InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone. I also deny having any knowledge of Buddhism and the symbols depicted in this chapter.
Koi: Cherished
Baka: idiot/stupid
Onegai: please
Onna: woman
Otou-san: father
Otouji-san: uncle
Nikkou: sunlight
Roiyaro: loyal
Mottomokicho: most precious one
Chapter 9:
Dusk had long since wound his solemn way across the shrine leaving behind a flowing cape of idle shadows that coaxed and teased cicadas from their earthy tomb. The night-laden air soon filled with the mellow sound of chirping as one by one they rubbed the sleep from their brittle limbs while the shying rustle of leaves fanned the tantalizing perfume of sakura blossoms drifting behind a playful breeze.
A breathtaking visage of an archangel stood poised on the edge of this hallowed scene as moonlight bathed him in silver light. His luminous hair delineated his trim body in silhouette as a furry appendage curled around his shoulder and flowed behind him as the breeze reached out with nimble fingers to tug at the silky strands. A murmur floated to his straining ears inciting him to lean forward to catch the quiet words of the miko who had captured his attention so long ago.
“I don't know how much more of this I can take Goshinboku. The arguing, the memories, everything is just so excruciatingly familiar. I was finally starting to let go of the past and then they showed up. Is this how you felt whenever I went back and forth between the present and the past? How can you bear to see so many people come and go while you stand still?”
Looking down at her hand where the Shikon no Tama flickered in sleepy bondage, she whispered, “Oh Midoriko, I don't know how much more heartache I can take. How can you ask me to choose between them? They seem so familiar with Inuyasha's temper and Sesshoumaru's quiet control, but they're different. Five hundred years separate the demons I knew then and the ones they've become now while I have only aged two. How can we just resume our friendship with so many years separating us?
Kagome sighed and closed her hand around the unwanted responsibility. “Why did you give me this jewel? Now that I've finally started to move on with my life, you have once again disrupted it. How much longer will I have to bear this burden as I watch my life melt away? Why couldn't you release them from their memories so they could settle down with mates and children of their own? How can I make the right decision for myself when I must protect this cursed rock?”
Sesshoumaru could no longer bear the heaviness of his koi's spirit as it seeped towards him, branding him with its aura. “No, Kagome,” he said; his mellow voice cutting through the night air. “Do not wish for our memories to fade. Without your constant presence, our feud would have ended in death leaving the Western Lands without an heir. I would have been no worse then the Fujiwara clan ruthlessly using the people within my domain to further my own power. Without your memory, I would not have chosen duty over selfishness.”
Sesshoumaru drifted closer to Kagome's huddled figure kneeling in front of Goshinboku. Holding himself erect behind his koi, he swayed in the night breeze as he struggled to control the urge to take her into his arms. Five hundred years was a long time to yearn for a single woman's presence. “Never doubt the impact you have had on Japan.” Sesshoumaru swallowed and looked down at the fragile beauty kneeling before him.
Kagome's eyes closed as she felt the heat radiating off of his body. Leaning back slightly, she could almost feel the touch of silk as he caved in to kneel behind her. He was so close but so far away from granting her the comfort she so desperately craved.
Taking a deep breath, Sesshoumaru desperately tried to keep himself from yanking the young woman into his arms and luxuriating in her warmth. Releasing his breath in a ragged sigh, Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and concentrated on the one pleasure he would allow himself: Kagome's sweet sakura scent laced with a hint of autumn spice.
The boughs of Goshinboku stilled as the old tree drank in the heart-wrenching sight as each denied the other their desire. So many such scenes had been played out beneath his branches through the ages. Each salt-laden tear had been absorbed into his sap and each joy filled laugh echoed with every shake of a limb. A moan emitted from the great tree as the wind rushed through the air breaking the silent mummery playing out before him.
Kagome turned around to look into the gold-eyed gaze of the man kneeling behind her. “Thank-you, Sesshoumaru.” She reached out a hand to lightly graze a silken cheek. “What happened to your stripes?”
Sesshoumaru's cheek rippled underneath her feather-soft touch. “Shippou created a charm to disguise them.”
“Is there anything Shippou hasn't done? First a lawyer, then a teacher, and now a charm maker?”
“He has an undeniable talent for many trades, although he only involves himself in law to ease my transition to a new identity.”
“Oh, I didn't know that.” Kagome eyes strayed to his shoulder as she touched the silky softness of his tail. “Where does your tail go? I don't remember seeing it that day outside my school.”
Sesshoumaru winced as his tail twitched in agonized remembrance. “I am able to cast a spell that allows it to contract in on itself.”
Kagome watched as his tail twitched violently. “Is it uncomfortable?”
Sesshoumaru sighed as he pressed the edge of a finger underneath her chin to force her eyes to meet his gaze. “You try condensing a tail into the size and width of a coin.”
Kagome smiled weakly as she pulled her head away from his gentle touch. Turning around to look at Goshinboku a final time, she got to her feet and took a soothing breath of summer air. A glimmer of a smile touched her eyes as she softly spoke. “Thank-you, Sesshoumaru. You have changed. You would never have given me words of comfort before, and I appreciate them tonight. I don't know if I could have withstood one more word spoken in argument whether it be my own or another's.”
Sesshoumaru smile remained hidden in the darkness as he let her observation dissipate into the night. “That baka half-brother of mine has never been able to master his temper although I think he does it more to annoy then anger.” Looking up to the moon, he sensed Kagome take a few steps away from him as her sweet laughter broke the subdued atmosphere.
