InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under The Spotlight ❯ You Really Wanna Know? ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Under The Spotlight

A/N: Hello my lovable and loyal fans! I’m back with a new chapter and I promise that this one holds the truth about Kagome and Koga’s past! Anyways…on with the show!!!

Disclaimer: GOD DAMMIT!!!

Chapter 6: You Really Wanna Know?

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About an hour after they arrived, everyone headed down to the living room. Well…all except for Kagome.

“Hey Sango, where’s Kags?” Ayame asked with a confused expression.

“She’s in her old room…” Sango said giving her a knowing look.

Whenever the girls came to visit Mrs.Higurashi, which was pretty much whenever they got the chance for the past 3 years, Kagome never stayed in her old room in which she grew up in. It always brought back painful memories. She always stayed in the guest room with Sango.

“Oh…I see…” Ayame said with a sudden look of sadness.

“Will she be alright?” Rin asked softly, not wanting to alert the boys that something could be wrong with Kagome.

“What do you mean is she alright?” Inuyasha suddenly butted in.

“Damn dog ears…” Rin muttered hatefully to herself making Sesshomaru chuckle at her cuteness.

“Well Inuyasha lets just say…she doesn’t necessarily like that room anymore…” She said looking back at Koga to see him chatting happily chatting to Mrs.Higurashi, probably catching up on things.

“Then why does she go in there?” Inuyasha said skipping the reason why she didn’t like it.

“Well…I dunno really…its kinda the same as going to a grave site…it makes you sad, but you always go back…” Sango said looking down at her feet.

By now everyone was listening intently. Even Koga and Mrs.Higurashi stopped talking to listen in on the conversation.

“So…what happened in there then?” Inuyasha asked, his curiosity growing to an unbearable point.

Sango quickly shot up from her seat on the couch, fists clenched and eyes squeezed shut, obviously angry about something.

She shot a quick glare towards Koga before rushing upstairs towards Kagome’s old room.

“So…is anybody gonna tell me what happened?” Inuyasha said eyeing the two girls suddenly finding their feet rather interesting, trying to keep their eyes away from the awaiting hanyou.

“Um…hey! Does anyone wanna go down to the pool?” Rin asked cheerfully, trying to steer the conversation away from Kagome.

“You have a pool at a beach house?” Inuyasha asked dumbly.

Rin sighed in heavy relief as she realized her plan in distracting the hanyou had worked. He definitely was a dumbass. For sure.

Sesshomaru and Miroku couldn’t help but lightly laugh at the poor guy as they realized the girls plan had worked and he fell for it.

“Why of course dear! Sometimes you just don’t feel like bothering with sand in your hair and salty water!” Mrs.Higurashi explained as she shooed them out the back door.

And sure enough there, in front of them all, was a reasonably large swimming pool complete with hot tub!

All of them suddenly dashed inside, scrambling up the stairs trying to find their swimwear.

________________________________________________________ _____________________

Kagome stood at the doorway, staring into the room she loved deeply, but hated so much.

The room was definitely that of a teenage girl. Pretty pinks and pastel blues and purples decorated the room nicely from paint to pillows, to furniture and even picture frames. Plush and furry pillows were scattered everywhere as well as a few bean bags and stuffed animals. To top it off, almost directly across from the door was a huge queen sized bed, high up from the ground and obviously comfy.

Kagome took a slow walk through the room, letting her hand glide delicately over all the furniture she passed until she reached the bed.

It consisted of a countless number of throw pillows in all different shapes, sizes, colours, and textures. They were placed perfectly together, obviously not being used, and haven’t been for quite some time.

The room even had dust everywhere. On the furniture, the bed, the pillows and the stuffed animals. That’s how long it hadn’t been used.

The duvet consisted of white, cream, and pink patches sewn together beautifully in all different fabrics from silk to cotton, with shiny sequins and beads sewn into it.

She stared at the bed before her emotionless, feeling completely numb and glued to the spot.

How she wanted to rip it apart.

“Kagome?” A soft and graceful voice called from the doorway.

Kagome turned to see Sango standing before her, a look of concern etched into her beautiful features.

“Oh hey Sango.” Kagome said as she smiled sweetly at her friend.

