InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone. The flashback depicted below was taken from Chapter 7 of Striking Falcon's fic and was modified to reflect only Kagome's POV…hopefully.
Giri: duty
Ninjo: spontaneous expression of emotions, passion
Giri vs. Ninjo: Doing what one should do over what one wants to do
Ninjen: human
Kukushibyou: Black Death
Kotodoma: Inuyasha's necklace meaning Power of the Word (by another author's interpretation)
Chapter 13:
Inuyasha pulled his bright red sports car into the garage and turned off the engine. Quickly releasing the seat buckle, he sidled out of the car and around the hood to open up the passenger door and let Kagome out. “I'm glad you agreed to a walk,” he said smiling gently down at her stunning profile. Miyake had done a fantastic job designing the outfit for Kagome. It was one favor he had been all to happy to call in. “I would have hated finding parking somewhere on your street. Why you have to live on top of a hill accessible only by those blasted steps of yours I'll never know. You would think it would be handicapped accessible by now.”
Kagome laughed and allowed Inuyasha to help her out of the car. “If I hadn't agreed, I'm sure I'd have found you waiting next to Goshinboku to make sure I made it up those `blasted' stairs okay.”
Inuyasha grinned. “Of course I would be. After all, I did make a promise to protect you.” Grasping her hands, he pulled her from the garage and into the moonlit air. Threading his fingers through her own, he lightly guided her towards the path that led from his home to her own.
Kagome sighed and leaned her head on Inuyasha's shoulder as they slowly made their way along the dirt path. “I miss the past,” she said.
Inuyasha smiled. “Me too Kagome. Although, while there are some things I miss about the past, there are some things I could care less about it. For instance, I miss being able to just run for days without running into another soul, the quality of the air, and the simplicity of living life on the road. Granted, you had to worry about shard bearing youkai, evil minions of Naraku, and annoying flee bags like Kouga, but things were less complicated back then. We had a clear cut goal and that was that."
Inuyasha squeezed Kagome's hand. “But, I don't want to return to the chaos of those times where each village acted on its own. At least now there are rules and regulations to at least try to even things out and to protect people. Back then, people used to stone you to death for being different; now, they're a little more tolerant. They will at least give you a chance to prove yourself. I like how people are more accepting of others and how each one has an equal opportunity to choose what they want to do. I like how people are held accountable for their actions, especially those in power, by their own peers. I like a lot of things back then and now.”
He smiled tenderly down at Kagome's hidden face. “Mostly though, I liked the thought that I was going to have a second chance to do things right. I've missed you Kagome.”
Kagome lifted her head off Inuyasha's shoulder and peered into his face. Inuyasha brought them to a halt in the middle of the forest and turned her head so the moonlight could caress her pale features and sparkling blue-grey eyes. “I've missed you Kagome, and you wouldn't be you without the influences of both past and present. You've taken their courage, their strength, their sense of honor from Sengoku Jidai. You came to be a living embodiment of the Samurai code even from the very beginning choosing giri over ninjo. Few have truly been able to live up to that code, and you are one of them. You were able to balance your duty to find the Shikon shards against the duty you had to your family and school. However, your sense of spirit, your compassion, your work ethic, your ramen—Ouch!” he cried as Kagome slapped him in the arm. “Well it did!” he sniffed. “All of that and more came from this time. You would never have been so ready to accept me for me otherwise. Without you there to be an example, Sango, Miroku, and even Shippou would never have been so ready to accept a hanyou like me as a friend.”
Kagome tried to stifle the tears that threatened to wash over her eyes. “I've missed you too, Inuyasha. I've missed the friendship we had. I missed using you as an excuse to skip out of school. I miss shopping for little treats for the gang. I miss flying along the ground on your back. I miss our arguments.”
Brushing away the water in her eyes, he smiled. “We did have some good ones didn't we?”

Kagome blinked and grinned evilly. “Yeah, I especially missed seeing you face first in the dirt.”
Inuyasha mocked growled at the girl beaming up at him. “You never could win an argument without resorting to that base tactic,” he shot back.
“Truce!” she cried flinging her hands up into the air. “Let's not ruin tonight with arguing although you should count yourself lucky I made you leave the kotodoma at home.”
Inuyasha gathered her back into his side. “No, I would hate to ruin tonight. It's been too good having my friend back to lose her now.”
Kagome sniffled and burrowed into his warmth. “It's good having you back too.”
