InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under The Spotlight ❯ Full Fat ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Under The Spotlight

A/N: So, I'm back but with a different story. Sorry to all of you who were reading What Really Hurts, but I’ve lost all inspiration for that story. But I'm keeping it just in case I some day magically get smacked in the face with a wave of inspiration...anywhooooo don’t kill me and I hope you like this story...

Disclaimer: I dont own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.

Chapter 1: Full Fat

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Whilst chomping down on a roll during her break Kagome heard her name being called by a familiar voice.

"KAGOME!" a short middle aged man yelled from the staff room.

"WHAT!" She answered back as she began to walk toward the small room.

"GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND MEET YOUR NEW CO-STAR!" He yelled back at the young woman.

"Ugh FINE!" She shrugged as she stood in the doorway of the staff room.

Inuyasha, who was standing next to the director, gasped at the sight of the young woman before him.

Her long wavy raven hair cascaded delicately over her shoulders with her side fringe (bangs for all you Americans) half covering her left eye. She stood at an average height, with a body to die for and curves in all the right places, even though she was wearing sweats, she looked good. Her face was the most captivating feature. With perfectly trimmed cheekbones, full supple lips, and large sapphire puppy dog eyes, finished off with a cute button nose.

After giving her boss a meaningful death glare she happened to glance at the tall man standing next to the director, and OMG was he gorgeous. With piercing golden eyes, long luxurious silver hair that reached his lower back, topped off with the most adorable doggie ears on top of his head. And just like any normal red blooded woman, she noticed his body. He looked SO good in his navy blue t-shirt and jeans, showing off his well toned and tanned body.

After staring at her for a good minute or so, Inuyasha snapped out of his trance and gave an uncomfortable clearing of his throat.

"Oh yes of course! Kagome this is Inuyasha, he will be playing the lead male roll along side you. And Inuyasha this is Kagome, I think its safe to say you know who she is?" He stated excitedly.

"Uh, vaguely. I’m not too into films." He replied while looking at his feet.

"Then why the hell are you staring in one? And where have I seen you before?" She asked giving him a questioning look.

"Well I’m in the band Mood To Kill. You’ve probably heard some of our songs. And the reason I'm in this damn movie is cause my dumbass dad, who also just HAPPENS to be my god forsaken manager, thinks it will be a good way to promote the band. So yeah, there’s my story." He said with a slight smirk at realizing the girl in front of him was not too pleased at his answer.

"Uh, well, that’s… great Inuyasha." Madoko stated while patting Inuyasha on the back with a nervous smile. (A/N: Madoko's the director by the way.)

Dropping her state of anger Kagome shrugged off his statement. "Cool." She answered plainly while taking a bite out of her roll.

"KAGOME!" Madoko yelled at her.

"WHAT!" Kagome screamed with shock and a mouth full of bread.

"What the hell did I tell you about the carbs!" He said pointing and angry finger at the half eaten roll.

"I thought we've established I like to eat, and I aint losing weight for no one." She said in a calm tone.

Inuyasha chuckled at her comment, suddenly liking her way of not caring of what other people think.

"Well sorry to break the news to you honey but this is the biz, you need to be skinny to survive." Madoko said while crossing his arms and glaring at the young starlet.

Giving him a sudden look of death Kagome crossed her arms to match his stance.

"Well I like my curves thank you very much and sorry to break it to YOU honey but I’m Kagome and I need to EAT to survive! Its basic human needs. Maybe I should become a motivational speaker, you know, tell those size 0 models that’s its ok to want to live." She said to her director, purposely trying to piss him off.

"Seriously Kaome, lose the weight, it will open doors for you." He said shaking his head at the stubborn young woman.

"I aint even fat and your telling me to lose weight! Well last I heard guys like curves, NOT bones. Am I right Inuyasha?" She said suddenly turning the attention to the amber eyed man.

"Uh...well...I...uh..." He said as he turned a pretty pink at the question and scratched the back of his head.

"Just answer the damn question rather than looking like a twelve year old boy." She said becoming bored of his awkwardness.

