InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The worth of a friend ❯ Naraku's newest detachment! ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The worth of a friend
A/N: I'm starting to get on top of this story now, and I've got other ideas written out in draft and waiting to start. I don't know how many more chapters there are left till I finish, but I'm hoping not too many. Wish me luck!
Masamitsuya - means become light and night.
Chapter 14
Within the confines of his hidden home Naraku sweated and plotted, his body withering in an odd mix of pleasure and pain as the many youkai buried within him vied for their freedom. With a growl that escalated into a roar he expelled a throbbing mass of wet flesh from his chest, the energy in pushing it out momentarily leaving him drained and slumped on the cold stone floor of the cellar he was currently hiding away in.
At last, all the planning and preparations are now complete.
Getting slowly to his feet the dark hanyou looked expectantly down at the pulsing mass before him, a smirk broadening on his face as a translucent arm thrust itself into the air, its pale claws dripping with blood and other clearer liquids as another arm joined the first.
Raising his arms out in greeting Naraku chuckled and raised his dark energy, letting his newest creation know who the master was as the rest of its near see through body immerged from its cocoon.
“Come Masamitsuya, arise and join me, your master, in killing all my enemies.”
Coming up to just his chin in his full height Naraku's newest creature was an oddity from his past siblings. With his extremely pale skin that showed its veins and muscle underneath and black eyes it even made Naraku silently shudder to himself when he gazed into those bottomless depths that were surrounded by short locks of grey hair.
Yes…you will do nicely Masamitsuya. With the unique abilities of controlling the darkness that I gleaned from Mikal combined with your own over the light, you will be a most formidable foe indeed.
Smirking back at Naraku his newest spawn slipped to one knee in respect, all feelings and tracings of any double-crossing having been exterminated from his form long before he was born.
“I do as you command my lord.” Masamitsuya rumbled in a dark silky voice, his black eyes never leaving Naraku's face.
Smirking broader in triumph the dark hanyou nodded once then turned and left, not bothering to look back to see that his creation was following him or not, as deep down he knew without a doubt that Masamitsuya would follow him to hell if need be.
Yes, you will do very nicely. The others will not know what hit them.
“Right, we're going this way!” Inuyasha barked out as he started off in the direction he had just pointed to, but swiftly stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder at the other Inu in his pack.
“As always little brother your sense of direction is severely lacking.” Sesshoumaru drawled out as one corner of his mouth twitch ever so minutely.
Crossing his arms Inuyasha turned round and gave his brother his full attention. “Keh, and what's that supposed to mean?”
“It means if you had been paying attention and keeping track Inuyasha then you would remember that is the direction we came from last time.” Sesshoumaru added, and before the hanyou could bark back a retort he turned to the north and headed out, the rest of the pack following shortly after.
Spluttering silently as he watched the others head off, along with his own mate might he add who turned round with an expectant look on her face, Inuyasha barked out another `Keh' before leaping to where Kagome stood waiting on the rise of a hill. Letting her take his hand the pair trotted at a leisurely pace at the back of the Inu-taichi, their eyes smiling as they watched Hoshiko talking enthusiastically with Sango about her up coming wedding.
Tuning the conversations going on behind him Sesshoumaru kept his gaze fixed ahead of him and on the horizon, his youkai telling him something far ahead was amiss and trouble was brewing.
What plot have you hatched for us this time Naraku? Another old enemy resurrected? Or perhaps a new creation, born of your flesh? Hmph! Why do you keep playing these childish games? I'm starting to believe that you are weaker than you make us believe you are, and have thus far have been extremely lucky in past fights. You are a coward Naraku, and I will take great pleasure in decimating you from existence.
Feeling something brush against the back of his right hand his nose swiftly picked up the innocent flowery scent of Rin as she again tried to take a hold of his large fingers in her small warm hand. Chancing a glance behind him at the others he could see his mate still talking with the taijin and now his brother's mate as well, with the kit and neko held in their arms while the hanyou and the monk walked together in comfortable silence at the back of the caravan.
“What is it Rin?” Sesshoumaru spoke loud enough for just her to hear, making no move to stop her hand as it finally grabbed hold of his larger one. Feeling glad that he had sent Jaken with Ah Un back to the castle for more supplies he waited patiently for the child to speak.
