InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under The Spotlight ❯ Little Reunion ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Under The Spotlight

A/N: Hello again my loyal readers! Ohmigosh I was so flattered with some of the reviews I just HAD to update soon!!!…if not for my own personal safety…you know what I’m talking about shadow1293... anywhooooo on with the freakin show!!! XD

Discalimer: I no own! XD

Chapter 3: Little Reunion


It had been a few days since the photo shoot and Inuyasha and Kagome had barley seen each other since they were busy doing scenes by themselves or with other co-stars.

And to be completely honest, Kagome was starting to kinda miss him…but of course she would never admit that to him or anyone else for that matter. It was weird really, she barley knew the guy but after the photo shoot with all the hugging and holding each other, Kagome was feeling some sort of bond with him, but he was still a jackass. Naturally.

Inuyasha couldn’t get the raven haired girl off of his mind, and it was driving him INSANE!!! He had just finished his last scene of the day and decided to go grab a cup of coffee.

Upon walking into the tiny purple staff room, Inuyasha noticed that certain raven haired girl sitting on the couch sipping her own coffee.

Seeing that her eyes were closed, more than likely in deep thought, he decided it was the perfect opportunity to scare the living daylights out of the girl…oh yeah…he loved this job.

Moving as swiftly as he could, trying not to be caught by said girl he made his way behind the couch mission impossible style. (A/N: If only you could see what I’m seeing in my mind, you would be crying with laughter at how extremely gay he looks! HAHAHAHA)

Creeping his head up slowly to rest it on the sofa next to hers he let out a huge “HI!!!”

“AHH!!!” Kagome screamed out of sheer shock. “What the fuck was that!”


Fo llowing the sound of the laughter Kagome’s eyes landed on the silver haired hanyou, rolling around in laughter behind the couch.

“Ugh, your such an ass.” Kagome groaned as she went back to sipping her coffee.

“Oh come on, it was so funny!” Inuyasha stated as he lifted himself off of the ground and making his way to sit next to her.

“Not really.”

“Yeah huh.”

“Nut uh”

“Yeah huh.”

“Nut uh.”

“Yeah huh.”

Realising that this could go on for hours Kagome raised her hands in defeat. “Ok fine! It was kinda funny, but did you have to do it to me?”

“Yes.” He stated simply, trying to keep a straight face, even if it was twitching madly, trying not to laugh so hard right now.

Kagome noticed his face straining to keep his laughter back and just couldn’t hold her own.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” They both toppled over onto their sides, killing themselves laughing.

Madoko made his way past them to the coffee machine shaking his head at their antics. Oh yeah, he witnessed the whole thing, and couldn’t help to notice the love bloom between them. This was gonna be fun.

Finally the laughter died down and Kagome came out with a random question.

“So when are we gonna get to meet this band of yours?”

“Well when do you wanna meet them?” Inuyasha asked while taking a sip of his coffee.

“Well…are you free this weekend?”

“Don’t we have to work?” Inuyasha questioned while screwing up his face.

Kagome couldn’t help but giggle at his cuteness.

“No, we get every other weekend off, its good really, most of the time when your doing a movie you hardly ever get any time off! That’s why I like having Madoko as a director, he’s not too strict with our schedules.” Kagome said as she smiled at the director leaving the room.

“Cool! Well I guess I’m free considering I have nothing planned due to the fact that I thought I had to work.” Inuyasha said taking a breath.

“That was the longest answer in the history of answers…I salute you!” Kagome said as she saluted him.

“Uh thanks! I feel honoured!” He said as he put on his best smile, you know, the one that makes your heart melt. “What did you have in mind anyway?”

“Well Sango and I, and a couple of the other girls, are going to my moms beach house in L.A. for the weekend and if you want you and your band could come as well! It’s a huge house so there will be plenty of room. And my mom’s the best so she’ll take good care of you.” Kagome said with a bright grin.

Now it was Inuyasha’s turn to melt. “Sure I’ll call the guys and see if they want to, even thought I pretty much know the answer, none of them would pass up an opportunity to go to a beach house with loads of hot girls” Inuyasha said as he flipped open his phone and dialled a number.

