InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ True Destiny ❯ Calm Before the Storm ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Calm before the Storm *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Sunlight streamed from the bamboo door and onto the face of the kitsune youkai. His bright orange hair was still tied up as it has been his entire life. Birds. He could hear the morning birds. A vibrant green eye opened to survey the small hut. Shippo spotted the ancient miko that he shared the hut with across the room still sound asleep. He slowly rose from the futon and crept out the door to meet the warm morning light. The youkai stretched and yawned, showing off his fox-like fangs.
“What are your plans for today Shippo?” a young male's voice can from behind him. He knew who it was before he even turned around, good thing for a youkai nose.
“Mornin' Toshi. How are you?” he asked.
The young man walked up beside Shippo. Toshi stood over a head and a half taller then Shippo, with his black hair and violet eyes he looked like the mirror image of his father, the monk Miroku. Thankfully, his looks were the only thing he had inherited from his father. His personality was like his mother's, the talented taijiya Sango, not to mention that he was the only male sibling of the couple who had not inherited his father's lecher gene. Unfortunately he did receive something that hopefully no one else would ever, on his right palm he had a very dark birthmark were his fathers Kazanna had been.
“I'm well, thank you, but I feel on edge. Something is coming, not sure what yet but I hope it will be in our favor,” Toshi said.
“Well, you and your intuition have been right before, listen to it, your parents would say that,” Shippo told him.
“Yes, I wonder if…they're alright.”
Shippo shifted his gaze over to the young monk; the teen didn't even look back at him. “Their perfectly fine; your parents are very strong, the strongest humans I know.”
“What of Lady Kagome?” Toshi whispered.
“Yeah, she's the best of the best, but your parents are right behind,” the kitsune patted his shoulder. “Hey, do you want to come on the morning patrol with me?”
Toshi looked down at him and smiled, damn did he ever look like Miroku! “Sounds great, let me grab my staff and tell the others,” he spoke then walked off to the hut that his family lived in, well, now it was only the children…all eight of them.
“Meet me by the entrance to the barrier!” Shippo yelled at the teen as he turned away.
Shippo slowly made his way over to the entrance to wait for Toshi, he would most likely be a couple of minutes, having seven younger siblings can be a bit to take care of. While he waited, he thought of their situation. Sixteen years ago, Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku, along with other allies, had all fought the evil hanyou Naraku and had killed him, or so they thought. By damned luck on the bastard's part, he was one of the few demons who regain their true power after death, which meant that the whole damn world was screwed to put it bluntly.
He remembered the day that Naraku had taken over, he was only eight then, and was having a perfect day. Kagome had returned for the first time after Inuyasha had sent her through the well to her time, for her safety he had told them all, and along with her she had brought her daughter. Little Destiny, he was told, was a surprise to everyone, including Inuyasha. That day was the first and last time Shippo had seen his five-month-old baby sister. When the small family was having a relaxing day near the well, the sky had turned dark and the presence of evil had quickly filled the air.
Hundreds of demons rained from the sky. He remembered the baby's scream as they rose to attack. Shippo could never clearly remember what had happened after the demons appeared. The last he saw was Inuyasha had the Tetsusaiga drawn ready to slice the demons with the wind scar, and Kagome had dashed for the well. That was the last he saw of his family, he had blacked out and had awoken in Kaede's hut a couple hours later. Miroku had told him that he and Sango had found him at the clearing where the well was, but no Kagome, Inuyasha, or little Destiny.
Ever since that night that Inuyasha and Kagome disappeared, Naraku had taken control. The sky was always dark; there had never been a day with sunshine outside the barrier. Plants and the crops wilted like no tomorrow, people went hungry and died quickly. Human eating youkai populations grew and humans had taken to living in villages protected by barriers, but not all worked. Luckily and thanks to Kaede, their village had been one that had survived.
“You ready to go?”
Shippo looked up from the ground to see Toshi beside him staff in hand.
