InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Ying and the Yang Souls ❯ Soul Thief ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oooooookay then, I've recently came back from our mission trip to Sikeston Missouri. We fixed up the dining hall of Liberty Home, a drug rehab with a 76% success rate. That's pretty darn good for a drug rehab since the others have a 98% failure rate!! But we enjoyed ourselves and painted each other. We also went to Lamberts: Home of the Throwed Rolls and HOT waiters!!! They have some pretty fine male waiters over there… ::dreamy look:: But anywho, I've lately been on a major writer's block and trying to figure the next few parts ahead of schedule, and school's being a major bitch to me, just ask Shadow… she'd agree with me. Gym is evil, and Chemical Biology 2 as well. XD. And readers, you can chat with meh on MSN or YIM messengers. My s/n's are and / little_water_neko.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha OR Saliva's song: "Rest in Pieces" Tis a good song! Me like!!!! =^_^= . I only own Krystali… w00t!!!

~ * The Yin and the Yang Souls * ~

Chapter 9: Soul Thief

Kouga sat reclined upon the couch in the middle of the den staring at the wall. It was Saturday and he had not fed in four days, which was highly unusual for him. A faint ache in his temples reminded him of the ever lingering hunger, and yet he ignored it. InuYasha had passed by ten minutes ago, sipping at a Kool-Aid pouch. He stared for a minute before leaving. Other liquids were only a small substitute for blood; it wouldn't hold them long.

He hadn't seen Sesshomaru all day, not that he cared and not that it was unusual. And the fact that he stared at the wall for the past hour didn't result too much either. Crawling off the couch, he made his way down to the kitchen. Krystali was perched upon a chair eating her dinner, chicken and milk. Tiredly, he plopped down in the chair across from the neko. Krystali peered up from her food, gazing over to Kouga. Sesshomaru walked in and invited himself to the table. Pulling out two bright red packets from his sleeves, he slid one across the table and started drinking the other.

"Drink it, it'll quench your cravings till later. Just don't kill anyone," the silver haired man instructed.

"Yes, mother," Kouga sourly replied.

"Kouga… are you alright?" Krystali asked from her seat. She leaned over, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead. "You don't feel sick."

"It's just cravings. He needs to get used to them," Sesshomaru replied.

"I'll go with him tonight, to make sure he doesn't kill anyone."

"Is that acceptable Kouga?" All eyes were on the wolf as he made his decision.

"Okay," he simply replied. Sesshomaru nodded and left the room. Krystali wrapped her arms around Kouga's neck from behind and rested her head atop his in and awkward hug.

~ * Higurashi Shrine * ~

Look at me, my depth perception must be off again. Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did. It has not healed with time. It just shot down my spine. You look so beautiful tonight. Remind me how you laid us down, and gently smiled. Before you destroy my life.

Kagome sang along with the CD as she cleaned up her room. Saliva was one of her favorite bands. Shippou was sitting atop her dresser, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of "Rest in Pieces." Even as a vampire slayer, she still had responsibilities around the shrine, one of them, cleaning her room. Jiisan had assigned her to patrol, which was great and all, but her mother forced her to clean her room of skip patrol. Not that her room was messy or anything, it was a pain to clean it. And oddly enough she was in a cheery mood. She blamed it on the faeries.

~ * Old Manor Building * ~

It was 9:50 PM. The sun had set and night fell upon the outskirts of Tokyo. An old manor rested on a large hill a few miles from Tokyo. The grass was overgrown and in need of a trimming. Dead trees with branches shaped as long scraggly claws fill the area. A single window was lit by a simple fireplace. A large one-man couch was positioned in front of the burning logs. Wrapped in a heavy white blanket was a man in his late twenties. His long black unruly hair fell off his shoulders and covered his back. Smooth pale skin flickered in the firelight. Piercing crimson eyes stared into the burning coals.

"Milord, they have awoken…"

A teen of the age of 19 with fiery red hair stepped up behind the couch and bowed deeply.

