InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ The Ying Yang Pieces ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little Neko: Konbonwa! 'Tis evening here, I think that means good evening or something like that. correct me if I'm wrong. isn't Ohayo good morning and hello/hi, Konnichiwa is good afternoon and hello/hi, and Konbonwa is good evening.. Owari is goodbye/see ya! I know that one. I am American and I'm trying to do my best and learn Japanese. =^o^= I had this idea from my necklace, it's got a Ying Yang on it and I just thought of it and thought it that it'd make a good story.

Shippou: It's an InuYasha story. and a twist to it, you'll have to find out when you read it. We added Little Neko's character in, she's Sesshomaru's half-sister, and hope you like the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha, though I wish I did. and just so you know. I have Sesshomaru bound and gagged under my bed and Kouga in my closet. heh heh heh.

The Ying and the Yang Souls

Kapital eins

Chapter 1: The Ying Yang pieces


One of darkness, one of light. One of taintedness, one of innocence. They can't live without each other. When the two pieces find another, the holders will be together forever, destined soul mates. Though they don't know it.

She ran through the hallways of a hideout. Not just A hideout, THE hideout of the most notorious vampires of all of them. Accompanying her was her best friends Sango and Kikiyo. What were they doing in a vampire nest? They were just doing their duties as vampire hunters. Kagome was clad in a skintight slaying outfit that was all black with blue linings. Sango's were black and red, while Kikiyo's were downed in a deep midnight blue and turquoise green. Hanging at each of their hips was two daggers, and multiple ones hidden on the insides of theirs uniforms. On Kikiyo's back was a bow and arrow; each arrow made from witch's blade. Sango heaved a giant boomerang and Kagome; a swallow made of witch's blade. By their side was a small cat youkai of fire, tiny yet powerful. "Kilala, watch your back!" Sango warned as they came upon a door. "They must be right ahead. everyone prepared? Alright, let's go!" Kagome ordered and she ripped the Witch's Swallow off her back and sliced the door neatly in half. Kikiyo and Sango hurried into the doorframe; weapons poised and ready to kill.

They looked into a dark empty room. "This isn't right, it's .. empty..?" Sango whispered cautiously. They cautiously walked into the room, wary of everything happening around them. As soon as they entered the room, the door slowly closed and the room was dark. They practically held their breath as they slowly scanned the room. Something darted across the room and Sango gasped and took a step back, only to bump into someone.strong.and sturdy. "Kagome, is that you?" "No, I'm over here." "Kikiyo?" "No, I'm by Kagome, where are you?" "If you're over there? Who's behind me?" Sango slowly turned only to face a young man in his late teens.supposedly.

Kagome stood by Kikiyo, frantically looking for a light of some source. Sango had disappeared and that wasn't good. "Kagome, is that you?" She suddenly heard from Sango. "No, I'm over here." she replied and continued to search for a light. "Kikiyo?" Sango asked and Kikiyo shook her head and said, "No, I'm by Kagome, where are you?" "If you're over there? Who's behind me?" Kagome froze in mid-search when she hear Sango's sentence. "They are here. Kikiyo! .Kikiyo?" Kagome suddenly found herself alone, Kikiyo was gone. Suddenly she heard a sharp scream that belonged to Kikiyo and she whirled around and started to run in the direction of the scream. But she was sharply yanked back into something. or more someone. She turned to face whoever it was and saw .

Kagome screamed as she woke up from her dream, dripping in sweat. 'It was all a dream. thank god!' she thought and hugged herself tight, shivering uncontrollably. She heard someone running up the stair and she froze. The door burst open and her mother ran in and to her daughter. "Kagome what is it? Were you attacked?" she asked questionably. "No, I had a nightmare. it was horrible! Oh mama, it was too much. Sango and Kikiyo disappeared and I couldn't find them. then. then.." Kagome cut off and shivered again. Mrs. Higarashi hugged her daughter soothingly and rubbed her back comfortingly. "Come on, I don't think you're going to get anymore sleep tonight." "Did I wake you?" Kagome asked shivering a little still. "No, I've been up for a couple hours. it's only 5 in the morning." Kagome snorted, "Only 5, that's still too early to be normal." They shared a laugh for a few minutes and then walked downstairs. Mrs. Higarashi walked into the kitchen and started to prepare the breakfast. Kagome helped a bit to keep her mind off her dream. Soon the clock struck 6 and after a few minutes, the rest of the family started to file down the stairs. Souta came first; rubbing his eye's tiredly, with Buyo, the family cat, trailing after. Soon after, Jii-san out from the bedroom down the hall muttering about pesky rouges out rambling around and destroying things.