“Yeah, let's go.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
“Well that was boring. Does anything happen when you do the rounds?” Toshi sighed.
The time spent out around the barrier was very uneventful. Nothing…not even the smallest youkai was seen.
“Actually, this is the first time in a very long time that I haven't seen a youkai out. I take it as a sign, and hopefully because the demons left that something good is going to happen for us, but then again they could just be chickens and be running away from something big.” Shippo responded, he folded his hands behind his head and closed his eyes as he walked back to the village across the barren land.
“What's that?” Toshi asked.
The kitsune-youkai cracked his eyes to see what the young human was looking at. In the distance they could see a large dark lump lying on the bare land.
“Dunno? Let's go see.”
“What if it's a youkai?” the teen asked.
“Your point? I'm a youkai, besides that thing reeks of death and blood.” he replied.
The two started for the object on the ground and gasped as they came close enough to see what it was.
“M-m-mama…F-f-father?” Toshi stammered out. He dropped to the ground to check on the monk and slayer, trying to see if they had a pulse. Shippo stood in shock, unsure of what to say.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
“Now where, oh, where could they be?” Numair said.
“Excuse me, young man, but who are ye and what is ye purpose in this village, and by what means did you get passed my barrier?”
The young hanyou prince looked down to see a very elderly lady in miko robes staring at him like she was trying to read his mind
“You will need my assistance in a short time. I suggest you put away your sutras and let me speak with you, Lady Kaede.”
Kaede was shocked for a brief moment before she collected herself again. “And why do ye believe I would have sutras on my person?”
She saw the young man smirk at her; how rude.
“I will tell you about myself miko as soon as you drop the sutras,” he said.
“Follow me child,” Kaede turned to her hut and entered, followed by the boy. She looked back to see him flop down beside the fire pit, she also saw him sniff the air, or so she thought.
“What do you want to know, and please ask fast, I have things to do back in my time.” `Old lady smell, ew.'
“Your time?” Kaede asked.
“Yes, my time, do I really look like I'm from here?” he gestured to his clothing, which were beige dress pants and a black button-down shirt. “Next.”
“Your name?”
“Prince Numair, Royal, son of Artemis, goddess of the hunt and an inu-youkai general of the southern lands,” Numair said then bowed as well as he could from his sitting position.
“Hum, your purpose?”
“My purpose shall reveal it's self in a short time,” he spoke with a smug voice.
“KAEDE!” someone shouted from outside.
“And here it comes now,” Numair rose from the ground and walked over to lean against the wall beside the door.
Toshi came running in carrying something on his back. “Get a futon ready! We found them!”
“Who did ye find, Toshi?” Kaede asked.
Shippo came in after Toshi and placed his passenger on the futon. “We found them, Sango and Miroku, they're not in good shape.”
“Toshi go and get water and put it on to boil, Shippo get the bandages and-,”
“Finally, you found them, took you long enough,” Numair cut through the hectic situation.
Shippo turned around to face the teen with brown hair. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
“Step aside and let me help them. They will be up and around in a couple days if you let me revive them, if not you can always start digging their graves,” Numair walked up to the bodies with purpose.
“Fine, but any funny business and I will have your head,” Shippo stepped aside to let Numair have full access to his friends.
Numair kneeled beside Miroku and Sango, closing his eyes he placed the tips of his fingers on each of their foreheads. `They're almost too far along in death, dear uncle of the dead, help me in this time of need, let their souls remain in there bodies, we have need of these mortals.'
The other occupants of the hut watched as a dark green light surrounded the boy and slowly creped off his hands and over Miroku and Sango. After each slow minutes they could see improvement in their friends, their breathing was easier, and colour returning back, blood disappearing from their skin and cuts and wounds fading to nothing. Each in awe as they watched the young man pull his hands way from them, finished after an hour.
“They'll be up soon. Have food prepared and let them rest. Don't let them walk around to much, I shall return soon,” he stood up, and almost fell over. Toshi went to his side and help supported him. Numair smiled at him. “Thanks, I haven't use my powers often enough to perform even the simplest task and not be weak after.”
