The next morning Sesshomaru and the other soldiers ready for battle then marched on toward Naraku’s castle for one last battle. Kagome watched with Sorn and Koga, who were standing behind her, she knew she had to help somehow. Once the army was out of sight she ran into the tent and cried into the tent bed knowing that if she didn’t help Sesshomaru would die. ‘I’m going fight at sundown. It’ll take that long for me to get ready and train. Kagome ran out and talked it over with Sorn and Koga who agreed with her plan. Koga trained Kagome on hand and hand combat and speed. Sorn trained Kagome on the sword and concentration.
As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru marched they marched as brothers instead of being enemies. They both knew if neither of them lived Kagome will surely die of depression. “We’re here, you ready honyou?” Sesshomaru teased. “You bet Fluffy.” Inuyasha teased back. “ATTACH!” Keizou yelled all the soldiers trying to break down the castle gate down but to their dismay it wouldn’t budge, but they would keep trying. “If only Kagome was here. She would blast the damn thing down.” Inuyasha shouted to Sesshomaru. “I’m thinking about going back to retrieve her if night falls before we are able to break this gate down.” Sesshomaru growled knowing it would be too dangerous to pull out Tokijin.
With Kagome, Koga and Sorn; Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara had just arrived ready for battle. “Be careful okay Kagome?” Koga said hugging her. “I will, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha need our help. You and Sorn stay here with the wounded.” Kagome said. “Cava we will milady.” Sorn said helping Kagome onto AhUn. “Let’s go Kirara.” Sango said Shippou and Miroku riding with her. “Hmm lets go save Sesshomaru and Inuyasha AhUn!” Kagome said whipping the reins on the dragon following her friends to the battlefield. “Please don’t let us be too late.” Kagome prayed aloud to herself. She knew they were probably already too late as it is.
“There’s no way in Keizou!” A soldier yelled out of breath from trying to push down the gate. “Damn it to hell.” Keizou said. “INUYASHA!” “SESSHOMARU!” “LOOK UP!” Came four voices in unison. “Huh? What the hell is she doing she’s going to fall of that dragon!” Sesshomaru said worried about Kagome who was standing on the dragon trying to balance herself. “KEIZOU HEADS UP!” Inuyasha yelled when Sango throwing the Hiraikotsu and Kagome firing the sacred arrow towards the castle gates. ‘Please hit.’ Kagome prayed when the wind blew and knocked her off the dragon. “CRAP! Stay here Inuyasha!” Sesshomaru yelled running towards a falling and screaming Kagome. “SESSHIE!” Kagome screamed about to hit the ground when Sesshomaru caught her. “Arigato Sesshomaru-San.” Kagome said a little shook up. She looked up to receive a glare from him. “Gomen ne sai Sesshomaru-San.” Kagome said laughing sarcastically. “It’s okay now let’s go and finish this.” Sesshomaru said the two running to catch up with the army.
Inside the two were separated. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and her other friends were up front with Keizou while Kagome was in the right hand corner. Kagome latched her bow ‘n’ arrows to her back pulling out her sword. ‘Something isn’t right here.’ She told herself her eyes darting from one corner to another making sure she wasn’t caught off guard. “Inuyasha, where is Kagome? Naraku is out on the battlefield. I believe he is waiting for her to get off guard.” Sesshomaru said. “She’s somewhere in the back I believe.” Inuyasha said looking for her but couldn’t since she was so short compared to the demon soldiers.
Kagome stood her ground concentrating on every false sound and false movement. ‘Where is Naraku?’ She asked herself beginning to freak out. “Huh? SESSHIE!” Kagome screamed dodging Narakus’ sword falling to the ground in the process. “IT’S NARAKU!” A soldier yelled. Sesshomaru looked back in horror to see Naraku raise his sword to kill Kagome. Sesshomaru ran in front of Kagome being stabbed through the heart instead of it being Kagome getting stabbed.
Kagome watched Sesshomaru fall to the ground. “No Sesshie. Sesshie?” Kagome held him close tears falling down her cheeks rapidly. “SESSHOMARU!!!” She screamed in agony and towards the one she loved and for hate towards the one who caused it. Keizou, Inuyasha and everyone else on the battlefield stopped and fell silent when they sensed Sesshomarus life slip away. “You promised we’ll return together and raise a family. I need you, I can’t do this alone. I’m not strong enough Sesshomaru.” Kagome said as everyone began to fight again.