“Onegai, Kagome, please wait.” Sesshoumaru watched her turn once more to face him. “Rin wanted me to share her life with you when we meet again.”
Kagome's eyes shuttered closed as she attempted to keep back the flow of tears. “Please, tell me then for I have long missed her bright laughter.”
Taking a deep breath, Sesshoumaru reached out a hand and guided her to sit on a bench next to the God Tree. Leaning against the aged bark, he dove into the depths of his vast memory, searching for those of his beloved daughter.
Six months after Kagome's departure from Sengoku Jidai—
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” cried a young girl of seven years as she waved and disappeared from the window high on his castle wall.
Sesshoumaru came to a stop on the edge of the clearing as he looked at his lonely castle. Its walls seemed dressed in somber grey as though it too was in mourning for the mistress that would never return to enliven its hollow halls. Letting his gaze drift from window to balcony down to the gate that bore an emblem of crescent moon behind a running dog, he pondered the events of the last six months.
Never would he have imagined he would have reconciled with his hanyou brother and declared a kitsune his heir. Never would he have imagined he could learn to love an onna and that she would disappear from his life before he acknowledged the true depth of his feelings. Sighing, he turned to survey his lands. It had been to long since he had stopped and actually looked at the quiet beauty that was his domain. Five months was a long time to allow his beast full control of his body and another month to regain his lost strength.
“Rin missed Sesshoumaru-sama!” A tiny body impacted the back of the taiyoukai's leg as arms reached around the appendage in a death grip. Looking down at the child, he saw the unruly mass of black hair flying around his ward's body as her face buried itself into the tattered silk of his hakama. “Why did Sesshoumaru-sama leave Rin alone for so long?” she said in garbled speech as the warmth of her breath massaged his tortured leg muscles.
A hand reached down to find comfort in a familiar gesture as it rested on the dark-hair. “This Sesshoumaru did not mean to.” Hesitating, he battled the urge to grab a hold of this charming child that demanded nothing more then to bask in his presence. He would not allow himself to cry into the hair that reminded him so of Kagome. Turning from the tempting sight, he looked back to his castle. Mastering control of himself, he gave a soothing pat to the child crying tears of joy at the return of her lord. “Come, Rin. Let us go inside.”
Rin let go her guardian angel and smiled brightly while her tears continued to fall from her brown eyes. Turning around she dashed into the castle only to pause just inside the gate for the taiyoukai to wend his weary way inside.
—The Following Day—
“Where is the pretty lady Kagome, Sesshoumaru-sama?” asked Rin as she jumped into a pile of leaves she had gathered for that purpose.
Sesshoumaru gathered his gaze back from his distant thoughts to look at the child. “Kagome went home Rin. She is unable to return.”
Rin's face clouded in sorrow as she crawled out of the leafy mess. Running to Sesshoumaru she hugged the sitting demon around the waist as best she could. “Why can Kagome not come back? Did you scare Kagome-chan away, Sesshoumaru-sama?”
He looked down into her soulful eyes and marveled at the wisdom behind her youthful gaze. “No, Rin. Kagome-chan returned home not knowing the way back would be sealed against her.”
“Oh, so Kagome-chan did not want to leave Rin all alone?”
“No, Rin. Kagome-chan would never leave you by choice. She sees you as a daughter.” Sesshoumaru tore his gaze away from the tiny girl.
“Rin is glad. I do not know what I would have done if Kagome did not like Rin.”
“Kagome loved you little one.” Taking a deep breath, he returned his gaze to the child standing in front of him. Allowing his mask to break just this once, for Kagome, he reached out an arm to pull his daughter close to him in a loose embrace. Whispering into her ear, he asked, “Could you not call me otou-san when we are alone?”
Rin squealed in delight as she strengthened her hug. “Rin is happy to call Sesshoumaru-sama otou-san!” Releasing her father, she skipped into the clearing singing gaily and brightening the melancholy surrounding her now acknowledged father.
“You left her alone for six months? How could you do that to the little girl when the sun rises and falls with your presence!” Kagome looked at the unbending demon standing before her. There were some days when she wished she could destroy his cold mask to allow the emotion she saw in his gaze loose. It did him no good to hold it all in.
Sesshoumaru stood in stoic silence as he faced Kagome's irate stare and accepted her anger as just punishment. Nothing would ever lessen the guilt that he had left her alone with Jaken for six long months. “I had left Jaken to care for the child. He should have kept her sufficiently occupied until my return.”
Returning her stare, he decided to prod a little at her own pride. “Why did you not tell me you were from the future and not some foreign country as this Sesshoumaru suspected?”
Kagome gulped in sheepishness as she averted her gaze. “I, um, never found a good time to tell you really.” Her voice trailed off into the chirping night. “Besides, would you have believed me if I told you the truth?”
Sesshoumaru's eye twitched in the moonlight. “I do not know. You never gave me a chance.”
“Oh,” said Kagome. Picking at the embroidery adorning her sleeve, she tentatively asked, “Can you tell me more about Rin? What was she like as a teenager?”
Sesshoumaru smiled a sweet tender smile he reserved only for Rin and never knowingly revealed to anyone else until now. “Rin was a lot like you.”
Five years after Kagome's Disappearance—
“Otou-san? Can I visit Shippou-chan?”
