InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too late to say sorry ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha and CO. I do own the plot for this story and right now I own the words because I said so.

Hey there! This is a THREE part STORY! This is NOT a story for people looking for a happy ending. ANGST IS NEAR!

If you want the entire view of this story please listen to "Whiskey Lullaby" by Brad Paisley because that song inspired this story. That and my lovely friend Mike because he helped me with the outline plot and my summary. THANKS!

Pairings: Miroku/Sango

Rating: Pg-13 maybe R I dunno.

Too late to say sorry.

By Miztikal-Dragon

It was late on a Friday night, he had been at the bar for hours, drinking as if there was no tomorrow. The bartender had already given him that “I’m not going to give you anymore because you’re drunk,” look, and if he could he would have told the man off. Things just weren’t going how he had planned. His black hair was laying lifelessly against his tanned face, and his blue eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep. He was a man with nothing left to look forward to, he was lost.

He hadn’t always been this way, he had once been in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, but like everything else, he screwed it up. They had been together since the beginning of high school, an on and off relationship, but one none the less. She was perfect and even better because she understood who he was, she accepted him for who he was, taking the good with the bad. However people had their limits, and so did she. He didn’t mean to do what he had, but it had been a mistake that ended up costing him dearly.

All it had taken was one night drunk at a friend’s bachelor party for him to destroy the only thing that made sense. One certain girl to shatter his hope of ever being truly happy with his one and only love. He didn’t want to tell her that he had had an affair, but it came back to bite him in the ass and when she had found out all hell had broken loose. Sango had tossed him to the curb after an angry fight filled with tears and screams. She told him that she couldn’t love him and he begged for her to understand.

They lived in a small town so why he didn’t think it would get back to her was beyond him, but the thought of telling her twisted his heart, she had had so much heartbreak as it was and he didn’t want to add to it. Yet in the end the only thing it did was ruin everything, and ripped a whole in both of their hearts. That was five months ago and every day he called her to try and explain to her what happened, but every day she merely hung up her phone or told him through a friend not to call. He was dying on the inside and he no longer knew what to do.

With every rejection he would lose a part of himself and try filling it with a bottle of something cold, something that would chase away the emptiness that was him. It didn’t matter what it was, brandy, whiskey, vodka, because all he needed was a way to get her out of his mind, a way for him to live a little in the hell that he had created for himself.

Pulling out his wallet and paying the bartender, Miroku sighed to himself and left the small time bar. It was no use anymore, the alcohol no longer had the same affect and it didn’t take away his pain, it only added to it and made him even more miserable than the day before. Glancing down at his watch as the cold air rose gooseflesh onto his skin, he felt something disappear from his heart. Something told him that it was early enough to call her, to once again beg her to sit down so he could make up for everything and going over to the nearest payphone, he closed the door and rested his head against the cold glass.

He closed his eyes after dialing her number, he had it memorized by heart and listening to the rings his heart grew heavier. She wasn’t going to answer her phone was she? He was correct as her soft voice floated into his ear, teasing him as the answering machine recited her recording. He sighed heavily as he tried to think of something to say and as the beep rang into his eardrum he spoke.

“Hey Sango it’s me Miroku,” he sounded pathetic even to himself but he couldn’t help it. “I know that it’s been five months now and I know that I call you everyday saying the same things, but I miss you so much. Please don’t do this to me, don’t give up on us like this just because I made one tiny mistake. I love you Sango, I really do and if you care about me at all you would at least give me a chance to make things better. You remember where we shared our first kiss right? Over at Emerson bridge, well if you can find it in your heart to listen to me please meet me there tonight at six. I’ll understand if you don’t show up, but if you’re not there I don’t know what I’ll do, I’ll just die if I don’t see you again Sango. I love you so much, please forgive me. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’m sorry.”

Miroku reluctantly hung up the phone and found his way to his beat up Buick. He smiled a sad smile as he sat in the driver’s seat, he and Sango used to go cruising in this car, they had shared such intimate moments together in the backseat, and now it was just a reminder of how much he had screwed up and all the precious moments that had been torn from his fingers. Starting the engine and pulling his car out onto the road, he headed home. He would need to get himself ready to meet her at the bridge, he needed to look his best if he wanted any chance that would give her back to him.

