InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The worth of a friend ❯ Masamitsuya, we meet at last! ( Chapter 15 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The worth of a friend
A/N: I apologise immensely for the long wait for this chapter, but life has a way of turning a persons world upside down, and totally fucking mine up! But anyway, for all you die hard fans of mine out there, which I can probably count on one hand now hehehe, here you are. Enjoy!
I don't own no Inu's, and this chappie will be rated Y for language.
Chapter 15
“Oh my God!” Hoshiko gasped out loud as she looked around her at the dried up dead bodies that still lay where they fell. The air smelled of musty snakes and was so heavy with it she had to use her hair to help get past the awful stench.
“They've all been drained, just like the last two villages we've come across.” Miroku whispered in a sad, angry way as he knelt over the closest body too him and prayed.
“It seems whatever newest spawn Naraku has sent our way is one step ahead of us, and is leading us all on a goose chase.” Sesshoumaru commented as he walked past his still shocked mate. Seeing her looking down at the small body of a child and feeling her grief through their bond he took her gently by the arm and steered her out of the village, the others not needing prodding to follow as they filed out.
On the road again they stopped for a break by a fast flowing river after five more hours of countless walking. The air was thick with tension that had the group on edge, waiting for this new enemy to attack.
“If what the survivors say is true about this creature then we can expect to be in for one hell of a fight.” Inuyasha growled, pulling his mate closer into his body and wrapping his arms around her. The grisly finds of the past few days had shook even him.
“Yes, a creature than can control both the light and darkness, concealing its form from view.” Miroku added as he squeezed Sango's hand after it slid into his own. “Yet I do not feel any of its lingering presence from the villages it has attacked.”
Growling together the two Inu brothers looked to the slowly fading sky above them, their paces increasing as they hurried the rest of the pack along. Travelling for the better part of an hour in muted silence they all came across an open space amongst the edge of the forest they were walking along, and seeing the ring of scorched rocks surrounded by fallen logs they all decided to make camp for the night there.
“Keh, just let that bastard try anything!” Inuyasha growled lowly as the others set up camp and got a fire going, his eyes trained on the setting sun.
“Well, there's no water source nearby, so a baths out of the question.” Sango informed when she came back with Miroku from gathering wood.
“No one will leave camp. It is best if we all stayed in sight.” Sesshoumaru ordered gruffly while he watched Shippo and Rin snuggle next to Ah-Un, Jaken sat not too far from them.
Nothing much was said after that as the ramen was passed around, and while the children slept the adults all sat up awake, listening to the sounds of the night around them, refusing to go to sleep least the creature they were after attacked them.
Unknown to the wide awake campers a pair of bottomless black eyes glowed with an unholy light from the darkness of the forest, its mouth dropping open slightly to let its long, pointed tongue slither out and lick its lips.
Soon my friends…soon I shall feast on your very souls.
(A/N: You know, its taking me days just to type up this chapter, but I'm determined to finish this story, since I have another one half written up and ready to post. I promised myself I wouldn't upload it to Mmorg until this was put to rest. So you guys just pray that I do finish it, and soon!)
Groaning and stifling yawns the Inu taichi were back on the road again early the next day, the only ones talking without a care were Rin and Shippo as they sat on Ah-Un's back while she plodded along in the middle of the group, Jaken holding her reins as he walked in front, his large yellow eyes darting around for any sign of trouble.
“I think we're coming up to a fishing village.” Inuyasha commented from the front where he walked with his mate. “The good thing is I can't smell any human deaths, so I guess the beast hasn't attacked it yet.”
The humans in the group all sighed silently in relief to themselves, glad that they wouldn't be coming across any more dried up bodies this time round. Half an hour more of walking at the steady pace they were at they came upon the lively and busy village after they crested a hill. Looking down they could all see that is was indeed untouched by the hands of death where it laid nestled on one side of the shore of a huge lake. The rest of it was surrounded by huge trees and further in the distance they could all see the outline of a mountain. Getting closer to the outskirts they first came across a group of young men as they were unloading carts of other produce, the males stopping briefly in their work to look worriedly at the demons in the newcomers before going about their business again.