They walked in silence through the forest for a few minutes, each reflecting on the past and the good times they shared. Reaching the end of the trail, Goshinboku in sight, Kagome looked up at the pale visage of her knight in shining armor and her first love wondering why it took him five hundred years to mellow out and become so fun to be around.
“Inuyasha,” she asked. “Whatever happened to make you change your mind about me? The last thing I ever heard before I saw you at the well again was that you cared more for her then me.”
Inuyasha sighed. He should have known this question would come up sooner or later. “I realized that while I did love Kikyou, she was more a dream of what could have been. She was always just a memory of the first person who let me be me.” Inuyasha lifted a finger to cover Kagome's lips, stopping her protest before she could voice it. “No, hear me out. Yes, I know she didn't accept me completely because she wanted me to turn into a full human. It's what led to our downfall in the first place. Kikyou didn't trust me, and I couldn't believe that anyone could accept any part of me let alone all of me. However, you came along and taught me that friendship is more then just accepting a part; it's accepting the whole and standing by your friends through good times and bad. That's why I kept going back to Kikyou. Yes, I still loved her, but I wanted to be the friend I failed to be when she was alive. I wanted to teach her to let go of her hate and find love if she could. She died before I could do that.”
Kagome sighed in happiness. Her Inuyasha had grown-up. “I'm glad you figured all this out. Although if you had told me this from the very beginning, I might not have been hurt every single time you ran off and left me alone to go see her!”
Inuyasha scowled. “You wouldn't have believed me if I told you. You were convinced I was in love with her anyways.”
“Well, you never gave me any reason to think otherwise! Besides, I was your friend. You could have given me the benefit of a doubt.”
Inuyasha opened his mouth to send off another retort before he realized they were falling back into their old pattern. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself, and started walking while pulling Kagome along behind him.
“Wait!” she cried as she quickened her pace to keep herself from stumbling along in his wake. “Slow down!”
Inuyasha looked over his shoulder. “No, we're going to talk this out and finish this once and for all.” Leading her over to the Goshinboku, he sat her down on the bench and took up a stance next to the tree.
`That's odd,' thought Kagome as she waited for him to collect his thoughts. `That's where Sesshoumaru stood the last time someone needed to talk to me.' Clearing her throat, she hoped to jumpstart the hanyou into saying his piece.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome for a minute before taking another calming breath. “I guess what I need to say is that I always, in the back of my mind, thought you would be there for me no matter how many times I went to Kikyou. You did promise to never leave me,” he reminded her. After waiting for her nod of agreement, he continued, “I took you and your friendship for granted and I regret that every single day. If I hadn't, maybe I would have been able to save you from Sesshoumaru rather then pushing you away forever that day at his castle.”
Kagome shuddered remembering that night. He had come to find out where Sesshoumaru had taken her and instead took his word that she had been given her freedom since she was of no further use to the taiyoukai. Holding back the tears, she looked again on that night and wondered how that Inuyasha and the one standing before her was the same hanyou.
Kagome sat on Sesshoumaru's right, covered from head to toe in blue leaving only her eyes to show her merriment as she watched her friends calmly accept that the food she had but moments before tasted was safe. No, if Sesshoumaru were going to kill them, he would not resort to subterfuge. He had to much honor to allow their deaths to be anything but fair. She wondered just what game he was playing though. Surely he would not allow them access to his home without a good reason nor allow herself to be so close to them unless he had some plot in mind.
Inuyasha sniffed and looked up from his soup. "You said Kagome wasn't here. Why is her scent fresh?"
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sesshoumaru rub his temple. A servant appeared in the corridor behind Shippou, startling the child so badly he attached himself to Miroku's head like a cat with the jitters. Kagome smiled. The poor kid always did have problems controlling his nerves. It was amazing he was able to hold himself together as well as he did during battle.
"Go get her," Sesshoumaru said. The servant disappeared, coming back moments later with a bundle under his arms. Inuyasha jumped up as the lesser demon dropped the squirming bundle to the ground. Reaching inside it, he jerked a woman up by her black hair, his claws digging into her throat.
Kagome leaned forward a little in her chair, disregarding the glare Sesshoumaru sent her way while the rest were occupied with this new development. She knew to keep quiet. But who was that? It couldn't be Kikyou. She would have sensed the errant part of her soul nearby if it was Kikyou. Confused, she gripped her hands tightly and wondered just how much this night was going to cost.