“No, thank you. You gave me and my family our mother and father back, and alive.” Toshi said, helping Numair to the door. Kaede and Shippo still stood near Miroku and Sango.
“What's your name kid?” Shippo spoke before Numair went passed the door.
“Numair, well, I best be on my way. I must return to my time.” he weakly bowed to them all, then wink and disappeared.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Toshi sat in front of the dying fire, staring into the embers. `I've never seen anyone with that type of power. He can't be human, but he had little demon aura, so what is he?'
“I told you that I would take watch tonight. Go to bed, brother.”
Toshi looked past his shoulder at his sister. Kaori was the second child born, only nine months after him. She was a mixture of their parents, with long black hair cut like her mothers, violet eyes like her father but the body structure of their mother. Thankfully she had also inherited Sango's talent as a taijiya. Kaori and Kaida, the third child, were both trained as slayers and could equal their mother.
“No, I'm not out to watch. Just to think,” he told her.
Kaori swiftly took a seat next to Toshi. “What are you thing about what?”
“The boy who saved mother and father today. If you were there when it happened you would be questioning what you had witnessed too,” Toshi rubbed his temples to try and clear his thoughts.
“I don't really care about what he is or what he can do, as long as they're home, safe and sound,” she whispered.
“Yes, but if he has that kind of power, then he could be used as an ally. He did say that he would return soon.”
Kaori nodded. “Toshi, what did this young man look like?”
Toshi's head shot up and raised and eyebrow at his sister. “I thought only the males in our family had the hentai gene.”
“Shut up and tell me.”
Toshi smirked at her before speaking. “He looked quite plain actually, but he had an air of power about him. Just by looking at him, you could tell he was powerful,” he smiled again and said jokingly “but he is probably courting someone.”
“Humph. Too bad.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
“You got any 5's?” Destiny asked. She looked up from her hand to face the hanyou prince across from her, while sitting cross legged in short shorts and a black tank-top. `He sucks at this.'
“Yeah, here,” Numair flicked his empty wrist and one of the cards flew from his hand and slid into hers.
“I really wish you would stop doing that, it's just too weird,” she said. The two had moved from Destiny's room to the old well house where the two had first really spoken a couple days ago, so not be caught by her grandmother.
“Why is it strange?” he asked, tilting his head in an innocent cute way.
Destiny raised a slender eyebrow at him. “You `no' most people can't move things with their mind or how ever you do that.”
“Alright, sorry, it's just I didn't get a lot of human interaction. I grew up with no kids my age, and all the people I knew were either youkai or family, who are not human,” he admitted.
“What do you mean by not human, as in gods?”
He shrugged and answered. “Yes and no. It's a long story, and I have to leave. But I'll be back tomorrow, with some people who you have to meet,” he rose from his spot and walked over the wooden doors were the sunlight streamed though, “It starts tomorrow, Destiny. Be ready,” he whispered just enough so she could hear him.
“What do you mean by all that shit?” Destiny turned to look at him, but there was only air where he had once stood. `Damn, I hate when he does that!'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Grandma Higurashi was bustling about the beautiful kitchen while putting away the groceries. She was humming a tune under her breath, wondering where her granddaughter had gotten to.
“I told her I'd be back tomorrow”
The older woman turned from the open cupboard and spotted a young man standing the doorway to the living room. He was wearing dress pants and a white shirt with an expensive looking jacket.
“Did you tell her anything important? I want to break it to her easy you know,” she told him, returning back to her groceries.
“No, I told her nothing important, really. Did she tell you hat happened a couple days ago?” Numair saw the large amount of bags still on the floor and once again flicked his wrist which opened cupboard doors and objects started flying into their appropriate place.
Mrs. Higurashi leaned against the counter and replied. “No, what happened?”