Kagome couldn’t help but blush when he said that as she watched him wait for someone to pick up the other end of the phone.

“Hey, Miroku?”

“Hey man.”

“You free this weekend?”

“Sure, why?”

“Wanna go to L.A. for the weekend?”

“Hot girls?”



“Tell the others.” And with that Inuyasha flipped his phone closed and smiled at Kagome. “They can come.”

“Ooh yay! I’ll go tell Sango.” As she started to get up she was stopped by Inuyasha’s hand on her wrist. The sudden contact sent a shiver down both spines.

How are we gonna get there?” he asked finally releasing her wrist.

“Oh yeah! My privte jet!” She said sitting back down.

“You have a private jet?” Inuyash asked with astonishment.

“Yeah! Madoko got it for me when I started working with him so it would be easier to move around when we change sets.”

“How come I never got one?” Inuyasha said with a sudden pout.

“I dunno. Probably cause you’ve got your own band he probably thought that you already had one.” Kagome said.

“I do.”

Kagome just looked at him like he was the most stupid thing she had ever seen.

“Then why are you upset that you didn’t get another private freakin jet!?!?!”

“You can never have too many jets.” He said mater of factly and took another slurp of his coffee.

“O…k…? Well I’ll go tell Sango that we have more company and I’ll phone you later on to tell you about the arrangements, k?” She asked with another bright smile.

“Sure.” Inuyasha replied with the same smile.

And with that Kagome trotted out of the staff room in search for her best friend, not knowing that Inuyasha was staring at her ass the whole way. Boys.


It had been half an hour since Kagome had found Sango and told her that Inuyasha and his band were coming to L.A. with them, and she was still jumping for joy.

“YAY! Ohmigosh if there all as hot as Inuyasha then this will definitely be a weekend to remember!”

“Yeah yeah I get it already, your excited. Now can we go home a pack! We have to leave early tomorrow!” Kagome complained.

“Well it’s not as if you have to be there on time its your jet after all. And besides we wont be late anyways!” She said flinging her arms in the air.

“Ugh, whatever. Now stop drooling and lets go home!” Kagome said dragging the over excited girl along. (A/N: Forgot to tell you they live together!!!)


The next day the girls set off from their New York flat (A/N: Apartment for all you American ppl) and headed towards JFK.

Upon arriving they found Ayame and Rin sitting at the check in waiting for them.

When the other two girls noticed them they started squealing in delight and flung themselves towards Kagome and Sango. Of course the two screamed as they were attacked by their other friends.

“Oh my god, I’m so excited! We get to meet Mood to Kill!!! I love them!” Rin giggled enthusiastically.

“Okay okay! We get it you guys are excited! But do you know how unbelievably girly that little show was?” Kagome said as she eyed the two in front of her, both of them dressed to impress in pretty sun dresses, cute little sandals and huge handbags with giant sunglasses to match.

Sure Kagome and Sango both had huge sunnies as well (A/N: Sunglasses ppl!) I mean who didn’t? But they were both wearing casual jeans, converses, and t-shirts.

“What’s with the outfits? Were gonna be on a jet not a catwalk.” Kagome stated looking confused.

“Why not look hot at all time?” Ayame said as she checked her make up in her compact.

Both Sango and Kagome burst out laughing at the other girls antics. Sure Sango was excited too but she wasn’t gonna dress up for the guys accompanying them.

As if time slowed down both Ayame and Rin’s face went straight as they stared past the two, now hysterically laughing girls. Taking note of their actions the two stopped laughing and looked behind them.

And there they were. Inuyasha walking up front, followed by another hot guy with short black hair, then another older looking version of Inuyasha with similar features, and finally Koga bringing up the rear. Wait?! KOGA!!!! Oh no. (A/N: Shock! What’s this about Koga?)