Sesshoumaru looked up from a scroll he was reading and rubbed his aching temple. Glancing through the early morning light, he saw Rin, now five feet tall and still growing, standing in the door to the library. Tossing aside the boring scroll, he stood up and stretched the kinks out of his already sore back. Too much of his daily life was controlled by his duties to his prospering lands, and too often he sought the monotonous torture to escape his sleepless nights. It was amazing how much his lands were flourishing since Kagome left him. Shaking his errant thoughts away, he looked at his adopted daughter.
“Meet me out front in an hour.”
Rin squealed and ran with the awkward grace of a growing teenager down the hallway as Sesshoumaru shook his head and called for Jaken. The tiny patter of feet filtered into the room as the green toad hurried to obey his master's command. Running through the still open door of the library, he tripped on a rug and skidded to his master's feet.
“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama? I am sorry this poor servant has fallen in his haste to reach you great lord, but he is ever ready to serve you.” Jaken babbled on as he picked himself off the hardwood floor and dusted his robes with a shaking hand.
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed as he looked at his dedicated servant. “Prepare Ah-Un for a journey. We go to visit Shippou within the hour.” Dismissing the toad, he watched as the toad fled down the hall screeching for the two headed dragon to be saddled in preparation for his lord's departure.
Sesshoumaru falls silent—
Returning to his desk, he picked up a small wooden box and opened the lid. Taking a deep whiff of the intoxicating sakura scent wafting from the crushed petals contained within, he allowed himself to luxuriate in the smell. Memories drifted through his mind of her sweet smile, flashing hair, and petulant whine. Tightly grasping a stray thought, he watched as the memory of his first taste of Kagome gently unfurled before his inner eye.
They had been arguing over the jewel shards with Kagome wanting to resume the search, and he not wanting to put her in danger. She had been adamant over the decision, refuting every alternative he had tried. She had even refused to let him play fetch saying she had to be with him in order to sense the jewel shard's location. Finally, he had caved in just to see her smile. When she leaned forward to rub her nose against his own, he had been unable to help himself; he kissed her.
Her stunned expression was priceless as he cradled her close and ended the chaste kiss. Her eyes were glazed with lips parted in a silent `oh' as her body melted into his. There was no doubt the unexpected affection had shocked her. If it hadn't been for Rin disturbing that quiet moment, he knew Kagome would have initiated a second kiss. But there were to be no more kisses either then or now.
His bittersweet smile was released into the quiet of his room as he recalled the second and last taste he had of his Kagome, but refrained from reliving it in its complete glory. It was a painful reminder of what he almost had.
Sighing, the taiyoukai concentrated on relaxing his tense muscles one by one as he returned the box of crushed sakura petals to rest on his desk once more. With the closing of the lid, he set-aside the memories and turned to walk out of the library to escort Rin to Kaede's village.
The tale resumes at Kaede's Village—
“Shippou-chan, where are you!” cried Rin as she jumped off Ah-Un and ran up the shrine steps. She couldn't wait to see the newly built shrine since it was just beginning to be built the last the last time she had visited. Rin smiled thinking of Miroku's nervous twitch as she and Shippou played games with him in an effort to keep his mind away from wedding night jitters. He was almost more nervous about the wedding night then his actual bride.
Coming to a halt just over the edge of the clearing, she gazed in wide-eyed wonderment at the Buddhist temple centered prominently inside a high wall. Lanterns were strung up connecting the four corners of the shrine grounds to the turret of the Buddhist temple. Five ring Pagodas flanked the entrance to the shrine while the four heavenly kings resided in each corner of the wall as protectors of the Buddhist law. Jikokuten faced the east, Zouchoten faced the south, Koumokuten to the west and Tamonten to the north. In the center of the open ground floor tier of the Buddhist temple stood Taishakuten, Lord of the Center. The temple stretched above Taishakuten with an additional tier housing a bell. The shrine grounds had been paved with white cobblestones and were flanked with patches of raked dirt. Progress to create a garden around the Buddhist temple was evident although the quiet one surrounding a low white building in the northwest corner was fully planted and well cared for.
Running to the white building, Rin threw open the door and cheerfully called out for her friends. “Miroku, Sejitsu, Shippou, Inuyasha; Rin has come for a visit!”
Sweet laughter echoed from a back room as a brunette lady ambled her slow steady way into the main room. “It's so good to see you,” Seijitsu said with a wide smile. Coming to a stop before Rin's wide-eyed gaze, she laughed again. “Do you want to feel him?”
Reaching for Rin's hand, she placed it gently on her swollen stomach. Grunting, she continued to press the child's hand against her pregnant belly and smiled as the baby kicked in retaliation. “He likes you, Rin.”
Rin gawked at the tummy and moved her hand to massage the child through the layers of cloth. “How is he coming out?”
Seijitsu laughed and moved to sit down on a futon. Lowering herself gently to the soothing mattress, she patted the space next to her in silent permission. “Well, when he's ready to be born, I'll go into the bedroom with Kaede and together we'll guide him into the world.”
Rin frowned as she tried to figure out what the adult wasn't telling her. “But if he's in there,” she said pointing to Seijitsu's stomach, “and he's supposed to end up out here, how does he go from there to here?”
Seijitsu smiled and laid a comforting hand on Rin's shoulder. “Maybe you are old enough to understand.” Taking a deep breath she looked at the child, “The baby, when he decides he's ready to be born, will tell his mommy that it's time by putting pressure on her tummy. That's my cue to get Kaede and together we'll help by pushing from behind the child so he can make his way out of my body.” Looking solemnly at the still confused child, she said softly, “You know where your woman's blood comes from don't you?”