Koga and Sorn soon joined when it was only Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Shippou, Inuyasha and Keizou left. “YOU DIE HERE NARAKU!” Inuyasha yelled Tetsaiga in hand. “DIE INUYASHA!” Naraku yelled sending Inuyasha into a wall living a gash in his left cheek. Kagome looked at Inuyasha she didn’t want to lose another loved one. So she climbed onto the roof of the castle tears falling down her cheeks silently. “I will avenge Sesshomarus death. I will not let Naraku kill anymore people.’ Kagome told herself pulling the arrow back on the bow. “HEY NARAKU SEND THIS TO HELL WHY DON’T YA?!” Kagome yelled firing the sacred arrow. “INUYASHA USE WIND SCAR NOW!” Koga yelled. “Right when the wind that collides with the dark energy and creates a fissure…WIND SCAR!” Inuyasha yelled releasing Tetsaigas ultimate attach the tow attaches hitting Naraku directly. Miroku using the wind tunnel to suck up his remains the wind tunnel disappearing soon after.
At the bas Kagome sat in the base holding Tensaiga and Tokijin. ‘It’s all my fault. All because you protected me you end up getting killed. Gomen ne sai…’ “GOMEN NE SAI SESSHOMARU-SAMA! I will carry these swords where ever I go to remind me the damage I had done that caused you to get killed.” Kagome cried tears falling onto the swords. “Milady Kagome it is time to leave.” Sorn said walking into the tent. Kagome followed Sorn and the two left for the castle. Couple days later she was to marry Shinjitsai-Sama in three years. Two years later Rin married Sangos freed brother Kohaku.
: End Flashback
“Three more days until my second son is born.” Kagome told herself entering the castle gates. “In a year I am to marry Shinjitsai-Sama. Oh Kamei help me I cannot do this I don’t love him I love Sesshomaru-Sama. Please form a miracle to bring him back to me somehow.” Kagome prayed as she entered the castle to receive a hug from her first son Kino. After she let Kino play in the backyard gardens with Jaken. Kagome looked up to the sky and let tears fall down her cheeks crying once again blaming herself.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 07.10.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1.4K | Visits: 189 | Status: Completed
Chapter Four- Flashback Part Two
The next morning Sesshomaru and the other soldiers ready for battle then marched on toward Naraku's castle for one last battle. Kagome watched with Sorn and Koga, who were standing behind her, she knew she had to help somehow. Once the army was out of sight she ran into the tent and cried into the tent bed knowing that if she didn't help Sesshomaru would die. `I'm going fight at sundown. It'll take that long for me to get ready and train. Kagome ran out and talked it over with Sorn and Koga who agreed with her plan. Koga trained Kagome on hand and hand combat and speed. Sorn trained Kagome on the sword and concentration.
As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru marched they marched as brothers instead of being enemies. They both knew if neither of them lived Kagome will surely die of depression. “We're here, you ready honyou?” Sesshomaru teased. “You bet Fluffy.” Inuyasha teased back. “ATTACH!” Keizou yelled all the soldiers trying to break down the castle gate down but to their dismay it wouldn't budge, but they would keep trying. “If only Kagome was here. She would blast the damn thing down.” Inuyasha shouted to Sesshomaru. “I'm thinking about going back to retrieve her if night falls before we are able to break this gate down.” Sesshomaru growled knowing it would be too dangerous to pull out Tokijin.
With Kagome, Koga and Sorn; Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara had just arrived ready for battle. “Be careful okay Kagome?” Koga said hugging her. “I will, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha need our help. You and Sorn stay here with the wounded.” Kagome said. “Cava we will milady.” Sorn said helping Kagome onto AhUn. “Let's go Kirara.” Sango said Shippou and Miroku riding with her. “Hmm lets go save Sesshomaru and Inuyasha AhUn!” Kagome said whipping the reins on the dragon following her friends to the battlefield. “Please don't let us be too late.” Kagome prayed aloud to herself. She knew they were probably already too late as it is.