The four guys walked up to the four girls looking all important in their little posse. When they finally made it to the girls both Sango and Kagome burst out laughing again. They looked like the freakin Mafia! (A/N: Again if you could see this! Imagine them walking slow motion, Inuyasha in the middle and the others either side of him…its so funny!!!! In my head at least…)

Kagome took time out of her laughter to actually realise that it was Koga. That made her stop the laughing all together.

She looked up to be met with the stares of all four men and suddenly became uncomfortable with the attention.

“Uh…hehe…KOGA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!?!?!” Kagome screamed as she glared at the stunningly handsome man with his icy blue eyes and long black hair that had been pulled back into a high ponytail. Yup. He was gorgeous. Damn.

“Long time no see Kags!” He said as he came up to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Don’t call me that! And answer my question! Why are you here?” She said growing angrier as she shrugged his arm away.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Inuyasha said while pointing a finger at the two.



Kagome pointed a shaky finger at him. “One more time! Why are you here?”

“Why Kags, I’m in the band!” Koga said as he stepped back and stood next to Inuyasha with open arms and a cheesy grin.

“Oh god.” Kagome muttered as she put her head in her hands.

“Hey Sango!” Koga waved toward the girl.

“Hey Koga.” She said as she gritted her teeth. She really hated this guy after what he did. Really hated him.

“So uh…how do you guys know each other?” Inuyasha said cutting into their little reunion.

“We used to go out!” Koga said proudly.

“WHAT!!” Inuyasha yelled in shock.

Kagome sent Koga a glare before trying to calm down.

“Did you really go out with him???” Inuyasha asked taking a step towards Kagome.

“Yes, but that was a long time ago…it’s forgotten…we’ve both moved on, haven’t we Koga?” Kagome said sending him a friendly smile when all she wanted to do was rip the guys head off.

“Sure have!” Koga beamed brightly. “We can be friends now right?”

“Sure! I don’t see why not…” Kagome replied. Maybe trying to be friends with him would help her forget about what he had done to her, even if it did hurt like hell. (A/N: Emotionally ppl, he didn’t ACTUALLY hurt her.)

Inuyasha so did not like this. One of his best friends had went out with the girl he was crushing on. What if they still had feeling for each other? Crap.

Suddenly feeling a tap on his shoulder Inuyasha turned to find Sango smiling up at him.

“Don’t worry Inuyasha, she doesn’t have feeling for him. She wants to kill him, so you’re good!”

‘Is this girl a freaking mind reader?!’ Inuyasha said as he looked shocked. But he quickly regained his sanity and let out a quick “Keh.”

Sango giggled at his obviousnous and went to Kagome.

“Do you not think you should introduce everybody?” Sango whispered to her.

“Oh yeah!” She squeaked excitedly forgetting about her anger towards the wolf demon.

“Hey guys I’d like you all to meet my friends! I’m Kagome!” She said as she pointed to herself. “That’s Sango, the scary one!” She said as she pointed to Sango.

“Hey!” Sango said as she smacked Kagome on the head. Everyone laughed at the two.

“Ow. See what I mean? Anyways the gorge red head is Ayame! She‘s a wolf demon too Koga!” She said as she pointed at the girl with fiery red hair and bright green eyes while rubbing the spot on the head.

“And finally the short one is Rin!!!” Kagome cheered with enthusiasm.

“Hey I aint that short!” Rin growled as she came up and stood before Kagome, giving her ’the look’.

“Aw sweetie!…” She said as she pulled Rin into an embrace while patting her head softly. “And I invented Microsoft!” She said looking down at the small girl. Rin was small. There’s no denying it. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t beautiful with her black rock chick hair and those doughy brown eyes.

“Hey!” Rin said as she jumped out of Kagome’s arms and smacked Kagome in the same spot Sango had.

“Ouch.” Kagome winced as she rubbed her head.

She looked up to see everyone laughing. Kagome was always the funny one in the group. And she knew it. So she used it. Why not eh?

Inuyasha recovered from his fit of laughter and wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Okay that was too funny for words…well I guess it’s my turn then!” He exclaimed as he turned to the guys.

