InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone.
Shuukaku: harvest
Baka: idiot
Ookami: wolf
If anyone ever wonders when the next chapter is going to come up, try taking a look at my profile. If there's ever a reason for a delay, it'll most likely find its way there. Also, I do have a mailing list for when I post new chapters so if you would like to be added to it, feel free to drop your e-mail address in a review or just send me an e-mail at with Torn Apart Mailing List in the subject heading.
Chapter 12:
Shuukaku stared at the twinkling stars shining through the metal grate that separated him from the outside world. His lips sneered as he remembered his glory years when he was free to roam the world without a care for anyone or anything. It had been pure heaven to walk down the streets of London and glide into the harbor of Bombay knowing that death would follow swiftly in his wake; he was an unstoppable force spreading to encompass the world much as the ebb and flow of the tide. So many harbors, so many towns had been open to his visits but no more.
His gaunt fist smashed into the stone of the wall just behind him as he averted his face from the grate resting above him. It wasn't fair that he must now bide his time and slink through the shadows of the underworld. It was a thorn in his side that he must be completely dependent on his spies to bring him news of the world. His only salvation from the dreary existence lay in knowing that the tide was still flowing outside his chosen prison. He had been careful to preserve his offspring to act as messengers to the world. He cried tears of joy every time he read of a successful foray and bleed frustration every time his plans were thwarted. If only the kitsune had not sealed away his blood, then the world would know a new terror, a new threat.
Growling, he looked down at the latest report sitting on his oaken desk. A prison it may be, but he gathered the finest to him. The wood paneled walls belied the dankness of his cell and created a rich feeling of luxury that no man should have underneath the streets of Tokyo proper. Re-reading the report, he smiled as warmth spread from his belly at the thought that at last he would have his revenge. Cackling, he looked again at the stars and thought that perhaps, just tonight, he would dare to walk on the streets above him rather then slink through the manholes and sewers. Yes, he would see who this Kagome was and gauge her mettle. Revenge he would have. He had bided his time for a century now and if need be, he would wait a hundred years more. Revenge, to be sweet, must be carefully planned and executed.
—Club Spunk—
The beating pulse of flesh driven music cut through the air mimicking the dual staccato beat of a pumping heart. Kagome made sure she held onto the red silk shirt of her escort, Inuyasha. Bodies pressed against them as they fought their way through the dancing crowd and flashing lights to the stairs leading to the second of three floors that the dance club was renowned for. The third floor was for private parties only, and the second was for those like Inuyasha, wealthy business men taking out their clients or looking for some privacy amongst the teenage hordes jumping in ecstasy below.
Kagome closed her eyes as she fought to eradicate the image of a teenage boy humping some girl's leg as his partner plastered kisses on his neck. A blush flitted across her face as she buried her hot flesh into Inuyasha's back.
Inuyasha paused and glanced over his back at his date and grinned. Her innocence was so refreshing in a time of public decadence. It was the rare individual who had not been desensitized by American pop culture. It wasn't all western influence that brought Japan to its current wild behavior, but the American Occupation had lent the Japanese to a different frame of mind even though the stringent rules of the Meji Civil Code were still enforced today. He was of the opinion that the female sex was every bit as capable of coherent thought and irrational behavior as any man of his acquaintance. Likewise, men were just as liable for their children's behavior as their mothers. Shaking off his thoughts of politics and social norms, he reached over his shoulder and patted Kagome's hand where it laid clutching his shirt.
“Oh just hurry it up!” yelled Sango from her place behind Kagome. She was grateful that they would be spending the majority of the evening in the executive's lounge and not on the crowded dance floor. There was a reason she preferred to stay in on a Friday night and that reason was currently trying to pull her into a one man sandwich. Growling in frustration, she slapped away the eager man's hands from her waist and pushed against Kagome's back to get Inuyasha moving again.
Inuyasha laughed and flashed the two girls a smile. He was going to have fun tonight playing with their sensibilities. After all, it wasn't every day that he got to take out two beautiful women even if one of them had managed to kick his ass, literally. Renewing his grip on Kagome's arm, he pulled her forward through the thickening crowd and up the stairs to their private table situated along the perimeter of the floor. From there, they could choose to either look at the crowd dancing below or the crowd dancing on the other side of the stairs. Making sure his guests were situated comfortably, he signaled the waiter to bring some refreshments to their table.
Kagome looked at the crowd below. Flashing lights mimicked the gyrating movements of the happy indulgent crowd as they moved in time to the beat pounding through the many speakers situated strategically around the dance club. Kagome smiled in excitement. It wasn't every day that she went out dancing, especially clubbing. Of course, it may have had something to do with the fact that she had just turned legal a few weeks before the end of school which meant she had to postpone her foray into the dancing nightlife. It seemed like such a silly law to prohibit minors under the age of eighteen from gaining entrance to bars and clubs even though she knew the irresponsibility of many teenagers demanded such laws to be passed.
She glanced over at Inuyasha and mouthed thank-you to the silver-haired hanyou. She had no idea that he knew of her secret passion for dancing, but was grateful for his thoughtfulness. She couldn't wait to find out just how well the half-demon could dance. One would think that with several hundred years to practice, he'd be quite good at the sport.
