InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under The Spotlight ❯ It's Ok ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Under The Spotlight

A/N: Hey people its moi again! So… how are you?…

Disclaimer: I give up…

Chapter 7: It’s Okay!

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The sun peeked its way up from the horizon, signalling a new day, not knowing that this was going to be a rather…interesting…day to say the least.

Kagome slowly awoke from her slumber, with each second passing more and more pain filling her head.

Not entirely wanting to open her eyes, knowing it would only make the fact that she had to get up more clear, she slowly but surely parted her eyelids, only to be confronted with a fluffy pillow in her face.

“Ah!…Oooooohhhhhh my head…” She said in what had to be the most groggy voice ever.

She lifted a heavy hand to her face and rubbed her eyes, wincing at the painful sting caused by the contact.

Pulling her legs up from their position on the floor, much resembling a couple of logs, she hoisted her torso up from the ground, feeling her muscles tense and scream in protest.

So maybe she didn’t fall asleep in the most comfortable of positions last night, but who really cares when your crying your heart out?

Finally making it to her feet after what seemed like a battle just to do so, Kagome slowly staggered over to the large full length mirror next to her dresser.

Looking a what could only be herself, Kagome cringed at the sight. Mascara and eye liner streaked n every which direction around bright red eyes, caked around the edges by traces of sleep. (A/N: you know the eye goo stuff? Yuck…)

“Okay…that’s totally gross…” Kagome stated to herself with a heavy sigh.

She plopped herself down on the cushioned seat in front of the dresser and began to dig her way through the drawers, searching for anything to rid herself from the image of something that could only be described as a minion of the devil himself.

Finally finding some make up removal wipes, she wiped the gunk off her face and redid her make up.

It was obvious that she had been crying when you looked at her, but make up can only do so much.

Deciding she didn’t want to wake up Sango and risk being hounded about how she felt, Kagome decided to leave her clothes in her other room and walked over to the large walk in closet.

After about five minutes of shuffling through her old clothes, Kagome finally settled on a pair of ripped stone wash jeans, a white wife beater covered with a navy blue Abercrombie hoodie, and finally a pair of black and white chequered vans.

Slipping the clothes she had picked on, Kagome headed over to the door and placed her hand on the door knob.

‘It’s now or never girl…’ She thought to herself as she turned the handle and practically fell out the door being hit with another wave of headaches.

“Oooohhh…” Kagome moaned as she rubbed the side of her head, trying to relieve some of the pain.

Making her way to the end of the hall, she stopped at the top of the stairs.

She dreaded the special treatment she was going to get from everyone as they fussed over her. If there was anything Kagome hated, it was definitely being fussed over.

Taking a deep breath, Kagome stumbled down the stairs, sounding much like a baby elephant as she reached the bottom.

Grabbing the railing of the stairs trying to regain some of her balance, Kagome hissed at the pain in her head as she clutched it once more.

Everyone that was awake turned to see Kagome at the bottom of the stairs, obviously in pain.

Her mother, Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku were the only ones awake at the moment, considering it was only 7 in the morning.

All eyes were on her as Kagome staggered over to the kitchen and lifted herself up and onto the stool placed in front of the kitchen counter.

Mrs.Higurashi eyed her daughter from her place in the kitchen as Kagome dropped her head onto the cool counter top.

“Kagome dear…how are you feeling?” She asked as she steeped closer to her daughter and began to stroke her hair.

“Mmm…….coffee……need& #8230;….grrrr………” Kagome mumbled as she climbed from the stool up onto the counter itself and collapsed down onto it.

The other 3 looked on, slightly amused at the girl currently lying on the kitchen counter.

Much to Kagome’s surprise and approval, no one other than her mother had ran to her side and babied her. But her mother was an exception of course.

“Okay…that is the weirdest thing ever.” Sango said as she turned back to the other two guys.

“Should we do something?” Inayasha asked, while keeping his eyes on Kagome.

“I think you’ve done enough thank you very much.” Sango replied bitterly as she pointed a finger at the still unconscious Koga lying on the floor.

“What!? I got mad! Can you blame me?” Inuyash stated throwing his arms up into the air.

“Yes.” Both Miroku and Sango replied in unison.

“Aw man not you too!” Inuyasha said referring to Miroku.

“Well man, what you did was wrong, even if you were looking out for Kagome. She asked you not to say anything, and you shouted it to the world. So yes, in this case, you are the one to blame.”

With a sigh Inuyasha slumped down the sofa knowing Miroku was right…about everything.

“Dude, your right…why’d I have to go and be a complete dick?” Inuyasha said smothering his face with his hands.

“All you can do is give her time man. She’ll come round.” Miroku said just as Kagome walked over to them, coffee in hand, and sat on the comfy recliner.

Everyone was silent, trying to figure out something to say in order to get rid of this awkward moment.

“So…how ya feelin Kags?” Sango asked finally breaking the silence.

“Dead.” Kagome said in a groggy cracked voice.

Sango looked at Miroku then Inuyasha worriedly before turning back to Kagome. “Well, how do you mean?”

“My head feels like its about to explode and my throat feels like I’m swallowing a thousand daggers.” Kagome stated simply before turning her attentions to the lump on the floor also known as Koga.

“Is he not awake yet?” Kagome said amused that Inuyasha had actually hit him that hard.

“Uh, no he hasn’t. Nobody could be bothered to move him last night so we just left him there.” Miroku told her with a light chuckle.

Kagome laughed at this before getting up and walking towards the unconscious man. “Oi.” She called as she knelt down and nudged him.

“Dumbass, get up.” She tried again as she shoved him a little harder.

The others watched on as the girl tried to get him up.

“Uh, Kagome? Why would you want him up anyways? After what he did to you…” Inuyasha suddenly spoke.

Kagome quickly shot a glare his direction sending a cold shiver down his spine.

“Because, like I tried to explain to you last night before you stomped off, I’ve gotten over it, and you going and punching the daylights out of him and shouting the whole thing for not only my mom, but the whole of freakin California to hear just brought it all back you jackass.” She oozed with pure venom.

“Ouch…guess I deserved that…” Inuyasha said clutching his chest for emphasis.

Kagome turned back to the unconscious Koga and quickly shot up from the floor and kicked him in the side. “Koga! Get up already!”

“Uuuhhhhhh….ow Kags that hurt.” Koga said rolling onto his side and coughing before rising to his feet. “Listen, about the whole thing…”

“It’s ok. Really. I know you had your reasons. I’ve moved on.” She said giving him a brilliant smile.

Koga smiled back before pulling her into an embrace.

Kagome pulled back and took a deep breathe. “So…now that that’s out the way…” She said as she turned and noticed the rest of the group stumble down the stairs. “Why don’t we go shopping?”

All the girls heads snapped towards Kagome as she said this muttering ‘shopping?’ in unison.

All the boys groaned however at the thought.

“Will all you shut up! You know you want to come with us and pay for all our stuff…” She mumbled the last part.

“What!?” They all snapped.

“Uh…nothing…” She said with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Well girls lets all get ready, we have some seriously hardcore shop-till-you-drop, buy-everything-in-the-store bonanza to attend to!” She wailed as they all scattered up the stairs to get ready for what could only be the boys’ doom.

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Sorry I took a while I’ve been kinda out of it lately…but anyways PLEASE REVIEW!!!!

Love love love love love
