InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unaware ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Well, I am updating a bit earlier than usual due to not being in town this weekend. There was no way I was going to leave town for the whole weekend without giving you guys a new chapter to chew on. So, How have the add-ins been flying with you all? I certainly love how this fic has thickened since I added in the scenarios with Kikyo and Houji. Interesting, ne? I so have to give my friend the biggest hug I've ever given anyone for his help. He's been my close friend for many years, and to be able to create something this awesome together is just phenomenal! But I must say I wouldn't be as happy as I am if it weren't for all your praise and comments. You all are wonderful readers and I appreciate each and every comment left by each and every one of you. The list is growing, and the comments multiplying. Arigato gozaimasu, minna. GROUP HUG!
Reviewer's Corner
From Fan Fiction. Net:
Angel: Wow! Your love for my story is fierce? I've never heard that one before. Well, I hope this new chappy satisfies that fierce love as much as the others, and thank you very much!
kirarakitty: Yes, he does seem to be getting desperate, doesn't he? And we all know that when it comes to Inuyasha and relationships, he's always been torn between Kikyo and Kagome. Funky, huh? But, we can't help but love him. And as far as what Kagome's gonna do, that still leads to be seen. She will certainly be trying her best to distance herself from Inuyasha, but I guess we'll see how long that will last… (author snickers)
inuyasha's ear's are so cute: Okay, okay. Here ya go. (smiles as I hand you two copies…JK)
SesshoumaruGal: Yes, he did. And what a good make out session it was too. Short and sweet. Just enough to convey certain… (clears throat) emotions. And thanks!
Silver-angel-sakura: Naw. Don't worry, all will be revealed in due time… (points down)
Kagome M.K: Okay (smiles widely)
Crutches the magic hippie: Ack!
lunarcat12: Wow! I guess I caught you hook line and sinker, huh? Cool! And yes, now that you mention it, it does have a bit of a soap opera tone to it. Hmm…Never thought about it in that light. Well as far as what Inu is gonna do without Kagome, read on. Hopefully I didn't make ya wait too long for this chappy. And don't worry about how long it'll take between chappy updates, I post weekly, so you shouldn't have to wait too long. And thank you, I will certainly keep going. (smiles widely as I nod)
From Media Miner. Org:
Davi Man: Thank you very much! I'm glad you love it. Well as far as what Inu's got planned, read on. (points down)
Chapter 8
Inuyasha arrived at Kouga's apartment minutes later, and they both discussed Inuyasha's actions towards Kagome. Kouga, of course, sent a few wallops his way and they talked again about his marriage with Kikyo. Kouga knew Inuyasha to be a loyal man, and his absent-minded actions infuriated him. They fought and talked the rest of the day as they both ordered pizzas and drank beer to calm their nerves while watching a few good action flicks.
Kagome had gone back home and up to her room without so much as a “Hello” to her mother who called after her as she passed through the front door. Kagome had the look of shame and defeat on her face. Her mother knew something happened with the nice young man, but after the look she saw, she knew it would be the end of her if she asked any questions at that point.
Kagome just stepped up the stairs and into her room, shutting the door after her. All she wanted was to be alone in her thoughts. She didn't want to explain the situation to anyone, least of all her mother. Sure, what she had said the other night sounded like she would condone the idea of Inuyasha expressing his feelings towards Kagome, but Kagome couldn't let herself accept those tidings.
As thoughts ran through her head, she tossed off her hospital clothes and dressed into a pair of workout pants and a tank top. One thing she could benefit from was she didn't have to worry about setting her alarm clock for a while. Forced vacation. She was free for a whole month to get her life and heart back together, and she didn't have to worry about seeing Inuyasha for a whole month either.
The first thing she did after she got herself dressed was kneel down and pray to Kami-sama to help Kikyo to awaken within the month, so she could go back to normal, and never see Inuyasha again. Not only that, but she hoped he'd never have the balls to call her phone number, or stop by out of the blue to see her. She hoped that he would get the message and oblige her on the explanation she gave him earlier.