He smiled in satisfaction. It was always a pleasure to see one of his clubs filled to bursting with a happy mix of teenagers and adults, and even more pleasurable to see the approval in Kagome's eyes. Looking over his satisfied customers, his keen eyes picked out the movements of his workers as they drifted through the crowd keeping order and searching for illegal drugs. He had worked hard to gain a reputation for a clean business and trained his employees accordingly. It was also a tremendous help that he employed several youkai of exceptional smell. It took a well-disciplined mind to filter through the strong smells of sweat and perfume to find the light fragrance of Ecstasy and other newfangled drugs that kept popping up every other month it seemed.
Sango leaned back in her seat at the polished wood table. It was to dark in the club to actually determine the nature of the wood, but the smooth veneer and elegant place settings belied its origins in the pulsating club. Taking a swig of refreshing ice water that was handed to her by the ever efficient waiter, she tried to loosen her muscles without making it too obvious to the distracted hanyou. He had given her a work-out over the last few days as they sparred together. She sometimes wondered if he had let her win that first bout. She hadn't come close to touching the hanyou since then let alone a second chance to knock him out. Shaking her head, she rolled her stiff shoulders again and fought to find a more comfortable position on the padded chair.
`I really don't know why I'm here,' she thought as she gave up on finding a portion of her posterior that wasn't bruised. `Inuyasha can take care of Kagome better then I can. The only thing I have to worry about is whether they'll get into another argument and run away from each other.' She sighed and put down her ice water. It was a silly plan that Kagome had come up with. There was really no reason for her to have an escort every time she went on one of her `dates' with the Inu brothers. All it meant was that either herself or Shippou was going to be an odd third wheel to the strange couple be it was Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru. At least Kouga wouldn't be renewing his suit. Sango shuddered thinking of the mayhem that would have followed if Kouga had decided to stay single.
Sango looked away from the enthralled Kagome and wondered if she could sneak out of the club early. She had no desire to dance the night away with strange smelly men. She just wanted to find someplace to curl up in a ball and think of the good times she had shared with Miroku. She had yet to find some good quality alone time since that dinner party a week ago what with Inuyasha keeping her busy sparring and getting dragged by Kagome to shop for the perfect clubbing outfit. Life was just doing its best to keep her from wallowing in her grief much to Sango's ever increasing frustration.
Sango sighed and took another swig of her water. Salvation would be coming her way soon enough since she had invited the gang out to the club tonight. Kagome would most likely kill her if she found out it wasn't a chance meeting, but she'd be hanged if she had to spend the whole night watching Inuyasha and Kagome gush over each other. Besides, Sesshoumaru did have his moment with her after the dinner part a week prior despite the heaviness of the mood. Inuyasha deserved his own since Kagome refused to visit the dojo more then once this past week. It was hardly a romantic setting trying to remember how to string and shoot a bow. Inuyasha had been most displeased to see her hard won abilities had faded away over the course of two years.
Kagome shivered convulsively as she felt a passing wind glide up and down her spine. Her back muscles hadn't been the same since Inuyasha's lesson in archery two days prior. She pursed her lips before sighing and thanking the waiter for bringing her a cup of ginseng tea. Taking a sip of the hot liquid, she hoped that her sore muscles would loosen up quickly so she could grab a spot on the dance floor. She was just itching to show off her moves.
“So are you two just going to sit there all night looking or are you going to do some dancing?” asked Inuyasha as he smirked from his side of the table. The two women looked as though hell would freeze over before moving from their spots at the table. He knew of Kagome's love of dancing from Rin who had mentioned it one night before her wedding. It was one of the reasons he got into the recreational business in the first place.
Kagome shot the hanyou a dirty look. “Baka, of course we're going to dance! Just let me finish my tea first. I'd hate for it to get cold.”
Inuyasha laughed and took Kagome's tea-cup out of her hands and set it on the table. Pulling her to her feet, he guided her to the private dance floor filled comfortably with the elite and their progeny. Spinning her in a circle, he caught her deftly before dipping her. Laughing, Kagome looked at Inuyasha's twinkling eyes.
“Stop it Inuyasha and let me up!” she cried.
Inuyasha returned the laugh and pulled her upright. Placing his hands on her hips, he began to sway in time to the beat, shifting from one foot to another. Gaining momentum, he pushed against her waist sending her out in a twirl and brought her back into his chest where he started to move his hips. Settling into a pattern, Kagome matched his movements with those of her own, easily following his lead as they dipped and swayed and circled each other.
Kagome's face was alight with adrenaline as she tried to outdo the incredibly flexible hanyou as he fell backwards in a backbend to halt his downward descent with a hand only to push himself back up to grab Kagome's waist to pull her into his body. Laughing, she shook her head and escaped his grasp. Dancing around him, she gazed seductively at the hanyou. Reaching out, she trailed a hand along his shoulders and down his hair as she worked her body closer to him. A handbreadth from leaning completely against him, she looked down his back and smiled devilishly. Lightly trailing a hand against his butt, she pulled a Miroku.