"I thought you said you didn't have her, you lying bastard!" cried Inuyasha as his hands tightened into fists.
"Look again,” said Sesshoumaru, smirking.
"Kikyou," Inuyasha whispered. He turned to Sesshoumaru, his hate spilling over him.
"Kagome informed me that you didn't care enough about her to trade the Tetsusaiga. I considered this for a moment then went searching for something you would trade for. Look at what dropped into my lap."
Kagome frowned beneath her blue veil. She did tell him that Inuyasha cared little for her and only loved Kikyou. She had begged him to kill her that night though he refused. She was grateful for his mercy no matter how unintentional. The pain of Inuyasha's constant betrayal had worn on her. When even Sango had rejected her, told her to go home, she hadn't known what to do. So she accepted her fate when Sesshoumaru took her away from her friends and accepted his beating, but she still had friends and family back home. They may not know and understand everything that happened to her, but they still accepted her for her.
Inuyasha growled, breaking her away from her thoughts. Blinking, she looked up to see him pointing Tetsusaiga at Sesshoumaru's throat. `When did he move?' she thought, gulping at the proximity of the sword to her own throat.
"Let her go, Sesshoumaru," he growled, his eyes glittering dangerously. Sesshoumaru stood up, as did the others at the table. Kagome held back a whimper as she looked from Sesshoumaru to Inuyasha. It was happening again. He had forgotten all about her, first with dinner and now with Kikyou. He was actually threatening the taiyoukai because he held Kikyou captive whereas with her, he calmly accepted his word that she was gone. What if Sesshoumaru had killed her when she was ready for it? Would Inuyasha have walked away from the castle never thinking to avenge her? Tears began to form in her eyes as Sesshoumaru's low chuckle echoed in the room. The odd sound coming from his throat sent shivers down her back.
"At first, I wanted to trade. After all, I don't particularly like the idea of the walking dead wandering around my lands. But seeing the look on your face has given me a better idea." He turned to the servant holding Kikyou.
"Kill her."
The demon grinned and ripped through Kikyou's back. She shrieked before exploding into ashes and dirt. Inuyasha rushed to decapitate the demon, but it vanished under his blade. He spun on his heels toward Sesshoumaru.
"You die."
"I thought you were here for Kagome?" Sesshoumaru wondered, tapping his chin with a clawed finger while his other hand landed heavily on Kagome's knee beneath the table. Kagome glared at the taiyoukai taking the warning for what it was. Her life would indeed be forfeit if she interfered with his plans.
"I don't care about Kagome."
The sudden words echoed in her head in time to the beating of her heart. A small sob escaped Kagome's throat, as she clenched the cloth of her haori. `It's true. He never cared for me. Inuyasha…' Blinded by the tears slipping down her face to stain the cloth covering her mouth, she attempted to back away from both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, nearly sliding off her seat in her haste. A sudden tugging on her arm jerked her back to an all to clear reality as Sesshoumaru forced her to stand in front of him. Whimpering, she wondered if he could hold her wrist any tighter against her back where it was twisted.
"You would hurt a 'precious' human?" he said breathing across her ear.
Kagome looked on in horror as Inuyasha growled in response and brought Tetsusaiga down on them both. Closing her eyes right before impact, she waited with bated breath for the killing blow to at last fall on her head. He had already broken her heart, he might was well destroy her body with it. As the moments stretched by and the cool kiss of steel did not caress her skin, she opened her eyes to see Inuyasha look in horror at the glowing Tetsusaiga. It had protected her.
"Hey, this isn't Kikyou!" gasped Shippou as he stood over the ash and dust that was all that remained of the thing called Kikyou. Inuyasha jerked his eyes from the Tetsusaiga to the kitsune and back again to Sesshoumaru.
"What's the big idea?"
Sesshoumaru's chuckle turned into full blown laughter as he spun Kagome around by the wrist so she was no longer facing him.
"How stupid can you be little brother?" he asked looking cruelly into Kagome's begging eyes. She knew now what he was doing. He was making sure Inuyasha knew the true extent of his betrayal. Holding her breath, she waited for the next scene in this farce knowing that all Sesshoumaru succeeded in doing today was letting Inuyasha free of her pathetic existence.
Ripping off the veil, he spun her around again, setting loose a whirling cloud of obsidian tresses like a dark tornado. He stopped her suddenly, turning her to face Inuyasha and the others. His hand grasped her chin, a talon tapping lightly the flesh underneath one of her blue-gray eyes.