"Do you know the where they are currently located and who the current possessors are, Reiki?"

"Yes milord, a human shrine girl and a demon vamp. Shall I pay them a visit milord?" Reiki suggested.

"Hai, go Reiki."

"Hai, m'Lord." Pulling a hollow gourd from his black robes, he strapped it to his side and left the room with a snap into a cloud of smoke.

~ * Vampire's Nest * ~

Krystali led the way out of the old building. Kouga leaned on her shoulder heavily for support, the hunger already weakening him and his senses. They were headed to a small park, which led to the entrance of Central Park. Hopefully some idiot would be strolling out late, especially for Kouga's sake.

"Okay, Kouga, let's sit you down here and you wait for me. When I find someone walking near, I'll knock them out, okay?"

Kouga nodded, allowing her to sit him on the bench. Kissing his forehead gently, she tiptoed back into the shadows of the trees. He sat there on the bench, a gentle breeze blowing through his brown tresses. He could see Krystali's blue eyes, searching diligently for the perfect prey. A lady in her late twenties, dressed in a blue blouse and skirt, happened to be Krystali's unfortunate victim. The woman stopped as soon as she saw Kouga drooping wearily on the bench.

"Ano… are you alright Mr.?" She asked tentatively.

Krystali landed behind the woman with a soft plop. The lady stiffened and eased around to face the neko-child. Seeing as she looked harmless enough, she bravely stepped forward.

"Oh thank God! This man needs medical attention immediately! Can you help me?" she asked, digging through her purse for a cell phone.

"He needs not medical attention… although tis something you can provide," Krystali murmured as though in a trance.

"And what's… that?"


Krystali charged with fluid movements and struck the woman's neck, right at the pressure point. She crumpled to the ground unconscious, yet still alive.

"Kouga, come here." Kouga looked up weakly from his seat. Struggling to his feet, he wobbled over to the neko. She caught him as he fell, leading him carefully to the ground. He flashed a cheeky smile and sat the unconscious woman on her knees. Feeling out her neck for a strongly pulsating vein, he replaced his finger with his mouth. His sharp fangs pierced the delicate skin and a familiar coppery taste filled his mouth. The blood was rich and sweet, which he gulped down hungrily like an alcoholic with a beer. The woman's creamy skin began to pale as the effects of blood loss began to take effect. Krystali pried Kouga away from the woman's neck and began to clean up the wound and dripping blood. After so, she grabbed the woman's fallen cell phone and dialed 911 and recited the location of the woman before snapping the phone shut and sliding it back into the purse.

She looked at Kouga, who was lying on the ground lazily stretching his arms and legs. Krystali crept over to him and extended her hand. He stared at the clawed hand before hooking his own with hers and tugging her into his lap.

"Thank you, love," he whispered, meshing his lips against hers in a bloody kiss.

"You taste of blood," she remarked, licking her reddened lips. "Just don't kill anyone, okay?"

"Can't make promises."


"Okay, okay, I promise. But only if I get another kiss."

"Fine, but we need to go before the paramedics and authorities arrive, ne?"

"Okay, love." And together they joined for another kiss.

~ * Higurashi Shrine- Earlier * ~

Kagome walked up the stairs towards her room. The door was shut but she knew what was there. Opening the door, she spied her gear she had preset on her bed. She wasn't going in her usual guise, just casual clothing so she wouldn't look suspicious. A simple white T-shirt, which sported "Baby Girl" in pink cursive letters and a pair of blue jeans. Her silver swallow needed to be sheathed, to pass as a long thick stick. Strapping two daggers at her ankles underneath her pant legs, she then pulled out her crossbow equipped with UV light tipped arrows and slipped it into her messenger bag. Carefully she checked herself over in her full-body mirror. Slayer-undercover. The Mission-Impossible theme flashed through her mind briefly as she headed downstairs.

"I'm going on patrol now! Be back around one!" she announced and left the shrine.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Higurashi called after.