“There's no way in Keizou!” A soldier yelled out of breath from trying to push down the gate. “Damn it to hell.” Keizou said. “INUYASHA!” “SESSHOMARU!” “LOOK UP!” Came four voices in unison. “Huh? What the hell is she doing she's going to fall of that dragon!” Sesshomaru said worried about Kagome who was standing on the dragon trying to balance herself. “KEIZOU HEADS UP!” Inuyasha yelled when Sango throwing the Hiraikotsu and Kagome firing the sacred arrow towards the castle gates. `Please hit.' Kagome prayed when the wind blew and knocked her off the dragon. “CRAP! Stay here Inuyasha!” Sesshomaru yelled running towards a falling and screaming Kagome. “SESSHIE!” Kagome screamed about to hit the ground when Sesshomaru caught her. “Arigato Sesshomaru-San.” Kagome said a little shook up. She looked up to receive a glare from him. “Gomen ne sai Sesshomaru-San.” Kagome said laughing sarcastically. “It's okay now let's go and finish this.” Sesshomaru said the two running to catch up with the army.
Inside the two were separated. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and her other friends were up front with Keizou while Kagome was in the right hand corner. Kagome latched her bow `n' arrows to her back pulling out her sword. `Something isn't right here.' She told herself her eyes darting from one corner to another making sure she wasn't caught off guard. “Inuyasha, where is Kagome? Naraku is out on the battlefield. I believe he is waiting for her to get off guard.” Sesshomaru said. “She's somewhere in the back I believe.” Inuyasha said looking for her but couldn't since she was so short compared to the demon soldiers.
Kagome stood her ground concentrating on every false sound and false movement. `Where is Naraku?' She asked herself beginning to freak out. “Huh? SESSHIE!” Kagome screamed dodging Narakus' sword falling to the ground in the process. “IT'S NARAKU!” A soldier yelled. Sesshomaru looked back in horror to see Naraku raise his sword to kill Kagome. Sesshomaru ran in front of Kagome being stabbed through the heart instead of it being Kagome getting stabbed.
Kagome watched Sesshomaru fall to the ground. “No Sesshie. Sesshie?” Kagome held him close tears falling down her cheeks rapidly. “SESSHOMARU!!!” She screamed in agony and towards the one she loved and for hate towards the one who caused it. Keizou, Inuyasha and everyone else on the battlefield stopped and fell silent when they sensed Sesshomarus life slip away. “You promised we'll return together and raise a family. I need you, I can't do this alone. I'm not strong enough Sesshomaru.” Kagome said as everyone began to fight again.
Koga and Sorn soon joined when it was only Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Shippou, Inuyasha and Keizou left. “YOU DIE HERE NARAKU!” Inuyasha yelled Tetsaiga in hand. “DIE INUYASHA!” Naraku yelled sending Inuyasha into a wall living a gash in his left cheek. Kagome looked at Inuyasha she didn't want to lose another loved one. So she climbed onto the roof of the castle tears falling down her cheeks silently. “I will avenge Sesshomarus death. I will not let Naraku kill anymore people.' Kagome told herself pulling the arrow back on the bow. “HEY NARAKU SEND THIS TO HELL WHY DON'T YA?!” Kagome yelled firing the sacred arrow. “INUYASHA USE WIND SCAR NOW!” Koga yelled. “Right when the wind that collides with the dark energy and creates a fissure…WIND SCAR!” Inuyasha yelled releasing Tetsaigas ultimate attach the tow attaches hitting Naraku directly. Miroku using the wind tunnel to suck up his remains the wind tunnel disappearing soon after.
At the bas Kagome sat in the base holding Tensaiga and Tokijin. `It's all my fault. All because you protected me you end up getting killed. Gomen ne sai…' “GOMEN NE SAI SESSHOMARU-SAMA! I will carry these swords where ever I go to remind me the damage I had done that caused you to get killed.” Kagome cried tears falling onto the swords. “Milady Kagome it is time to leave.” Sorn said walking into the tent. Kagome followed Sorn and the two left for the castle. Couple days later she was to marry Shinjitsai-Sama in three years. Two years later Rin married Sangos freed brother Kohaku.
: End Flashback
“Three more days until my second son is born.” Kagome told herself entering the castle gates. “In a year I am to marry Shinjitsai-Sama. Oh Kamei help me I cannot do this I don't love him I love Sesshomaru-Sama. Please form a miracle to bring him back to me somehow.” Kagome prayed as she entered the castle to receive a hug from her first son Kino. After she let Kino play in the backyard gardens with Jaken. Kagome looked up to the sky and let tears fall down her cheeks crying once again blaming herself.