Inuyasha felt his blood boil as the not-so-innocent brushing of Kagome's hand against his ass caused his muscles to twitch and his breath to escape in a rush of air. Never had he imagined that Kagome would be so bold. Twirling around, he sought to capture Kagome against himself only to see that she was making her through the thickening crowd back to her table where Sango was occupied looking at the dancing crowd. Hurrying after her, he grinned. If she wanted a chase, all she had to do was ask.
Kagome looked over her shoulder in an attempt to find Inuyasha only to feel a passing stranger grab her around the waist and pull her in close where he swayed and dipped. Following his motions, Kagome laughed and grabbed his hands. Taking a step back, she shook her head no as he tilted his head in pleading. Pulling her back into him swiftly he said over the loud music, “Maybe next time,” before twirling her around full circle to release her on the second half turn to face away from him and back in her chosen direction. Bending her head back, she said cheerily, “Thanks!” before resuming her journey back to the table.
Nearly free of the crowd, she felt another hand grasp hers as it trailed behind her and pull her against a toned chest. Strong arms crept around her waist as Kagome's head was firmly tucked underneath a firm chin. Looking down, she found the red-clad arms of her date holding her tightly as they continued to lightly shuffle back and forth. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the feel of every bit of flesh plastered against her body. Enthralled with the sensations coursing through her already heated blood, she failed to notice the tightening of his arms as he continued to dance her across the room. Smirking, he pushed her around in a half circle. Flaying, she felt her arm pull taut across her chest as Inuyasha kept a firm grip on it while the back of her knees felt the hardness of a chair against them. Falling down, she blinked owlishly at Inuyasha.
Recovering, she scolded the hanyou. “What did you do that for, meanie!”
Inuyasha laughed and bent down to kiss her forehead. “I'm just having a little bit of fun.” Still smiling cheekily, he resumed his seat and downed his water. “Whew, I needed that.”
Kagome laughed and followed suit. “You just wait. I'll be sure to think of something to get you back.”
Sango laughed from her own seat at the table. “You two looked really good out there.”
Kagome blushed as Inuyasha scoffed. “Of course we do!” he said. “I'm the best dancer out there with Kagome as my partner.”
Kagome threw a piece of ice across the table. Inuyasha yipped as it hit him in the forehead. Grinning, he picked up an ice cube from his own glass and advanced on Kagome while she tried to find refuge behind Sango. Sensing her about to dash completely around the table to get away from him, he lunged and grabbed the back of her shirt and stuffed the ice cube down it. “Ha!” he cried. “Gotcha.”
Kagome wailed as she felt the coldness drip down her sweating back. “You just wait, Inuyasha! You won't know what hit you when I get even!”
Inuyasha smirked and returned to his seat. “I'm sure I won't, Kagome. I'm sure I won't,” he said patronizing the young girl. “I will forewarn you I've got five hundred years of dealing with practical jokes from both Miroku's offspring and Shippou. I doubt you can come up with anything that I haven't seen already.”
Kagome's gaze narrowed in on Inuyasha. “Don't worry,” she said. “I'll think of something, and Sango's going to help me right?”
Sango laughed and shook her head. “I sure will Kagome. Don't worry, I will. I have yet to get back at Inuyasha for beating the heck out of me this last week.”
“Hey! If I recall correctly you knocked me out with the Hiraikotsu! I figured every single victory after that was well deserved! I have to redeem myself somehow in the eyes of my students.”
Sango pursed her lips. “And if I recall correctly, you were protesting the kick to the pants I gave you right before I knocked you with the Hiraikotsu. It's not my fault you let your temper get in the way of dodging my boomerang.”
Inuyasha glared at the taijiya. “I'll get you back for that one another day. You didn't need to add insult to injury. You already won the bout with first strike.”
Sango smiled. “I guess I just can't control my own momentum.”
Kagome laughed. “Come on you guys. Lighten up. We're supposed to be having fun not talking about sparring matches!” Kagome leaned her elbows on the table as she looked between her two friends. “Besides, you've hardly talked about anything else since that fight.”
Sango sighed. “I guess you're right.”
Kagome nodded emphatically. “Of course I am!” Refilling her glass from the pitcher on the table she looked up at Inuyasha and Sango. “Did you really see Kouga?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Trust the woman to bring up the wolf-demon on their date. “Did you have to bring him up? I mean, I haven't seen you in five hundred years! I finally convince you to go out with me, and you have to bring him up. If I didn't know any better I'd say you really did have the hots for the wolf!”
Kagome's jaw dropped in horror. “Inuyasha! How can you say that! I just can't believe that he's still alive. Besides, I thought we're supposed to be getting to know each other again. So, since you seem to fight with him on a regular basis, I want to know how you two became such good friends!”
Inuyasha gulped and downed another glass of ice water. Motioning to the waiter, he asked for a jack and coke before turning back to the curious gazes of Sango and Kagome. Pulling at his collar, he gave a weak smile. “We're not really friends per say,” he started to say before he was interrupted with a rude snort coming from Sango's vicinity.
“Yeah, that's not the impression I got when I met him.”
Inuyasha glared at Sango and mumbled something underneath his breath. Sango leaned in towards him and narrowed her eyes. “What was that?” she asked sharply.
Inuyasha's eyes flashed in panic. “Uh, nothing Sango.”
“Good because I'd hate to make Kagome leave right now when she's having so much fun.”