Numair smiled at her. “A demon slipped through the well, and went to attack Destiny. It had called her half-breed, but I doubt she really heard it. She was more worried about getting out with her life. Sad thing is that was a really wimpy demon.”
Miya (A/N: you know what…I have to name her. I know gay time to do it but it's killing me. And yes this is not her mother's name I just picked it from a list.) shook her head and rubbed her eyes. “I can't believe this is happening to me for the second time in my life. Sending the child I have raised down a well to fight evil youkai. How many mothers can say they've done that more then once?”
Numair thought for a second before he spoke. “My grandmother, for one, she sent four daughters and two sons out into the world to fight evil demons, and worse. But then again, my family isn't normal is anyway shape or form, so I guess we don't count.”
Miya let out a small chuckle then turned to face the floor. “I don't want to lose Destiny, too. She's all I have of Kagome and Inuyasha. She's my only granddaughter. I don't want to let her go.”
“I know, but we don't know if they're…you know. I'll make sure Destiny comes back home with nothing more then a scratch. Besides, she has her mother's spirit and father's stubbornness, nothing will happen to her.”
The worried woman looked at the strange boy. Years ago, a few months after Kagome and Inuyasha had disappeared, a woman had silently slipped into Destiny's bedroom where Miya had been calming Destiny down one night. She had said her name was Artemis, and was a goddess. The woman had told Miya what had happened in the Feudal Era to Kagome and her friends, how they had been captured and how the others did not know whether or not they were alive. Artemis had also told her that night, that great things would come from the tiny hanyou girl that she was holding. She had also placed a spell on the child. `To hide her demon features till the right time. I would hope this would help her fit in a bit more,' she had said. They had discussed what was to come and the time and way the child was to be told of her true past. `I will send someone to protect her, keep her safe, the best of the best. I shall return when the child is sixteen years of age. She will be ready by then.'
“Mrs. Higurashi?” Numair broke her of her thoughts.
She looked into his deep chestnut eyes and tilted her head. “Yes?”
“I must leave, but I shall return tomorrow.”
Miya nodded again. “Yes, tomorrow is a big day.”
Numair winked at her then dissolved into the air. Seconds later Destiny walked into the kitchen.
“Hey Grandma, anything happen when I was gone?” she ventured over to the fridge and grabbed a pop.
“Nothing at all dear,” she replied, Destiny just shot a thumb up as she guzzled the drink. Then headed out the door and then the sound of foots traveling up the stars came from the second floor. `Nothing yet at least.'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Names of Sango and Miroku's kids:
{In order of age}
Toshi-Mirror Image {19} {m}
Kaori-Strong {18} {f}
Kaida-Little dragon {15} {f}
Jiro-The second male {14} {m}
Tomoko-Intelligent {12} {f}
Meiko-Already Prosperous {10} {f}
Kisho- One who knows his own mind {7} {m}
Keiko-The beloved or adored one {6} {f}
I do not own Inuyasha and Co. but I do own my own original characters and plot.
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't written but I have had a dressage show and three projects due on the same week. Although I have had more drive to write due to all the people reviewing. And I'm overly pleased with the results to my other story, which I have re-named.
Thanks to:
Orlando Lover(Thanks for saying that hun)----StarChik(Thanks a lot, this one really made me smile)----Jim Carry(Lmao yes I am a girl, check out my profile babe, and yeah I know I am trying to write more but I have a lot going on)----GreenDayBabe( Omg when you wrote I thought you were my friend..she LOVES Greenday too, just for you this chapter has the least amount of swearing. I'll try to clean it up. My rents read over my shoulder and its hard when your reading a lemon. Teehee)----KICKASSCHICK(nice name, well yes I know my spelling is atrocious but please stay with me, I am getting my chapter to my editor tonight.)---And last and the least, my sister who is now my official stalker...don't I feel loved.
Thanks again for all the reviews and I hope this story is half as decent as I hoped it would be.
Love Angel aka NyteAngelOfDarkness7