“You ok?” Sango said taking a few steps towards her.

“Yeah I was just…” Kagome trailed of as she looked around the room, shoving her hands deep into her jean pockets. “…thinking…”

“Oh Kagome…” Sango said, obvious pain in her friend voice as she leapt forward and squeezed her in a tight embrace.

Kagome didn’t know what to do.

Usually she would hug her back, as a thank you and letting her know she was ok, also seeking some kind of comfort, but she was stuck. Keeping her hand deep in her pockets she simply buried her chin into her friends shoulder.

No matter how much she wanted to suppress it, a small tear streaked its way down her cheek in a silent cry.

But she wouldn’t let Sango know that she was crying…she didn’t want that type of attention.

Looking up towards the door, she saw the silver haired hanyou staring at her with a look of sorry on his face.

She quickly lifted her head to signal for Sango to let go a wiped the tear from her cheek.

Sango turned to see Inuyasha standing there, and feeling a sense of uneasiness from the girl next to her.

“Hey.” Kagome grovelled out, looking down at the ground, digging deeper into her pockets if that was even possible. She didn’t want to talk about it, and she dreaded the question she just knew Inuyasha was going to ask.

Sensing her desperation, Inuyasha chose to ask his questions at a later time.

“Uh…we were gonna go for a swim in the pool if you guys wanted to join us?” He said with a happy smile on his face while he held his trunks out in front of him, adding emphasis to his statement.

“Yeah that sounds fun! Doesn’t it Kagome!” She said with a bright smile as she nudged Kagome in the side.

Kagome let out a quick grunt and gave Sango a glare before turning it to a smile realizing what she was doing.

“Uh…yeah…fun…hehe…” Kagome said as she glided past Inuyasha and headed towards her room, Sango hot on her heels.

___________________________________________________________ ____________________

Everyone except for Kagome and Sango were down at the pool, each sitting in a beach chair, feeling as if they should wait for the other two before jumping into the water.

They all looked fantastic in their bathing suits, each showing of their well toned bodies.

Miroku wore a pair of black trunks with purple flames going down the sides, ending just above his knees. Inuyasha wore a pair similar, except in red…obviously.

Both Koga and Sesshomaru wore trunks with Hawaiian flowers on them, Sesshomaru’s in blue, and Koga’s in green.

The two girls looked beautiful in strappy bikinis, Rin’s in pink and Ayame’s in orange, each showing of their feminine curves.

“Where the hell are they?!” Ayame grounded out, wondering what was taking Kagome and Sango so long.

____________________________________________________________ _________________

Sango sat silently, waiting for Kagome to emerge from the bathroom after getting changed into her bikini.

Sango worn a gold, shimmering one piece, if that’s what you would call it, considering it was cut away at her sides, exposing her creamy skin, leaving a strip of fabric travelling up her middle towards her breasts, attached to the other bits of fabric covering her private places by a large golden ring holding it all together just below her bosom.

Sango rose to her feet as Kagome left the bathroom, sporting a blue strappy bikini top, help together by white strings. The bottoms were also blue, with a white belt at the top, with a shiny silver buckle in the middle, even thought it couldn’t actually be taken off.

“Well, well, well dont us two lovely ladies look hot?” Sango said with a mischievous smile as she pulled Kagome over to the huge mirror.

“Yes we do!” Kagome beamed with the same smile.

“Glad to have you back Kagome…” Sango said happily as she pushed her out the door.

____________________________________________________________ ____________

For Inuyasha time seemed to stand still when he saw her.

There, in front of him, was the most beautiful thing he had seen in all his days.

Kagome in a bikini……………..dear god.

Kagome giggled as she saw Inuyasha gaping at her. She walked over to him and forced his mouth closed which had nearly hit the floor, with her dainty and elegant fingers.

“Watch out, you might catch flies.” She whispered huskily into his ear, inevitably sending a shiver down his spine.

“PERVERT!!!” Everyone turned to see Sango bright red and Miroku on the ground holding the growing lump on his head.

“But Sango! You look so beautiful I couldn’t help myself!” Miroku argued back.

“MY ASS!!” She hollered as she dragged him up from the ground and shoved him into the pool.

“IS PERFECT!!” He screamed back before hitting the water.

