kagome sat in the rain and let it wash over her body she believed that it was clensing her soul she felt at peace in the light summers rain. Sango had long since passed out on the couch eating potato chips and playing video games with sota. Inuyasha touched the glass as he watched her sitting there as the rain poured over her. He would give anything to be that at peace.

Kagome could feel him and she looked up to see him and she smiled , “It takes everything away it’s cleaning me of my pain,” Kagome said as the rain lessened Inuyasha sat infront of her feeling the rain pour over him. “Wash all my pain away from me,” He said closing his eyes and it truly felt wonderful he could feel a great burden lift of his shoulders.

He opened his eyes to see her intense grey ones looking at him. “Your crying,” She said as she touched his cheek. “It’s the rain,” He said swatting her hand away. Kagome nodded and smiled turning her head towards the sky in praise. She raised her hands to the sky. “Rain on me! Take all the pain and wash it away from me,” Inuyasha opened his eye and also lifted his hands into the sky as they started laughing. “It’s taking the hate from me,” Kagome said putting her hands in her lap. “Everyone deserves a second chance and their’s always good in everyone,” Inuyasha blinked as he could swear Kagome was glowing.” it’s taking my emotional scars,” Inuyasha said and Kagome lifted her hands and it thundered and she jumped into Inuyasha’s lap. “Rain on me . .”

Hope it’s not too cheesy, Motorcycles! I know I need to stop watching Monster Garage! Damn that show and no I’ve never herd the song rain on me but everyone says I need to dammit! Leave me alone! Oh yeah review if you feel me next chapter’s called No way