Inuyasha gulped and thanked the waiter as he set down his drink. Taking a deep swig of the alcoholic beverage, he wiped a hand on his brow. “We're not really friends as I was saying. We're more business partners. I handle his overseas transactions, and he helped me set up my businesses here in Japan. In return, whenever we need to let off steam, we get together and attempt to beat the crap out of each other just like old times.”
Kagome and Sango looked at each other. “Yep, sounds like you're friends!” Kagome said cheerfully. “I knew you two would eventually get along.”
Inuyasha groaned and downed the last of his drink. “Fine, be that way. We're friends.”
Sango and Kagome laughed in glee. Kagome stood up from the table and grabbed Inuyasha's hand. “C'mon. Let's dance some more.”
—Ground Floor of Club Spunk—
“Where do you think they are?” asked Harumi as she looked around the dance club. Lights flashed across her face as it pulsed and swirled in time to the beat of the synthesized techno piece blaring through the air.
Eri looked up from her purse where she had been busy searching for her lip gloss. “I don't know. They're probably dancing somewhere. Although, can you imagine Sango dancing?”
Harumi looked around at the odd mixture of clothing surrounding them. Some wore ragged jeans and t-shirts, others tight mini-skirts that put their old school uniforms to shame with halter tank-tops, and still others went for dress pants and shirts. It was a strange array of dressed down and dressed up that mingled and coalesced into one seething crowd of bouncing bodies and flashing smiles. Following the path of light, she lifted her gaze up to the second floor and gasped. Perched on the edges, at odd with the middle-class crowd hogging the floor, were the elite. Flashy sequined dresses, sparkling jewelry, suit jackets thrown on dark wood tables that contrasted perfectly with the crisp whiteness of dress shirts shined everywhere. She could tell from here that it was a designer's paradise up there on that second floor.
“Look,” she cried as she grabbed Eri's arm and jerked it out of her purse in her excitement. “Up there! Aren't they gorgeous!” she squealed.
Eri sighed and pried Harumi's hand off. At least she found the lip gloss before she was attacked. “Yes, Harumi. They are indeed gorgeous.”
Harumi looked at Eri as she began to apply the cherry lip gloss liberally across her lips before smacking them. “You're not even looking!”
“What's all the commotion,” asked Yuka as she walked up to her two friends with Shizuko and Ayumi trailing behind. They had had a few issues when they discovered there was a fifteen dollar cover charge to gain entrance since they were underage. If it wasn't for Ayumi's charm, the bouncer would have kicked Shizuko to the end of the line rather then letting her dash inside to the ATM to get some extra cash. Trust Shizuko to only bring ten dollars with her when they were heading out on the town.
Harumi spun around and smiled, showing off her dimples. “Look at all the clothes up there on that second floor! Aren't they just spiffy!”
Yuka's groan was echoed by Ayumi and Shizuko. “I'm sure they are, Harumi, but we're supposed to be looking for Sango.”
“Yeah, I want to see this Inuyasha up close and personal,” said Shizuka as she gazed around herself and the flashy decorations.
Ayumi squealed and jumped up and down in joy. “We finally get to met him! I'm so glad Sango suggested we come here!”
“I thought you already did,” said Harumi as she continued to drool over the clothing.
“We saw him, but we never really talked to him or anything. They always ran away before we could say more then two words.” Eri sighed and continued her search. She should have known that it would be difficult finding three people in a club of this size. Sweeping her eyes over the club again, she decided that if they were ever to get a clear view of the dancing crowd, they'd have to find their way to some higher ground. After all, the dancers were so thick that one could hardly see ten paces into the crowd let alone see through to the other side.
Grabbing Harumi's hand, Eri started to pull her up a half level to some tables after making sure that the rest of the gang were following close behind her.
“Can you see them?” asked Yuka from her position just underneath the railing.
“No, no I don't—“ Eri narrowed her eyes as she caught the bobbing of a black ponytail making her deft way through the dancers towards them. “There she is!” she said as she hurried down the stairs and began to wend her way towards her. Meeting her half-way, she hugged Sango's athletic form.
“I thought we'd never find you!” she said as she looked Sango over in approval.
Sango laughed. “I saw you from upstairs a little while ago. It just took a minute to make sure I'd be allowed to bring you guys up with me.”
Eri looked at Sango in confusion as the rest caught up with her.
“Sango,” cried Harumi as she clapped her hands in glee. “You look absolutely stunning in that black dress. Where did you get it?” Harumi started drooling looking at the cute little number she was wearing. It was a flowing black dress that clung to her torso and flared out at the hips to lie in soft folds down to her knees. The top of the dress curled around Sango's neck as a halter top. Around her neck was a simple gold chain with a teardrop opal falling elegantly to lie in the middle of her chest. With her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail she looked every inch the sophisticated young woman.
Sango shifted on her feet as she glanced over her shoulder up to the second floor where Inuyasha and Kagome were still happily dancing together. “I, uh, got it as a gift.”
Ayumi smiled. “You've got a secret admirer or something?” she asked, hoping it was so. That girl spent way too much of her time pretending the opposite sex didn't exist as a recreational pastime. Sparring partners, sure, but she refused to see them in a romantic sense.
