InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ School of Hard Knocks ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little Neko: Konbanwa minna!!! It's been ……. ::looks at calander:: too fuckin long since I last updated and I'm surprised nobody's sued me yet! Lol! Anyways………………… HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::Enter Soujiro::

Soujiro: ::looks at Little Neko very strangely:: Okay….

Little Neko: SOUJIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::glomps Soujiro::

Soujiro: ACK!

::In waltzes Zarreen::

Zarreen: SOUJIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::glomps Soujiro too::

Soujiro: Help…

Zarreen: Like hell!!!!!!! ::attached to one arm::

Little Neko: ::attached to the other:: Yup, what she said!

Zarreen: ^____________________^

Little Neko: =^o^=

Soujiro: X.X

Zarreen: No he died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::does CPR:: LIVE……….. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soujiro: ::revitalizes:: Air!!!!!!!!! Wonderful air!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zarreen and Little Neko: HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Neko: Okay .. thanks to all who reviewed!

Special section for special ppl called reviewers!:

Deadly Tears: Yes they do!!!!!!!!!!!! Rock on!!

Star Katt: About the Ying Yang colors… I changed them to fit the story better… Black for Sesshomaru and Red for Kagome. Black for the Vampire of the Night, Red for Innocent blood… errr something like that…. XD

KawaiiLil_InuGurl: Lol, traditional review thing.. I laughed at yur review………. Thankies!

Bloodbunny: Mesa not an evil neko! Wah! But I wrote more!!!!!!!!!!! ::runs to Soujiro's comforting arms but he moves and I go flying off a cliff::

Li-Kanjii: Hope ya enjoy this chapter too!

Dark Topaz: Yousa don't have to wait any more! Next chapter's here!

Foxy Kitsune: I know that it's the Ying Yang Twins, but I changed it around to make it the Ying Yang Souls cause it tis a Kago/Sessy fic and it kinda goes together… kinda…. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh O.o

Shadow Daughter: Yup theysa demons and vamps!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Fun, fun fun!!!

Lone-black-tiger: ME TOO!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee.. I luv Sesshie/Kago fics.. too bad that there aren't enough of them…..

Thanks again to all who reviewed!!!!!!

Soujiro: Can I go now?

Zarreen: Whats a logical answer to this question… I don't know logics not my specialty!

Little Neko: NO!!!!!!!

Both: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soujiro: God spare me!

Little Neko: Oh and if anybody knows any good Sesshie/Kago fics.. plz tell me!

::both girls attach themselves to his arms and walk off::

The Ying and the Yang Souls

Kapitel Drei

Chapter 3: School and a Mysterious Building

The class began boring and stayed boring… "Class open your text books to pg. 35 please… Now prepositions are words that connect a noun to a verb.." Mrs. Mathews started and started writing examples on the overhead. Kagome groaned as her head hit the desk. She absolutely hated Language Arts… it didn't help matters that she was in Language Arts 9 Accelerated. `Boring… I wonder how Sango's faring.." Kagome lifted her head and stared at her friend. She looked like she was about to fall asleep. `She's not the only one…' Kagome thought as she looked at Kikiyo who looked about ready to die. Kagome got out a sheet of paper and wrote, `Hey Sango… how ya doin?' She folded the paper up and kicked it back to Sango. Sango picked it up and unfolded it, smiling at the note. `Yeah right… what do you think? Hey Kikiyo.. you farin any better?' Sango kicked it to Kikiyo who in turn wrote, `Not any better than you I bet…' So all through the hour they wrote/kicked noted back and forth between the three of them. When the bell finally rang, the three of them ran out and down the hall to their lockers. "I thought I was gonna die in there… how about you?" Kagome sighed as she dug through her locker to find the things she needed for History class. "Ugh, we have History class… Mr. Bock is such a drag…" Kikiyo groaned and pulled out her History book and dropped it in her bag. "I know.. I know I'll fall asleep in his class…" Sango snickered and dropped her book in her bag as well. The three teens slowly made their way towards room 206 of History.

Sesshomaru glared evily at his locker. He hadn't taken the time to memorize the locker combination so he was trying to kill it with his deadly glares. InuYasha walked up followed by Krystali and grinned. "Forgot your locker combo on the first day… what a pathetic excuse for a ..OW! Krystali!" InuYasha glared at his younger sister. She just looked up at him and grinned.. "Shut up you poor excuse of a half breed… don't worry Sesshie-niisama… just let me handle it…" She smiled and walked over to the locker and typed in a few numbers and it opened. Sesshomaru glared at his younger sister and she grinned evily. "Now you owe me…" She snickered and ran off to her second hour class. Sesshomaru glared after her as she disappeared around the corner. "Cocky little brat huh?" InuYasha said and walked off after her. Sesshomaru slammed the door of his locker and stormed after the two of them and into History class. He stormed into the classroom and sat down at a desk in the middle rows of the classroom. He was sitting next to a girl with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She looked like she'd been training a lot. `Hmmmmmm why does she seem familiar? Uh oh…' Sesshomaru's eyes widened as he realized that the girl next to him was one of the vampire hunters. He immediately stared at the front and waited for the teacher to arrive.