Rin nodded hesitantly. She had scared her otou-san half to death when she told him that she was bleeding two years ago. She knew because he had immediately flown her to the village and demanded that Kaede heal her without waiting for Ah-Un to get ready. A blush graced her features as she remembered the talk the wise woman had given her about the changes her body would start to go through and what would happen should she ever decide to…lie with a man. She had run screaming out of the hut and made Sesshoumaru promise that he would never choose a mate for her. She didn't want to think about that being inside of her. She might be a female and a child, but she had seen her fair share of naked men and demons over the years. It was bound to happen when she lived in a predominantly male household.
Seijitsu smiled in relief. “Well, where your woman's blood comes from is where the baby comes from.”
Rin stared in horror at the pregnant woman. It just got worse and worse. There was definitely no way she was ever going to mate with someone now! “Isn't that going to hurt?”
“Like a bitch,” sighed Seijitsu. “But, it's worth it little one.” She moved her hand to massage her child and to ease the discomfort of tightly stretched skin.
Rin looked askance at the oddly peaceful woman. “Um, have you seen Shippou? I wanted to play with him.”
Seijitsu smiled. It was such a pleasure seeing the two children play together. “I believe he's out back by the Bone Eater's Well. Why don't you go keep him company, nie?”
Rin gave a luminous smile and jumped off the futon. Running out the door, she threw a “Thank-you!” over her shoulder.
Sesshoumaru watched just outside the doorway as his ward pelted off towards a hidden building behind Goshinboku and dashed inside squealing in delight. Bowing his head, he ducked into the house and looked down at the onna's slightly troubled face. “Is everything alright?”
Seijitsu smoothed her brow and gave a radiant smile to the taiyoukai. “Yes, everything is fine. I'm just feeling a little discomfort today is all.” She looked down at her tummy as she continued to rub it in soothing circular motions. “He's been getting a little impatient lately.”
Sesshoumaru nodded and exited the cottage. “I'll find the Houshi and tell him to tend to you.”
“You don't need to do that. I'm fine, really,” drifted the soft voice through the open door as he drifted down the cobbled path scenting for the Houshi.
Hurrying down the shrine steps, he found Miroku tending Kaede's herb garden while she looked on with critical eyes. “You're supposed to pull out the weeds, not the gingko.”
Miroku looked sheepishly at the plant root lying in his hand. “Sorry Kaede, but it all looks the same to me.”
Kaede sighed and pointed with a cane to the gingko. “That's an herb,” moving her cane to a weed, “and that's a weed. Learn the difference.” With that, she bonked him on the head.
“Ouch,” said the Houshi as he rubbed his swollen skull. “I get that enough from Seijitsu what with all her mood swings, I don't need that from you!”
Kaede huffed from her stool. “Then learn what herb is which and what isn't.”
Miroku sighed and began to pull out more weeds. Sesshoumaru silently laughed at the helpless man, but controlled himself before speaking his solemn message. It would not do to have his emotions displayed outwardly. “Houshi, you had best attend your wife.” Silently, he thought, `I'm sure she has a few more swings left in her before the pup is ready to be birthed.'
Miroku startled at the emotionless voice behind him before his words registered in his ringing head. Jumping up, he looked wildly around the village before letting his gaze rest on the demon lord. “Is it time? Is she okay?” he breathlessly asked as he began to plow through the freshly weeded vegetable and herb garden much to Kaede's chagrin.
Sesshoumaru caught his arm as he attempted to run pass him. “No, but she is feeling discomfort.”
Miroku nodded and dashed up the shrine steps at a slightly less erratic pace. Sesshoumaru watched as the monk disappeared from sight before turning back to the chuckling miko.
“He'll be the death of us all until that baby is born,” she said as she attempted to still her shaking frame. Making her laborious way to her feet, she nodded at the taiyoukai. “I take it Rin wished to visit, or are ye here to see Inuyasha?”
Sesshoumaru glared at the old woman. “I have no need to seek Inuyasha. He does well to protect this village and my southern borders. It was Rin who wished to come here.”
Kaede laughed again. “It is good to see the child. She brightens the air with her innocent smile and reminds us all of Kagome.”
“This Sesshoumaru does not need reminders of Kagome,” he said as he gazed overhead indignantly as he tried to keep himself from remembering his earlier weakness.
Kaede shook her head. She remembered well the shape Sesshoumaru had been in when he had helped Inuyasha and Shippou to her hut five years ago before dashing off to return home. He had looked hardly better then the hanyou. “Be as that may, it is a welcome reminder of Kagome's sweet spirit to see Rin at play.”
Kaede looked at the demon standing before her as he gazed in the direction of his child. “Does Rin still protest against a match, Sesshoumaru-sama?”
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the impertinent onna. “I will not allow Rin to be forced to mate. She has many years left to grow before she need be concerned.”
Kaede chuckled. “I only be asking since she seemed determined against the act.” Gazing sagely at the shrine, she chuckled again. “It seems she has grown quite attached to the kitsune.”
Sesshoumaru gazed sharply at the miko. “She counts Shippou as a friend, nothing more.”
“Perhaps, but perhaps ye should talk with the young heir.” Kaede nodded and headed into her hut leaving the taiyoukai to ponder her words. Shaking himself from his reverie, he darted back up the stairs in a white blur and masked his scent to hide in Goshinboku where he could watch his daughter through the open door.
Inuyasha dropped down next to Sesshoumaru. He had found refuge on one of the higher branches when he smelled his brother arrive an hour ago. “I thought spying was beneath you,” he teased sensing the demon lord's pensive mood.