“I’m Inuyasha! The sexy one.” He said with a sly grin. The girls all started to giggle. This of course boosted his ego.

“That’s Miroku, the womanizer.” He said as he pointed to the tall man with short black hair, pulled back into a ponytail and beautiful violet eyes.

“Dude, I aint that bad!” Miroku whined trying to defend himself.

“And Kagomes the inventor of Microsoft!” He replied with a smirk. Now everyone was laughing. Yay for Inuyasha! He could be funny too! In fact he was also the funny one in his little group of messed up friends as he liked to put it.

“Anyways, that’s Koga the dumbass!” He said as he flashed a bright smile.

“What!!!” Koga said getting angry.

“It’s ok Koga! We all know it’s a disease you don’t have to fight it! Just go with the flow…” He stated as he wrapped an arm around the youkai.

“Shut up!” Koga snarled while slipping out of Inuyasha grasp.

“Dude, just stating the obvious!” Inuyasha said as he clapped his hands together and turned to his brother.

“And this ladies…is ma bro Sesshomaru!” He said as he pointed at the obviously taller male in which Inuyasha resembled a lot.

“Why doesn’t he have dog ears like you?” Ayame questioned.

“Cause Inuyasha here is only half demon and I’m full demon. We had different mothers.” Sesshomaru replied pulling on one of Inuyasha’s ears.

“OW!” Inuyasha yelled as he kicked Sesshomaru away.

In return he only got a cocky grin from his older brother. What an ass. (A/N: I’m giving Sesshomaru a bit of emotion here OK!!!! MY STORY!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!)

“Anyways…we should probably get to the jet….hey that rhymed!” Kagome giggled happily to herself.

Inuyasha found himself smiling at her cuteness but then noticed everyone except Kagome looking at him.

“What?” He asked getting annoyed. In that instant everyone looked away.

Kagome’s phone suddenly buzzed before she picked it up. “Hello?”

Five minutes later Kagome shut her phone and stood before the group of chattering people who were sitting in the terminal since they had already checked in. Five minutes you ask? Well it helps to be celebrity…it seems to speed things up a bit.

“Ok guys looks like were gonna have to wait a while the pilot got held up in Chicago due to bad weather.” Kagome said eyeing everyone’s expression. They all looked bummed and totally bored. That’s when an idea popped into her head. ‘Ooh! That should be fun!’

“Buuuttt…to keeps us from killing our selves out of boredom, me and Sango are gonna host a fashion show!!!” She yelled as she pulled Sango to her side.

“We are?” Sango questioned.

“Yes and everyone has to participate! Um…whoever wins with the best walk gets a prize as well! But we need a judge and a prize…” Kagome said as she drifted off.

“I’ll be the judge if it means I don’t have to participate!” Sesshomaru said raising his hand.

“Ok then! Now what should be the prize?” Kagome wondered.

“A kiss from you!” Koga screamed only to receive a death glare from her.

“Ooh yeah! That should be good!” Sango said excitedly.

“Grr. Fine! But what if a girl wins?” Kagome asked.

“Then thy get a kiss from you too!” Miroku said with a lecherous smile.

“Ew. No. Seriously what should the girl get?” She asked again.

“A kiss from one of the guys!” Ayame screamed.

“Ooh goody! Now which guy?” Kagome said with a bright smile.

“Inuyasha!” All three other girls screamed.

“Ok I guess its Inuyasha then! So who want to go first?” Kagome said as she eyed them all.

“Ooh! Me!” Miroku said happily while getting up and making his way towards the end of the nicely decorated terminal.

Kagome took her seat and watched intently as Miroku began to walk slowly down the carpeted area. But he was stop when Inuyasha screamed “Wait!”

“What?” Miroku said looking disappointed.

“We have to have music!” He said as he pulled out little speakers from his bag as well as his small ipod.

He put it on and flipped through the songs looking for the perfect one to walk to. He then smiled brightly as he chose the song and leaned back into his chair.