About 4 minutes later Mr. Bock walked in and took attendence. Sesshomaru, InuYasha, and Krystali were introduced to the class and then the class started. "Okay everyone, turn to chapter 4 and start working on the chapter reviews," he instructed. The class groaned as they retrieved paper and there books. Kagome mentaly swore that all teachers were bloodsucking vamps and grumbled to herself revenge as she got her book and started working on the reviews of chapter 4. Sango and Kikiyo were thinking the same as Kagome. Sesshomaru on the other hand, promised death to the teachers of the school. He glared at his textbook in silence as he worked on the assignment. Krystali however was having the easiest time of all. About 10 minutes into class she stood up and exclaimed, "DONE!" Everybody glared at her and Sesshomaru smirked. He walked over to her and asked, "Dearest sister… your brother dearest would like to ask if," "Sesshomaru, I know you're a dear and all but GET YUR ON WORK DONE BY YUR OWN SELF!!!!!!" She hollared and shoved him back to his seat. He grumbled as he retreated back to his seat to finish his work. InuYasha mentally exclaimed blackmail as he finished the first section review. The class seemed to drag on by as one by one the class finished and started to chat amongst each other.

"So, Kagome… did you check out the new students?" Sango asked flirtily and pointed over to the three newbies in the corner. Kagome swirled around and looked at them. She didn't really care for the one with the brash attitude but she did feel a certain attraction to the eldest of the group. "I like the older one.. he looks most mature," "Kagome! You most certainly aren't mature by any standards whatsoever! So don't got lying your way through the whole situation.. come on , you know you like him cause he's sexy," Sango exclaimed and winked at her friend. Kagome blushed and then blurted, "Well which one do you like?" "Me? I don't really like any of them…" "Only because she likes that other boy in Home Economics class…" "You mean Miroku!?" "Yah.." "No way!!! Is it true Sango?!" Kagome exclaimed as she looked at her friend with You'd-better-tell-me-or-else eyes. "Ehh!?" "SO IT IS!!!!!" Kagome squealed and clapped her hands happily. "I'm so happy for you!" "But we're not even together! I bet he doesn't even notice me.." Sango retorted and stared down at her hands. "Anyways, do you like any of them Kikiyo?" Kikiyo looked at the boys for a while and then shrugged. But deep inside she was falling for a certain brash vampire demon. Finally the bell rang for third hour and the class rushed out. "Yay! Finally free! No more Mr.monotone!" Kagome cheered and rushed down the hall shouting quick goodbye's to her friends. The rest of the day dragged by. The girls on ly had 3 classes together so they were bored throughout the day. The guys were pretty much in the same classes and they had to put up with Krystali finishing everything first in the class. After 7 long hours of school the final bell rang and school was out for the day.

Kagome skipped happily over to the entrance of the school and waited for Sango and Kikiyo to show up. They were all gonna go check out the new building that showed up. She waited 5 minutes and then started to play with a rock on the ground. She soon got bored and kicked it away. "What'd the rock ever do to you Kagome?" a voice said in the distance. Kagome looked and sighed when she saw Sango and Kikiyo approaching. "Finally! Do you realize how long I've been standing here waiting for your sorry asses?!" Kagome shouted angrily waving her hands about. "Calm down girl! You've only been here for 6 minutes… it's not that bad," Kikiyo remarked brushing her hair out of her face. Kagome glared at Kikiyo, who returned it, and then turned back and asked, "So, are we gonna go check out the new building or not?" "Patience grasshopper, we will go but not before getting our gear…" Sango joked and walked off with Kikiyo trailing. "Yes sensei…." Kagome sneered and ran to catch up with the two girls. It was a quiet 5 minute walk and as soon as they got to the shrine, Kagome smelled Oden. "ODEN!! Yay! Oden! Mom made oden. Yummy yummy oden!" She cheered and rushed inside and began stuffing her face full of Oden. "Calm down Kagome, let your friends have some as well," Mrs. Higurashi scolded and gently tapped her daughter on the head with a wooden spoon. "Yes mother," Kagome sighed as Kikiyo and Sango sat down and started eating.

