InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too late for love? ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3


Inuyasha rushes into the village and searches every where.

"KAGOME!! ..... KAGOME!!!!"

Something deep inside him was churining. A feeling he felt right before he heard his mother had died. ' Something is terribly wrong.'
He ran to Sango's house.


Sango ran outside. "Inuyasha what is it!? Is something wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Where's Kagome!"

"She went back to her time a few days ago she still hasnt' come back yet. I'm starting to get worried!"

"Damnit!" With that inuyasha sped off to the old bone eaters well.

"Inuyasha whats going on!?" Sango yelled after him.

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A knock cam to the bathroom door. "Kagome? Kagome?" The bathroom door opened and Yuri walked in....


Yuri knealed down beside her friends seizuring body. Kagome's friends quickly ran up the stairs.

"What is it Yuri.... Oh my god KAGOME!!"

"Hurry somebody call 911!!! Hurry!! Kagome Kagome listen to me come back to us come back...ooh please be alright...Kagome!"

A voice rang through the house. The harsh voice of a worried young man.


I smelled the scent of Kagome's blood and the scent of worried girls throughout the house. Instantly i became worried and called for her "KAGOME!!" No response from anyone i heard a few voices from upstairs, 'call 911!' ' kagome oh my god come back to us! kagome!' I followed the scent of Kagome's blood up to the bathroom an burst into a room full of girls trying to steady the seizuring body of kagome.


The girls were startled but realized who i was and stood aside. "Kagome!!" I tried to ease her body but to no success.

"Damnit! What happened here!!"

One startled girl replied.

"We came up here and we seen her seizuring on the ground."

"grr. damnit! quick get help!"

I turned back to Kagome and looked around the room. I seen blood spilled on the white tile floor, with a bloody razor on the floor, with two deep cuts on her arms. Than i seen a bottle opened and spilled on the ground with pills scattered on the ground near her seizuring hand. 'Damnit Kagome.' Kagome told me of these people before, why would she ever do this!! 'Damnit you idiot it's all your fault!!'

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A/N: Sorry the chapters so short. well please review.