InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under The Spotlight ❯ Perfect Couple ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Under The Spotlight

A/N: Sorry if it seems I haven’t updated in a while. I’m house sitting for a woman my mum works for and my laptop wont connect with their wireless connections for some reason only known to god…but anyways while I’m here I might write a few good chapter so when I do get home and update I might have a few to go up…yay! Anywhooooo on with the show!!!


Chapter 2: Perfect Couple

Kagome sat patiently in the plush chair as she let sango work her magic on her hair and make up.

“So…Kags…tell me about this guy that was in the staff room.” Sango said with a slight hesitation.

“There’s nothing to say about him.” Kagome said desperately trying to get rid of his image that plagued her mind.

“Well obviously there is considering he was in the staff room in the first place. So spill missy!” Sango declared as she tugged on a piece of Kagome’s hair.

“OW! That hurt!” Kagome said as she rubbed the spot on her head where her poor hair had been pulled.

“Well then tell me about that gorgeous guy and I might not have to do it again.” Sango stated.

“Ugh…fine! He’s gonna be playing the lead role alongside me. There I said it now can you hurry up with the god damn hair!”

“OOOOOOOHHHH!!!! REALLY!!! Ohmigod he is so hot and you get to play his love interest!!! This is so great Kags congratulations!! And haven’t I seen him before somewhere?” Sango screamed with excitement.

“No, he’s not hot and don’t congratulate me cause it’s the worst thing to happen to me and holy shit the whole love interest thing completely escaped my mind and ew I’ll probably have to kiss him and yes you’ve probably seen him cause he’s in a band called ‘Mood To Kill’.” Kagome said with a sarcastic tone at the last part.

“Why have you got so much against this guy if you only just met him? And oh yeah I know who he is now! Wow that band is awesome! Oh! And what’s his name?” Sango asked.

“Because I just don’t lie him. He’s cocky, arrogant, and seems like he knows just how good looking he is, the bastard. And it’s Inuyasha.” Kagome said with a hint of disgust at his name.

“So you do admit that he is good looking?” Sango said with a raised brow.

“I aint saying he’s good looking but its obvious he aint ugly. Buthe doesn’t appeal to me so it makes it easier to not like him.” Kagome said while imaging crushing his perfect little face with her fist. (A’N: MWAHAHAHAHA!!!)

“Oh come on Kagome! You cant honestly sit there and say that! Have you seen him?!?! He’s GORGEOUS!” Sango declared wide eyed.

And at just that minute Inuyasha walked in with Madoko. Both seemed surprised at Sango’s declaration while she turned bright red an quickly turned back to Kagome’s hair.

The look on their faces as well as Sango’s was just too much for Kagome as she fell out of her high seat laughing her head off. Three pairs of eyes fell onto the young woman who was laughing hysterically at them.

“Oh come on Kags it wasn’t that funny!” Sango said growing increasingly embarrassed.

“ But…(laugh)…it…(laugh)…was! PPPAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” Kagome said with visible tears.

Then she stopped abruptly. “And don’t call me Kags. I let it slip earlier but if you do it again you don’t even wanna know what’s gonna happen.” She said as she gave her best friend a death glare.

“Oh come on Kagome I’ve always called you Kags.” Sango said simply.

“And I’ve always hated it.” She also stated simply as she rose from her place on the floor and taking her seat.

“Well…that was…uh…interesting.” Madoko said obviously not knowing how to describe what just happened.

Inuyasha was grinning like an idiot at Sango’s statement of him being gorgeous. He walked up to her and put his arm around her. “Gorgeous am I?” He whispered seductively in her ear.

Sango instantly turned red and Kagome let out a low ’ew’ as she looked away from the scene.

Inuyasha smirked at the girls reaction while walking up behind her and bending over so his head was practically resting on Kagome’s shoulder. He looked at her through the reflection in the mirror.

Kagome stared straight back at his reflection with disgust.

“Jealous?” Inuyasha said with a smirk plastered across his face.

That one word made Kagome’s blood boil as she closed her eyes trying to rid his face from her view to find some sort of calm rather than punching him right then and there.

“Uh…Inuyasha?” Madoko tried to warn.