"I will!"

Her first stop was the small park, which served as the entrance to Central Park. Paramedics were already rushing around when she arrived. She barely caught a glimpse of a young woman being loaded into an ambulance.

`My first find of the night!' she cheered happily to herself.

Slipping past the paramedics and police, she dashed down the path to the center of Central Park. As she took her first steps into the outskirts, her senses were overridden with floral scents. It would be harder to track the vamp in this place. She couldn't smell any traces of blood. Kagome looked ahead of her. Facing her were three paths to the center. Gut feelings told her to take the path on the right, and usually her gut feelings were right. Small animals scurried out of her way as she dashed down the now empty path. It was all too silent.

"Krys? Are you okay? Krys? Talk to me!! Don't do this to me!" a male voice whimpered, breaking the silence.

`That sounded like Kouga!' Kagome peered around the bushes to see Kouga kneeling over a fallen Krystali's body, her eyes empty and soulless. Gasping sharply, she rushed over to the two and looked the neko's body over.

"What's wrong?" Kagome asked, impulsively searching Krystali's neck for puncture markings. There was a pulse but no life. The pulse itself was extremely weak.

"You didn't do anything did you?"

"Why would I?!"

"I don't know! You tell me-" she cut off sharply as she felt a strong tug from inside her body.

"What's wrong?" Kouga asked, looking at Kagome worriedly.

"Ehh? This is too weird…"

"Intriguing… you resisted the call of my gourd. You may prove a challenge," a young male voice purred silkily.

The man swiftly appeared from the shadows into the moonlit path. Kagome stared at the newly arrived demon. His fiery red hair and blue eyes stuck out like a sore thumb, and a fairly large gourd strapped to his side was extremely suspicious. He wore lengthy black robes with now sleeves, almost like a monk.

"Who are you?" Kouga snarled, baring his sharp fangs menancely.

"I am Youki, thief of souls."

"You did this!?" Kouga's eyes narrowed in anger.

"Her? Yes, her soul is wild and hard to control, but as you can see… I have prevailed. I tamed the wild kitten within her." Youki replied monotonously.


"You will not survive!" Kagome angrily spat and ripped out her crossbow. She fired multiple shots at Youki, who nimbly leapt out of each arrow's trail. They landed but two inches away from Kouga's nether regions.

"Watch where you shoot that thing!!!" Kouga spat, edging away from the arrows, "You almost castrated me!"

"Then do something useful!" Kagome snarled.

Youki dodged another round of arrows, landing smoothly in the corner or the square. He reached into the folds of his black robes and pulled a schimtar from the depths, a wickedly curved short sword.

"Tch…" Kagome tossed aside her crossbow and replaced it with her silver swallow.

"Let's go."

~ * Central Park: Sango's POV * ~

"Is something on your mind Sango, my dear?" Miroku asked, touching Sango's arm lightly.

"I thought I heard something…" Sango scanned the bushes for a disturbance but found nothing. "Must have been an animal or something."

"Shall we continue on?" Miroku held out his arm and Sango calmly weaved her arm around his own, allowing him to lead her.

It had been a wonderful evening for Sango. Miroku had asked her out on a date after school on Friday, which she gladly accepted. Kagome was doing patrol so she was free all weekend. Miroku came to pick her up at 6:00 PM and took her out to see a movie. The movie, "Taxi", was extremely hilarious. She preferred it better than a sappy romance movie. After the movie, they went to eat at Valentino's for supper. They conversed about many things while they ate, and Sango was surprised that he was actually keeping his hands to himself for once. He had a reputation of "wandering hands" and it wasn't about to put off lightly. Finally, after the wonderful supper, he suggested a walk through the park before he took her home. And here they were, a midnight stroll through Central Park. Peaceful and romantic, and Sango was enjoying it very much. The path they were walking on led them to a square with a fountain. The fountain displayed an angel reaching out to a man. Miroku led the two of them over to a bench beside the trees and invited her to sit.

