InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Soul of a Hanyou ❯ Why Did You Leave Me? ( Chapter 11 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 11-Why Did You Leave Me?
Inuyasha-So, you really are Nianna's reincarnation?
Kayoko-Yeah, well, I never wanted to tell anyone, then all varieties of demons would come after my jewels, attempting to kill me, or heaven forbid, my loved ones.
Inuyasha-But you could've told me. You know I wouldn't have told, like I had anyone to tell but you.
Kayoko-But there's always other ears listening Inuyasha, I couldn't take that risk. I did trust you; it's just that I didn't trust everyone else.
Inuyasha-So do you still trust me?
Kayoko was surprised by this remark, and carefully went over her last words in her mind, and realized that she had indeed said that she “did” trust him, not that she does.
Kayoko-Inuyasha, I have absolutely no reason to not trust you.
Inuyasha-But distrust doesn't always come from no reasons.
Kayoko was shocked at the accusations that Inuyasha was throwing at her. She figured that he was just still hurt from her leaving him so long ago.
Kayoko-I DO TRUST YOU! Why can't you see that, why are you not trusting me with this?
Kayoko was once again in awe, as well as the rest of the Inu Gang. She didn't realize how much she'd hurt this poor boy that day.
Inuyasha-I trusted you to always be there for me! But you weren't you left and every human and demon that you had tormented for my sake took advantage of your absence, and no one could've helped me but you!
Kayoko-Inuyasha……I'm truly sorry if everyone hurt you that much…
Inuyasha could sense the sincerity and kindness in Kayoko's voice, but nevertheless, he didn't back down from the verbal assault he had launched on Kayoko, he'd been hurt too much for a boy at that age to handle, and it had scarred him for the rest of his life. He knew that he simply wasn't going to get over it because she said sorry. If Kayoko were really sorry for him at all, then she wouldn't have left.
Kayoko-Inuyasha? Are you going to say anything or just let me sit here, and use telepathy?
Inuyasha woke up from his deep thoughts, and remembered that they were having a conversation. One that he really couldn't just sit back and miss.
Inuyasha-Kayoko, you were my only friend. How could you have just left me? And if your mind was really linked to mine, why didn't you ever help me again until just now?
Kayoko-First, I left because you're not the only hanyou in the world that's being treated unjustly.
Shippo-She's got you there Inuyasha.
Inuyasha-Shut up you little runt!
Kayoko-Uh Hem! Now, second, I didn't help, because all of those events were going to make you stronger, so that you would be able to get over Kikyo's death. Besides, I knew that none of those events were gonna kill you.
Inuyasha-But they still left me with scars.
Suddenly a loud crash came from outside the hut. The rest of the Inu Gang and Kaede were relieved, they thought those two would never stop arguing about their past together. Everyone ran outside and witnessed what had just happened. Koga had broken down the front doors to the village (I'm putting a fort around it) and suddenly caught sight of Kagome.