“You want me to whisper in your ear?” Inuyasha said as he kept his eyes on her closed ones in the reflection in the mirror.

Kagome finally opened her eyes to meet his. “You really want to know what I want?” She said with a seductive voice and smile.

“Uh huh.” Inuyasha agreed, feeling accomplished at winning the girl over.

Kagome finally turned her attention from his reflection to his eyes. She leaned forward to whisper into his ear.

“I want you…” She started off with a seductive voice then turned to a very business like tone. “to get ready cause we have to go do the photo shoot for the movie.”

Kagome then turned from Inuyasha as Sango went back to work on her hair while sniggering uncontrollably.

Inuyasha was dumbstruck. He thought he had her there but NOOOOOOO!!! She had to go and be a sneaky little thing! The nerve of that girl!

“Ahem well…Inuyasha I’ll uh…(laugh)…take you to your dressing room…” Madoko stuttered as he tried not to laugh at the girls antics and the boys shocked look.

Inuyasha stood up straight and cleared his throat as he exited the small dressing room to go to his own.


About an hour later Inuyasha exited his dressing room and began to follow Madoko through the set. He was wearing black dress trousers as well as a red button down shirt, with the two top buttons open to add to the sexiness. His hair was glossed and perfect as it hung over his shoulders. Oh yeah, he looked good. And he knew it.

He could hear the opening of Kagome’s dressing room as he turned to look at the girl and continued to walk forward.

There she was, in a black halter neck knee length dress with matching shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and curled, to show off the sleek and glossy shine that her hair gave when the light reflected off of it. She looked amazing. And Inuyasha also knew that.

Kagome looked up only to see Inuyasha ahead of her. She noticed he as looking hot as usual, not that she would admit that, and he was staring at her. Why was he staring at her?

Inuyasha couldn’t take his eyes off of the girl, and that was his downfall as he walked straight into a pole. Ouch.

Kagome burst out laughing as she walked up beside him.

“That’s what you get for gawking at me.” She said as she patted him on the back and walked past.

“I was not gawking at you!” Inuyasha said as he jogged to catch up to her, holding his swollen nose in the process.

“HA! And I’m the queen of brussel spouts!” Kagome shot back.

“Shut up, you aint that nice to look at!” Inuyasha sad finally catching up to her.

“I know.” Kagome said bluntly.

Inuyasha was shocked at her answer. She was gorgeous. Why didn‘t he acknowledge that fact herself?

He looked at her with a confused expression.

Kagome looked up at the man next to her and noticed the look on his face. “What?”

“Its just…what you said…” He stuttered.

“What the fact that I know I’m not that nice to look at?” She said slightly amused.


“Well 230;its true. I’m not the most beautiful girl in the world and I know it. There’s no point in denying it so why would I? And besides, there‘s no point in crying over insults like that that people throw at you so why not accept it?” She asked looking at him with genuine eyes.

‘But you are’ He thought to himself. “Well… now don’t take this the wrong way or anything…you are beautiful. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” He said as he smiled softly at her as he began to walk towards te photographer.

Kagome just stared at him wide eyed, not quite being able to believe what he had just said. ‘oh my fuck what just happened? He’s not meant to say nice things like that!!!’ she thought to herself as she could feel her cheeks heating up.

‘You’re beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise? What the fuck! What is wrong with me? Freakin idiot!’ Inuyasha could also feel his cheeks heat up.

“But didn’t you just tell me I wasn’t that nice to look at?” She called after him causing him to spin around to face her.

“Well that’s different. I’m a dumbass!” He said with an oddly cheerful smile.

They both laughed at his explanation.

Unknown to both of them Madoko and Sango were watching the whole scene and were grinning like idiots.

“So how long do you think it will be before they fall for each other?” Sango said obviously happy with herself.

“Oh I wouldn’t think anytime soon. They’re both as stubborn as a bull.” Madoko stated knowingly.

The two began to laugh there heads off as they walked up to the shoot.

“Ok people lets get this show on the road!” The obviously gay photographer cheered as he handed his pint sized dog to one of the crew members.

“Now Kagome and Inuaysha there’s a few different posses for this, you know for like billboards, buses, DVD cases, ect. So bear with me here.” The photographer said as he shooed them over to the white backdrop.