Sesshoumaru shot a cooling glare at the hanyou before turning to watch the scene play out before him. “Leave or be quiet.”
Sighing, Inuyasha settled more comfortably on the branch to wait for this half-brother's attention. It was no fun poking at Sesshoumaru's cold façade when he was unreceptive to the bait. Twitching his ears, he honed in on the conversation below. Perhaps he'd glean something of use from the conversation his half-brother was so intent upon hearing.
Rin's voice filtered into the sunlight courtyard. “Shippou, why did Kagome have to go away?”
“She needed to go back home where she belonged,” came Shippou's reply.
“Why couldn't she stay here? Did she not belong with Rin and Sesshoumaru-sama?”
Shippou sighed as he dangled his feet over the edge of the well where he was sitting. “She had to go back home, Rin. We should be happy she was not called away from us earlier then she was.”
“It's not fair!” cried Rin as she pushed herself off the door to stamp her foot.
“No, it's not fair, but she had no choice in the matter. She was heartbroken when she was forced to leave.”
Rin sighed. “I miss Kagome. Why can't we go visit her? Surely she does not live that far away.”
Shippou bit his lip as he flicked his now auburn colored tail. “Kagome lives very far away. She was only able to travel here through a magic portal which closed behind her.”
Rin threw herself at Shippou who was barely able to keep himself from plunging backwards into the well with the force of her momentum. “Why did no one ever tell Rin that Kagome was trapped behind a magic spell?”
Shippou hesitantly put his arms around the sniffling girl as he flushed a deep maroon color. “Um, we didn't want you to worry about Kagome?”
Rin pushed herself off the kitsune's chest. “But Rin did not understand why Kagome could not return to her!”
Shippou stared in bemusement at the fiery teenager standing before him. “I don't think any of us really understood. We just know she can't return.”
Rin sighed and leaned her head back against Shippou's chest. “Tell Rin a story about Kagome-chan please?”
Shippou smiled into Rin's black hair. “Only if you stop referring to yourself as Rin and say please.”
Rin reared back in indignation and pushed Shippou over the edge of the well. Hearing a loud splat and angry mutterings as Shippou dusted himself off, she backed out of immediate range of the well and asked with innocent guile, “Please Shippou! Tell me a story!”
Shippou bounced back onto the well edge and crossed his arms. “Only if you can catch me!”
Rin lurched forward as the kitsune dashed out of the well house and down the shrine steps. Yelling after her friend, she ran comically after him. Sesshoumaru gazed at the spot where the two teenagers had embraced moments earlier and wondered if perhaps he should take Kaede's words to heart and talk to the kitsune. It would not do for him to act to quickly concerning his daughter.
As he pondered the strange scene of childhood love, his ears picked up a soft gasp of pain and crash from inside the house. Turning towards the noise, he swiftly descended from the tree followed shortly by Inuyasha. Before they could travel two paces forward, the monk rushed from the house and ran screaming towards Kaede's hut. Backing away from the house, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha shared a glance as each decided it was best to leave the site of domestic upheaval. Quickly, they jumped into the tree and over the wall, disappearing into the forest.
Kaede walked outside into the cool autumn air to stretch her aching muscles. The birthing had gone well, but the mother was experiencing severe hemorrhaging where the baby boy had torn the birth canal on his way out. She needed to stop the bleeding, but was sorely short of coagulating herbs. Alfalfa would be the best, but the herb was exiting its season's cycle. Turning her troubled gaze inwards, she hurriedly tried to think of where the blue-violet flower could be found this late in September.
Hearing the swish of silk, she turned towards Goshinboku where she found Shippou, Rin, and Sesshoumaru lounging in wait. Inuyasha was standing in front of her with his hands stuck in his sleeves and a concerned expression covering his face. “Well, old woman? Is she done yet?”
Kaede frowned at the ill-tempered hanyou. “Seijitsu has birthed a beautiful baby boy, but her life hangs in the balance. There be no alfalfa to promote her blood to clot. Without it, she will die.” Silence descended over the courtyard as Kaede continued to rack her brain for a solution.
“Is alfalfa a small purple and blue flower with long oval shaped olive green leaves sitting on a stalk and grows in shrubs about waist high?”
Kaede swung her head around to stare at Rin's perplexed frown. “Yes, child, that is the herb I speak of. Do ye know of where it can be found?” Hope welled up in her chest that perhaps this child could save the poor woman bleeding inside.
“Yes, Kaede-sama. There is some in a meadow not far from otou-san's castle.”
Sesshoumaru unfolded himself from his position against the God Tree and picked up Rin to settle her on his back. Looking at Kaede, he nodded in consolation. “We will make haste.” Jumping into the air, he took off with great speed towards his castle gaining in momentum until only a flash of white in the moonlight could be seen.
Flying above the treetops, Sesshoumaru concentrated on keeping a hold of his daughter as he pushed his cloud to ever greater bursts of speed as he braced himself against the roaring of the wind that threatened to tumble both him and his daughter to the ground. Yelling over his shoulder, he asked, “Where is this meadow?”
Rin held tighter to her otou-san as she squeezed her eyes shut. Never before had she flown so fast through the air. Taking a deep breath, she leaned as close to her father's ear before screaming into them, “South-east of the castle Otou-san. It's the meadow where Kagome-chan melted the bad orge!”