“They don't seem as fearful as other villages we've come across.” Kagome wondered out loud as they all walked down the main thoroughfare.
“This village is in the band of trading ones that serve both humans and demons alike. If we do not cause a fuss then they will not have cause to fear us.” Sesshoumaru informed off handily before separating from the rest of the group. “Everyone stay together, this Sesshoumaru will speak with the headman of this village.”
Before anyone could comment or make any reply the taiyoukai had already strolled off up another path, leaving the rest in the middle of the village.
“Well, I say we use this time to gather anything we may need.” Miroku broke the long silence between them. Nodding in agreement the others followed the monk as he headed for the first group of traders and started the long process of bartering.
“Well my lord, as you can plainly see, this beast you and your pack are tracking has not befallen my village.” The headman replied after listening to the taiyoukai's tale. From his seat across from the demon lord the elder could see plainly that Sesshoumaru was not pleased. “What are you not telling me my lord?”
Quirking an eyebrow at the human sat in front of him Sesshoumaru felt a grudging of admiration for the man, before he pushed it aside. “This Sesshoumaru believes that the beast has been deliberately steering my pack in this direction, for what purposes I do not know. But know this headman; if this Sesshoumaru finds out you are lying than the consequences will be very dire. Understand?”
Looking the demon lord in the eyes the headman could see that he meant every word. “I assure you my lord, that what I say is truth. But if you wish to stay here then I suggest you take residence in some abandoned huts further round the lake. If this beast is truly after you then I do not wish my village to be involved.”
Seeing that the meeting between them was over Sesshoumaru simple gave a small nod of his head before rising gracefully to his feet and leaving as quickly as he came. Once he was outside again the taiyoukai could see the rest of his group bartering with the traders. Looking over them his golden gaze fell upon his pink haired mate, who was sat on a wooden bench with his brothers wench while they talked and watched the kit and his ward play with a group of the village children. Just as he was about to rejoin the others his sensitive ears picked up the terrified screams of a child and its mother coming from the shore of the lake. He didn't have to look at Inuyasha to know the hanyou had heard it too and quickly bounded off in its direction.
“Oh god, oh god!” A frantic woman wailed as she dragged a wailing child behind her. She only stopped when she fell to her knees at the two Inu's feet.
“Woman, calm yourself and explain!” Sesshoumaru rumbled quietly so as not to spook her further.
Gasping for breath and pulling her son closer to her the woman stuttered out what she had seen. “I was busy doing the laundry down by the lake side when my boy suddenly pointed to a small boat floating in the water not far from us. I looked and as it drifted closer I could see that inside was the remains of a dried up man. It was…it was…my…husband…” At this the woman started to cry uncontrollably, and seeing they were going to get no more information from her the two Inu's left the woman and child to the villages as they ran down to the lake shore. Sure enough there not a mere foot from the bank was a small fishing boat, and when Inuyasha went to drag it to shore he cursed at the remains of the old man inside.
“It looks like the beast attacked him from behind.” Inuyasha commented before stepping aside to let the village men tend to the dead fisherman.
“Gather the rest of the pack Inuyasha, and anything else we shall need.” Sesshoumaru growled low, his beast raging inside him at the cat and mouse game their enemy was playing with them. Not long later they were all together again and strolling through the forest towards the empty huts the headman had let them use. Sure enough they came across four small huts and an open barn that were set back from the shore in a small alcove. Two more small boats were moored on the bank while a net of still alive fish laid between them.
“It looks like the fisherman had stopped here when he was attacked.” Miroku commented as he looked closely at the landed fish. “By how frisky the fish are I'd say it was not that long ago. Mere minutes I'd guess.”
Frowning the others all looked at one another, and then in the direction where the dead mans boat had gone. Just as they were about to comment on that they all cried out when a bright light engulfed the surrounding area, causing them all to move closer together as they shielded their eyes from the harsh light. Out of all the light came a cackling laugh that made the hairs on their bodies stand on end.