"Oh fuck," Inuyasha whispered as Kagome shuddered against Sesshoumaru's chest. The feel of his claws against her skin made her recall the torture she endured when she was first brought to the castle. Sango and the others gasped.
"She sat in front of you the entire time, and you hadn't a clue."
Kagome choked out a sob as her eyes fell to Inuyasha's, hurt beyond all belief written in their depths. Before Inuyasha could do or say anything she faded in Sesshoumaru's arms, disappearing from sight.
—End Flashback—
“You would have killed me, Inuyasha, if it wasn't for Tetsusaiga's protection.” Kagome whispered as tears fell down her cheek.
Inuyasha swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. “I know, and I kick myself every single time I think of how close I came to doing just that. I was so mad at Sesshoumaru that night for killing Kikyou before she had a chance to redeem her soul, I—I just lost it.”
Kagome looked up at the hanyou before her. Anger surged through her causing her tears to dry up and her body to rise. Flinging herself against him, she beat her fists against his chest while his arms went around her shoulders. “You baka! You never for once thought that that servant's life was worth saving! You let her taste your food even though you suspected poison, you practically cut her in two, and that's all you have to say? You let your temper get the best of you!”
Inuyasha held her close as the tears soaked his shirt. His keen ears picked up the distant sound of the front door opening and closing as Sango returned home from her late night ice cream indulgence. Turning his attention back to the now subdued Kagome, he grasped her chin and lifted it up to look into her eyes. “I know there's little to no excuse for my behavior in the past, but you have to remember what it was like growing up in Sengoku Jidai. It's not called the `warring states era' for nothing.”
Brushing off her cheek with a still dry portion of his sleeve, he smiled tenderly down at her drained face. “While I may be a product of Sengoku Jidai, I am also a product of this time too and all the years in between. I can't say I won't be impulsive, or never argue again. You already know I can't help myself anyways, but I also think that I understand you a little bit better. I want you to stay my friend no matter what. I've missed it these many years. No one else has been able to accept me and know me on a level that you have. I can't, and I won't lose that friendship again. I hope you'll keep that in mind Kagome. Give yourself the chance to get to know me again.”
Kagome sighed and leaned her head against Inuyasha's chest. Squeezing her arms around his waist, she sought to give him reassurance. “I'm here right now aren't I?” she asked as she looked back up into the hopeful face peering down above her. “I've missed your friendship too. You might not have been the best friend Inuyasha, but I always knew your heart was in the right place. I just never understood why you had to run off to Kikyou every single time she came around. We could be in the middle of a battle against Naraku and you would still protect her over me.”
Inuyasha frowned. “I already told you. If Kikyou died before she let go of her anger and hatred towards me and what Naraku did to us, she would have no choice but to go to hell. I had to try to save her from herself. I always knew that Sango and Miroku would protect you where I failed to. I also knew that you would fight to the end to save yourself and the kitsune. Look at what you did to Naraku. You didn't need us or Sesshoumaru to defeat him.”
Kagome frowned. “I had help though. If Sesshoumaru hadn't given me that dagger, I wouldn't have been able to hit Naraku let alone do any damage.”
Inuyasha laughed. “Don't doubt yourself. It might have taken all of us to defeat him without that dagger, but there's no way we would have been able to do it without you. You were always the key to our little group. You brought us together, you made us appreciate each other, and it was your memory that kept us together long after you left. Just look at Shippou and Rin. They shared in the grief of your `death' so completely they married each other!”
“Rin and Shippou,” she sighed remember the news of the past week. “He really hasn't been all that lucky considering family has he? His parents died when he was still so young, I had to leave him a few years later and left him with you and Sesshoumaru as parents.”
“Hey!” he cried. “I don't think we did that bad with the kit.”
Laughing. “I'm sure it's through no fault of your own. Anyways, he's lost both his son and daughter and who knows how many other offspring. He still mourns their deaths you know.”
“I know,” he said. “That's why it was such a good thing that you were still here in this time. It gave him something to live for.”
“I'm glad. I'm glad that so many of my friends were able to survive as long as you have. Kouga, Sesshoumaru, Shippou, you, and who knows how many others are still alive today. If only we had Miroku with us, the whole gang would be here.”
“Yeah, I think Sango would have liked that as well.” Hesitantly, he continued. “Just how is she doing? She nearly scared me half to death the way she was swinging that boomerang around that first day. If I wasn't half demon, I would have been killed with how she was going on. It's why she was able to get first hit. Ever since then she's been holding back against us.”