“You know,” said Yuka as she watched Sango's face turn crimson. “I don't think I've ever seen you wear a skirt let along a dress outside of school before. What's the occasion? I thought Kagome was on the date not you.”
Sango gulped. “Kagome is the one on the date. I'm just here as a chaperone to make sure he behaves. He doesn't really have the best track record if you know what I mean.”
Eri's jaw dropped. “You don't mean he's tried to get—I mean that Kagome let him—“
Sango smacked Eri's arm lightly. “No! It's not like that.” Sango looked nervously at the murderous intent shining in her friends' eyes. “They just get into arguments and unless someone's there to diffuse it, it can get pretty ugly.” She shivered remembering the power of the sit command. It was a good thing the hanyou left the necklace at home tonight. Sure, Kagome made him leave it there, but it was still a good thing.
“Oh good,” sighed Ayumi.
Harumi narrowed her eyes. “I agree, it's a good thing we're here to watch over them, but that still doesn't explain the dress. If I'm not mistaken that's got to be—“
“Don't be silly,” interrupted Sango quickly. “It's a designer rip-off. I don't think that Kagome would be able to afford the real thing.”
“Kagome gave you that,” asked Eri skeptically. “She knows you don't wear dresses so why would she buy you one?”
Sango sighed. How could she explain to them that Shippou had forced them to go out and buy dresses for the club tonight saying that they deserved a night on the town? It didn't help that Kagome had already received a package in the mail from Inuyasha which contained her chosen outfit of the evening. That just meant Kagome was determined to spend as much money on her as she could. “Kagome bought it for me as congratulations for finally getting into the `Fighting Inu' and because I needed to remember I was still a girl even though I could beat up any man in a fair fight.”
“It's about time!” said Eri. “You've needed a good wake-up call for a while now.”
Sango grinned sheepishly. “I guess so.” Shaking her head and desperately wanting to get away from all the questions, she motioned towards the stairs. “Come on, we've got ourselves a table up there.”
Harumi jumped up and down in joy. “Goodie, I've been wanting to get a closer look at all those clothes for a while now!”
Eri and Sango exchanged glances and rolling eyes. “Well let's get going then. The sooner up there, the sooner we can all start dancing!” The gang followed behind Harumi as she led them confidently to the stairs.
`There she is,' thought Shuukaku as he leaned against the bar. Taking a sip of his scotch on the rocks, he pondered the gaggle of teenage mummery as the group of friends descended on the now to tiny table to deposit their purses and other belongings on the wooden surface. A young woman and her human-looking counter-part soon joined the giggling females and exchanged hugs and what he presumed was a detailed description of her current choice of dress.
Taking another sip of his scotch, he had to admit she looked nice in the black hakamas and silver dress shirt that clung to her curves and fell to her waist in soft folds. Shuukaku sighed. `Trust Shippou to find himself a real looker,' he thought. `A sweet, innocent little thing.' His smile turned to a sneer of disgust. “I can sense her purity from here,” he growled as he set down his scotch on the bar and motioned for a new one from the barkeep.
Downing his second of the night, he watched as the group moved off to the dance floor, stealing a spot near the middle to continue their disgusting behavior. Setting the now empty glass on the table, he determined to get closer to her to determine just what kind of a relationship this Kagome had with the Inu family. Working his way through the crowd, he plastered a smile on his face. It would do little good to frighten any of the young ladies away after all.
“What are you guys doing here!” cried Kagome as she dragged Inuyasha back to their table. They had been dancing a good forty-five minutes already, and she was fair parched. She had never imagined in her life that Inuyasha would enjoy dancing so much let alone be such a good one at that. Sesshoumaru she could see being a master at ballroom dancing but not hip hop. Inuyasha, now, seemed to ooze sexuality as his hips dipped, swayed and bucked with a seeming life of their own. `Oh my god,' she though as a blush rose to her cheeks. `I need to stop thinking about those hips of his.' There was more then one reason she needed to get off the dance floor. If she had stayed five more minutes out there dancing nearly on top of him, she'd have pounced. Then what would Sango think?
“Sango saw us come in downstairs,” said Eri keeping to their agreement. In return for meeting the infamous Inuyasha, they had to agree to let this meeting appear coincidental. After all, it wasn't everyday they crashed someone's date. Perhaps it was wrong of them to do it, but after a year and a half of dating the man, she never introduced them to him! For crying out loud, the guy proposed, and she didn't think to tell a single one of them!
“Oh?” asked Kagome glancing at Sango's innocent look. “I see,” she said smiling. She knew exactly what Sango did and would be sure to pay her back later. Still, she couldn't blame her. She had hoped that Sango would be willing to shed her sense of propriety and join them on the dance floor, but she had yet to move from their table. If her friends could relieve Sango of her boredom, then so much the better. Who knows, maybe they could even convince her to try her hand at dancing. With all that martial arts training, she should be a natural.
Sango blushed. “I was looking at everyone downstairs and just happened to see them come in. I was sure you wouldn't mind too much.”
Kagome laughed. “It's alright. I'm sure they had a good reason for not inviting us to go out with them in the first place.” She couldn't help herself. She had to do a little bit of teasing to make them pay for showing up in the middle of her date.