"Stop making him uncomfortable and lose the roll!" Madoko yelled in her face.

For the third time Kagome gave him the look of death before turning on her heel and marching out of the staff room.

“I tell you that girl is one hard cookie." Madoko stated before turning back to Inuyasha and sitting next to him on the large purple couch.

"I can see that!" He said with a laugh.

"But what she doesn’t get is that the thinner she is the more work she'll get. Its sad, yes. But true, even if she refuses its a good way to boost her career." He commented.

"Well I think she looks great the way she is." Inuyasha said while picturing her again.

"How the hell could you tell? She's wearing sweats and a huge sweater." Madoko said giving him a confused look.

"Oh, well I have this knack for noticing girls bodies. Its a gift." He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"You young ones are all the same."

"Well what can I say I'm your regular 23 year old guy, living life to the full in the grand old city of New York." He said with an even bigger smile on his face, realising just how much he truly loved his life.

His smile was soon wiped clean when the door to the staff room suddenly slammed open to reveal none other than Kagome, holding a chocolate bar, another roll, a packet of crisps (chips for the Americans) and a tall glass of milk. And along with that she held quite a satisfied smile on her face as she took a seat across from himself and Madoko.

Inuyasha turned to see a look of sheer shock spread across Madokos features. At that moment he burst out laughing at the scene before him which snapped Madoko out of his state of shock.

"And just what the hell do you think your doing?" Madoko asked the young girl who was currently stuffing her face.

"Eating." She stated with a grin.

"Is that a buttered roll?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Yep. Extra butter." She said taking a bite out of it.

"Butter is fat and carbs and...freakin cellulite! Spit it out NOW!" He said growing angrier.

"No." She stated plainly taking a gulp of her milk.

"And is that MILK!" madoko was definitely pissed now.

"Nah its cum." She said looking at his as if it was that dumbest question in the history of questions. (A/N: Sorry for the crudeness but I thought it was funny XD)

At that comment Inuyasha eyes widened at her boldness before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Kagome smiled at her ability to make the young man laugh so hard before turning her attention back to the director.

"What kind of milk is it?" He asked hesitantly.

"Full. Fat." She stated slowly, emphasising each word.

At the answer Madoko turned white, opening and closing his mouth searching for words.

Of course this made Inuyasha laugh even harder.

Madoko regained his composure. "I hate you." He commented throwing Kagome a glare.

"Love you too!" Kagome said in an oddly hyper tone of voice.

Inuyasha's laughter had calmed down finally. He liked this girl for her spunk. And not to mention she was breath takingly hot. He couldn’t help but stare at her.

"What're you staring at?" Kagome asked getting increasingly annoyed.

Inuyasha then decided he maybe didn’t like her all that much. "An ugly person staring back."

Kagome instantly decided as well that she wasn’t going to like this guy too much. "Why you!" She said as she started to get up.

"What? Can’t face the truth?" He asked loving the teasing he was putting her through.

"Well..." But she was cut off by the sound of her best friend and make up artist.

"Kagome, come on we have another scene to do." Sango said before exiting the room as quickly as she had entered. But then instantly ran back in when she noticed the new guy.

"And who might this dangerously hot guy be?" She said as she extended her hand to shake it.

"No one." Kagome said as she grabbed her friends hand before Inuyasha could reach it and began to pull her out the door.

"But wait Kagome! I wanna talk to the hot guy!" Sango whined as she tried viciously to get out of her friends grip.

"He aint hot." Kaome said with a stern voice.

"But but but..." Sango said with puppy dog eyes.

"NOT NOW!" Kagome yelled as she finally pried her friend from the door frame she had been hanging onto.

"FINE!" Sango screamed as their voices became more distant.

Madoko let out a sigh. "So, you still wanna work here? I mean I don’t know why I’m asking this considering you already signed the contract but still..."

"Hell yeah! This is gonna be fun..."

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A/N: Why Mood To Kill you ask? I have absolutely no clue.


Until next time ppl...