It was true. She did enjoy the kisses, and the feeling of being in his arms was heaven to her. He held her as if she meant something to him, and not as if she was just a one-night stand to work up to. However, the way his sobs lead to kisses irked her. Was he just expressing how his heart felt deep down? She knew he wasn't thinking clearly, but to lose his conscience upset her. How could he think she wouldn't react the way she did?
“Inuyasha. We must feel the same for each other, but the timing was wrong and the situation was even worse. You and I both lack tact and we both got ourselves in hot water. I wonder if coma patients can hear the things going on around them.” She thought aloud as her eyes opened and her hands went from prayer position to her sides. As she knelt on her floor, she stared at the snowy white carpet on her floor. She ran her hands over the fluffy shag carpet and thought about the beautiful color of his hair.
“Definitely a one of a kind, you are, Inuyasha. If only we could have met under different circumstances.” She said aloud to herself as she got up from the floor and stepped out of her bedroom to go down the stairs and greet her mother.
Sesshoumaru finally made it to Japan early that morning, and caught a ride in a limo to his father's estate. He noticed Inuyasha hadn't even changed the locks since he inherited the house. He stepped inside, allowing the limo driver to lug in his luggage himself.
It had been years since he walked through those rooms. Up the stairs, into the kitchen and even into the master suite where Inuyasha and his wife had taken over. The new decor remained only in the bedroom, whereas the rest of the house remained the same. It occurred to Sesshoumaru that Inuyasha has a problem dealing with change. Sesshoumaru figured he would have at least changed the country kitchen to look more modern to better suit his personality.
After walking through the rest of the house and enjoying a few moments on the deck in the large backyard, he decided to have his assistant, Jaken carry his bags up to his old room, which also remained as he left it. There was no way he was going to sleep in his brother's quarters. Not after what's gone on in there. As his assistant set his suitcases on the queen size bed, dust bellowed from the comforter, causing them both to cough and sneeze.
“Leave it to your incompetent brother to not even wash or change the bedding in your room since you left.” Jaken seethed sneezes.
“Jaken. Please put my things away for me and wash the bedding. I have business to attend to.” Sesshoumaru commanded as he turned and stepped through the door and down the hall to the stairs. Jaken mumbled under his breathe as he opened the suitcases and eyed his master's under garments and sighed. `Why must I be asked to do the dirty work?'
Sesshoumaru departed the estate in the limo and asked to be taken to his first destination, the hospital to see his brother. He figured he'd stop there first to learn as much information about Kikyo instead of showing up unexpectedly to Naraku's office.
Rin had come in early to help fill in for the rest of Kagome's shift. She would be pulling a double, but she figured since nothing serious usually happened when it came to coma patients it wouldn't be that bad. She figured she could use the extra cash. As she made her rounds with the other patients, she decided to check up on Kikyo last, since it was nearest to the nurse's station. She disposed of the empty I.V. bag from the Takamura room and grabbed a bag of pureed food for Kikyo. As she stepped through the door of Kikyo's room, she stopped suddenly.
Before Kikyo's bed was the most handsome man she had ever seen. Judging by the hair, she figured he was a relative of Kikyo's husband. She dropped the feeding bag just as the door clicked shut. His gaze turned to hers at the sound and she froze. His eyes pierced hers in question. She recognized the golden color and his features were more on the feminine side. Surely, he was beautiful, but the ice-cold stare sent chills down her spine.
“Nani?” He asked simply in his deep voice as he eyed Rin.
“Ano…My name is Rin. I am the nurse who is watching over her at the moment. Pleased to meet you.” She said cheerfully enough and smiled.
He just stood and stared for a moment. “Sesshoumaru Tai.” He said simply and turned his gaze back to Kikyo.
“Oh, you must be a relative of Inuyasha. I see the resemblance.” Rin pointed out as she reached in front of the man and grabbed the chart. He watched her remove the chart before him and step over to the monitors to record Kikyo's vitals. Sesshoumaru looked off to the other side of the room and saw the chair and the bed, eyeing the pillow atop the sheets.
“Humph. He certainly hasn't changed. He still sleeps with the same pillow even.” He said as he stepped up to the bed and touched the sheets momentarily.
“Inuyasha has stayed here every night since the incident. At first he wouldn't leave the hospital, he was that broken up about it. Now, he leaves the hospital during the day and comes back at night.” Rin drawled out as she hooked up the feeding bag to the tube injected into Kikyo to feed her.