The song ‘Tell Me’ by P Diddy and Christina Aguilera came on and everyone began to laugh. It really was perfect for a fashion show. (A/N: I don’t know about you but that song is great to do a sexy walk to. Just listen to it while you read this it fits so well!!!)

Miroku grinned and began his walk while slowly peeling off his jacket and twirling. When he made it to the end of the walk he licked his lips seductively and finished with a bow. Of course this only sent everyone into fits of giggles.

Taking his seat next to Sango he leaned forward and whispered in her ear “Did you like that?” while grabbing her ass in her seat.

“AH! PERVERT!” Sango screamed as she slapped him and turned bright red.

Kagome was killing herself laughing while watching the two.

“I cant believe he actually grabbed her ass!! HAHAHAHA!!!” Kagome laughed as she leaned forward and held her stomach.

“Yeah he does that a lot.” He said with a sigh as he watched his best friend grinning like an idiot with a bright red hand print plastered across his face. What a dumbass.

“NEXT!” Sesshomaru boomed to the group. And it went on from there with each of them doing a little routine trying to make it look as sexy as possible as they went along with the song.

“Okay! I think I know who won.” Sesshomaru said as he smiled evilly. “But there’s only one thing. Its between a boy and girl.”

“Aw just tell us who they are so we can get to the kissing part!” Miroku whined while receiving daggers from Sango. Now who crushing on someone?

“Well it doesn’t matter anyways considering they’re the one who have to deliver the kiss.” Sesshomaru muttered with a full on smirk. It hadn’t been long but he could so tell that Inuyasha and Kagome were into each other.

“You won Kagome!” Sango screamed while hugging her friend.

“Good going man you won!” Miroku cheered as he pushed him towards Kagome.

“I did?” Both Kagome and Inuyasha asked in confusion as they were pushed together.

“Well?” Sango said with an expectant look. “Kiss!”

“Oh yeah!” Kagome turned to see Inuyasha looking at her with a slight blush.

Now it was Kagome’s time to blush as she leaned forward but was stopped by the sound of Sango’s voice.

“And a real kiss as well! Tongues and everything! And it has to last a while too!” She cheered.

“Ugh!” Kagome mumbled in frustration. ‘Leave it to Sango to do that! GRR!!’

She turned back to Inuyasha now fully red out of anger and embarrassment.

Kagome leaned upwards, centimetres away from Inuyasha’s lips as everyone watched in eagerness. Now they all knew they liked each other. It was obvious. Duh.

Inuyasha leaned forward as well as he started to close the distance between them.

Finally their lips met in a soft, sweet kiss, but remembering Sango’s demands they deepened the kiss, with Kagome wrapping her arms around Inuyasha’s neck, and Inuyasha wrapping his arms around Kagome’s waist.

Inuyasha decided to take the plunge as he slowly slid his tongue along Kagome’s bottom lip. Kagome hesitantly agreed and parted her lips, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth.

Kagome got over her shyness as she began to massage Inuyasha’s tongue with hers.

Then it became World War III as the two battled for dominance with their tongues in the now heated kiss. Or was it a make out session? Who cares it was HOT!

Everyone watched in awe. They were good at that. Especially with each other.

“Okay, uh guys?…guys?…the jet just pulled in!” Sango said as she pulled Kagome away form the hanyou.

“Oh…yeah…right…” Kagome stuttered as she tried to catch her breath. That was the most amazing kiss of her life. ‘Definitely.’

Inuyasha was thinking the same as they both made a grab for their bags and headed towards the gate.

Kagome stole a glance and noticed Inuyasha looking at her as well. Kagome let out a sweet smile accompanied with a tiny blush in her cheeks.

Inuyasha smiled back as they walked through the gate and towards the jet. Oh yeah. This was going to be a great weekend…


A/N: Ok that was A LOT longer than I usually make chapters…you should feel privileged really…ANYWAYS!!!! What’s this about Koga and Kagome? What happened? Well review and find out! I would maybe like ten reviews for this chapter??? Is that tooooooo much to ask for? NO! SO REVIEW PWITTY PWEASE!!! xxx