"That's the forth one I've found on the top of the stairs. Looks the rouge's got to her before she could get to the shrine. poor thing," Jii-san said solemnly and shook his head. "Another one grandpa?" Mrs. Higarashi asked as she placed eggs and bacon on the table and went to fetch the orange juice and milk. Souta bounded up to the table and plopped down in his seat. "It's really sad, wish I could help out but you guys say I'm too young, when can I hunt vamps like Kagome?" "When your next birthday rolls around. in 4 months." Mrs. Higarashi pointed out and set out the milk and orange juice. "Awwwwww, that's 4 months though! Can't I start today?" Souta whined. "I'll think about it, but not today, maybe next week." "ALRIGHT!!" Souta cheered and danced around the table happily. "Okay now, you settle down! Breakfast is on the table, now lets eat." Mrs. Higarashi ordered and everyone took their seat. "Mama. can . Sango, Kikiyo. and I go shopping. after school. today?" Kagome asked between bites. "Just as long as your back before nightfall. okay?" "Okay!" Kagome put her dishes in the sink and ran up the stair to prepare for school. She slipped on her school uniform, socks, shoes, and grabbed her bookbag and ran downstairs. She hugged her mom and jii-san quickly and ruffled Souta's hair then ran out the door.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~

In a shadowy building a few blocks from the High School, sat a young teen. He had silver hair, golden eyes, white doggy ears, sharp fingernail claws, and right now, a peaceful expression on his face as he quietly slept. He was jerked out of his slumber by the entrance of three other teens. Two boys and a girl. The first boy was the older of all three, he had silver hair as well, golden eyes with a natural eye shadow look to them, blood red stripes gracing his face, a red crescent moon upon his forehead, sharp fingernail claws, two stripes right above each wrist, and a fluffy tail hanging off his shoulder. The other boy had black hair pulled into a dragon's tail, brown eyes, and a soft looking nature about him. All three were clad in boy's school uniforms. The girl had shoulder length platinum hair, black cat ears, blue eyes, black stripes on one side of her face, a black crescent moon upon her face, sharp fingernail claws, black hands and feet, and a fluffy black tail that was dragging on the ground at the moment. She was dressed in a girls uniform with a collar and a big bell around her neck. "InuYasha, wake up. We must go to this school. it may help us find the other side of this necklace I have," the elder boy commanded as he held up a part of a Ying Yang necklace. Except the part he had was blood red.

"Why do I have to tag along, what's in it for me Sesshomaru?" InuYasha asked boredly. "You want to know how to master that stupid sword do you not, little brother?" Sesshomaru dully replied. "Lighten up nii-san! You sound so boring when you speak like that," the girl said as she smiled happily. "Krystali, settle down now. don't get too excited. ya gotta wait for me." a mysterious voice interrupted. "Kouga! When did you get here?" Krystali asked as she attacked him in a furious hug. "I got back late last night." he replied. Kouga was dressed as well in the school uniform. He had brown hair tied back in a ponytail, piercing blue eyes, and sharp fingernail claws as well as a cocky disposition to him. Kouga wrapped his arm around Krystali and they walked up to the other three. "You shouldn't spoil her Kouga, she'll get even more difficult than she already is," Sesshomaru informed as he eyed the bell on her neck. "Aww, don't worry bout this little girl. she's just a little baby girl." Kouga replied and picked her up and swung her around. "Kouga! I'm not little! I'm 15 demon years old! That's 45 in human years!" Krystali complained and struggled to get free. "Krystii, that's young girl." Kouga informed and pulled her into a tight hug.

"It's all because of that damn bell. if only we could remove it." InuYasha pondered, reaching up towards the bell. Krystali snarled and snapped at his hand. "And let loose her demonic self on the public, I don't think so. The society isn't ready for a rampaging neko on the loose. They can barely keep up with our activity!" Kouga laughed, light glinting off of a bloody fang. Krystali took the opportunity to get loose and climbed up the rafter. "I thought you smelled like blood, eww nasty. yuck! You had to got feed last night didn't you?" she complained and made a face at Kouga. "Can't help it sweetie, it's part of who we are." Kouga informed. "Glad I'm not a vamp, that's just nasty what you guys do. and I'm glad my blood's poison to vamps. heh heh heh." Krystali chuckled sarcastically. "Well, you'd better be thankful. or I wouldn't have brought you back here to your brothers when I found you! I would of left you their on the ground. practically dead, a demon's blood is very tasty!" Kouga argued back. "Touchy touchy! AND ITS SPRITE, NOT DEMON! GET IT RIGHT!" Krystali yelled. "Whatever." Kouga muttered. "Umm, we're going to be late if you don't stop arguing right away." Sesshomaru pointed out and walked out the door leaving Kouga and Krystali fighting. "Yikes, he's right! See ya later!" Krystali bounded out the door and down the sidewalk after Sesshomaru. Kouga and InuYasha looked at each other and ran after them.

Little Neko: What awaits them at school? You'll have to wait until the next chapter. but that only comes when I get reviews. so push the little grayish purple button at the button that says 'GO'! and leave a review for me! Yay!

Shippou: Do it for me!!! ::pleads::

Little Neko: Yea, do it for Shippou! If I get at least 5 reviews, I'll continue. I might continue even if I don't but do leave a review so I know how I'm doing. Flames will be read, laughed at, and used to burn Naraku's baboon cape/coat. thingie. whatever.
