InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ two family unight ❯ married ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey ppl it's been awhile but I'm finally updating! Hope you like the
Inusharuo …………… tyames back with a letter from my mom!
Well what does it say? … Go on and read it already!
Ok here it goes…
Dear atymae,
Were happy to here that Inusharuo has asked you to marry him! I know he
be a great husband! And your father and I will try to be there for the
wedding but some thing has come up here and we have to tend to it
first! Ok
so will talk to you soon! Love you lots!
They're going to try and be here for the wedding! I cant Wit tell then!
I know … we can't see each other for a day and this will be are last
nights together!
I know…
It's going to be hard not being able to see you all day!
I know … same here!
Songo, Kagome, and some other people were helping atymae get ready for
wedding and ayame walks in on their conversation!
I can't wait! I want to see Inusharuo really bad right now!
I know dear but you only have an hour till you will see him you'll be
trust me!
Atymae …
I looked around to find my mom in the doorway to the hut! I ran to her
started crying!
I knew you would come mother, I just knew it!
Well I said I would be here and I wouldn't miss this for the world! And
know that!
Ayame looked up to see Songo and Kagome with warm smiles on their
Hello Kagome, Songo how have you two been lately? Fine I hope seeing we
haven't really see each other since you helped me get kouga to realize
belonged with me!
We've been fine! And yes it has been a long time since we seen each
How are you and kouga doing?
Were fine and speaking of him he's at the guy's hut as we speak! But
worry every things fine! He has realized that his baby girl is all
grown up
now and needs to make her own decisions!
Miroku, inuyasha, and togen are helping Inusharuo when kouga walked in
the hut!
Damn I can't wait till I see her! I want to see her so bad right now!
won't believe how bad I want to see her!
I know but you have an hour left you will live! Trust me!
Trust you, if I did that then I would be dead right now, you know that!
I laughed at togen as he said that! But then kouga walked in the hut
Don't kill me I'm just here to tell you that I'm glade atymae has found
one she loves and want to spend the rest of her life with! Ok that's
Umm … ok then … thanks I think!
I smiled at him then as I turned to Miroku and asked how long till the
wedding me dad finely spoke up!
Miroku how long do we have?
20 minuets!
That's all damn time does fly!
Son … now don't think that's I'm going to get all musty like your
will but I'm happy for you to! And I hope you and atymae live haply!
Thank dad … and don't worry we will! I smiled at him again!
Back at the girls hut…
Kagome how long till the wedding?
Oh my … we have 5 minuets!
Damn …
I said in a panicky voice!
You'll be fine!
You'll do fine you look grate he'll love you!
Then a maid came in and said it was time! As we all walked out of the
and down to the river my chest got really tight! My dad was at the
of the isle so he could walk me down it! And Inusharuo was at the front
waiting for me! I got real red and hot when I seen him standing there!
I got there I stood right next to him as the persisted said stuff then
Inusharuo said he's bow and slipped the ring on my finger! Then I said
bows and slipped the ring on his finger and then the persisted said!
You may now kiss the bride!
We kissed and ever one yelled as I whispered in his ear…
I hope us getting married will help stop the fighting between are
Yes same here!
He said as he picked her up and walked away from every one!
They have a cabin for us in the woods away from ever one! I don't know
it looks like yet for I haven't seen it yet!
Can we go see it are should we wait?!
Its up to you baby!
Lets wait till I've said bye to my mom and dad!