There would be five hours until he would be at the designated place waiting to see her beautiful face and he didn’t know what to do with himself until then. He could go and hang out with InuYasha, his closest friend, but he was probably hanging with his girlfriend, Kagome; the two of them made the cutest couple and they were lucky that nothing had come in between them. It was more than obvious to say that he was jealous, because honestly he was. In his mind it wasn’t fair why nothing worked out for him, why he had to work so hard just to get a kick in the face and have his earnings taken away from him before he could actually enjoy it. It was safe to say that for him since Sango threw him out life was worse then hell and in a way she had broken his heart by giving up so easily.

Somehow he had survived those long hours and eventually made his way back to that very spot. His burgundy dress shirt was loose on his torso and his black dress pants and shoes made him feel like a suit. Sango had told him how much she loved the outfit, hell she had bought it for him for Christmas the year before, but he wore it for her. His car was parked a few yards down the road at the shoulder, there wasn’t really enough room by the bridge to park his and Sango’s car, so he walked a ways just so she wouldn’t have to. Emerson bridge wasn’t made out of wood, but surprisingly metal and was big enough to look like a big city bridge, but was for nothing but the small town. It was surrounded by forestry and though it stuck out a little, over time it had become a part of the picture , a place where even the rarest of flowers would have been honored to grow.

The clouds in the sky foretold his misery but he leaned against the metal and waited for her to come. Something told him deep down that she would and there was nothing that would make him move from that very spot, he would wait all night if he had to. Miroku knew that there was nothing to be really worried about but there were thoughts in the back of his mind screaming ‘what if she didn’t come?’ Digging into his pants pocket, he pulled out the promise ring he had given Sango during their junior year of high school. He had given it to her, the two of them promising to marry each other when the perfect moment came and four years had past since then and the moment had yet to occur.

He fingered it longingly before he slipped it onto his thumb, it was the only place where it would fit him and he refused to put it around his neck. His promise needed to be on a finger where it would sparkle with brilliance, where it would show off the beauty of a woman in love. That was one of the reasons why he had bought it for her. She was a woman who was once in love with him, and in a way he deserved the outcome, but he couldn’t accept it. He refused because they were meant to be together, to grow old and have kids, grandchildren and die when they were old and wrinkled in bed together in their sleep. Yes, he had planned it all out and it would have made the perfect movie.

Six had come and gone so quickly and so had the entire night. He still waited though, he wouldn’t leave until she came and listened, Miroku was determined, but his mental strength wasn’t going to last forever. He had had the common sense to bring his cell phone and he even called his home phone to check for any messages and there was nothing. No messages with her confirming or denying coming to him. His heart had dropped to his stomach, but he merely sat down on the ground, held his knees and waited. He told her that he’d be there and he would.

After a while he began to lose hope and devastation settled in his entire being. The only thing left that he had to look forward to was the hope that he was placing on Sango, the hope that she would come but he was losing that quickly as the hours passed by him. He stayed true to his word and never left the bridge, and he rested his head in his arms and silently cried out his frustration. It was more than certain that about thirty hours later that there would be no Sango coming to save him. She had thrown back everything that ever held them together and stomped on his heart.

He was a broken man.

The rain had began to fall around eleven and they hid his tears from the forest and any being that could see him from the shadows. It was all gone, he had put his heart out on a limb and it was lit on fire. Looking down at his cell phone as the rain soaked his body the tears swelled in his eyes again, there was no point in going on, not after this. He couldn’t handle living life with out her and if she didn’t want to be with him then that was okay, but he wasn’t going to stick around waiting for something that would never be his. He wasn’t strong enough to continue on with the misery of living.

Getting up from his place on the ground, he wiped his eyes with his arm and headed towards the middle of the bridge. The memory of his time with her flashed through his mind and tore at him even more. Mentally he wished that there was another way, but he knew better, this was his only hope that he had left. There just wasn’t a life without Sango with him, he was an empty shell without her and he couldn’t deny it any longer. His body was cold and he could feel himself trembling with fear and sadness as he climbed onto the railing. This was it. Taking one last longing glance back to where his car was parked, he closed his eyes, there was no going back now. Lighting danced across the sky and he smiled a sad smile.

“I Love you Sango,”

And then he let go.

E/N: Okay I know that this is sad, but please bare with me. There are two more parts to this story, and I will post the next one hopefully sometime later. I've actually got to write it first. I would have started but my mind is all jumbled from crying and from mike teasing me. Feel free to flame me because it's all good. PLEASE REVIEW!

Until next time,