Kagome frowned. “Momma told me that she heard Sango crying in the middle of the night after you guys left. She used to do that all the time right after we were both trapped in this time.” Backing away from Inuyasha, she turned to look at the light shining in Sango's corner bedroom. “I think she always held out hope that we would be able to find our way back to the past, but after you told her that he found another woman to bear his children, it just hit home. There was no going back.”
Inuyasha pulled Kagome back in against his chest. After so long missing from his arms, he wasn't about to let another minute go without holding her close. He had nearly screwed up all real chances at regaining his friend back. Feeling the young miko relax, he grinned against her hair. Might was well make the most of it. Tensing his muscles, he swung the girl up into his arms as she shrieked in surprise and jumped onto his favorite resting branch. Settling her against his chest, he leaned against the trunk and looked through the branches at the stars.
Kagome nervously shifted on the branch. She was experiencing an odd sense of foreboding. Just something in the pit of her stomach was telling her that sitting in the tree would be a bad thing in the long run. Who knew what would happen if she fell off the branch? “Um, Inuyasha?” she asked. “I don't think it's all that safe to stay up here.”
Inuyasha pulled the girl in closer to his chest as he rested his chin on top of her head. “Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you while I'm here to protect you. Just relax and enjoy the stars.”
Kagome gingerly leaned back against Inuyasha and after long moments, slowly began to relax one muscle at a time into his lean frame. “Alright, but I really need to get to bed soon. We can't stay up here all night,” she murmured sleepily as the nerves and exercise of the day finally caught up to her.
Inuyasha smiled. He would return her to her room shortly but for now? Now he would savor the moment. Who knew how many more she would let him have? Yes, she was his friend, but whether they would end up more then that, who knew. He would accept whatever decision she made to keep that friendship alive.
—Kagome's Dream #2—
Soft grasses bent to cradle the body lying in peaceful slumber in the shadows of a giant tree. A breeze drifted by to playfully tug at the loose tendrils framing her angelic face. Batting at the offensive strands, Kagome opened a single eye and sighed as the filtered light coaxed her awake. Groaning, she sat up and looked around her. It always was so peaceful back here in Sengoku Jidai. Turning her eyes eastward, she strove to see the village where she knew Kaede, with the help of Sango and Miroku, was busy tending to the village needs. Barely able to see the drifting smoke of late afternoon fires as dinner was hurriedly prepared, she turned to the west and the well.
She had spent her afternoon napping rather then studying for her Geometry exam like she was supposed to, but the warmth of the sun had cajoled her to it. She needed to get home though, so she could take her exam the next day. Sighing, she reached down and pulled her ever trustworthy yellow backpack towards her and stuffed the untouched geometry textbook inside of it. Rising to her feet, she slung the bag over her shoulder with a muffled groan and started the trek to the well.
Rejoicing in the sounds of birds chirping, she half walked, half skipped to the well completely loathing the fact she had to return to the present when she only wanted to stay in the past. But life moves on, she had to make sure she had a future ahead of her since she didn't think that Inuyasha would want her to stay with him in Sengoku Jidai. He cared too much for Kikyo to want her by his side.
Far to soon, Goshinboku came into view. It was the one thing besides the Bone Eater's Well that seemed to have survived the five hundred years between this time and her own. It was the landmark she navigated her life by. Walking closer to the great tree, she marveled again at how little it seemed to have changed through the long years. Sure its trunk was thicker and it was a little taller, but mostly, it was unchanged.
Creeping nearer, she noticed a splotch of red against the enormous trunk. Gasping, she ran the remaining distance and fell to her knees at the base. “Inuyasha,” she whispered as tears fell from her eyes. “What happened?” she wondered out loud.
“Baka,” he said as his face turned to her weeping one startling her half to death.
“I—I thought you were pinned to it like you were three years ago!” she cried with slacked jaw.
“I am pinned ya nitwit!” he said frustrated. Clenching his fist, he pointed to the arrow that pierced his shoulder above his heart. “You did this remember? You struck me down and left me to go take a stupid exam. Release me at once!”
Kagome's eyes narrowed. “I sealed you to the tree? Why would I do that?”
“Because you were jealous of Kikyo! I told you once and I told you a hundred times, she means nothing compared to what you mean to me! I just have to treat her nicely so she doesn't go to hell.”