“Ok.” They said in unison as they stood next to one another watching the photographer scurry back to his spot behind the humongous camera.

“Now, Inuyasha I want you to wrap your arms around Kagome from behind her and rest your head on her shoulders. Kagome I want you to hold onto his arms and lean into him. Oh and of course smile!” He said the last word with dramatic effect.

“What!?!” The two asked as they became increasingly red.

“What? You got a problem with that? SORT IT!! Now get into position.” The photographer, lets call him Jim said.

Inuyasha began sniggering at the phrase ‘get into position‘.

‘Ugh boys.’ she thought to herself knowing exactly what he was laughing at.

Inuyasha came up behind her and began to wrap his arms around her.

The sudden warmth startled Kagome as she began to ease herself into a comfortable position. (A/N: hehe, position)

“Smile!” Said the Photographer with his own bright grin.

The two began to smile happily in each others arms as the photographer got the shots he had wanted.

After about an hour of doing various poses, Kagome and Inuyasha were royally exhausted by the work. Who knew standing around getting your picture taken was such hard work?


Later on that evening everyone, meaning Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Madoko, and various other friends decided to meet up at a bar for a few drinks.

Kagome and Sango were the first to arrive, both looking as hot as ever in their evening clothes.

Inuyasha had just walked in and spotted them quietly chatting in a booth near the middle of the high class bar. He slowly began to make his way through the crowds towards them. And of course he noticed that Kagome looked as radiant as ever.

She had on a pair of ripped blue jeans, a navy blue glittery top as well as high cork wedges to finish off the look. And her enormous leather bag didn’t go amiss as it sat next to her in the booth. ‘Ugh, girls and their handbags’ he thought to himself.

Kagome caught a glimpse of silver and turned her head towards the tall man making his way towards them. And oooohhh did he look good. Wearing casual jeans and a black button down shirt with a white vest underneath, covered by a very nice brown leather jacket just made him look too sexy for words.

Sango took note of the stare fest between the two and was overjoyed when she saw the two give each other a small, shy smile.

“Hello ladies.” Inuyasha greeted happily at the two as he took a seat next to Kagome.

‘Oooohhh yeah they are SO into each other!’ Sango inwardly cheered as she watched the two.

“Hey.” Kagome said trying not to seem too giddy over the fact that he chose to sit next to her.

“Hey Inuyasha.” Sango smiled politely.

“Hey you guys!” Yelled an oddly familiar voice as they all turned to see Madoko making his way through he bar with others from the crew following closely behind.

“Hey Madoko.” They all said in unison.

Finally reaching them at the table he dropped a manila file on the table in front of them.

The three looked at the file then back to Madoko in confusion.

“Well I pulled a few strings and was able to get some of the shots in earlier than they were meant to be for us to see in advance!” He exclaimed excitedly nudging the file closer to them and taking his seat next to Sango.

Inuyasha was the first to open the file as he took the photos in his hands and began to pass them to Kagome as he skimmed through them.

The one of Inuyasha wrapping his arms around her was on top, followed by him holding her bridal style, then her hugging him around his neck as he lifted her off the ground, and probably one of their favourites was there, which was of the two of them, about a metre apart, having their backs turned away from each other with scowls on their faces as if they had just gotten into a fight. Oh yeah. That was their favourite.

“Wow you guys these are so good! Who knows, you guys could become models or something!” Sango announced happily as she gazed upon the photos.

“Yeah, you guys worked well together, I’m glad I picked you two as my lead roles, you make the perfect couple.” Madoko said with a sly grin while giving Sango a knowing look.

Sango returned the look as she looked at the two stars opposite her who were currently as red as tomatoes.

And the night proceeded with happy chats and funny jokes as they all drank happily in each others company, a few minor arguments between Inuyasha and Kagome, but hey, that was just the way things would be, after all, this was show business.

A/N: Phew! Another chapter and it’s a wee bit longer than the other as well so I’m happy with that! I want at least 5 reviews for this chapter then I will gladly update! So basically what I’m trying to say is…REVIEW PEOPLE!!!! Lol…until next time!!!