InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two New York Chicks in Inu-world ❯ The Talk ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8
The Talk
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha walked through the woods until they came to some boulders by a stream. Inuyasha was ready to fight, his hand on his sword.
“Cut the crap, Sesshomaru! I know you're up to something!”
“Relax, Inuyasha. I did not bring you here to fight.”
“Then what do you want.” Inuyasha relaxed his grip on his sword, but didn't let go.
“I told you. I want to talk.” Sesshomaru sat on one of the boulders and motioned for Inuyasha to do the same. “I've come to realize something. I have never really hated you, in fact, up until Father died, I had a wan brotherly affection for you. When Father died, I was deeply aggrieved and wanted the Tetsaiga because I believed it was the thing he worked hardest at, put the most effort into. But he left it to you and I thought it was because he favored you. I was never angry at you, but at our father.”
“Yeah, I believe that, NOT!”
“I do not blame you for not trusting me, but you of all people should know that when I make a promise, I keep it. Now, I, Sesshomaru swear that I will not contest you for ownership of the sword.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that I acknowledge the sword is yours and I won't try to take it from you again.”
“Why? You've been after this sword for years and now you're just going to give it up after all that?”
“Yes, little brother. I was behaving like a jealous child. Such actions are beneath me and like it or not, we are brothers. Bound together by blood and this family does not need to be divided by such an insignificant matter.”
“So that's it? What are we going to do now that we're not fighting over Tetsuaiga?”
“I understand you and your group of humans is looking for the Shikon Jewel. I want to offer my help in amends to you.”
“No way!” Inuyasha jumped off the rock and faced Sesshomaru. “You want to use the jewel for yourself! You're trying to trick me!”
“Inuyasha, I have no need for the jewel. It corrupts minds and distorts judgment, I have no wish to mix with such an item, I merely want to help you.”
“What if we don't need your help?”
Then I sincerely hope you accept my apologies and that we may talk together again.”
Inuyasha stared at Sesshomaru for a minuet before deciding what to do.
“You know what? We may need you to finish off Naraku. I'll let you come with us for a while, but the first sign trouble out of you and I'll finish you off myself.”
“You finish me off?” Sesshomaru snorted. “You fight like an old grandmother, you wouldn't be able to stop me!”
“Oh yeah?”
Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well then “Bro” how about we settle this like men?” Inuyasha challenged, smirking.
“First one back to the campsite wins?” Sesshomaru said eyes gleaming.
“The loser has to serve the winner for one week, whatever the winner asks.”
“On three, ready? One. Two. Two and a half. Two and three quarters…”
“Just say three already!”
“Fine, fine, you impetuous brat! Three!”
“Hey guys,” Sango said pulling out her boomerang. “I think we've got company!”
Everyone got into battle positions. Miroku got ready to take the beads off of his hand, Sango held her boomerang ready, Kagome strung her arrow; Rosa grabbed her book bag and Estella….. Wait! Where's Estella? She needs to be here! She's where? ESTELLA ! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW!!!…..Where were we? Ah, yes. Estella stood next to Rosa holding a thick tree branch. The four friends stood facing the forest ready for whatever monster was about to attack. The trees rustled and something came hurdling at them before they could react.
“I win!” the thing said through the settling dust.
“No fair, Sesshomaru! You started before I said three!”
“No, I didn't and a bets a bet go feed Ah-Uh (sp?). Then find someone to take care of Rin so I can kill the gay toad.”
“B-but Lord Sesshomaru! You can't…I've been…I love…”
“Ahhh! No, don't say anything else! You will die and you will not complain!”
“Y-yes my lord.”
“So I take it you two worked everything out.” Miroku said, reaching for Sango's butt.
`Three, two, one.' Kagome mentally counted down. She was rewarded with a resounding smack. `Never fails.'
Well there's chapter 8. I hope those of you reading this will review then tell all of your friends to do the same.
Love peace and hairgrease,