Kagome frowned. “I still don't understand. I accepted a long time ago that you loved Kikyo and not me. Why would I keep you from someone you so obviously love?”
“I don't know. I'm not a girl am I? Who knows what goes in that twisted brain of yours. Now unseal me, please Kagome.”
Kagome sighed. “I'm sorry Inuyasha, but I don't have the time for that today. I have to go take an exam now. Bye!” Turning away form his desperate cries, she scurried around the tree only to be jerked back against a hard place.
“Oomph” she said, wondering if that was a pen or the side of a textbook digging into her back. “Let me go!” she cried startling to struggle against the steel arm holding her in place.
“Not a chance,” a velvet voice whispered in her ear. “Not until you release me from this tree.”
Kagome looked over her shoulder to see the taiyoukai glaring at her. Gulping nervously, she wiggled around to face him and reposition the annoying backpack on her shoulders to a more comfortable position. “Don't tell me, I somehow sealed you to the tree as well even though I don't remember doing a single thing to either one of you.”
Sesshoumaru growled softly. “You test my patience. It is your fault that I was here in the first place. Now release me at once!”
Kagome sighed. She really did need to get back home to take that exam. The only problem was that to get back home, she had to release the taiyoukai, but if she released the taiyoukai then she wouldn't be able to pull the all-nighter that she needed to do to study for her exam. What was she supposed to do?
Weighing her options, she decided her best bet would be to distract the enemy and make her get-away. Nodding her head, “Sure, I'll free you.” As she felt the arm around her waist relax, she leaned up on her tiptoes and grazed her lips against his, thoroughly shocking him with the unexpected move. Pushing herself off his chest, the arm around her waist fell to the wayside allowing her escape. Quickly dancing backwards, she waved a cheery goodbye to the now furious Sesshoumaru. “Bye! I'll make sure to free you after I get back from my exam.” Jumping on top of the well, she let herself fall forward into the oblivion of time.
—Kagome's Dream #2 Part 2—
Thump, thump, thump went the beat of her feet hitting the ground as she ran with stilted breath through the dark streets. She knew he was chasing her. She knew he was out to get her. She didn't mean to fall asleep. It's not her fault that the lines and circles didn't make any sense to her. Crying, she fell to her knees as she tripped on the uneven pavement. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she looked back over her shoulder at her now visible Geometry teacher chasing her down with a ruler and compass clutched in either hand.
Sobbing, she pushed herself off the ground and continued her mad dash for home. Clutching her side against the stitch that had formed, she forced herself to take the shrine steps two at a time as the voice of her teacher echoed madly behind her. He was getting far to close for her comfort. Stumbling over the last step, she weaved on her feet as she looked around the shrine for someplace to hide. Any place would do. Looking in front of her, a smile graced her lips. Yes, she would find solace in Goshinboku. If Inuyasha could climb it, she should be able to as well. Right?
Catching her second wind, she dashed for the great tree as she looked through the upper branches trying to figure out the best way to climb it. Coming to a rest just within the edge of shadow, she pursed her lips and concentrated on her task. `Ah,' she thought. `That branch will do.' Letting her eyes drift down to the ground, she focused in on the two glaring faces staring back at her. `That's odd,' she thought. `They weren't there before. Oh well, no time for them now. I have to hide!' Hurrying over to the bench, she crawled on top of it and attempted to reach the branch lying just out of reach above her.
“What are you doing wench?” asked Inuyasha, exasperated.
Kagome didn't bother looking at the hanyou. “What does it look like I'm doing?” she snapped as she started to jump on top of the stone bench with her arms spread above her.
“It looks as though you're acting like the foolish ningen you are,” said Sesshoumaru from his vantage point.
Kagome growled in frustration. Jumping off the bench, she placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot in annoyance. “I'm trying to hide from my geometry teacher bakas! Now leave me alone!”
Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both growled in anger. “Wait! You promised you'd set us free but you never came back!” said Inuyasha as Kagome turned her back on them.
“Well, I won't be able to go back to the past if my geometry teacher gets a hold of me so you'll just have to wait a little bit longer!” Kagome peered around the shrine and figured the best place to hide would be underneath the porch as the mouse or rat or whatever was currently doing. It was better a rodent then her geometry teacher.
She only took two steps before Sesshoumaru growled out, “If you release me right now, I'll get rid of this geometry teacher of yours. Just don't let me sit here for another five hundred years!”