Everyone was in hysterics as they all started jumping into the water.

___________________________________________________________ __________________

They had been swimming for hours, some of the girls sitting on the edge of the pool watching as the boys tried to dunk each other.

Kagome sighed happily as she sat on one of the beach chairs by herself, simply enjoying the peacefulness the sunshine had to offer her.

“Hey.” A deep voice called to her as she looked up to see none other than Koga.

‘Shoot me now…’ Kagome thought as he sat down in the lounger next to her. “Hey.”

“So…how ya been?” Koga asked sheepishly.

“Uh…good…you?” Kagome asked awkwardly.

“Good…good…” Koga replied.

“That’s good.” Kagome said.

They sat there for a few minutes in an awkward silence.

“So…tell me about Ayame.” Koga finally asked.

“What?” Kagome asked puzzled. ‘why the fuck would he…’ “Ohhhhhh, you like her!” Kagome said catching on.

“Shhh!” Koga said looking back at the others to make sure no one was listening. “ Would you keep it down!”

“Oh, sorry.” Kagome said as Koga eased back into the chair.

“Well…do you?” Kagome asked.

“Yeah, kinda… she’s sweet ya know?” Koga said with a smile.

“Yeah she is…so what do you wanna know?” Kagome asked looking at him.

“Well…anything.” He said with concentration to what she was about to say.

“Well…I’ve known her since I went to New York with Sango…so pretty much for 3 years…she sweet really…a good friend.” She said as she noticed Koga’s gaze shift from her to Ayame. ‘Ok he really likes her…aw that’s sweet…I’m happy for him…even if…’

“So…do you think I should make a move?” Koga asked looking back to Kagome.

“Well…if you think she likes you back…then go for it…just…don’t do what you did to me.” Kagome said in a distant voice.

Koga looked back at her with sympathetic eyes.

“Look Kagome about that…” Koga began before he was interrupted by Inuyasha voice from the pool.

“Hey losers! Get your sorry asses in here and play chicken with us!” He said waving them over.

The two headed towards the edge of the pool, not knowing that it would result in an endless battle of chicken…

___________________________________________________ ______________________________

Kagome wandered slowly down the sandy beach after dinner, watching the sunset as she found a spot on the sand and sat down comfortably.

Unknown to her, Inuyasha was approaching, his breath taken away by the beauty of the girls before him.

The way her loose hair swayed in the light breeze, and the rays of the setting sun kissed her skin, she looked…captivating…

“Hey” Inuyasha said from beside her. “Mind if I join you?”

“No.” She said looking up at him before he sat next to her on the sand and turned her head back towards the ocean,

They sat in a comfortable silence until Inuyasha broke it.

“You know…about what happened in that room earlier…” He trailed off not knowing how to phrase his question.

“You want to know what happened don’t you? Between me and Koga that is…” She said turning her attention towards the man next to her.

“Yeah…” Inuyasha replied sheepishly.

“Well…you really wanna know? You might look at me a bit differently afterwards…” Kagome asked digging her bare toes into the soft sand.

“I could never look at you differently…” Inuyasha replied, making the two of the blush. He hadn’t known her that long, but what he did know was that he had feeling for her…deep ones too.

“Ok then.” Kagome said with a small smile. “When I first went to high school, I met Koga, and I instantly like him, and same with him about me, but we were both too shy to admit anything…”

She looked over to Inuyasha to make sure she should continue and when he gave her a small nod she continued.

“Well when we were 15, Koga finally asked me out. Of course I said yes. Then when we were 17 he admitted he loved me and I said it back. We were happy. But Koga was expecting sex, and when I told him I didn’t feel ready he…”

“Did he rape you!!” Inuyasha asked suddenly getting worried.

“NO! Oh god no he never did anything like that! He said he would wait for me…” She continued.

“Phew! Anyways go on.” Inuyasha sighed in relief.

“Well, when I turned 18...I uh…well I felt ready to have sex…and so on my birthday…we finally did it…” Kagome said starting to get a bit choked up.

Inuyasha quickly pulled her under his arm and began stroking her hair.

“What is it? Do you wish you never did it?” Inuyasha asked soothingly.

