InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ The Mystery of the Blood Side Ying Yang ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little Neko: Guess who's back!?!?!?!?!?!?! ME!!!!!!!! WHEE!!!!!!!!!! ::runs around psychotically in circles::

Karuamon: ::walks up:: ^.^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; My tamer's gone off the hook! ::sweatdrops:: heh heh heh.

Kokorimon: ::also walks up:: ....... Nani??????

Karuamon: Don't ask.. ::also starts running around psychotically:: YIPPIE!!!!!!

Kokorimon: Nobody has respect for the pride of the twin of a digimon. do they?

Karuamon: Nope. ^o^

Little Neko: ::settles down:: Okay ppl, meet my twin digimon Karuamon and Kokorimon!

Both: ::bow and Karuamon resumes running around psychotically::

Sesshomaru: ::walks in and get hoarded by millions of fan girls:: Ack!

Fangirls: SESSHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sesshomaru: Help me! ::jumps behind Little Neko::

Little Neko: Nope, I'm not a demon shield!!!!!!!

Sesshomaru: Phooey!!!!!!

Little Neko: Anywho, I GOT REVIEWS!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! These are from Thanks to the following reviewers in the reviewers section, they have a special section cause their special! Lol!

Thanks to the reviewers that reviewed:

Sunstar_1217: Yay! Another Kago/Sessy fan! I tried to update fast, here's the next chappie!

Wolf girl111: ^o^ I luv Rom/horrors as well. wait, if I didn't like them, why would I be writing one. oh well. thankies and hope you enjoy the chappie!

Shadow Kat: Did I update fast enough? =^o^= meow!

Lunabelle: Interesting question. okay here I go. For Kagome, I don't think I'll change her toooo much, just a bit to make her seem more for the role.. but still the same Kagome. ^.^. The demon boys, Sesshomaru, InuYasha, and Kouga are both demon and vamp. but the demon they keep secrete. Miroku is Miroku. ^o^ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hope that cleared things up a bit.. and Kikiyo isn't evilish.. Heh heh heh.

Sailor Uranus 21: Thankies! Well, here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

Little Neko: Thanks a bunches! ::huggles all reviewers:: Thankies!

Sesshomaru: 0.0??

Little Neko: Enjoy chapter 2!

The Ying and the Yang Souls

Kapital Zwei

Chapter 2: The Mystery of the Blood Side Ying Yang! (A/N: Long chapter title isn't it?)

Kagome started walking down the sidewalk towards the school, daydreaming all the while no doubt, thinking about the half of a ying yang necklace around her neck. It was pure black and perfectly shaped. She wondered who could have crafted such a masterpiece and lose the other side. She also wondered where the other part of it was, and what color it was. While she was off in La la land, three of her friends came up and knocked her out of her daydream. "Hey Kagome! What are you dreaming about? Is it a guy????" Yuki asked questionably and smirked. "Oh come off it Yuki! Leave Kagome alone! ... SO who is it????????" Eri asked. "What was that you said two seconds ago.." Yuki growled and Eri sweatdropped. Kagome just casually waved and replied, "What makes you think that I'm thinking about a guy?" "The way your walking, how your eyes are all cloudy with emotion, how your smiling kinda to nobody, how you kinda swayed as you walked, how you." "Okay, I get the picture!!!!!!!!! And no I wasn't thinking about a guy Yuki," Kagome remarked the mentally added, 'But I am thinking about the ying yang necklace and the dream.. now that guy was HOT!!!!!!!' "Your doing it again!!!!!!" Eri snapped. "Wha." "Daydreaming again!" "Eh.." "Nevermind, we're going to be late for school! Let's go!" Yuki shouted and ran off towards the school hurriedly. "WAIT FOR US!!!!!!!!!" The rest of them shouted and quickly followed.

As they entered the gate to school, Kagome spotted Kikiyo and Sango afar and ran to them. "Hey Kagome, what's new? Have any news?" Sango asked. "Actually I do, Grandpa said he found another one on the stairs to the shrine. He thinks they may be rouges but he doesn't know. It's strange, the occurrence only happen once every four days. usually they happened almost everyday, with at least three or four victums. wonder whats up." Kagome explained wondering about it. Sango shrugged while Kikiyo pondered on a subject. "Do you think it has anything to do with that new building down the road from the mall? I mean, it just showed up one day and nobody else really notices it. then again, nobody notices anything around here anymore." Kagome's mind snapped right after Kikiyo mentioned the new building. "New building. what does it look like?" Kagome asked eagerly. "Ummm, I heard it's a four story building with no power, very little light, and supposedly its rumored that a demon is occupying it. Sounds suspicious doesn't it? I say we go and check it out after school. What do you say?" Kikiyo announced and punched her hand. "I'm in with it. how about you Kagome?" Sango asked and they both stared at Kagome. "Sure, I'm game! Let's go hunting for blood-suckers!" Kagome cheered and the three of them walked into school.