“Heheh,” laughed Shizuko nervously. “I uh—that is we did invite you two out. We called and got a hold of Sango and asked if you two were doing anything tonight. She said that you both had plans so we left it at that.” Shizuko's eyes flitted around the small group begging them to follow the little fib. It had really happened the other way around, but for Kagome's sake, she was willing to let the truth lie.
Harumi ignored the exchange completely as she gazed in awe around her. It was a fashion designer's paradise. There was Versace, Armani, Hanae Mori, Shingo Tokihiro and so many more all around her. Her mouth fairly drooled with the wealth contained on this single floor. Tearing her eyes away from the wealth of beauty around her, she looked at Kagome and Inuyasha. There, right in front of her, was an Issey Miyake. It was an ensemble that seemed to fit Kagome like a glove. The shirt was silver and looked like a three button fitted jacket though it was obviously a shirt and not heavy like jackets themselves are. On each shoulder was a red starburst that faded into the silver as it moved down the shoulder and across her breast. The hakamas themselves were black that faded to silver at the cuff. A red rose was embroidered on the front where a pocket was normally found and highlighted in silver thread. It was absolutely gorgeous.
“Where in the world did you get that!” asked Harumi nearly jumping up and down in joy. To think she could wear one of the great Issey Miyake pieces if she could only convince Kagome to let her wear it!
Kagome gulped. “It was a gift,” she said. “From Inuyasha.”
Harumi sighed dreamily. “You didn't tell us he was rich!”
Shizuka, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi looked at Harumi as though she had lost the last marble in her nonexistent collection. “What are you talking about?” asked Eri.
Harumi gave them all a glare. “That,” she said pointing to Kagome's clothing, “is an Issey Miyake custom designed piece of clothing if I've ever seen one. Those things cost a fortune!”
Kagome blushed and backed up closer to Inuyasha. “I didn't want you guys to think that I was dating Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru for his money. Besides, you should have figured it out for yourselves! How else do you think we got up here?”
The girls looked blankly at Kagome. “I don't know. You bribed the bouncer?” asked Ayumi.
Kagome threw up her hands in disbelief. “Nevermind. Let's just go out there and dance.”
Smiles were exchanged all around. Tonight was going to be fun. Grabbing a hold of Sango who had started to retake her seat at the table, they pulled her onto the dance floor, Kagome's glass of water completely forgotten.
Shuukaku crept closer to the circling friends as he danced from one partner to another. His blue dress shirt was unbuttoned half way to reveal a black t-shirt underneath while his legs were clad in designer faded jeans. He was going for the more rustic look tonight which seemed a perfect blend to the odd mixture of sophisticated dress and casual designer outfits surrounding him. He had little problems finding his way to the supposedly elite dance floor of Club Spunk using one of his many contacts in the underworld. Inuyasha would be sore indeed should he ever find out that one of his coveted youkai workers actually was a spy implanted to keep an eye on him. After having a close talk with the waiter that had served them all evening, he uncovered that Kagome was indeed there as Inuyasha's date and that she knew Shippou intimately. Sango, the other female who accompanied them, was a different matter entirely and was only there as a chaperone. How quaint of the hanyou.
Still, he needed to get closer to gauge the mettle of this new paramour and to see if he could sense the Shikon no Tama that his spy had so gleefully informed him still existed. He knew there had been some rumors in years past that it had reappeared after five hundred years of absence. However, his business in Surat had kept him from seeing to the matter personally, and his contacts were too incompetent to see to the matter themselves.
Shuukaku smiled in the darkness of the club. `Yes,' he thought to himself. `That's perfect.' His eyes zoomed in on a dancing young girl off to the side of the party. Her simple summer dress belled out from her as she turned in time to the music as she pushed a hand above her head. Her laughter tinkled to his ears above the noise. `Yes, the belle will be perfect indeed.'
Moving in closer to his chosen victim, he grabbed her hand where it was still stretched above her head and twirled her around and into a dip. “Hello little lady,” he said effecting a southern drawl. Setting her back on her feet, he watched her face flush in embarrassment.
“I'm sorry,” she stammered. “Do I know you?” she asked knowing full well she didn't.
“No, although I wish I knew you,” he said gritting his teeth against the saccharine sweetness pouring out of his mouth. “Since I have not the pleasure of knowing any of your friends, let me introduce myself.” Half-bowing, he watched as the others around them began to pause in their dancing, aware that someone was hitting on their friend. “My name is Shuukaku, and if I have but the pleasure of your company this one night, I would be most pleased.” Smiling charmingly at the now purple woman, he continued, “I won't even ask you your name!”
Ayumi laughed. “We're just dancing,” she said. “It's not like I can keep you from dancing where you please.” She smiled warmly at the dark brown haired young man standing in front of her.
“Thank-you, bella.” Dropping her hand, he turned his smile on to the others. “Please, do not let me keep you from enjoying your evening.”
