InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too late to say sorry ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha and CO. I do own the plot for this story and right now I own the words because I said so.

Hey there! This is a THREE part STORY! This is NOT a story for people looking for a happy ending. ANGST IS NEAR!

If you want the entire view of this story please listen to "Whiskey Lullaby" by Brad Paisley because that song inspired this story.

Please excuse all spelling and grammar mistakes, it's about 1:30 in the morning and I'm supposed to be up for school in about 3 1/2 hours.

Pairings: Miroku/Sango

Rating: Pg-13 maybe R I dunno.

Too late to say sorry.

By Miztikal-Dragon

Part Two

Sango sighed heavily as she closed her front door. It had been such a long day and she was glad that it was over. The diner that she worked had at been filled with customers all day long, mainly teenagers, but then again it was money in her pocket so who was she to complain. Truth be told she had been off work since three, but her younger brother Kohaku had called, his voice low and scratchy. He begged her to come over and take care of him, he had caught something and couldn’t stand to be alone so like a loving sister, she went to him.

She spent hours trying to break his fever, cleaning up the vomit from the carpet, and holding his hand while he slept and in the end she was more exhausted then when she worked during the holidays. At first Sango didn’t think that he had caught something, but after a while it was more than obvious that he had. Her brother was barely eighteen and living in a small guest house behind their parents place, he had told her that it was cheaper because there were no apartment complexes, but she secretly believed that he wasn’t ready to leave their father alone.

He was a retired police chief with bad arthritis in his knees and needed to be supervised. Their mom, god rest her soul, had died in a freak accident at the school seven years ago. They still hadn’t been able to find out what exactly started the fire, but that was long ago and everyone in the small town tried not to bring up bad memories. She had to admit that her family was pretty old, her father in his late fifties, her and her brother had been born later in their life, but Sango believed that she had been blessed none the less.

Shrugging off her coat and hanging it up in the closet, Sango undid her hair and let it fall around her face. Sometimes having waist length hair had its perks, but in a small diner it was a pain in the ass. Once or twice she thought about cutting a few inches off, but that had been when she was dating Miroku. He had always praised her on her hair, telling how much he loved it, so she kept it the same, but why didn’t she cut it now was beyond her.

Entering the living room, Sango kicked off her shoes and grabbed the television remote, immediately turning on the news. Henry Baker would be on in a few minutes to tell how the weather would be and she personally liked to know whether or not to bring a jacket with her to work. While waiting for the weather report, Sango walked over to her answering machine and frowned, there had been two messages but when she pressed the play button nothing happened. Popping open the tape player that recorded her messages she groaned, the tape was missing.

It had been a common occurrence for her to take out an old tape but she didn’t remember ever forgetting to replace it with a new one. Shrugging her shoulders she opened the desk drawer off to her left and grabbed out a new tape and putting it in the player. Sang would make sure every morning that there was on in there, how could she have missed it? The weather man’s voice drifted into her ears and she shut the tape player and turned to watch the elderly man on the screen. Sango smiled finding out that the snow would be finally coming in, for November it was odd not to see a white snowflake or two, but the rain had taken its place more than a few times already. Mother nature had always been a mystery to Sango, but then again, nature never ceased to amaze her.

She headed down the hallway, turning on her heater before entering her bedroom. There was no point in taking a shower in the morning if it was going to be less than forty degrees outside so she decided to take one before going to bed. Sango would still have to give her father a call and let him know that she would be coming in the afternoon to take him to his doctor’s appointment, he never liked to go alone and she smiled. Like father like son.

Her shower was short lived and by the time she was finished dressing and blow drying her hair, she wore a tired frown on her face, something in her daily routine had been off and she couldn’t place what it was. It was hanging on the tip of her tongue as she crawled into bed, pulling the comforter over her tired body. She felt kind of off like a dying battery in a clock, something was missing. Laying her head on her pillow, a yawn escaped her mouth and she snuggled into her bed, falling asleep almost instantly, dreaming dreams that she wouldn’t remember later in the morning.

The next day had come and gone so quickly it left Sango wondering where it had started and ended. The diner had been so busy that she barely had enough time to take a two minute break before people would be calling for her, asking to be served. She had been short-staffed, but that was okay, she enjoyed the work and when the time came for her to leave, she almost forgot to pull off her uniform. There would be a few crude jokes by the doctor if she showed up to the doctor’s office in a short skirt again.

Kagome had stopped by Sango’s place for an early dinner, her job at the morgue was a slow one, but it was well paying and the girl had fun so Sango only shook her head. The two of them had shared the gossip and laughed themselves silly on a few occasions, they had always been close. A call from InuYasha cut their girl time short and it wasn’t long until the roar of a motorcycle stopped at Sango’s and they knew that he’d come. After only two years no the police force somehow he had convinced them to allow him to use a motorcycle instead of a squad car, though he had paid for the bike himself, so who cared right?

