InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Toimya ❯ Truth or Dare ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
a\n:okay this idea is way overused, but i figure i can have fun with it

Truth or Dare

The sun was starting to set, and everyone was about to got home as Kagome ran into the village.

"HEY! Everyone come over here!"

Everyone went over to where Kagome was exept for Mushin, the raccoon, and the gayfers.

"Who wants to play Truth or dare?" She asked "Come on! Everyone sit boy-girl in a circle!"

Everyone sat down, and stared at Kagome.

"Okay!" she said leading the group "Heres the rules. You spin the bottle to pick the first person, that person asks a person of their choice truth or dare. That person picks truth or dare truth is where you have to answer the question that the person that picks you asks. Dare means you have to do what the person tells you to do. The person that just did the truth or dare gets to pick the next person. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded their head.

"Okay then I'll spin the bottle!" she span it and it landed on Sango.

"Ummm" Sango thought about who to pick "Sesshomaru"

"Truth" he said skepticly

"If you had to make out with a woman in this circle other that rin who would you pick?" she grinned as rin blushed deeply


"What the hell?!" Kouga raged "WHY?"

"She's the oldest female demon" he turned red

"Okay!" Kagome said "You're turn!"



Sesshomaru smirked "Are you sure about that?"

"Hell yeah! I'm not scared of you!"

"Fine then! I dare you to take off your pants tie them around your head and dance around like and idiot!"

"Damn you!"

Kagome laughed histaricly "Do it! Come on!"

Reluctantly he took off his pants 'Thank god for these 'boxers' kagome gave me' he thought. And he tied them on his head. Then he jumped up and down waving his hands up and down franticly.

Everyone laughed. Inuyasha sat down, with his ears drooping, genuinly embarassed.

Kagome whispered something in his ear and he perked up nicely.


"Oh great" shippou whispered under his breath. "Truth". Better play it safe, Sesshomaru had him pissed off.

"Why didn't you want to talk to me and Miroku earlier?"

"Because it's none of you're bissiness!"

Inuyasha grinned devilishly "Whats none of our bissiness?"

"None of your bissiness!" he blushed furiously

"All right!" he smirked triumphantly



"I dare you to jump into the lake with all your clothes on" he was pissed at Inuyasha and didn't want to take much time to think out a good dare

After Mirokus task was done he sat down next to Sango in the circle.



"Which of the women do you feel most comfortable around" Miroku knew there was something that Ayame wanted to ask Kouga, and figured he should give her an opertunity

"Ummmmm....Rin I guess" she

Everyone looked around for a moment.

"Okay! Hold up!" Kagome said "This is too slow." she pulled a two twelve packs of beer out from behind her.

"What the hell? Where did that come from?" Inuyasha asked

She payed him no heed and passed the beers around the circle.

Toimya eyed hers carefully "Are you sure we're old enough to have these? Rin Shippou and I?"

"I believe you're plenty mature" she emphasized the word mature "enough to have them"

Toimya understood what she was getting at and took a sip.

Finaly Ayame was getting back to her turn.


'Hmm what to do' he thought 'i could pick dare and she could have me give inuyasha a lap dance or some stupid shit like that or i could pick truth and she could make me answer some sappy love question' he decided "Truth"

"If you were given a choice between me and Kagome who would you choose?"

Kagome winced.

"Do you want the real answer?"



She started crying "Do you mean that?"


Ayame tackled Kouga, and he never did finish his turn.