"Sango, how was your night?" he asked.

"Absolutely wonderful, thank you Miroku."

"I'm happy you're happy. I hope that we could share another night like this one in the near future."

"I'd be happy to."

"Sango, I…" Miroku slowly dipped his head towards Sango's.

An arrow, which strayed from its target, interrupted their moment. It landed two feet in front of them. The tip glowed dangerously and Sango immediately recognized it.

"That's Kagome's arrow…"

"Is that the best you can do!? You're not half the challenge I thought you would be!" a male taunted.

"SHUT UP!!" Kagome's voice seethed. Two more arrows accompanied the already dimming arrow.

Sango's curiosity got the best of her as she led Miroku through the bushes into the next square. Kagome was fighting off a male demon. She had tossed her crossbow away and exchanged it for her lethal silver swallow. The demon had already unsheathed a schimtar. Kouga sat huddled over Krystali's fallen body. Miroku wasted no time to rush over to help his vampiric friend. Sango followed, no sense fighting without a weapon. Kagome and the demon were exchanging blows faster than a normal human could see. Cuts appeared out of no where on both sides.

"Kouga! What happened?!" Miroku asked, nearing the wolf.

"Miroku? What're you doing her?"

"Never mind that, what happened to Krys?"

"That… THING stole her soul. It's in that gourd he carries at his hip. His name is Youki and he is a formidable foe."

"Youki? I've never heard of him before…" Sango scanned the demon over. "Doesn't look too harmfu-" Sango's words were cut short as she fell to the ground. Her eyes as empty as Krystali's. The gourd at Youki's hip glowed briefly before expanding slightly in size.

"SANGO!!" Miroku called, catching her body before it hit the cement.

"Not Sango too…" Kouga whispered.

Kagome's movement sped up in anger as she witnessed her friend's fall. It was all too much now, he had messed with her too long. Youki's movements were slowing, fatigue catching up with him from blocking her swift barrage of slashes. More and more slits appeared on his pale skin and red blood dripped onto the ground. The schimtar and swallow clanged as they met each other. Kagome overpowered Youki and shoved him violently away.

"An opening!" She shouted as she dashed, the sharp point piercing into Youki's gut and appearing out his back. His eyes opened wide in surprise and he hacked up blood that was starting to bleed into his stomach.

"I guess this is the end of me. You were a formidable foe after all." Youki coughed up more blood. He fell to his knees before finally collapsing to the cement. His blood pooled around him in a red puddle. Kagome freed her swallow from Youki's flesh and sliced the gourd in half. Souls burst out in a flurry of blue lights. Two collided with Sango and Krystali's fallen bodies and fused back to flesh. Krystali twitched before weakly pushing her body from the cement.

"Krys! Thank god you're alright!" Kouga smothered the neko with hugs.

"K-Kouga! You're gonna kill me if you keep squishing me!"

"Sango, you're back!" Miroku cried happily as the slayer rejuvenated in his arms.

"W-what happened?" she weakly asked.

"Kagome defeated Youki and released the captured souls."

"By the way Sango… why're you out here? It's my patrol. And why is Miroku with you?" Kagome asked wearily with a sly smile on her face.

"Finally got a girl Miroku?" Krystali teased as Kouga lifted her into his arms.

"I wouldn't start talking if I was you." Miroku waggled his eyebrows suggestively at Kouga and her.

"Oh shut up…" Krystali snapped, her face bright red.

The rest shared a laugh as they walked out of the park. Miroku was just a bit miffed that he didn't get his kiss though.

~ * Manor * ~

"I see Youki has failed me. I think it's time to bring those who interfered down to their knees. Don't you agree Falla?"

"Yes milord,"

Its gonna get interesting soon. I got some ideas a brewing! Hope you enjoyed the new installment for "The Yin and the Yang Souls". Next chapter should be pretty soon. Just so I don't forget the ideas I have. Read and review!!!