“How long since the incident?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“About a week.” Rin mentioned.
He said nothing in response as he turned the chair to face the woman and sat down. He watched with a bored look on his face as his brother's wife was fed. Rin was a bit nervous with him watching her work, but tried to hide it.
`He's so stoic, and his eyes command respect. So much respect that I feel the need to grovel before him. But there's something about him that makes it difficult to keep my eyes off him. He and his brother look so much alike, only Inuyasha looks untamed. They both almost hold a royal air with their looks it's amazing.' Rin thought to herself as she watched the bag empty slowly.
“I heard you don't live in Japan. Where are you from?” Rin asked pleasantly as she pulled up the chair on the other side of the bed.
“The Bahamas. I own a chain of hotels all over the world.” Sesshoumaru stated.
“Oh, I thought you were a businessman. You just have that air about you.” She replied nervously.
They both sat and chatted about menial things as the feeding bag slowly emptied and time passed slowly. According to his demeanor, it didn't seem as if he was disappointed in Rin. He loosened up a bit after a while and actually smiled. She laughed and giggled as if she was a young teenager and he found her to be a pretty, young woman. Her innocence enticed him to decide inwardly to come often to chat with her again while he was visiting Japan.
After the fights with Kouga, Inuyasha was worn out. He decided he'd return home to gather more clothes and then return to the hospital. Once he returned to the house, he swung the door open and kicked it shut as he ran up the stairs skipping steps and then walked down the hall. He noticed something strange when he came up to the second room. The door was closed. He opened the door to reveal his brother sitting at his old desk working on his laptop.
Inuyasha leaned up against the doorframe as he watched his brother work. “Why didn't you call me when you arrived?”
“This used to be home for me also, and I figured you were at the hospital.” Sesshoumaru replied simply without looking from the laptop screen.
“Well, it still woulda been nice to greet you here, rather than you just suddenly appearing without notice.” Inuyasha grumbled as he stepped away from the door and grabbed the door to swing it shut.
“Inuyasha.” He paused before he closed the door. “I'm sorry about your wife.” Inuyasha regarded his brother's sympathies with a nod and proceeded to close the door and step to his room down the hall.
Inuyasha stepped into his room, emptied his bag of the dirty clothes into the hamper and pulled out clean clothes for the next week's stay. Then he carried the bag down the stairs and sat it down next to the stairs as he walked towards the kitchen. What surprised him was a short man cooking at the stove.
“Who are you?” Inuyasha asked as he stopped suddenly in the doorway.
“I am Jaken, your brother's servant. I am cooking dinner for him.” The little man stated with his chin up in the air.
“Damn. I had no idea Sesshoumaru had a servant. Okay, go ahead. Use the kitchen. Are you only cooking for him?” Inuyasha asked as he stepped between the servant and the stove to see what he was cooking.
“Yes. Only he is paying me to serve him. In order for me to cook and do things for you, you must also add to my wages.” Jaken suggested arrogantly.
“Keh! Like I would pay you just to cook for me. I can handle things myself.” Inuyasha spat as he scrunched his nose at the dish the servant was cooking. Inuyasha just walked past the servant and up to the refrigerator and looked inside to see what looked good to eat. Seeing, as he hadn't gone shopping in the past week, he decided he'd pick up something on the way to the hospital.
As he entered the main foyer and leaned down to pick up his bag, Sesshoumaru appeared at the top of the stairs, catching his attention with his presence. Inuyasha looked up and asked, “What?”
“Where are you going? Back to the hospital?” Sesshoumaru asked as he started descending the steps.
“Yeah. I can't sleep in that bed up there. I haven't since she was shot.” Inuyasha said simply as he rested the bag strap on his shoulder.
“I see. Can I ask you something?” The man asked as he reached the bottom step.
“What?” Inuyasha spat.
“What's this I heard at the hospital about you and a nurse getting a bit too close?”
“That's none of your business. How did you find that out anyways?” Inuyasha growled.
“I had the chance to talk to one of the nurses while I was there earlier.” He answered simply.
“Who did you talk to?”
