InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Three Days of Hell ❯ Chapter 9~To Mate or Not to Mate? ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Three Days Of Hell ~Chapter 9 by Mija

Disclaimer~Dont own Inuyasha or company.

To Mate Or not to Mate?

~~~Inuyasha groaned at the ache in his head. Feh! probably got knocked out again by Miroku or Sango. Im getting really tired of being hit over the head, he thought, but only groaned louder. Ok this was not a bump on the head like usual. He felt like that one time he and Miroku had stayed up all night drinking sake. The next day his head had felt like it would explode. But he hadnt been drinking sake again had he? He closed his eyes and tried had to concentrate on what had happened. Then he realized something else. His mouth and nose was covered with something. He reached up to rip it off only to be stopped.

"Dont!..please Inuyasha dont take it off?" came Kagomes voice, it was then things came back to him. Kagomes becoming, Miroku wanting to mate with her, then a puff of smoke and then things going black. But the most important thing right now was that Kagome was with in touching distance, that was not good, not good at all.

"Kagome what the fuck is going on??? I cant be here! I cant be next to you!" he growled as he sate up and realized what that thing on his face was. Sango's mask, the one she used to keep her from inhaling poisons.

"What the fuck is this on me for?" he asked as he once again went to take it off.

"Inuyasha noooooooo..please...its the only thing thats helping you keep your senses for awhile..cant you tell?" she asked coming closer to him. Inuyasha took a whiff and sure enough he could smell Kagomes heat, but it wasnt as strong right now, it was at a tolerable level for now, but he couldnt garuntee how long that would last. Even a little smell of Kagome in heat could become unbearable if he stayed around it too long.

"Kagome what the hells going on?? Why am i here in the cave with you?? wheres Miroku and Sango?? Miroku didnt touch you did he?" Inuyasha asked, looking about ready to hurt someone again.

"No he didnt, Sango came and knocked you two out with a small dose of her sleeping gas."

"So thats why my head hurts...but that still dont explain the rest." he replied giving her a frown.

"Sango took Miroku and left for a bit, not far but far enough for now, they were starting to feel the affects of my heat Inuyasha and were finding it hard to control."

"Feh! I could of told ya that..Miroku going after ya was a dead give away dontcha think?" Inuyasha replied sarcasticly.

"Dont start with me right now Inuyasha..Ive had a really bad day and its not even over yet...and its about to get worse." she warned, turning red again as she turned away from him.

"What do you mean worse??" Inuyasha asked in a demanding sort of way.

"I have to tell you something, but before I do you have to promise to listen to it all and not say anything till im done ok?? I mean its hard enough to tell you, I dont think I could repeat myself if I had to." Kagome replied shyly, still faced away from him. Inuyasha could see the blush on her face anyway and wondered about it. The way she was acting was making him nervous. Had something happened to her?? Had someone got to her? claimed her?? Damn it he couldnt tell with this stupid mask on!

"Do you promise me?" She asked again turning to look him in the eyes. This time her face held a determined look. All Inuyasha could do was nod yes.

"Say the words Inuyasha" She commanded, she wanted him to promise outloud.

"Feh!! I fucking promise already!" he snarled. Was habit.

"Thank you." she whispered, then took a deep breath and sighed. It took her a moment to gather her strength to tell him, but when she finally opened her mouth to explain, it all came out in a rush. But by the look on Inuyashas face, he had heard and understood it all. She couldnt tell if he was offended, mad, repulsed or what.

~~~After she was finished and could no longer look at him she faced her lap where her hands were wringing themselves. She had the biggest shade of red on her face and her heart pounded in her own ears. Inuyasha silence didnt help matter much, and when he finally spoke she jumped, startled by by the lack of silence.

"Kagome?? did you...did you just ask me what I just think you asked me?" Inuyasha said very slowly, wanting to make sure he made no mistakes about what she had told him.

"yes." she replied in a whisper. She was mortified to say the least and she still couldnt look Inuyasha in the face. What would he think of her now? She asked wanting to cry but keeping her tears in check. She was tired of crying, its all shed done since this started.

"Look at me Kagome." he ordered, but when she still didnt, he took her face in his clawed hand, carefull not to scratch her and forced her to look at him.

"Do you know EXACTLY what your asking me to do?" he said, looking deep into her eyes. He had to make sure she fully understood what she was saying, what she was about to let him do.

"YES!...If I didnt do you think I would have put that mask on you?..I could have taken your choice away...just let you take me..but I couldnt do that to you...I had to make sure you had a say so in this...I didnt want to shackle you to me against your will." She replied heatedly at first, then softly towards the end.

"Then you know that once I mate with you that is permanant?? That we will be mates from now on? You know that once I mate with anyone its for life right?? You will belong to me? And only me." he said, wanting to make absolutly damn sure she fully understood. His heart was beating in his chest. He had wanted this for so long now. He had never admitted it to her or anyone else for that matter but he loved her, and he had often thought about what it would be like to be mated with her. The urge and yearning was there, so was the want. But he never thought she would want HIM..oh he knew she cared for him deeply, it was plain to see, Kagome was never good at hiding her feelings. But he never thought or dreamed she would want to be his mate, let alone let him touch her in the ways he always wanted to touch her.

"Yes...I know." she replied. Looking at him in the eyes this time letting him see her answer held the truth. Inuyasha hissed. Could he do this? Well he could he smirked inwardly, but should he? Could he put Kagome into anymore danger by becoming the mate of a half breed? Should he be selfish enough and take what he wanted so much and bind her to him? He really wanted to...bad.

"I cant mate with you with this thing on Kagome...and you know once I take it off, I might not be able to control my urges?...what I mean is that this wont be all fluffy clouds and rainbows, no romance or flowers, it will be raw lust and mating." he stated.

"It will be your first time Kagome and I cant garuntee you that it wont hurt..and I dont want to hurt you Kagome." he added with a gentle touch to her cheek.

"Do you want this Inuyasha? Do you...want me?" Kagome asked.

"Yes." came his answer. it was firm and absolute. It was all Kagome needed to know.

"I trust you Inuyasha..." she whispered as she crawled onto his lap, the before he knew it, she grabbed the mask and took it off him. The full force of her smell hit him like a whirlwind. His eyes flashed darker before he couldnt remember anything else at all.

A/N~Okies heres the next chap...soo what did yall think?? I need some suggestions here, should I make them mate roughly?? let animal instincts take over?? or should it still be special? More controled? Could really use your input let me know k? Be forwarned either way, that the next chap will contain the Inu/Kag lemon and the words for body parts will be crude and all that...I would just feel a bit silly making a lemon using the P and V ok let me know your opinions..till the next chappie be well be happy and read ya later..huggs Mija..:-)