“Rin is scared M'lord.” She started and moved closer to his side, the long sleeve of his kimono literally covering her head from view. “Rin has been having bad dreams lately, of you and everyone else dieing and not coming back. Rin does not want her lord to die.”
Squeezing her hand gently within his own in silent comfort the taiyoukai sighed quietly to himself as he again looked towards the horizon and the slowly setting sun.
“Rin, this Sesshoumaru has no intention of dieing…or leaving you behind.” Looking down into the child's hope filled face he graced her with a very small rare smile, the action of which caused her face to light up with one of her own before she quickly hugged his leg, whispering something only he could possibly hear before dashing off to join the ladies behind him.
“Rin has faith in you…Papa!”
Feeling that sharp pleasant sensation in his chest again at the words that he felt when he was with Hoshiko Sesshoumaru suddenly realised that this is what it felt like to finally have someone to protect and love.
Remembering again the old words his father asked him before leaving him for the finally time Sesshoumaru looked up into the sky as a flock of birds past over head, his spirits lifted and soaring with the winged creatures as he smiled again to himself.
Yes father, I do have someone to protect. And the power to do so.
Standing in the middle of a once bustling village Masamitsuya let the dried out husk that was once a human body fall to the ground at his feet. Licking his lips he looked up at the cloud filled night sky and took a deep breath of air as his body sang with the fullness of all that he had eaten since he had came upon the village and attacked over an hour ago.
I can smell them all on the wind. The master's enemies are not that far away.
Patting his full belly Masamitsuya turned on his heal and headed back into the forest, not exactly going straight in the direction his foes scent was coming from, but veering to the left by a few miles instead.
Let them see what I have done, and tremble at all the possibilities too. I will let them stew for a while before sucking them dry.
Out on the open road again the Inu-taichi found themselves standing to one side as another band of travelling humans came down the road from the opposite direction. Looking at the weary and frightened souls as they passed them and gave brief worried glances at the demons in the group Miroku managed to stop a middle aged man on horse back that was trotting along, making sure that no stragglers were left behind. After only a few minutes of conversation the monk thanked the man and let him catch up with the rest of his group before returning to his own.
“What's got them so scared Miroku?” Shippo asked in a frightened voice as he clung tightly to Kagome's shoulder.
Wiping the sweat from his brow Miroku frowned and looked from each person in the group before telling what he'd learned. “There have been reports of a monster attacking villages in the north, only leaving the dried out remains of its victims behind. No one knows what the creature looks like, as it comes and goes with the darkness. But their more afraid of its daylight attacks. The survivors say that all they could see of it was a big ball of light, like the sun had come down from the sky. It is most puzzling.”
“It is obvious that this creature is one of Naraku's kin.” Sesshoumaru began, his gaze fixed up the road from the direction the humans had come from. “Even from here his stench is recognisable.”
“Looks like we got another scumbag to put out of his misery. Come on, let's go.” Inuyasha grumbled before continuing on the path they were walking on.
As the others moved to follow Miroku looked back once at the small dust clouds that signalled the passage of the travellers they had met. With a weary sigh he turned round and caught up to the others, Sango hanging back to wait for him so they could walk together.
“You seem disturbed Miroku. What is it?” Sango voiced softly, and in an urge to comfort him she reached out and snatched his un-cursed hand, holding it tightly within her own.
Feeling the warmth coming from the simple act the monk managed a small smile and turned his head slightly to look at her. “When will that beast stop sending his spawn after us Sango, and show himself. It's like he's afraid to fight us face to face.”
“You should know the workings of Naraku by now. He always likes to go out of his way to make others suffer.”
Chuckling humourlessly Miroku tugged her hand, and when she was close enough he wrapped his arm around her waist, his hand for once not straying to her bottom.
“I'm getting tired of this cat and mouse game my love. I really wish for it to end…in the happiest way possible.”
Smiling at him with shimmering eyes Sango dared not speak as she felt the familiar tightness in her throat and the sting of tears in her eyes, so going with actions instead she laid her head on his shoulder and put her arm around his own waist, her hand squeezing his side in silent acknowledgement as her gaze drifted to their friends as they walked beside their respective partners.
I echo your prayer my love, and only wish for this madness to end so we can get on with our lives the way we want to live them.
A/N: I know this is another short chappie, but I just wanted to introduce you to my new baddie first, then in the next one I'll get more into him. So what do you think? Oh and thanks Chase65 for your review. RNR!