InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Worthless Child ❯ Story Infomation ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, I was going to incorporate this info in the story later but since I had a complaint ill try and make some things clear

Inuyasha's father died before he was born. Don't care how he died, that's not important. His mom died of something, haven't decided yet, and he was with her when she died. He was 5 at the time. He got transferred around family to family, most of who used him and treated him poorly. I guess they thought he was cute, but found out that he was temperamental and they didn't like that. He met up with Kikyo when he was nine. The boxer adopted him when he was 11. He met up with Kikyo when he was in 9th grade and they went out for 2 years before she died. She died when at the end of 10th grade. Inuyasha started 11th grade at his school, then in middle of school year he switched schools. He now goes to shikon high. So now they are 16, in 11th grade.

Kagome-Kikyo were friends and cousins. They talked often, but Kikyo didn't like to talk about Inuyasha as she was half ashamed that he was youkai. So Kagome knew who he was, his basic personality, but that's really all.

Thanks to all those who reviewed, and now for the responses

InuYashaxBabiexGirl - sorry, I know it's all over the place, but this is my first fic and im trying my best. Some of the info I was gonna give later but oh well. Sigh, is it that hard to believe im a guy?

CoOlChIcK - well that was inu's lowest point. After this it gets better, I promise he wont kill himself. That is about as sad as I get. Ya, I sux at descriptions, that is my beta primary job. He' a guy too, so it makes it kind of difficult. Still quivering from all the weird descriptions.