Inuyasha looked closely at the man. There was something familiar about him although he couldn't quite place him. Most likely he had seen his picture somewhere before. Shaking off the feeling, he looked down at Kagome who was leaning up against his chest and smiled warmly. No matter what came after this evening, he was happy to have had the chance to give her something she loved. Granted, it was a gift that paled in comparison to the one she had given him. Still, the majority of those memories would be overshadowed with thoughts of porcupines and mud baths to keep his body from betraying him to much as she rubbed and leaned and touched his own in the innocence of dancing. Squeezing her around her waist, he picked up the pace again and soon had her swirling and turning.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered as she leaned in close to him as their hips rotated in time to the driving beat. She just couldn't help herself tonight. She loved the feel of his silk shirt against her fingertips. “Do you think its okay for Ayumi to be dancing with that man over there?”
Inuyasha looked over his shoulder and saw the girl in question lean in much like Kagome was now. A growl erupted from his chest. No one would endanger Kagome's friends. His promise of protection extended to those under her wing because to hurt one of them would be to hurt his Kagome as well. “I'll ask him to leave,” he whispered in her ear. Letting her go, he turned to grab Shuukaku and started to pull him off the dance floor.
Ayumi squawked as she felt her support get yanked out from underneath her and would have fallen on her face if Sango had not been quick enough to steady her. Lifting her confused eyes to Kagome who reached over to pat her on the arm, Ayumi asked, “Why did he do that?”
Kagome swallowed nervously. “I asked Inuyasha if he thought it was alright for you to be dancing with the stranger. I'm sorry Ayumi, but I didn't expect him to kick the guy out of the club.”
“What!” she cried. “How can he kick him out?”
Kagome felt a sweat-drop form on her forehead that had nothing to do with the dancing. “He, uh, owns the club.”
“Well stop him!” she cried. “He was doing nothing wrong. He was just having a little bit of fun and being the perfect gentleman about it. Inuyasha really is a jerk!”
Kagome sighed. She'd have to go talk to Inuyasha before Ayumi decided never to speak to her again. She was a softie, but man did she know how to hold a grudge.
“I'll be back then, and he's not a jerk!” said Kagome emphatically as she turned around and started heading off the dance floor in the direction Inuyasha had gone off in. Pushing her way through the crowd, she felt someone grab her shirt sleeve.
“I'm coming with you,” Ayumi said.
Kagome nodded and continued to push her way through the now very crowded dance hall. Spotting Shuukaku's brown hair and Inuyasha's red shirt, she pushed herself more forcefully through the crowd to break out in a little clearing against the wall and near the employee service entrance. Coming up close, she could hear Inuyasha berate the man.
“I don't care who you think you are, but I want you out of this club now. Learn to pick up women closer to your own age.”
Shuukaku laughed. “I thought I was. I'm only twenty-six after all, and I thought that the young lady was at least 22.”
Inuyasha feh'd. “She's eighteen baka and barely legal.”
Shuukaku feigned horror. “I never would have guessed! Surely your partner is twenty-two at the least. I will not believe it if you say she's eighteen as well!”
Inuyasha growled. He was going to give the man a punch in the nose if he wasn't careful. “It's none of your business. I'll give you fifteen minutes to find your way out of my club, and if I ever see you in here again, I'll make sure to take you out back so we can have a little chat.” He cracked his knuckles in silent warning.
“Inuyasha!” cried Kagome as she finally came up on the hanyou. “Don't say stuff like that.”
Inuyasha frowned. “You weren't supposed to follow me. Go back to your friends.”

Kagome glared at the half-demon. “What are you talking about? You're the one treating him rudely not me. What was I supposed to do when you're kicking him out all because he chose to dance with my friend? It could happen to any other girl here, and you wouldn't give it a second notice.”
Inuyasha swore to himself. This wasn't how this was supposed to work. “I'm just looking out for your friend. What did you want me to do? Give him a slap on the wrist and tell him not to bother us anymore?”
“Well, yeah,” she said.
Shuukaku leaned in closer to Kagome to inspect her necklace. It gave off a faint scent of spring rain as they argued and flickered in the flashing lights of the club. It could be the Shikon but if it was, it was slumbering still. Deciding to end the argument, content with the information he had retrieved, he spoke up. “It's alright. I don't mind leaving. After all, I did have the pleasure of dancing with the prettiest lady tonight.” Grasping Ayumi's hand, he brought it to his lips and lightly grazed them over her soft flesh. “Thank-you, lady, for a wonderful evening.” Turning on his heel, he started to make his way through the crowd.
Ayumi cradled her hand against her stomach while Kagome and Inuyasha started arguing again. Looking over her shoulder at the retreating back of Shuukaku, she made her decision. Running after him and leaving Kagome and Inuyasha slack-jawed, she called out for him to wait.

”Wait!” she cried as she came abreast of his now still figure. “Wait,” she panted as she held her side to catch her breath.
Laughing, Shuukaku grabbed the nearest chair which happened to be at Inuyasha's table and pressed her down into it. “Here now,” he whispered as he sank into his own chair. “It's alright. I told you I didn't mind.”
Ayumi shook her head. “No, I wanted you know my name.”
Shuukaku mentally patted himself on the back. This was working out perfectly. “You don't have to do that. I was content with just the pleasure of your company on the dance floor.”
Ayumi smiled. He really was a charming man, a true gentleman. “I know. That's why I want to tell you who I am. I'm Ayumi.”