Sesshomaru stared at the blood red piece of the ying yang, swinging it in front of his face. "Trying to get a job in hyponotism. I say go for it.. then you can hypnotize your victums to obey," Kouga ranted and walked front of Sesshomaru. He snatched the piece and looked at it for a minute and threw it back at Sesshomaru. "Don't see what's so special about it. it's just a piece of rock." "Kouga, do us a favor and shut up!" InuYasha snapped back at Kouga and started walking faster to the school. "Oh shut up muttface. Who made you ringleader around here?" "No one did, it just makes him feel important, so just live with it Kouga-kun." Krystali replied and slowed down to get in step with her brother. "I think the pendent is very pretty, even without the other piece." "Feh, its just a stupid rock!" InuYasha grumbled and walked a bit faster. As they all reached the gate to the school, they overheard a conversation being held by three girls. One with midlength black hair and blue eyes, one with with long black hair and brown eyes, another with long black hair pulled back with a holder and black eyes. They were talking about a building and some demon living in it and that they were going hunting. 'Hunting for what?' Sesshomaru wondered and then heard from the girl with blue eyes, "Let's go hunting for blood- suckers!" That caught three of the fours attention. They slowly eased themselves away from the three hunters and sprinted for the safety of the school. They soon made it to their first hour classes and they happily sat down. "God, who would of thought that hunters would be in school? They just keep training them at younger ages every day don't they?" Kouga shivered as he thought of being beat up by a 10 year old. "What Kouga? Thinking about getting beaten by a 10 year old? Ha, that'll be the day alright." InuYasha laughed and dodged the various items that Kouga decided to chuck at him. Krystali chuckled as she watched InuYasha run around as Kouga fell over things chasing him. Some graceful idiot. About 5 minutes later the bell rang and InuYasha and Kouga finally stopped chasing each other like idiots and sat down and they waited for the rest of the class to get here.

Kagome, Sango, and Kikiyo entered the classroom happily chatting, unaware of the nervous eyes upon them. About 5 minutes after they walked in, the teacher walked in and started the class. "Class," he began, "We have a few transfer students today. They're new in town. Will the new student please come to the front and introduce themselves." Kouga, Sesshomaru, Krystali, and InuYasha all marched up to the front of the room and stared at the class. Since nobody was moving to go first, Krystali stepped up and said, "Ohayo, my name is Krystali! Pleased to meet ya'll! Can I sit down now!!!!!! This is annoying standing up!" Mr. Kazuma knodded and she took her seat. Sesshomaru stepped up and answered in a monotone voice, "I am Sesshomaru," and sat back down without another word. InuYasha and Kouga introduced themselves and sat down in theirs seats. They all wondered what the day of school would have in store for them.

Little Neko: A bit of a cliffhanger but not too much of one. hope you enjoyed!


Little Neko: A little tooooooooooo ecentric I think..

Kokorimon: Ehhhhhhhh.. ::thwacks Karuamon with a mallet::

Karuamon: ACK!!!!!!!! ::falls over and hits the ground::

Little Neko: And a bit of desperate measures there. heh heh heh..

::Enter Sesshomaru::

Sesshomaru: I hate you.

Little Neko: I luv you too!

Sesshomaru: -.-

Karuamon: @.@

Kokorimon: o.o

Little Neko: =^.^=

All: ::anime fall::

Little Neko: Well, that's all, sorry for the late update. I'll try to be faster.

Next Time on: The Ying and The Yang Souls!: Kouga, InuYasha, and Sesshomaru learn the hard knocks of school and the .wonders of it??? And also Kagome, Sango, and Kikiyo check out that new mysterious building. what will happen next? You just gotta read the next chapter!

~*Scene from next chapter*~

"I don't like this at all. it's too quiet.. no building is this quiet. ever." Kagome whispered. The three of them were walking through the first floor cautiously. Suddenly the floor fell out from beneath them and they dropped into the shadowy darkness. "Who's there?!?!" A small childlike voice said out of nowhere. "Who are you!" Kagome yelled into the darkness. "Who are you?" The voice replied. "Kagome Higurashi! One of the best Vampire slayers in town!" Kagome replied. "Really, that's great! I'm in need of a slayer! I'm Shippou, a kitsune. I've been trapped down here for a while now and trying to get out of here."