Anyway she ended up going to bed early, hundreds of thoughts on her mind as she laid in bed. Like the day before, there had been no messages left foe her and her heart squeezed in her chest. It had taken her most of the day to figure out what was missing and when she figured it out she had frowned. Miroku hadn’t called to beg for her to take him back, and at first she had thought it would be relieving but it wasn’t. She was accustomed to him calling, it was apart of her daily routine and she couldn’t believe that she missed hearing his voice. She had broken up with him, called it quits and now her mind was yearning for him. Go figure.

Glancing at her clock it read eleven-fifteen and guessing that he would still be awake, Sango leaned over and grabbed the cordless phone from her nightstand, dialing his cell phone. It rang for a few minutes and hearing it switch to the voicemail, she felt her heart sink, he wasn’t answering.

“Hey Miroku,” she was unsure of what to say. “It’s me Sango. Look I’ve been thinking, we should talk and get together. I don’t want a phone conversation because they always seem so fake. Um, yeah gimme a call tomorrow okay? I’ll be at the diner, uh, goodbye.”

Holding the phone to her chest, she slipped away into unconsciousness.

Her smile was wide as she jotted down the orders of the table seven, she hadn’t heard her alarm clock go off and it had almost made her late for work. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she quickly went to the kitchen only to call out the orders to the chef. Going back behind the counter, she refilled her small apron with napkins and refilled Henry Baker’s coffee cup. He always had two cups of cinnamon vanilla coffee. Her brown eyes surveyed the diner before her name was called and she rushed back into the kitchen.

The large plastic tray held the Benson five’s orders and as heavy as it was, she was able to carry it with one hand above her head with another held at her waist with her other hand. Exiting the kitchen, she heard the roar of InuYasha’s motorcycle and smiled, non-fat decaf mocha latte with a bear claw, but today he was a few hours later than normal. Placing one plastic tray at the designated table, she used both hands for the Benson one and trekked back towards their table.

“Sango!” Something was in his voice that made her stop.

“I’ll be with you in a moment, Inu--” She turned around with a sincere smile on her face only for her blood to run cold.

Glass plates and bowls crashed to the ground and shattered, the food spilling onto the floor as Sango stared at InuYasha. In his hand he held the promise rind Miroku had given her and the same one she had given back after the fight. She remembered turning on the radio on her way to work but with the details given she had only been sympathetic to the ‘young man drowns in river, police suspect victim fell off bridge.”

Sango dropped to her knees and began sweeping the food and broken glass into a pile, she wasn’t going to listen, it was only a joke, some cruel joke that they were playing on her and she wasn’t going to fall for it. Tears prickled at the back of her eyes, it was only a joke, she prayed that it was. She prayed.

“Sango,” InuYasha’s voice was softer as he stepped closer. “You have to come with me, Kagome needs you at the morgue.”

“NO!” She screamed, her palms digging into the glass. “NO! Stay away from me! Nothing’s wrong! Don’t you fucking dare play this joke on me!”

“If you don’t come, I’ll have to arrest you Sango,” it was strained but they both knew that he’d do it. “Ayame’s brought a squad car, so come on.”

InuYasha helped Sango to her feet and held her close as her body trembled uncontrollably. Tears fell from her eyes as the two of them climbed into the back of the car, the bike could wait until later. Sango knew that even this was too cruel of a joke to be played and in her heart she knew that it was real. She clutched her best friend’s husband like he was her last life line and cried into his chest, it just couldn’t be true! Miroku couldn’t have fallen off the bridge, he had been in gymnastics until he graduated!

They reached the morgue an hour later and glancing up at InuYasha, she saw his violet eyes filled with unshed tears, she wasn’t the only one hurting but none of them would understand her pain. Kagome wasn’t fairing any better but she was trained to be like a doctor, she knew that at the moment her job came first. Sango had been left alone as the stretcher was brought out, he had been covered with a white sheet from his chest down. She couldn’t stop the sob that wrenched itself from her throat as she stared down at his still form. Even in death Miroku would always smile. His hair was matted against his face and Sango felt her heart breaking all over again. It was too late, she couldn’t say her apologies for never talking to him when he begged her to. It was then that she fell apart.


This wasn't as sad as the first chapter, but I had a hard time writing the end. I've actual had to see someone dead on a stretcher who was close to me back when I was 11 so it was hard because I kept seeing that person there instead of Miroku. This wasn't everything that I wanted to put into this chapter, it's actually missing a lot, but I figured I would just add it on to the final chapter since it was kinda short.

Feed back of any kind would be fantastic so I know how you feel. And thanks to everyone who has already reviewed so far! Next chapter when I finish it! REVIEW PLEASE!

Until next time,