The wind whipped Rin's words back into her face, but Sesshoumaru's keen hearing caught the faint edge of them. Nodding his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement, he fought to change his direction without losing his balance against the shifting winds. In minutes, they landed in the clearing, and Sesshoumaru gently set Rin down. Sitting on the ground, he waited with heavy breath as Rin dashed around the meadow looking for the elusive herb. A happy shriek and a dive into a small shrub attested to her finding the treasure. Struggling out of the plant, Rin clutched the tiny flowers and flew back to Sesshoumaru where he stiffly stood up from the soft meadow grass. Handing the flowers to Sesshoumaru, she watched as he tucked them safely into his haori before picking her up to cling on his back once more. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on forming his cloud beneath him before sluggishly rising into the air. Opening his eyes, he focused his gaze on the distant horizon, and began to push by will alone against his fatigue. He would not fail.
Landing in the shrine courtyard, Sesshoumaru fell to one knee to allow Rin to climb down from his back. Retrieving the coveted herb from his haori, he handed the flowers to Rin who gladly ran inside the hut to give them to Kaede. Looking to Inuyasha and Shippou who had come up beside him, he asked a single question. “Are we in time?”
Shippou nodded. “She's still alive. Weak, but alive.” Hesitantly, he reached out a paw to rest on his otouji-san's shoulder. “How did you make the trip so fast? You were barely gone a half hour and I know it normally takes three to reach us.”
“I do not know,” he said before he collapsed on the cobblestones, exhausted.
Shippou and Inuyasha looked at each other and silently picked up the sleeping taiyoukai and carried him into the well house. Grabbing a blanket, they covered the slumbering Lord and took up position at the entrance. No one would be allowed to witness his weakness.
Heavy eyelids struggled to open against the oppressive heat encompassing the taiyoukai. Stretching his senses, he discerned the fragrance of roses and mulberry that clung to Rin and the fainter smell of meadowsweet and pine. Shippou had been here not that long before. The sickening smell of salted mackerel and nettles that clung to Inuyasha suggested that he too had made his appearance. Opening his eyes completely, he found himself face to face with Rin's wide brown eyes as she leaned over her otou-san.
“Yay! Sesshoumaru-sama is finally awake!” Rin grinned cheerfully as she sat back to allow the youkai to sit up.
“How long was I sleeping?” asked Sesshoumaru as he removed the coarse blanket covering his body.
“Only a few hours. Dawn is just now breaking.”
Sesshoumaru nodded in acknowledgement. “And what of the ningen onna?”
Rin's face creased in thought. “Seijitsu is doing well. Kaede said that she has lost a lot of blood, and we must wait until later today to see if she will recover completely. She also said that without your speed, she would have surely been lost.”
A companionable silence descended over the duo as each became lost in their separate thoughts. Rin began to fidget with the edge of her kimono as time dragged on and Sesshoumaru did not move. “Um, Sesshoumaru-sama?”
Sesshoumaru's gaze focused in on Rin's downcast face. Something was wrong; he could smell the nervous tang of sweat coating her skin.
“Do you think I could stay here in the village for a little while?” Rin glanced up at Sesshoumaru's ever impassive face and gulped. Hurrying, she blurted out, “It's just that Kaede-sama said I have a good eye for herbs and she was very, very tired after helping birth the baby and could use the help.”
Sesshoumaru nodded. He had noticed her fatigue earlier when she was overseeing Miroku's abortive attempts to help in her garden. She was old and would soon pass away leaving the village without a successor. “How can you learn when you do not have a miko's power?”
Rin twisted the cloth of her kimono underneath her hands. “Well, I would be learning to be a healer more then a miko. Kaede said that I know the plants; I just need to learn how to use them.” Rin raised her eyes to gaze into her otou-san's yellow orbs. “She doesn't have much time left, otou-san, and she lacks an apprentice since Kagome-chan disappeared.”
Sesshoumaru watched as her eyes began to glisten with tears for the old miko who would fade away soon. How could he deny the child her heart when all she yearned to do was mirror the one woman who had influenced everyone's life with her simple presence? She had even influenced this taiyoukai. “You may stay,” he said with his monotonous tone echoing faintly of sadness. It would be lonely in the castle without her.
Rin smiled widely in delight as she threw herself into Sesshoumaru's arms. “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you,” she whispered against his chest. Pushing herself up from his startled body, she wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up. “Will you visit often?”
Sesshoumaru gave a single nod and watched as she ran outside the well-house, opening the doors to allow a cooling breeze to relieve the stuffy room. Standing to his feet, he walked to the door and watched as the sun began to rise over the eastern horizon. He would speak to Shippou. It was time he stopped playing and concentrated on his duties as heir of the western lands. The added benefit of keeping him at the castle and away from the village was not lost on the demon lord.
“So Rin saved Seijitsu?” Kagome smiled as her eyes watered. “She always did love her flowers.”
Sesshoumaru nodded in agreement. “Jaken was never the same after Rin left. He constantly moped around the castle muttering about how drab the place looked without her dreadful flowers.”
Kagome laughed. “You mean the toad actually liked Rin?” She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Whoever knew the toad might actually enjoy all the torture the girl could inflict upon him.
“Indeed. It was always Jaken who reminded me when it was time to visit, and kept an eye on her when I was busy patrolling my borders.”
“So what other mischief did the little girl get into? I cannot imagine her pranks ended with her separation from Jaken!”
Sesshoumaru's eyes brightened in merriment. “She indeed kept her spirits up. You forget that with Miroku around, there was always entertainment whether it be by his wayward hand or one of the many children he sired.”
Kagome smiled. “Did Rin ever have children of her own?”