“Rin. Nice girl.” Sesshoumaru said nonchalantly.
“Wait, when did you say you went?” Inuyasha inquired.
“At about 10 this morning.”
“You mean you didn't see Kagome?” Inuyasha asked in shock.
“Who's Kagome?” Sesshoumaru asked innocently.
“Nothing, forget about it.” Inuyasha mumbled as he turned to open the front door.
“You're not walking away from me just yet, little brother.”
“Why is my life suddenly any business of yours? You're the one who left Japan. You're the one who ran out on family ties, and all of a sudden, you're questioning me on my private life? Why would you suddenly give a shit? The last time we were even in the same room together was when we were going over Dad's will!” Inuyasha shot back.
“I am concerned because you have a wife sleeping at the hospital that you can't leave for even one night, and I hear you're having trysts with her nurse. There's no way I'm gonna let you do something so stupid.”
“Why? Since you told me Naraku's replacing Kikyo, there's nothing for you to lose. Why would that effect you with whatever happens between me and Kikyo?”
“You don't get it, do you?” Sesshoumaru slapped Inuyasha clear across the cheek, making him stumble sideways and drop his bag. “I never said I didn't care about you. You were in a different world when it came to father's death, and you've just been flying down a separate path. I never gave you any indication that I didn't care for you as a brother. I know you've been going through hard times with this, and I am not only here on business, but also for you, Inuyasha!” Sesshoumaru threw back, gaining a look of shock from Inuyasha. “I don't want to see you screw up.”
“Screw up what? I'm fine, okay. Let me handle this on my own. It is MY life, after all, right. RIGHT?” Inuyasha spat.
“I don't want to see you end up screwing up your marriage to that poor woman in the hospital you've called your wife for almost ten years now.”
“Well, I have news for you, brother. I don't plan on losing her. I have worked it out with Kagome, and I will not let my marriage fall apart.” Inuyasha directed his gaze to the floor. “I have been going through a rough week, okay? Please, just leave me be.” He drawled out as he stepped past the older man and out the door.
Sesshoumaru stood in place with his eyes closed, reflecting on what was just said between them both. Yes, one thing he always knew of his brother was he always took the rough route. No matter how easy things could be for him, he always found ways of making it harder, and putting himself either in a bind or ending up in trouble. When Inuyasha was a child, Sesshoumaru had to bail him out of tons of fights and punishments. He never dealt with problems logically; he just rushed in swinging, and hoping to prove a point.
Yes, definitely untamed and full of free will. But with this situation, he couldn't just come out swinging and hoping to hit the target. The center of the situation was his wife. A touchy and personal subject. One thing he saw when it came to his high school relationship with Kikyo was they were totally devoted to each other. They did everything together, and he never saw Inuyasha without her. They were so into each other, they couldn't live without the other for one day during those times. Now, he's forced to do just that.
“What will you do, brother? Will you stick to your guns? Or will you run for the woman who looks just like her?” Sesshoumaru said aloud to himself as he stepped into the kitchen to eat the meal Jaken had prepared for him.
Kagome had talked with her mother and Shippo on what will be happening for the next month as soon as Shippo came home from school. Her mother was shocked when Kagome said Inuyasha had kissed her. Her mother told her it was a good thing that Kagome was forced into a month's worth of leave time. Her mother tried to be supportive by making plans with Kagome to do things while Shippo was at school, and hopefully she could heal her heart over what had just happened.
“It's happened again, Mamma. I ended up in a bad situation with another guy. I should just keep myself distant from men. I just can't seem to catch the right one for me.” Kagome drawled out as Shippo slumbered upstairs.
“Sweetheart, I don't think you really mean that. Inuyasha wasn't the end all be all. Why would you think that way about the possibility of ending up happy? I know there's someone out there who will show you the utmost respect.” Her mother soothed as she rubbed Kagome's back.
“Well, I thought I could handle opening up to him, Mamma. But he took advantage of me too. He's no different. Why do I attract the men who either don't care about how I feel, or they're not meant to be with me?” She asked as tears fell from her eyes.
“Honey, it's not your fault. This kind of stuff happens all the time I'm sure. He is unstable and his life is uncertain. His wife may end up a vegetable, she may not wake up, and she may even die from this. Sweetheart, please give yourself better credit than that. You are a wonderful and caring girl. He saw that in you. He even said as such.”
