InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Trust and Betrayal ❯ A True Smile ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whee!! I'm glad people like my story… anyway, I present to you: chapter three! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha.


Trust and Betrayal

Chapter Three: A True Smile





The young girl managed a weak smile. "Thank you."

Kouga was surprised at first. Then he grinned back.


Five people, humans, demon, hanyou and a dead corpse, sat around a campfire in a tense atmosphere.

The tension was so thick you could probably cut it.

Sango tried her best not to lunge and grab Inu-Yasha and Kikyo's necks. Strangle them for a while...

Only skin them alive…maybe starve them for a couple months…you know?

Miroku had a frown set on his face, one arm wrapped protectively around Sango. Inu-Yasha was sitting next to Kikyo, cross-legged.

Shippo kept throwing glares at Inu-Yasha, keeping it fresh to everyone that he too, felt betrayed.

Even Kirara shot angry looks at Inu-Yasha and Kikyo.

"Why are you looking at me like that!?" Inu-Yasha suddenly burst out.

Sango gritted her teeth. Was this bastard stupid or what?!

"It's nothing," She strained, trying to keep her temper at bay. "Nothing…"

"Hmph." Kikyo sounded.

Sango caught it.

"What was that?" The demon exterminator asked, voice coated in false honey.

"Oh, it's nothing," Kikyo replied, smirking.

Sango glared at the undead miko, who had stolen her words. At least Kagome would put `and I quote…'! Thinking about how much Kagome was suffering made her even angrier.

Sango cleared her throat. Everyone looked at her. Kikyo rolled her eyes.

"So are we going to now?"

Kikyo had a bored look on her face. "Well, Inu-Yasha and I are going to find a nice place to settle down. Whether you two tag along or not is none of my concern.."

Inu-Yasha simply nodded.

Miroku scowled. `Whether we tag along…? Sango and I are not pets or animals. I could say differently about Inu-Yasha.'

Sango seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

Was Inu-Yasha insane, choosing this stuck-up witch instead of Kagome?

`Do I really have to ask?' Sango thought to herself.


Kagome sighed. The warm water of the hot spring soothed her muscles. It helped clear her mind, emptying it of the whole jumble that had happened the past few days.

It was too bad that she didn't have her stuff with her. Some shampoo and conditioner would have been really, really nice…and some soap or body wash. Jeez, she didn't even have a towel!

Kagome took a deep breath, and ducked underwater. She swam around a bit before coming back up. Kagome rinsed the rest of the dirt from her hair.

She looked behind her, where her clothes were almost dry. Kagome looked around to make sure no one was there. Slowly, she climbed out and rushed over to where her clothing lay on a makeshift rack. Pulling the garments on quickly, Kagome shook most of the water from her hair.

Making her way back to the caves, Kagome stopped when she heard the sound of an infants crying.

She followed the sound, until she found herself at the mouth of a cave. It wasn't that far from Kouga's caves.

Keeping alert, Kagome stepped into the cave. Almost immediately, she found herself looking at tens of wolf demons. They were all female, or children.

Kagome blinked. Several of the demons got up and greeted her.

"Welcome to the female's caves, Lady Kagome."

"Please come in and sit down."

Kagome was lead away from the cave entrance, and seated on a bed of furs.


The female demons grinned. "Kouga has talked much about you, Lady Kagome."

Kagome stifled a gasp, but could not suppress the blush.

The wolf demons giggled.

"Feel at home here, Lady Kagome."

"Umm, please call Kagome. Lady Kagome seems too…extravagant for me."

The demons nodded. One of them spoke.

"My name is Kyoko."



"Suika - Seika and I are sisters."





"And those over there are Negau, Kushi, Gekko, and Mugen."

Kagome nodded, trying to remember all the names. She noted that some of them had very peculiar names. Some of them could even be male names. She was surprised someone was actually named `infinity'.

"But what about the children's names?" Kagome asked.

Kyoko shook her head. "Wolf demons don't get their names until they are 16 seasons old. When they are, they are sent to a certain place to train with a master."

Kagome nodded again, trying to take in all the information. Looking around, Kagome guessed that Kyoko was the oldest. For some reason, they all looked extremely young. It seemed that Tanoshii was the youngest - around 14 in human years. She didn't know how many demon years that would be.

"So there are two different caves…"

"Kagome, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Tanoshii asked.

Kagome nodded. "Sure."

"Why don't you ever smile?"

Silence followed.

Seika whapped the young demon over the head. "Now look what you've done!"

Kagome, who was looking at the ground, shook her head. "It's not her fault," she whispered as she ran out, crying.


The futuristic miko's shoulders shook as she cried.

It wasn't Tanoshii's fault.

It was Inu-Yasha.

Kagome cried harder as she thought of the hanyou who had shredded her heart.

~ I swear I'll stay with you forever ~

Kagome's breath caught in her throat. That was Kouga's vow. Where did that suddenly come from?

~ And longer if you want me to stay ~

For some reason, Kagome stopped crying, and truly smiled.


Saki: Don't forget to review!! =D

Kagome: We'll all appreciate it!


Miroku: Sango, we don't want to sink as low as her.

Kikyo: Are you saying I'm low!?

Saki, Sango, Kagome, and Miroku: Umm…YEAH!!

Kikyo: T.T …everyone hates me…

Saki: Maybe you should try being nicer to others.

Kikyo: …maybe.