“No…he…*sniff*…he…broke up with me the next day.” Kagome balled out as she began to sob heavily.

“He what!” Inuyasha said growing increasingly annoyed. He got up and began to stomp furiously towards the house.

“Inuyasha wait!” Kagome cried as she scrambled to her feet and ran after him. Finally she caught up with him. “Stop Inuyasha! What are you doing!?!?!”

“I’m gonna kill that fucking bastard that’s what!” Inuyasha growled finally making it to the door. He flung it open causing a loud crash.

Everybody was in the living room and turned their heads towards the source of the noise to see Inuyasha standing there, looking as if he was about to kill.

“You son of a bitch! How fucking dare you!” He yelled as he stomped towards Koga.

“Oh here we go…” Sango smacked her forehead.

“What?” Miroku questioned.

“Ugh, just watch, your bound to find out.” She said as she looked back at the scene.

“What the hell were you thinking!” Inuyasha screamed as he grabbed Koga by the collar, lifted him off the couch and slammed him into the wall behind it, holding a tight fist in front of his face. This earned a few screams from the other two girls at the sudden outburst.

“What are you doing you idiot!” Koga yelled back, grabbing onto Inuyasha’s arm.

“Inuyasha please!” Kagome’s mother screamed.

“Inuyasha stop! My mom doesn’t know!!” Kagome wailed.

“No! This guy deserves what he’s getting after what he did to you!” Inuyasha said pulling back his fist even more, preparing to hit.

Soon half the room caught on as to what he was so angry about. That left Sesshomau, Miroku, and Mrs.Higurashi in the dark about what had happened. Kagome could never bring herself to tell her mother, after all she was the woman she looked up to the most, and knowing her daughter gave herself to some one who wasn’t true to her would break her heart.

“How did you find out!?!?!” Koga hollered as his gaze shifted to a distraught Kagome, with her tear stained face and dishevelled clothes. His gaze softened. “Oh…”

“Oh?! OH!! How dare you go out with someone for 3 years, tell them you love them, and then TAKE THEIR FUCKING VIRGINITY AND DUMP THEM THE NEXT FUCKING DAY!!!!” He screamed with such rage and hate before he slammed his fist into Koga’s face, causing him to pass out before Inuyasha dropped his lifeless body on the floor, earning him some more screams from the girls and a few shouts from the guys.

But he didn’t care. They can shout all they want. He was just wanting Koga to suffer for what he did to Kagome.

After which he turned to find all eyes on him. Then his gaze fell upon Mrs.Higurashi, who looked in shock, and he instantly regretted saying anything.

Mrs.Higurashi turned her head to face Kagome giving her a wide eyed stare. “Oh, Kagome…” Her mother whispered as she walked towards her with open arms.

Kagome backed away from her mother before hitting the table behind her.

“Don’t…” She pleaded as she did the only thing she could think of…she ran. She went straight up to her old room and slammed the door shut.

Inuyasha instantly felt a tug at his heart as he heard the door slam. He began to walk towards the stairs that led to Kagome before he felt a hand on his chest.

“Don’t Inuyasha.” Sango said giving him a stern look. “She needs to be alone.”

He knew that, but he wanted to help her so badly. But he knew better, and so he left her to herself.

_________________________________________________________ ______________________

She hadn’t even realized it was this room she ran to. It had been her place of safety for 18 years. A place she once went when she wanted to cry and get away from everyone. Her safe haven.

But it was all tainted. Tainted from that night of losing herself to Koga.

She walked silently over to the bed. That bed. The place where Koga took her innocence then threw it back at her as if it were nothing.

She clasped a hand over her mouth as she fell to the ground, her chest heaving with deep, heavy sobs as the tears seemed to pour from her in floods of salty water.

And so she cried for most of the night on the floor of her old room, comforted in the fact no one had tried to help her and make things better, which would actually only make things worse.

After all of her tears had been used up Kagome sat silently on the floor, clawing at the fuzzy carpet, finally letting sleep consume her…

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A/N: Ok! SO there’s a reasonably long chapter to make up for the other short ones. And didn’t I tell you I would reveal what happened ? DIDN’T I???!!! Well anyways…the pretty button below calls to you so why don’t you freakin answer it!!!