“So good of you all to come.” Masamitsuya chuckled darkly as he strolled around the group. He bared his teeth though when he saw the girl, Hoshiko, was following his movements even though her eyes were closed.
Naraku…the girl…she can sense me.
Then kill her quickly. But bring her body to me.
Grunting in reply Masamitsuya was just about to launch his first attack when he found himself with the tip of Tokijin digging into his throat. Feeling the sweat break out on his brow the newest incarnation looked up and stifled his gasp of fright and surprise, as even though his harsh light had incapacitated the others the great taiyoukai was glaring down at him with scarlet eyes and elongated fangs bared in a menacing snarl. Chancing another glance behind him he could see Hoshiko was stood at his back and too the side, her moon blade drawn and glowing brighter than his own unholy light. His black eyes widened further though when he realised that his light was being dispelled by the girls weapon, freeing her pack mates from his clutches.
“What a hideous being you are.” Hoshiko broke the long silence between them, her once warm brown eyes turning icy with her anger towards the creature before her. All Sesshoumaru could do was growl in anger as he pressed harder with his sword.
Masamitsuya could only bare his teeth in his rage as he tried to back away, only to have Sesshoumaru follow his moves and dig the point of his blade further into his throat. Knowing his next move was going to hurt but not having any other options the incarnation swiftly battered Tokijin away, the tip slicing his throat open with the move as he jumped backwards to a safer distance. Clutching his slowly healing wound with one hand he cracked the knuckles of the other as his black claws grew, preparing to fight the enraged pair in front of him. A quick glance around confirmed that the rest of the pack was back to normal, and while the none fighters rushed away to take cover the rest readied their weapons but stayed back, waiting for their chance to strike.
“You think I, Masamitsuya, will fall to the likes of you! Ha! I do not need my powers of the light and darkness to destroy you all.” He managed to hiss out, before darting in for his first kill. Hoshiko.
Seeing that the beast was heading straight for her Hoshiko grinned sardonically at him as she watched the slow descent of his claws to her person. Sensing that Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were closing in to intervene she quickly brought up her moon blade to stop the attack. As soon as Masamitsuya's claws had touched her weapon he gave a pitiful yowl of pain before he suddenly found himself on the defensive, dodging slashes from the blades of both Tokijin and Tetsusaiga as he clutched his smouldering hand, his bleeding slit throat already healed.
Jumping into the fray when the beast managed to put some distance between him and the Inu brothers he found himself facing off against Hoshiko again, who swiftly got in a jab with her weapon making him screech in pain again as her pure light got into his blood.
Master…help me… Masamitsuya pleaded silently as he realised he was now surrounded by his enemy.
I thought you would be strong enough to at least kill some of them. Perhaps you have grown weak with your greed of drink from the humans you have devoured upon. No matter, I will soon correct my mistake. Naraku seethed silently back before the link died between them.
Just as the others were about to move in for the final kill the skies above them darkened, and out of the blackness hundreds of lower demons flew down to intercept the Inu taichi, distracting them and letting Naraku appear behind his incarnation. Shooting out his tentacles the dark hanyou pulled the compliant Masamitsuya towards him while watching his enemies quickly dispatch his hordes.
“Come Masamitsuya, it is time to return to my flesh and grow strong again.”
Hearing the familiar voice drifting past his ears like a bad dream Inuyasha obliterated the demon horde in front of him with the wind scar before turning his attention towards the dark hanyou that had snuck into their midst, just in time to watch him reabsorb his latest incarnation; Masamitsuya.
“Naraku…you BASTARD!” Inuyasha roared before launching himself in his hated enemies direction. He growled though when he was pushed back by Naraku's barrier. Before he could ready his red Tetsusaiga Naraku had already shot out numerous tentacles from his person in his direction, pushing Inuyasha into a defensive position as he started to slice and dice.
