InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Vampire Angel ❯ tracking and saving ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thank you Alliecoolgirl for reviewing and Sailor Draca for reviewing again. This is the last chapter I'll be writing for a while because I'm leaving for my vacation tomorrow. I'll be back in about a week and a half. Just a head's up. I've decided I'm only doing Kagome's and my point of view. No Inuyasha. On with the story.
The Vampire Angel
Chapter 4: tracking and saving
As I said before someone is leaving bodies left to rot. So now I'm tracking. I get to the bodies before the police or anyone else does. They all have the same scent on them. Now I need to track down the scent and that is what my tracking room is for.
My tracking room is only lit by candles. It just relaxes me. In there is a map of the city and some stuff that you might see in a science lab. That helps me identify the scent better.
This idiot I'm tracking now is really sloppy. It's like he wants to be caught. He leaves a piece of cloth from his clothes on almost every victim. This should be easy. Should be, but that doesn't mean it is. Since he's killed so many and left them all over the city in random places his scent is everywhere. It's hard to track it down to its source. But I will, I have to.
Miroku came up to Inuyasha in the newspaper building.
“Inuyasha, are you sure this is such a good idea? This psycho seems worse than the others. I'm seriously worried about this one, man.” Says Miroku.
“I've done things like this dozens of times. Why should this time be any different? Don't try to stop me Miroku. I want this story.”
“that's what I'm worried about. You do this all the time. You're gonna get yourself killed one day.”
“well, you can worry all you want cause I'm going tonight.”
“what? You mean you know where he is now?”
“duh, why else would I be going?”
“couldn't you just do less dangerous assignments? It wouldn't kill you to try.”
“it'd kill me inside. I live for this stuff Miroku. Don't make me stop.”
“all right. you got the guys name?”
“yep, right here.” Inuyasha says as he pulls out a file.
“ `Victor Sentry, age: 27, crime: put in jail at the age of 17 for killing women mercilessly.' (shudders) that's sounds bad, man.”
“I know. Won't it be exciting?” Miroku looks at him as if he's disappointed.
“ just be careful, alright?”
“yeah, yeah. I will” Inuyasha says as he packs up his stuff, puts on his jacket and leaves.
I found the scent and tracked him down. Now I recognize what it is. That human, Victor Sentry. He came to me 10 and a half years ago. He wanted to become a vampire. He knew they existed. I wouldn't let that happen. I knew he had a bad soul and an eternal Victor is not something I, or anyone else, would want. He was outraged by my decision. So he became his own kind of vampire. He killed women just like he does now. Sucking their blood dry. That is a disgusting thing for a human to do. Then he got caught and put in jail for 10 years. Now he's out. What idiot would let him out is beyond me.
Now I need to kill him. Not just wound him this time. He knows what I am, well half of what I am. I can't let him expose me or any other vampire.
I dress in my tracking outfit. It's all dark clothes. I have black boots that are easy to run in. I wear cargo shorts. I wear a backless dark top. I need to wear a backless top because I use my wings when I hunt. So I always have a backless shirt on in case I need to use my wings. I'd hate to have to rip my shirts all the time. I have a strap on my upper left arm. It holds my dagger. My sword is wrapped around my left thigh. Sometimes I have my sword strapped to my back.
I make sure my weapons and tracking gear is secure. Then I take off my balcony in search of Victor Sentry.
Inuyasha did it again. He went to get the story on Victor and now he has wounds. He's got a cut over his eye flowing. A deep gash in his stomach. One along his back. Will he ever learn? No he won't. he found him with a kill drinking blood. He tried to go unnoticed but wasn't successful.
Victor found out he was there and came after him. Even though Inuyasha is a half-demon he wasn't expecting Victor to notice him. And Victor is a complete psycho. So Inuyasha isn't doing so well now.
Victor got in another blow, which bashed Inuyasha's head into a tree. Inuyasha blacked out.
I saw him and I saw Inuyasha. Idiot. I told him not to do it. but did he listen? Nope. I fly closer. I just saw Inuyasha pass out. Victor was just about to kill him. Not on my watch. I swoop down and crash into him. I have him pinned in the dirt.
“you!” he shouts. Then he laughs.
“you haven't changed much, have you?”
“shut up. I'm not letting you harm another person. I should have killed you ten years ago and now innocent people are paying for it.” I say in a menacing voice.
“well that was your mistake” he says and then throws dirt in my face.
“aah” I yell and rub my eyes which releases him. When my eyes open they're bright blue.
“I'm gonna have fun killing you.” He says.
“not if I kill you first.” I say as I get up.
“I'm harder to kill than you are. You should just give up now.” I tell him.
“not a chance. I'm gonna show you what you missed out on when you didn't make me a vampire.” I charge at him. I have him by the throat.
“I don't think I missed much.” I say. Then I hear Inuyasha start to wake up. I bring my wings into my back.
“oh…(cough)…you haven't told him…(gag)… what you are? I can change that.”
“not if your dead your not.” I say then I break his neck killing him, less blood, less evidence. Finally. My eyes fade back into a chocolate brown.
I walk over to Inuyasha who's a little groggy from passing out. I think he may have a concussion. I crouch down in front of him.
“you” he says weakly.
“I won't hurt you. Come on.” I hold out my hand to him. Whoa, major déjà vu. He takes my hand with a shaky hand. I help him stand up. He passes out in my arms.
I set him down as I erase the evidence of Victor and his victim. Then I fly him home.
Inuyasha woke up in his apartment. He found a wet rag on his forehead and he was bandaged up. He heard water running from his kitchen. He tried sitting up but it gave him a headache. Oh great. Another concussion. Then the girl walked in. the girl that came by the office trying to talk him out of the story.
She was dressed in dark clothes. She was carrying a first aid kit and a glass of water. How did she get here? How did I get here? She sat next to him on the bed and handed him the water.
“here” she said in flat voice. Then she got out pills from the first aid kit. Aspirin. She gave them to him.
“how did you get into my apartment? Better yet, how do you know where I live?” she got an amused expression on her face.
“I have my ways” was all she said. This just confused Inuyasha and made his head hurt more. He closed his eyes tight and breathed.
“take the aspirin.” She said. He took it with his eyes still closed. Then he opened them to find she was still there.
“you saved me.” He said. She cocked her head then nodded.
“I told you.” She says.
“what'd you tell me?”
“I told you not to do the story, but you couldn't resist, could you?” then she laughs. She has a nice laugh. Inuyasha found himself laughing along with her.
“that's just the way I am. I can't resist something dangerous.” He says.
“so I've noticed. You have a concussion. Did you know that?” she says.
“yeah, I've had one before.” He says. I know. Thinks Kagome.
“well maybe you should listen to me next time. Try to stay out of trouble.” She says then leaves his apartment.
“weird.” Inuyasha says out loud.
that night Inuyasha had the dream/memory again. Only this time the girl that saved him came up clear. It was Kagome.
He woke up the same way with Kikyo worried about him, more than usual. She knew what happened today.
“you were talking in your sleep.” she says.
“what did I say?” her mouth forms into a scowl.
“well, that's logical. I mean, she did save your life today. I heard its what she does.”
“yeah?” really? She does stuff like that all the time? And she says I'm drawn to danger.
“let's just go back to sleep.” Kikyo asks.
“ok.” Inuyasha goes back to sleep and has the dream again.
all right. chapter's done. Gonna miss you guys. Be back in a week. I hope. We'll see. Until next time.