“Yes, but he still took advantage of me.” Kagome sniffed.
“Did he apologize? Did he truly mean to hurt you?” Her mother asked as her daughter's gaze shifted to the table before them.
“Yes. Actually, he asked me to hit him. He was the one who said he took advantage of me and broke the promise he made to me not to.” She sniffed.
“Then don't get upset over the situation. How did it happen exactly?”
“What? I just wanna know what happened that lead to him kissing you.” Her mother innocently explained. Kagome choked a bit as she explained as best as she could remember. “Ah, so he was crying and you were both in an intimate position to begin with. I believe honey, now I'm not accusing you, but it seems as if your actions were part of the cause of that action.” Kagome's eyes shot up to hers, ready to shoot a retort, but her mother held her hand up to stop her.
“Now, you said he was just leaning on your shoulder at first and you had one arm wrapped around his shoulder, correct?”
“Yes.” Kagome answered in defeat.
“Okay. And you said that once he began to break down, you hugged him to you?” Kagome nodded. “Then he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in the crook of your neck?” Kagome nodded again. “Kagome, you allowed him in. What you did, by holding him in that way was what gave him the indication that he didn't need to hold back. It sounds like a perfectly normal reaction for a lonely man. When you open your arms that easily and readily, things like that are bound to happen.”
“But, Momma…I…” Kagome began.
“Yes, honey?” Her mother pressed.
Kagome closed her eyes and thought for a second on what her mother explained and it made sense to her. “What do you suggest I do? I feel so dirty and…I feel like a tramp.” Kagome said in a self-destructive tone.
“Apologize to him. He's probably confused about the whole situation and probably thinks it is all his fault when, in a nutshell, it was both of you who made a mistake. You both feel something for each other. Since you both indulged, you can't say I'm wrong on that.” Her mother suggested.
“But, How? I can't see him, Momma.”
“Why not?”
“Because I'm not allowed to converse with anyone at the hospital, and I can't even go there to see him.” Kagome hung her head. “Plus, he's the reason why I was forced into a month's worth of leave. Meeting with him and patching things up would not help me to move on and become the nurse I'm meant to be.”
“What do you mean by that, honey? I thought you already are.” Her mother asked as she rubbed her arm in comfort.
“Well, according to my boss, I have to just accept my patients as just people who are passing through. I can't get emotionally involved with their lives or their situations. She said I am only in charge of making them feel comfortable while they heal and to make it much easier for them to heal so they can leave and go about their lives again.”
“Well, let me ask you this question. Honey, did you set your eyes on Inuyasha the moment you saw him? Where the feelings you felt that lead you here something you intended? Are you there to look for a husband? Companions?”
“No, I love helping people who can't help themselves. This situation just kinda fell in my lap. I told her I have never gotten involved with anyone before this case, and she still said I didn't understand what being a nurse was supposed to entail. She said that if I can't act impartial to my patients so that if they die or get better and leave, I won't be affected, then I'm not fit to be a nurse.”
“Well, she's just the regular cold-hearted bitch, isn't she?” Her mother spat, gaining a shocked look from Kagome. “What?”
“You cursed! I've never heard you curse!” Kagome exclaimed.
“What, I used to have a potty mouth when I was your age, ya shoulda heard me.” She smirked.
“Then why haven't I heard about your potty mouth `til now?”
The older woman shrugged. “Well, I don't wanna corrupt that cute little boy of yours, now would I?” She winked.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks, Mamma.” Kagome laughed as she leaned over and hugged her mother tightly. “It's late, I'm gonna head to bed. Oyasumi nasai, Mamma.” Kagome greeted as she gave the older woman a kiss on the cheek.
“Oyasumi, My baby girl.” The older woman smiled as Kagome turned and left the kitchen smiling herself.
Inuyasha thought about everything that had happened that day on the way to the hospital. He still felt like shit about what happened with Kagome earlier. How she pushed him away and laid her head on the wall away from him. He really blew it, and Sesshoumaru's words didn't help him either. He wanted to apologize so badly he hoped she'd be there the next morning like she had said she would at the restaurant. He wondered if he'd even sleep through the night.