Turning around she stared awestruck at the fearful faces of her two friends. Chuckling, she gloated. “Why, you two are absolutely terrified aren't you! Silly youkai, I always keep my promises. You should know this by now. Now, I really have to hide.” Turning back around, she came face to face with her geometry teacher as he brandished his compass at her while he kept the ruler close to his side and pointed to the ground much as one would a katana. Gulping, she knew her chance to hide was gone.
“Quickly!” cried the two men behind her. “Just free one of us, and we'll take care of him!” cried Inuyasha. Backing up to face sideways to her teacher, she looked from Inuyasha to Sesshoumaru and back again. `Which should I free?' she thought as she sidled her way closer to them. `If I free Inuyasha, he'll be less likely to kill me when this is all done and over with, but if I free Sesshoumaru, I know he'll be able to handle Sensei.'
“Free me now!” commanded Sesshoumaru as he strained against the arrow sealing him to the tree all those long years ago. The choice taken out of her hands, she dashed madly for Sesshoumaru. Tripping over a tree root, she fell against him as one hand reached up pull the arrow and the sharp point of a compass pricked her skin.
—Kagome's room—
“Ouch!” she cried, jerking up onto her elbows as Buyo jumped from her stomach to the ground screeching like a mad fiend. Blinking her eyes against the sleep gluing her eyes shut, she watched a flash of yellow hair flee down the stairs in hot pursuit of something. `Great,' she thought as she collapsed back down onto her bed. `Buyo's gone crazy now just like me.'
Looking through his kitchen window, he leaned against the white marble counter and pulled out his cell phone. Flipping it open, he dialed Sesshoumaru's apartment number, knowing that he would be at home this late at night and not working in his office. Bringing the phone to his ear, he watched the swaying of the trees as a wind flowed through their branches. Turning away from the sight, he glared impatiently at the silver chrome of his refrigerator as the dial tone rang and rang. At last it stopped.
Inuyasha grinned at the ruffled tone of his half-brother. “I'm sorry,” he said sweetly. “I hope I didn't actually catch you sleeping or anything!” he teased grinning from his end of the line. Silence grew heavy as Sesshoumaru fought to keep his temper. He could almost hear the air crackle around the full demon.
“Why are you calling me at three in the morning Inu-baka?”
Inuyasha softly chuckled. “I just wanted to let you know that Kagome got home safe and sound.”
“Were there any problems?” asked Sesshoumaru.
“Not really,” the hanyou replied. “We did run into her friends from school at the club courtesy of Sango's machinations. Apparently, one of the patrons took a liking to Ayumi, but I scared him off.”
“Do you think it'll be a problem?”
Inuyasha pondered the question a moment. “Nah, I think he was just out for a little bit of fun. The minute I mentioned her age, he fairly lit out of there.”
“Good, but make sure security around Kagome stays tight. We haven't found the mastermind behind the Fujiwara clan. Everything points to the silent partner in the Kokushibyou gang, but no new leads have been found on the guy. After two hundred years of searching, you would think we'd have figured out what kind of youkai the guy is!”
Inuyasha frowned into the cell phone. “Calm down, Fluffy. I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually. Right now, we just need to continue to make sure Kagome's safe.”
Sesshoumaru paused before answering. “Perhaps we should move her as soon as possible to my estate until the gathering next weekend. With the extra security there, she'll be safer.”
Inuyasha grinned. “You read my mind. Do you want me to run it by Kagome or do you want to?”
“You do it. I'll be heading home tomorrow to make sure everything's set-up. Send a few of your guys from the Fighting Inu by as well.”
“Will do. I should head back over to Kagome's then. Night Fluffy.”
“Goodnight, and stop calling me fluffy!” he growled as Inuyasha shut his phone, laughing.
Wow. This chapter was nothing like what I had planned. Nowhere did I even think to talk about Kikyo! I had a whole other conversation planned out. Inuyasha just had to take over!! Anyways, I hope you like the conflict I'm stirring up! It's fun thinking of ways to incorporate it into this fic.
Review comments:
TheAlmightyAya-sama: Don't worry about the `new weird guy' (love that description by the way). You'll be finding out more about him in chapters to come. I do admit I probably could have been clearer in the previous chapter, but I couldn't stand looking at it any longer. It was either post, or throw it all away and start all over again. I decided to post.
Thanks also to InuYashasLoveLorn, Raven_Skye_Blackhawk, and Michelle for reviewing. Also, thank-you Striking Falcon for thinking I have a cool villain! ^_~