InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Heal a Broken Heart ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To Heal a Broken Heart
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
“This is a problem a big problem sannie” Kagome said to Sango. Sango was also a model at the same company as Kagome. They were in her kitchen and Kagome was pacing back and forth.
“Well Kay I sorry but this is your fault okay I told you when you first started this whole affair thing that it would blow up in your face” she said.
“Look I don't need you blaming me okay I now but I just need to figure out what am I going to do” she said.
“Well there isn't much you can do I mean he's made it very clear that he want a divorce” Sango said.
“Hey don't get mad at me this your fucked up shit” she said.
“I sorry girl I just upset” she said then a knock at the caught there attention. Kagome rushed to the door hoping that it was Inuyasha but it was Rin who was also a model.
“Oh Rin it's just you” she said as she walked back into the kitchen.
“Well hello to you to” Rin said as she followed her.
“So Rin do you know where Inuyasha is” Sango asked.
“Yeah his staying at my place” she said.
“WHAT his at your house and you didn't tell me” Kagome said
“Hey I just came home yesterday okay so I just found out to” she said
“Why is he at your house” Sango asked.
“Duh you guy I am married to his brother you know” she said while holding up her left hand flashing her wedding ring.
“Whatever I'm going over there to get my husband back” Kagome said as she got her car keys but Sango jumped in front of her.
“Woo Kay now I know you want him back but going over there now trying to make him come back home is only going to make him even more upset you know that” she said.
“Sango look I don't care if it makes him upset I need to talk to him” she said as she moved Sango out her way and went out the door.
“Ugh there is just no way to talk to her she so damn hard headed” Sango yelled as she and Rin followed her.
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“Inuyasha do you really want to divorce Kagome” Mirkou asked him. He Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were sitting in Sesshomaur's living room talking about the situation.
“Yes I do I'm sick of this shit this is the second time Kagome's done this to me” he said. It was true this wasn't the first time Kagome's messed around on him. When they were in high school Kagome was sleeping with Inuyasha's cousin Koga. His sister Gin tried to tell him when she caught them at a coffee shop all hugged up with each other. But he didn't believe her though he figured that she was just trying to get him to break up with her. But when he asked Kagome about she confessed. She swore to him that she would never do it again and he forgave her. Even if he did still love her, he wouldn't it a second time he just couldn't.
“I understand all that Yasha but you do want her back don't you-
“He better not want her back” Sesshomaru said cutting Miroku off.
“Look man you said it your self that this is the second time she's done this so it's obvious that's if you take her back she gonna think that she can keep sleeping around on you and you'll keep taking her back” he said. Inuyasha was going to respond but the door bell rang.
“Who's that” Miroku asked.
“It might be Rin she might have left her key again” Sesshomauro said as he went to the door. When he opened the door it was Kagome standing there.
“Oh hell no sorry we not open for drama today” he said as he was about to close the door but she but her foot in the door.
“Look Sess I need to talk to my husband” she said.
“No what you need to do is get the hell off my doorstep” he said then he kicked her foot out the way and closed the door. He was on his way back to the living room when he heard the door open. He looked back and saw Rin come in with Sango and Kagome behind her.
“Sesshomaru why did you slam the door in Kagome's face” she asked.
“Because she has no business her” he said.
“Ugh Kagome lets go find your husband” she said and she, Kagome and Sango walked passed Sesshomaru. They walked in to the living room and Miroku said…
“Baby what you doing here” he asked while getting up.
“Come on bae lets go so these to can talk” Sango said and they walked out.
“Yeah Sesshy lets go to” Rin said
“The hell” he said.
“And why not” she said.
“Umm because I'm not” he said.
“Okay lets try it this way either come with me and lets these two talk it out or you stay here and you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next 5 weeks” she said with a smirk. He thought about and said…
“Will see you guys later” he said and they left. So there they were it was just them to know. They were staring at each other not knowing what to say or what to do. Finally Inuyasha broke the silence saying…