InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too Far ❯ Finding a Place to Think ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha.
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Kagome stood at the lip of the well, frozen. How long she had been there she wasn't sure, she just knew she couldn't go home. She could easily blame the slash marks on a demon attack. But her mother would know something was wrong, she had always been able to read her easily.
But what could she do? She couldn't go home, and she didn't really know anyone in Sengoku Jidai. A sudden thought hit her.
What about Jinenji?! He was very kind. And I'm sure he wouldn't mind me coming by; just for a little while, until I can get everything figured out. But how can I get there? His village is a few days travel away…
Kagome sighed, about to give up on the idea, when she heard a small mew down by her feet.
Looking down she was surprised to find a small, Kirara-looking nekomata. The only differences between the two were that the colors were reversed and that it was slightly larger. Kagome bent down slowly and let the cat sniff her before she pet it, slowly getting lost in thought again.
“Where are you from little kitty? Do you have an owner anywhere nearby who's missing you?”
The only response she got was purring.
“Well I don't suppose you would be willing to fly me a few villages over would you? I need to get away from here, just for a little while.”
All she got was more purring.
Kagome sighed and turned back to the well to pick up her bag and bow and arrows.
Might as well start walking.
Kagome stood then paused before taking two arrows from her quiver and bending down over the lip of the well and then, after a few moments, she concentrated her power on one of the arrows and returned the other one back to the quiver and stood.
She turned around surprised to see the nekomata had transformed into…his, larger form.
“Quiet little bugger aren't you?” Kagome giggled. “Thank you.”
Kagome climbed onto his back and they flew off into the sky.
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Inuyasha ran. He ran until his muscles begged him to stop and kept running. He didn't stop running until his vision became blurry and he had run into a few tree branches. Then he walked mindlessly. It wasn't until he had fallen into the cold lake that he woke from his stupor. He stared at his rippling reflection.
In his reflection looked dirty, exhausted, twigs and leaves sticking out of his long silver hair, and his eyes were full of self-hatred. Angrily he struck at his reflection several times, until he stood there panting, his hands resting palm up on the surface of the water.
His eyes moved past his reflection to focus on his hands, then to his claws. He could still feel the sting of the slap he had given Kagome, still feel his claws ripping through her flesh, hear the sound of the slap echoing throughout the clearing, the sound of the sharp intake of her breath. Before he knew it he was staring at bloody hands, his claws practically ripped off, the water running away from him a pinkish color.
But he didn't feel any pain.
He felt numb.
Inuyasha snapped out of his stupor when the sounds of the night entered his senses. Cursing himself for loosing himself for so long as he realized how dark it was. Looking around he realized he had been there before, long ago. He was near where his mother was buried. He had spent a lot of time there after his mother had died. Wading his way to land Inuyasha set off to find the cave he knew was just beyond the trees. The pain and exhaustion of the day finally hitting him Inuyasha collapsed into a light, dreamless sleep in the farthest, darkest corner of the cave.
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I hope you're liking it. Please review. It gives me courage to keep posting. lol