Leaving the rest of the group to finish off what remained of the distraction Sesshoumaru aided his brother with the disposal of Naraku's tentacles, giving the younger Inu the chance to hit the dark hanyou with his barrier dispeller. Yelling out his attack he quickly obliterated his target, leaving Naraku wide open for Sesshoumaru to attack with Tokijin. As the blue lightning of his dragon strike struck Naraku it was joined by the silver light from his mates sword, and the pink miko powers of Kagome's sacred arrow. As Naraku was engulfed by the three combined attacks Inuyasha readied his own Adamant Barrack, and with a mighty swing he unleashed it at the struggling dark hanyou.
Seeing her chance Kagome notched up another sacred arrow and took careful aim at the tainted jewel that she could see shining darkly within his body. Letting it fly as the combined attacks slowly ripped Naraku apart the arrow hit its mark dead on, lodging within the sacred jewel and expelling it out of the monsters back, where it then split and scattered yet again. Seeing his chance once the shards had scattered safely and that Naraku was still being ripped to pieces Miroku unleashed his wind tunnel on his nemesis, the giver of his curse, and sucked up his partly obliterated form. With a mighty roar of fear and pain the dark hanyou was defeated, sealing the monks wind tunnel as the last piece of him disappeared from sight.
Looking around a the stunned group of warriors that sat and stood about Hoshiko moved closer to her mates side, her hand silently seeking his and gripping it tightly as the weight of their situation finally sunk in; Naraku was finally dead.
Before they could rejoice however the wind picked up around them and a certain wind witch dropped from the sky amongst them, with a grim look upon her otherwise happy face.
“Kagura, to what pleasure do we owe this visit?” Sesshoumaru growled in warning, unconsciously pushing his mate behind him from view and harm. “I hope not to avenge your former masters demise.”
Snorting in contempt at the mention of the vile hanyou's name Kagura spat on the ground in disgust. “Please, do not insult me my lord. I have not come all the way here for that I assure you.” Glancing at the others as she watched the monk and demon slayer embrace the kazi scowled and added. “I would not celebrate too soon if I were you. Even though Naraku himself is dead his heart still lives.”
In a blur of speed Sesshoumaru had the witch by the throat, his claws pricking the skin on her neck in warning as he glared down at her with red rimmed eyes. “What is the meaning of this? What plot has he hatched now? Is his death but a false one? Be very careful what you say bitch, or this Sesshoumaru will end your life right here and now.”
Gasping for air Kagura glared at the Inu as he released her but still towered menacingly over her. “His death is real. Somehow Naraku's heart has permanently detached itself from him, mind, body, and soul, which is why the bastard perished. If he had known this then the imbecile would not have come for his recent incarnate. Now the baby has disappeared, along with my sister Kanna.”
“What about Kohaku?” Sango asked with unshed tears in her eyes. At the mention of the young boys name all present wondered what had become of him.
“The boy is safe. I took the precaution of hiding him away. No this; I do not wish to be your enemy any more than you do. Since I reclaimed my heart I can do as I please. The only wish I have now is to rescue Kanna and live.” Kagura implored, before shocking everyone present by going to one knee in a sign of submission. “Please, please help me.”
Glaring down at the grovelling woman Sesshoumaru grunted in reply when he smelt no deceit in her scent before turning and walking towards his mate, dismissing Kagura entirely. “We will return to the miko's village and meet up with the wolf and his pack. Wind witch, you will bring the boy with you and meet us there. Is that understood?”
Sighing silently to herself that they were helping her Kagura slowly stood and quickly replied she would, before pulling a feather out of her hair and taking flight.
Now alone again the Inu taichi quickly searched the area when Kagome and Hoshiko both informed there were a few jewel shards nearby, and an hour later of searching they were gathered round the two girls from the future as they looked at the five new shards in their possession. Seeing that night was nearly upon them they all quickly picked a hut, then once supper was done and eaten they all retired for an early nights sleep.
A/N: Oh My God! Now that's a twist to the story. I was gonna just end it there without Kagura turning up, but then I thought about all the loose ends that the story would bring up and thought `what the hell, I'll keep going'. Besides, I haven't really done much on Miroku or Sango. So I think I'll dedicate the first part of the next chapter souly to them. How's that! Enjoy, and RnR plz!