After the little `oden' fest, the three girls went upstairs to Kagome's room and started to put on their gear. They slipped into their suits and armor and adjusted their weapons. Sango secured her boomerang onto her back while Kagome and Kikiyo strapped a quiver of arrows on their back. Once done, Kagome started to hide some Kunai in the cuffs of her suit. Some at her wrists, at her shoulder armor, in her boots, at her ankles, and some in her waist band. She also slipped two daggers into her waist band as well. After about 20 minutes of preparing, Kagome and the girls left the shrine and began their trek to the mysterious building. After 10 minutes of walking, the girls came upon the place and stared in wonder. They shrugged and went up to the door and entered.

Sesshomaru had bound and gagged his sister to the pole in the middle of the room. He was deliberating what to do to her because of her being a smart alect in school. He decided to leave her be and go find Kouga. When he found the flea-bitten wolf, he was greated with the stench of blood. Kouga, being the fool he was, had just fed again and the stench of the room was enough for any vampire to go on a feeding frenzy. "You dumbass, don't you know there are hunters out!" Sesshomaru snarled and punched Kouga across the face. Kouga shrugged and went back up into the loft and laid down on the matress. Sesshomaru glared at Kouga's back and promised death and torture to the stupid wolf if he wasn't careful. Suddenly he smelled intruders and stormed off to go find his half-brother. He wasn't worried or anything. The traps could take care of the intruders, he was just a little uneasy about them. He just shrugged it off and continued his search for his half-brother.

Kagome trudged along the hallway gloomily. They had been walking for a while and her feet hurt. "Can we take a break yet?" "Quit your whining Kagome… we'll take a break in a little bit," Kikiyo snapped and walked faster. "I'm gonna laugh when you fall into a trap or something you know.." Kagome shot out and sped up to keep in step with Kikiyo. "Well I'm gonna laugh if you get caught by a vampire," she replied. "Whatever.." "Will you two just shut up! I'm tired of all your bitching around. This is serious, this could be a nest or something," Sango snapped and looked ahead as far as she could with a lanturn. "Turn the lanturn up! I can't see a darn thing!" Kagome whined again. Kikiyo sighed and turned up the lanturn so they could see further. "There's nothing there…" "Thank you for stating the obvious Kagome," Kikiyo sighed and walked on. Suddenly the floor dropped out and Kikiyo fell into a hole in the ground. "Haha! Told you you'd fall in a trap! This is hilarious, where's a camera when you need one!" Kagome laughed as she sat down. Kikiyo glared at Kagome but stopped when she heard a rustling sound coming from nearby. She carefully crawled over to the corner where it was coming from and saw a full skeleton. "How interesting…" she whispered as she watched the skull twitch every so often. She picked up it to get a better look at it when a fluffy orange tail came out from the bottom of it. She stared at it for a while and sighed. "Kitsune magic no doubt…" Kikiyo sighed as she hit the skull on the head. It jumped out of her hand and in a puff of smoke transformed into a little boy with orange hair tied back in a little ponytail, a fluffy orange tail, green eyes, and wore a small kimono. "Wow, it's a kitsune! Can I hold him!" Kagome begged as she spied the little fox. Kikiyo tossed the kitsune at her and said, "Here, knock yourself out.. literally."

"Hey little kit! I'm Kagome! What's your name?" Kagome cooed as she cradled the kitsune in her arms. "My name's Shippou! I'm glad you guys came around cause I've been trapped in that pit for a while now… it's been kinda lonesome. Now I can finally get out of this place!" Shippou replied smiling cutely as he spoke. "Awwwwwwwwww! Aren't you just the cutest little thing on this planet!" Kagome cooed as she hugged the little kistune. "Hey Shippou, do you happen to know anything about this place?" Sango asked as she pulled Kikiyo out of the hole. "Ummmmm well there's this nice neko child named Krystali who comes down and watches me. And then there are these one guys. Two of them have silver hair and gold eyes and the other has brown hair and blue eyes. They're all vampires. Kagome gasped as she was thinking of a certain silver haired guy at the moment.

Little Neko: Well how'd ya like it?

Soujiro: Can I please go!?

Zarreen : Let us think… ::stares at Little Neko. They nod:: NO!

Little Neko: Don't you like us Sou-chan?

Soujiro: ::sigh:: Yes I like you but I'd like to get back to my 10 year traveling.

Little Neko: Okay! Take care and visit very very soon!

Soujiro: Sure! ::inwardly groans::

Zarreen: Do you think he'll come back?

Little Neko: Nope! But we'll track him down .. but right now we have Sesshomaru and Shippou!

Zarreen: Yay!

Little Neko: Well R+R if you will!

Zarreen: Ya man!!!!!

Little Neko: WAKKA!!

Zarreen and Little Neko: JA NE!!!!!!!