Shuukaku smiled. “It's been a pleasure Ayumi.” Glancing over his shoulder he watched as Kagome and Inuyasha made their way over to the table as well as the rest of their friends. “I should get going before your friend over there decides to throw me out for real.”
Ayumi frowned as she followed Shuukaku's gesturing hand. “I don't care.” Taking a deep breath, she figured what the hell. “Do you have a pen and some paper?” she asked.
Shuukaku looked in puzzlement at her even though he had come prepared. “Yes, I do although you really don't have to.”
“I want to,” she said as she held out a hand for the requested utensils.
Reaching into his pocket, he took out a business card with his name and information on it. “Here, why don't you just take this and think about what you're doing. I'd hate for anyone to make a decision without careful thought. If you still want to give me your number, call me.” Standing to his feet, he bowed and winked. “It really was a pleasure meeting you Ayumi.” Turning to look at the converging friends, he waved farewell to them. “It was great meeting everyone,” he called as he began his descent down the stairs and out of the club.
Sango frowned at Ayumi. “What did he give you?” she asked.
Ayumi started guiltily as she palmed the business card. “Nothing,” she said. Jumping to her feet, she asked, “Does anyone want to continue dancing?”
Kagome looked to Inuyasha and sighed. “I don't think so. It's been a long night already. I think I'll head off home.” Grabbing her purse from the table, she looked at Sango. “Do you want to come with us or are you going to stay here?”
Sango looked at Kagome's pleading eyes. She knew that they had started to get into an argument, and most likely Kagome wanted to apologize in private. It was either that or beat the heck out of the hanyou. “I'll just stick around here. I'm sure Eri or Yuka could give me a ride home, right?”
Eri nodded, “Yeah, we can do that. I think we're almost finished anyways. Anyone up for some late night ice cream at my house before we split up?”
Everyone cheered and gathered their belongings. Shortly afterwards, the table was cleared and ready for a new patron.
Thanks for being patient with me in getting up this new chapter edition. I decided, upon the suggestion of one of my reviewers, to take a look at what I had already written and found out that there was a lot less Inuyasha then I had originally remembered putting in. So, I've changed the story summary to reflect the relationship in this fic better. That means this is a Kag/Sess fic with a little Inu/Kag.
Also, just because I want to share the joy, I decided to go to Cornell for Gradschool! Yay! I got really lucky too. What with all the crazy things going on, I kind of forgot to take the Subject GRE's which were required, but they waived that and are still letting their offer stand. I so felt like kissing their feet! Anyways, I hope this chapter didn't sound as flat as I think it did.
Review comments:
A special shout-out goes to swasdiva for her review. It really made my day, err week, um month. I've never been called an Angst-master before! And yes, that Kouga scene will be used if I have my say although it still needs a little bit of tweaking.....
Shadowwolf_02: I hope you read my author's note so you know who Kagome will end up choosing. I know you wanted her to pick both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, but while I don't mind reading fics like that, I just can't bring myself to writing a threesome. It's just that I'm a one guy kind of gal. Also, thanks for the compliments!! It always brings a smile to my face hearing that I'm able to keep my readers attention.
Sesshyz koiishi: After reading my fic, it seems less and less of a triangle. It was supposed to be a love triangle because of how Striking Falcon wrote `You Don't Know What You Have `Til it's Gone.' In the very last chapter, Kagome admitted to herself that she loved both men and since she never had to choose between the two, when she met them again….well, that's what this fic is all about. ­^_~ And yes, Kag and Sess do look hot together, that's why he gets the girl in the end! Hmm…that sounded a little superficial. Oh well. It's just how things are.
Big Bad Wolf: Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad that I've been getting such encouraging reviews since I've started this. I also agree with you; there hasn't been much of a love triangle. However, in my defense, if you actually think about how much time has passed since this fic started, it's only been about three weeks. Well, after this chapter it has been, and chapters 6-11 were all one evening. Okay, that's just a little sad. Still, I think that after about Chapter 6, I decided on which of two alternate endings (one with each Inu) would work best with this fic and in me getting there. So when I was thinking of Sesshoumaru everything just kind of fell into place. I hope this last chapter redeemed me in your eyes though! Also, thanks for being honest with me too. I hadn't realized just how one-sided things had become.
InusGirlD: Thanks for the kind review! As for Sango beating up InuYasha….I hope you liked my answer to that question ^_^ Sorry I didn't show it, but I figure it was better left to the imagination. I hope to hear from you again!
TheAlmightyAya-sama: This is definitely a Kag/Sess fic. Thanks for reviewing!
InuYashasLoveLorn: Thanks for the reviewing! I love filling in some of the gaps to the past. It helps me evolve my characters without just assuming that the past 500 years has changed them. Also, it just makes sense to me. If I was Kagome, I would want to have the gaps filled in.
My Name Is Yet To Be Found: Sorry about the internet problems although I really wasn't expecting you to review every single chapter! It's okay, really! And yes, I figured Sango needed a few moments for herself as well. After-all, this has to be just as hard on her (if not harder) as it is on Kagome.
Thanks also to Inu_Girl17, TheAlmightyAya-sama, raven_skye_blackhawk, Bookreader9999, yume_peach, and Karen for reviewing. Every review means a lot. Thanks again to everyone!