Sesshoumaru's face clouded over as painful memories resurfaced. Softly, he said, “She did.”
Fourteen years after Kagome's Disappearance—
The putrid smell of vomit and feces permeated the air making even the lowliest ningen gag in reflex. The sound of flies buzzing lazily through the stagnant air went unnoticed by the inhabitants. How Sesshoumaru was able to maintain his outward appearance of calm was beyond anyone's guess as he pulled open the door of a make-shift hospital. Wrinkling his nose in distaste at the foul sight that greeted his gaze and the even fouler odor, he searched with his eyes through the gloom for his daughter.
With careful steps he walked through the miasma of bodily fluids littering the floor no matter how carefully they tried to keep things confined to buckets. Searching with scanning eyes, he at last espied Rin sitting next to a young child of nine years. With weary strokes, she washed his brow with a damp cloth as he thrashed in the throes of a fever.
“Make it stop,” the child whispered in plea as he stilled his raging body as best he could. “It hurts so much.”
Rin frowned in misery as she did the best she could for the ill child. “Hush, Nikkou. Everything will be alright. Your momma is already recovering from her illness, and I know you will soon recover as well.”
Rin paused in her ministrations as she sensed a familiar presence behind her back. Turning to look over her shoulder, she smiled tremulously at Sesshoumaru's comforting presence.
Sesshoumaru glared at the irresponsible woman and gently pulled her to her feet. Picking her up, he carried her swiftly through the reeking hospital room and outside into the refreshing air. Bounding up the steps of the shrine, he carefully deposited her outside the door of her home that would in later years be reduced to only a storage shed.
“What is the meaning of this?” Sesshoumaru asked sternly. “You've had Shippou worried senseless with your behavior!”
Rin cringed at the anger exuding from his red-tinged eyes. “I had to help them! There's so few who haven't suffered from the illness yet that every able bodied hand is needed to take care of them. You saw the state of the sickroom. Without anyone there to clean up the mess, the disease would spread uncontrollably! We learned that during the first days the disease struck. Only because Miroku and Seijitsu are so fastidious in keeping everything clean did we realize how this illness is spread!”
Sesshoumaru worked to control his seething temper as he stared down at the self-righteous woman standing before him. “Leave it to others. There must be other ways you can help without being there in that foul room.”
Rin mutinously stared at her otou-san. “You're almost as bad as Shippou!”
“With good reason!” he roared cutting his daughter off. Clenching his fists, he strove harder to leash his inner-demon. In a softer voice, he said, “You must think of your child. What would happen if you became ill before he is born?”
Rin reached down a hand to cover her swollen stomach protectively. A hurt look covered her face as she whispered, “Do you not think I worry about the safety of my child? Do you not think I cry myself to sleep thinking of the danger I put myself, my child, and my husband in every time I step through that door?” Determination setting into her face, she looked up to stare into her father's amber gaze. “Why do you think I work so hard to heal the villagers? It is because I worry for my own family's sake. If I put my needs above theirs, how many of them will die just to save the lives of three?”
Sesshoumaru clenched his teeth together as he struggled to understand her words. All he knew was that he could not bear to lose one of the few people he had let inside his cold exterior to see the heart he so carefully concealed. Giving up his struggle, he whispered, “I do not wish to lose you.”
Rin moved to raise a hand to touch the taiyoukai's face, but paused in the action. “I'm sorry otou-san, but as much as I would love to give you comfort, I have been with the sick today. I do not wish to inflict you with this disease.” Turning around, she whispered, “I'll go wash up, and you should as well. We need to replenish our stock of herbs anyways. Too many are afflicted.”
Sesshoumaru watched as she walked away feeling a premonition of ill to come.
—Two weeks later—
“Come on, Rin. Just a few more pushes should do it. I can already see his head!” Shippou did his best to comfort his wife as he worriedly gazed down at her sweat-soaked skin. `She's losing to many bodily fluids,' he thought as he once again helped to push down on his mate's stomach as another contraction wracked her body and sweat dripped from her pain wracked body. `We already lost her once to dehydration. If this continues any longer we may not be able to save her again.'
The epidemic that swept the village had petered out finally about a week ago. Only a few were lost among the elderly and young thanks to Rin's patient care. Many now waited with bated breath in the village below to hear of Rin's and the baby's health. They knew that the stomach pain that so often was a staple of the unknown illness had induced Rin to early pregnancy some three weeks early. So now they waited through the long hours of the day in silent vigil to the angel who labored in the shrine above.
“Just one more push, honey, and it'll all be over.” Shippou grasped Rin's hand tightly before her next contraction. Hearing her scream as another one descended on her body, he pried his hand away from her fearsome grip to grab the newborn child. Swiftly tying off the umbilical cord, he wiped his new son's face with the corner of a clean towel and gently cleared his lungs. Patting him gently on the back, he was awarded with the piercing scream of a healthy baby boy. Shippou smiled tenderly down at his son and marveled at his red hair and fur tipped ears.
Another scream pierced the air as Rin convulsed in contraction. Turning swiftly back to his wife, he stared in confused wonder as another child was born into the world only to fall into Sesshoumaru's trembling hands.
Mimicking the actions of his son-in-law and heir, he quickly had the small room resounding with the newborn's crying. Shippou leaned over the youkai's shoulder and tenderly smiled at the black haired beauty nestled in his arms before settling his firstborn into his jiisan's free arm. Swiftly, he returned to his wife and guided her through the expulsion of the afterbirth. With the labor at last finished, Shippou motioned Sesshoumaru closer to the bedside.