He mulled over what he'd say in his head as he got into the elevator and ascended to the sixth floor. As he stepped down the hall and into the room, he set his bag down and sat down in the chair next to Kikyo's bed as he grabbed her hand.
“Baby, I have something to tell you. You're gonna be so mad at me, but I have to tell you. I…Made a big mistake, my love. I'm so upset by it that I am wishing for a slap from you, but I know it won't come. Baby, I kissed Kagome. Just over there, on my bed earlier today. I honestly don't know what came over me. I hurt her and made a fool out of myself. My conscience is paying for that big time to the point where I feel like I don't deserve you. I certainly hope you'll forgive me, and that you'll have the heart to forgive Kagome as well. I don't know what started the actions, but it seems as if we're both at fault.” He sniffed as he waited for some sort of reaction. Nothing changed. He bowed his head in shame as he let go of her hand and nestled his face in his crossed arms as he broke down in shame.
A few minutes later, the door clicked open, and Inuyasha sat upright and wiped the tears from his face. He turned to see Rin walk in. “Hello, Inuyasha. You okay?”
“Oh, hi. I'm fine, just a bit upset. Had a rough day. Hey, I heard you met my brother.”
Rin smiled widely. “Yeah! He was here when I came in early to start my double shift this morning! You two look a lot alike. I could tell you two were related right away.”
“What time did you come in?” Inuyasha asked.
“About 9:00. Why?” She asked with a confused look on her face.
“What about Kagome? Don't you two relieve each other?” Inuyasha inquired.
“Well, yeah, but today was different. I was instructed to tell you that as of earlier today, Kagome is on vacation.” Rin answered innocently.
Inuyasha's eyes widened at the news. “Vacation? For how long?”
“I believe a month.” She answered simply enough as she grabbed the chart and stepped up to the monitors.
“She didn't mention any vacation plans before. Something's wrong. Was she forced on vacation?”
“I'm sorry, but I can't answer that. I can't give out any information regarding her plans or why.” Rin stated as she copied down Kikyo's vitals.
Inuyasha seethed inwardly as he then said, “Excuse me” as he stepped out of the room. He got on the elevator and rode down to the ground floor. Once the doors opened, he walked to the front doors, pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on. He then dialed a number and sat back in the bench as the phone rang.
Kagome was forced out of a dream as the phone went off next to her bed. She moaned a couple of times and then and then reached over to the receiver. She picked it up and shoved it back onto the cradle to stop it from ringing.
Inuyasha was just about to say her name when he heard the dial tone again. He pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it for a couple of seconds before dialing the number again.
Kagome moaned again as the phone rang once again. She rolled over and sat up this time as she picked up the receiver and pushed the button. Then after a few seconds, she disconnected her phone from the cord. She was tired and she knew who was calling her. Right around that time would be when Inuyasha would find out that she was on leave for a month. She didn't feel like talking to him now, while she was dreaming of her favorite single celebrity.
“What the…” Inuyasha asked aloud as he flipped his phone shut in defeat. All he wanted to do was apologize and find out if she was still hurting. Well, he had gotten one of those questions answered by those actions. Now he felt even worse. He wasn't even sure he could stay at the hospital that night. He decided he would grab his stuff from the room and head out to the nearest hotel for the night. He needed to be alone.
Well, that was an interesting chappy. And not only that, but Rin finally met Sesshy! YAY! And I must say things just keep getting more and more interesting, don't they? Well, I wasn't sure exactly how this chapter was going to play out, and it turns out, no Kikyo and Houji content…Hmm…Strange, but oh well. The focus of this chapter was Inu's and Kag's reactions to earlier that day. So, I think it turned out rather well, and I'm rambling again. Anyways, the only thing I, the author, am actually unsure of, is how long ago in the fic Kikyo was shot…I'm not able to go back and read each chapter right now to figure out the amount of time that has passed right now, so I'll just say it's been a week. If I'm wrong, let me know in your comments and I will correct it, okay? Well, enjoy while I'm gone, and hopefully if I get the chance to write, I might have another chappy for you when I return, but I can't make any promises, okay? Ja ne for now!