InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too late for love? ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2

"Kagome? Are you ready for the family vacation?" Her mother asked.

Kagome didn't answer.

"Kagome? Whats wrong dear?"

"I'm fine mom. You guys go on without me, i'll be fine."

"But Kagome you know our vacation lasts for at least a month will you be okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah mom i'll be fine i'll probably be in the fuedal era most of the time." She lied.

" ...... Well..... i guess if you say so... well dear it's late and we're all going to bed. If we leave before you wake up tomorow i want to tell you that i love you and to stay safe dear." She kisses Kagome and heads off to bed.

" .... love you too mom." Kagome sighed deeply and went up to go to bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Kikyo was about to fire her arrow and peirce Inuyasha to a tree.

"Die Inuyasha. Wretched hanyou. Pick some girl over me will you -!" Anger fuming in Kikyo's voice, and her arrow poised aiming straight and true.


She released her arrow and it sped towards Inuyasha's heart.

"INUYASHA!!" Miroku yelled and ran in front of him deflecting the arrow with his staff.

Kikyo seethed in anger "You..."

"M-miroku" said a worried little kitsune kit.

"Inuyahsa are you alright!?" Miroku asked the hanyou, slumping on the ground.

"M-miroku... what're you doing here?"

"We came to talk to you about Kagome. It seems we were right to do so."

"Inuyasha! Are you okay?" Shippo asked.

"Shippo... yea i'm fine." He clutched onto his shoulder.

"Inuyasha you're hurt!" The worried kitsune said.

"How dare you interfere you miserable monk!"

"Kikyo! What is the meaning of this!?"

"It is none of your concern monk! Inuyasha is mine!"

She quickly drew another arrow and aimed for the monk.

"MIROKU!!" Inuyasha and the kitsune yelled in unicen worried that their friend was soon to become Kikyo's next victim.

Miroku quickly deflected the arrow, than Inuyasha jumped from behind weilding the tetsuiga.

"AAARRRRGGG!!! This is the end Kikyo! Face it!! WINDSCAR!!!!!"

The windscar hit the mark dead center, leaving nothing but some busted clay, ash, and grave soil... souls emitting from the dead miko.

"Damn that bitch! Miroku, Shippo are you two alright?"

"We're fine. What about you?"

"I'll be okay Miroku, just a scratch. So what is it you wanted anyway?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Kagome. What happened between you two? You've been gone for days and each day Kagome seems to get worse."

"Worse whatdya mean? Last time i seen her she was fine." The look Inuyasha gave 'seeming to be oblivious' was wasted on Miroku.

"Please Inuyasha you must tell me what happened."

Inuyasha heaved a great sigh and sat down. "I screwed everything up. Damnit!"

"What do you mean?" Shippo asked

"I finally made a move to tell Kagome the truth and it blew up in my face. It's all a blur that i would like to forget."

Miroku looked to Inuyasha and was very persistant in his pursuit for answers.

"Fine i'll tell you!! Jeez!!......... ya see... i told her i loved her.. we kissed and... i - I ended up calling her Kikyo." Blush and anger covered his face. He was mad at himself for his stupidity.

"INUYASHA YOU IDIOT!!! HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THATS BEEN DOING TO KAGOME!!!" The little kitsune screamed in aggrivation. He couldn't believe that even Inuyasha could be so stupid.

"Shippo please calm down. He's right Inuyasha. We've been watching Kagome day in and day out, and ever since you left she seems to be getting more pale, more sickly looking. Imaciated even! It's like it's taking the ultimate toll on her. I don't think it's just physical either, i believe it's emotional... she seems almost heartbroken."

"! W-What!!" Inuyasha shocked at the news became instantly worried about his Kagome.

"Yes. It's true. She's not the same Kagome. But i believe little by little over time this has been happening, this is just effecting her more than others because she's so hurt."

"I-I never knew..... AW MAN.....KAGOME!!!" He started racing back to the village.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Kagome are you alright?" Yuri asked.

"Hmm? oh yea Yuri i'm fine.Why do you ask?"

"You just don't seem to be your usual cheery self lately."

"Yea you look sick." Kimi added.

"I'm fine you guys. I'll be right back i need to go to the bathroom."

"Wait before you go... did something happen with you and Inuyasha?"

"..... We- We're not together anymore."

They all shut up as Kagome turned to go to the bathroom.

As she reaches the bathroom she shuts the door and bursts into tears. "Inuyasha .... i 'm so sorry for what i've done!! I love you"

She stays in there for twenty minutes crying when she stops, she reaches for a razor blade from the medicine cabinet. She slices open the upper part of her forearm a safe distance away from the wrist. She winces in pain and the blood spills to the ground. She watches it stain the white tile in the bathroom and starts to silently cry. A knock on the door startles her and another cut further down closer to the wrist appears as she jolts with each knock. More blood spills onto the floor.

"Kagome are you alright in there? You've been in there for a while now."

"Fuck." Kagome whispers. "Yea i'm fine."

"....Alright well if you need anything we'll be down stairs."


She looks at the blood on the floor and starts to think. ' There is no use putting either of us through this pain anymore. Inuyasha deserves a happy life where he can laugh and live a good life. I'm just in the way of that. I hope Inuyasha that you find that happiness with the person you love. I love you... goodbye my half demon.'

She reaches for a bottle of pills.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

whats gonna happen next? read and review pwease