“Look Rin, you have two beautiful children.” Shippou swallowed at the lump coating his throat as Rin moved her head to gaze at her kits. Lifting a limp hand she brushed it against the cloth covering her son. “Roiyaro.” Gliding her hand across his body to rest against that of her daughter's, she murmured, “Mottomokicho.” Turning her smile to her husband, she grasped his hand to whisper, “Shippou.” Leaving the weary couple alone, Sesshoumaru gathered the kits close to his chest and walked outside. Blinking owlishly against the light of the fading day, he found himself surrounded by family and friends as they cooed and awed at the newborns.
Miroku grinned foolishly down at the babies. “It looks like our friend Shippou was incredibly busy.” Moving a finger to tickle the young girl's chin, he said, “I can already tell she'll be quite a looker!”
Smack. Thud. Seijitsu watched with quiet glee as Miroku passed out on the ground next to her. “You always will be a pervert won't you?” She sighed cheekily and glanced in apology at the gathered crowd.
Sesshoumaru glanced resignedly at the unconscious Houshi and wondered if he would ever learn. It would be most vexing if he had to defend his own granddaughter against the lecherous hand of the Houshi-sama.
“What are their names,” whispered Seijitsu, forgetting her husband for the more appealing cherubs in front of her.
“Roiyaro and Mottomokicho.”
Seijitsu smiled. “They will be a credit to your household, Sesshoumaru-sama.” Looking up into his face, her smile widened at the open display of affection lingering in his gaze.
Swallowing against her tears, she asked softer still, “What about Rin? Will she survive?”
Sadness flitted across his eyes as he gazed down at his grandchildren. Looking up, he took a moment to stare into Seijitsu's gaze and further behind her at Inuyasha where he stood in agonized waiting against the God Tree. “I used Tensaiga once during the birthing. I do not know if it will work again.”
“Did it?” asked Kagome as tears ran down her cheeks. Falling to her knees, she leaned forward to grasp the fine wool of Sesshoumaru's pant leg. “Please tell me she lived to see her children grow!”
Sesshoumaru let a tear trickle down his cheek for his lost daughter. “No, she died within the hour of birthing. Her body was to ravaged by the disease and dehydration that she did not have the strength to recover.”
Kagome looked up with swimming eyes. “But surely the Tensaiga would have healed her from the disease itself?”
Sesshoumaru shook his head no as he knelt before the crying woman. “Wounds the sword will heal, but it can only destroy the creatures of the netherworld. It has no power to destroy another living thing, and this disease was caused by one.”
“It's not fair,” whispered Kagome as she threw herself into Sesshoumaru's arms.
Sesshoumaru stroked her hair as he wallowed in the painful memories. He had hoped to leave such details out of his tale, but Kagome's kind and understanding eyes had drawn the unspoken words from their hiding place deep within his soul. If she had died of old age, there would have been happier tears, but no, it was the fate of every woman who held a piece of this youkai's heart to be torn early from the world. He had distanced himself from emotions to ward against this pain after the death of his mother, but Kagome had changed that. She had worked her spell on him and made him incapable of forever closing the door on heartache again. He had to let her go or else evil would once again befall the innocent maiden crying in his arms.
Blinking back the tears, he gripped her shoulders a little harder before releasing her. Cupping her chin in a pale hand, he tilted her head up to look into his shadowed gaze. “You must stop your crying. Rin made her choice, and it is no less then what you would have chosen.” Sighing, his ears caught the creaking sound of a door opening. Wiping away a tear, Sesshoumaru whispered, “Inuyasha is coming. It appears they have made their decision.”
Kagome nodded and used the handkerchief Sesshoumaru pulled from his pocket to wipe off her remaining tears. Shakily regaining her feet, she turned around to see Inuyasha standing in front of her with a troubled frown on his face.
“Did you have to tell her tonight, Sesshoumaru?”
“Better to learn now then wonder later,” he replied.
Inuyasha sighed and held out a hand to Kagome. “Come on, we had best get this night finished quickly then.”
Kagome placed her hand in Inuyasha's as she glanced over her shoulder at the taiyoukai. “Are you not coming in Sesshoumaru?”
“No, I have business to attend to.” Sesshoumaru bowed from the shadows of the God Tree. He watched as Inuyasha dragged Kagome away with a comforting arm around her waist. As the light of the open door was extinguished behind their passing, he whispered, “Farewell Kagome.”
Elsewhere in the Courtyard
Red eyes glinted in the moonlight as they watched with interest as the demon lord stood in silence beside the ancient tree before he turned effortlessly to glide down the stairs. He had waited patiently all week for the kitsune to return to the little nobody he was at last taking an interest in. Little did he know his patience would so richly reward him. His teeth glinted in the darkness as he thought of the table scraps he would be receiving tonight. His master will be greatly pleased to know that not just one demon took an interest in the shrine maiden, but the hanyou and taiyoukai were as well. Easing himself away from the bushes, the creature scurried off beneath the cover of night.
I should probably mention that the disease referred to in the above was based off of cryptosporidiosis although the symptoms (vomiting, acute diarrhea, stomach pains, fever, and nausea) are fairly common of many illnesses. I don't know what diseases actually struck Japan in the 1500's so I took literary license with this one. I apologize if I used the alfalfa wrongly as a medicinal herb, but it was the only thing I found that would act as a coagulant. Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. Also, since I couldn't remember what Kagome's home actually looked like, I took inspiration for the temple from a picture I found of the Jochiji temple in Kamakura built in 1283.